Hubot test helper
npm install hubot-test-helper --save-dev
If you have a following hubot script:
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /hi$/i, (msg) ->
msg.reply 'hi'
You can test it like:
Helper = require('hubot-test-helper')
# helper loads all scripts passed a directory
helper = new Helper('./scripts')
# helper loads a specific script if it's a file
scriptHelper = new Helper('./scripts/')
expect = require('chai').expect
describe 'hello-world', ->
room = null
beforeEach ->
room = helper.createRoom()
context 'user says hi to hubot', ->
beforeEach ->
room.user.say 'alice', '@hubot hi'
room.user.say 'bob', '@hubot hi'
it 'should reply to user', ->
expect(room.messages).to.eql [
['alice', '@hubot hi']
['hubot', '@alice hi']
['bob', '@hubot hi']
['hubot', '@bob hi']