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humanize-duration - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.3.0 to 3.4.0


@@ -0,1 +1,16 @@

3.4.0 / 2015-12-11
* new: Czech support
* update: minor performance improvements
* update: add "related modules" section to readme
* fix: add Greek to readme
3.3.0 / 2015-08-05
* new: `unitMeasures` option
3.2.1 / 2015-07-22

@@ -2,0 +17,0 @@ ==================



@@ -6,87 +6,98 @@ // HumanizeDuration.js -

ar: {
y: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "سنة" : "سنوات"); },
mo: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "شهر" : "أشهر"); },
w: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "أسبوع" : "أسابيع"); },
d: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "يوم" : "أيام"); },
h: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "ساعة" : "ساعات"); },
m: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "دقيقة" : "دقائق"); },
s: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "ثانية" : "ثواني"); },
ms: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "جزء من الثانية" : "أجزاء من الثانية"); },
y: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "سنة" : "سنوات"; },
mo: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "شهر" : "أشهر"; },
w: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "أسبوع" : "أسابيع"; },
d: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "يوم" : "أيام"; },
h: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "ساعة" : "ساعات"; },
m: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "دقيقة" : "دقائق"; },
s: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "ثانية" : "ثواني"; },
ms: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "جزء من الثانية" : "أجزاء من الثانية"; },
decimal: ","
ca: {
y: function(c) { return "any" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "mes" + ((c !== 1) ? "os" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "setman" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" : "a"); },
d: function(c) { return "di" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" : "a"); },
h: function(c) { return "hor" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" : "a"); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "segon" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milisegon" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : "" ); },
y: function(c) { return "any" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "mes" + (c !== 1 ? "os" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "setman" + (c !== 1 ? "es" : "a"); },
d: function(c) { return "di" + (c !== 1 ? "es" : "a"); },
h: function(c) { return "hor" + (c !== 1 ? "es" : "a"); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "segon" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milisegon" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
decimal: ","
cs: {
y: function(c) { return ["rok", "roku", "roky", "let"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
mo: function(c) { return ["měsíc", "měsíce", "měsíce", "měsíců"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
w: function(c) { return ["týden", "týdne", "týdny", "týdnů"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
d: function(c) { return ["den", "dne", "dny", "dní"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
h: function(c) { return ["hodina", "hodiny", "hodiny", "hodin"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
m: function(c) { return ["minuta", "minuty", "minuty", "minut"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
s: function(c) { return ["sekunda", "sekundy", "sekundy", "sekund"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
ms: function(c) { return ["milisekunda", "milisekundy", "milisekundy", "milisekund"][getCzechForm(c)]; },
decimal: ","
da: {
y: "år",
mo: function(c) { return "måned" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "uge" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "dag" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "time" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + ((c !== 1) ? "ter" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "sekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "måned" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "uge" + (c !== 1 ? "r" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "dag" + (c !== 1 ? "e" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "time" + (c !== 1 ? "r" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + (c !== 1 ? "ter" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "sekund" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisekund" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
decimal: ","
de: {
y: function(c) { return "Jahr" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "Monat" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "Woche" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "Tag" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "Stunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "Minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "Sekunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "Millisekunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
y: function(c) { return "Jahr" + (c !== 1 ? "e" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "Monat" + (c !== 1 ? "e" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "Woche" + (c !== 1 ? "n" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "Tag" + (c !== 1 ? "e" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "Stunde" + (c !== 1 ? "n" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "Minute" + (c !== 1 ? "n" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "Sekunde" + (c !== 1 ? "n" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "Millisekunde" + (c !== 1 ? "n" : ""); },
decimal: ","
en: {
y: function(c) { return "year" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "month" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "week" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "day" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "hour" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "second" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisecond" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
y: function(c) { return "year" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "month" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "week" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "day" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "hour" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minute" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "second" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisecond" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
decimal: "."
es: {
y: function(c) { return "año" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "mes" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "semana" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "día" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "hora" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minuto" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "segundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milisegundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : "" ); },
y: function(c) { return "año" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "mes" + (c !== 1 ? "es" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "semana" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "día" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "hora" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minuto" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "segundo" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milisegundo" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
decimal: ","
fr: {
y: function(c) { return "an" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
y: function(c) { return "an" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
mo: "mois",
w: function(c) { return "semaine" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "jour" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "heure" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "seconde" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milliseconde" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "semaine" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "jour" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "heure" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minute" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "seconde" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milliseconde" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
decimal: ","
gr: {
y: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "χρόνος" : "χρόνια"); },
mo: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "μήνας" : "μήνες"); },
w: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "εβδομάδα" : "εβδομάδες"); },
d: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "μέρα" : "μέρες"); },
h: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "ώρα" : "ώρες"); },
m: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "λεπτό" : "λεπτά"); },
s: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "δευτερόλεπτο" : "δευτερόλεπτα"); },
ms: function(c) { return ((c === 1) ? "χιλιοστό του δευτερολέπτου" : "χιλιοστά του δευτερολέπτου"); },
y: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "χρόνος" : "χρόνια"; },
mo: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "μήνας" : "μήνες"; },
w: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "εβδομάδα" : "εβδομάδες"; },
d: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "μέρα" : "μέρες"; },
h: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "ώρα" : "ώρες"; },
m: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "λεπτό" : "λεπτά"; },
s: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "δευτερόλεπτο" : "δευτερόλεπτα"; },
ms: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "χιλιοστό του δευτερολέπτου" : "χιλιοστά του δευτερολέπτου"; },
decimal: ","

@@ -106,10 +117,10 @@ },

it: {
y: function(c) { return "ann" + ((c !== 1) ? "i" : "o"); },
mo: function(c) { return "mes" + ((c !== 1) ? "i" : "e"); },
w: function(c) { return "settiman" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : "a"); },
d: function(c) { return "giorn" + ((c !== 1) ? "i" : "o"); },
h: function(c) { return "or" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : "a"); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + ((c !== 1) ? "i" : "o"); },
s: function(c) { return "second" + ((c !== 1) ? "i" : "o"); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisecond" + ((c !== 1) ? "i" : "o" ); },
y: function(c) { return "ann" + (c !== 1 ? "i" : "o"); },
mo: function(c) { return "mes" + (c !== 1 ? "i" : "e"); },
w: function(c) { return "settiman" + (c !== 1 ? "e" : "a"); },
d: function(c) { return "giorn" + (c !== 1 ? "i" : "o"); },
h: function(c) { return "or" + (c !== 1 ? "e" : "a"); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + (c !== 1 ? "i" : "o"); },
s: function(c) { return "second" + (c !== 1 ? "i" : "o"); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisecond" + (c !== 1 ? "i" : "o"); },
decimal: ","

@@ -141,9 +152,9 @@ },

y: "jaar",
mo: function(c) { return (c === 1) ? "maand" : "maanden"; },
w: function(c) { return (c === 1) ? "week" : "weken"; },
d: function(c) { return (c === 1) ? "dag" : "dagen"; },
mo: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "maand" : "maanden"; },
w: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "week" : "weken"; },
d: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "dag" : "dagen"; },
h: "uur",
m: function(c) { return (c === 1) ? "minuut" : "minuten"; },
s: function(c) { return (c === 1) ? "seconde" : "seconden"; },
ms: function(c) { return (c === 1) ? "milliseconde" : "milliseconden"; },
m: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "minuut" : "minuten"; },
s: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "seconde" : "seconden"; },
ms: function(c) { return c === 1 ? "milliseconde" : "milliseconden"; },
decimal: ","

@@ -153,9 +164,9 @@ },

y: "år",
mo: function(c) { return "måned" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "uke" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "dag" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "time" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minutt" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "sekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "måned" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "uke" + (c !== 1 ? "r" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "dag" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "time" + (c !== 1 ? "r" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minutt" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "sekund" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisekund" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
decimal: ","

@@ -175,10 +186,10 @@ },

pt: {
y: function(c) { return "ano" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return (c !== 1) ? "meses" : "mês"; },
w: function(c) { return "semana" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "dia" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "hora" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minuto" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "segundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milissegundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
y: function(c) { return "ano" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return c !== 1 ? "meses" : "mês"; },
w: function(c) { return "semana" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
d: function(c) { return "dia" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "hora" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
m: function(c) { return "minuto" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "segundo" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "milissegundo" + (c !== 1 ? "s" : ""); },
decimal: ","

@@ -210,9 +221,9 @@ },

y: "år",
mo: function(c) { return "månad" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "veck" + ((c !== 1) ? "or" : "a"); },
d: function(c) { return "dag" + ((c !== 1) ? "ar" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "timm" + ((c !== 1) ? "ar" : "e"); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "sekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
mo: function(c) { return "månad" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
w: function(c) { return "veck" + (c !== 1 ? "or" : "a"); },
d: function(c) { return "dag" + (c !== 1 ? "ar" : ""); },
h: function(c) { return "timm" + (c !== 1 ? "ar" : "e"); },
m: function(c) { return "minut" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
s: function(c) { return "sekund" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
ms: function(c) { return "millisekund" + (c !== 1 ? "er" : ""); },
decimal: ","

@@ -311,3 +322,3 @@ },

// What's the number of full units we can fit?
if ((i + 1) === len) {
if (i + 1 === len) {
unitCount = ms / unitMS;

@@ -327,3 +338,3 @@ if (options.round) {

// Do we have enough units?
if (options.largest && (options.largest <= result.length)) {
if (options.largest && options.largest <= result.length) {

@@ -379,2 +390,15 @@ }

// Internal helper function for Czech language.
function getCzechForm(c) {
if (c === 1) {
return 0;
} else if (Math.floor(c) !== c) {
return 1;
} else if (c % 10 >= 2 && c % 10 <= 4 && c % 100 < 10) {
return 2;
} else {
return 3;
// Internal helper function for Polish language.

@@ -397,5 +421,5 @@ function getPolishForm(c) {

return 2;
} else if (c === 0 || (c >= 5 && c <= 20) || (c % 10 >= 5 && c % 10 <= 9) || (c % 10 === 0)) {
} else if ((c >= 5 && c <= 20) || (c % 10 >= 5 && c % 10 <= 9) || c % 10 === 0) {
return 0;
} else if (c === 1 || c % 10 === 1) {
} else if (c % 10 === 1) {
return 1;

@@ -431,3 +455,2 @@ } else if (c > 1) {


@@ -14,5 +14,7 @@ {

"Evgenios Kastanias (",
"Oleksii Mylotskyi ("
"Oleksii Mylotskyi (",
"Matthew Brandly (",
"Patrik Simek ("
"version": "3.3.0",
"version": "3.4.0",
"description": "Convert millisecond durations to English and many other languages.",

@@ -19,0 +21,0 @@ "homepage": "",

Humanize Duration
[![Gitter chat](](
[![npm version](](

@@ -67,4 +68,4 @@ [![build status](](

humanizeDuration(400) // 0.4 seconds
humanizeDuration(400, { // 1 year, 1 month, 5 days
humanizeDuration(400) // "0.4 seconds"
humanizeDuration(400, { // "1 year, 1 month, 5 days"
unitMeasures: {

@@ -144,2 +145,3 @@ y: 365,

| Chinese, traditional | `zh_TW` |
| Czech | `cs` |
| Danish | `da` |

@@ -150,2 +152,3 @@ | Dutch | `nl` |

| German | `de` |
| Greek | `gr` |
| Hungarian | `hu` |

@@ -188,3 +191,9 @@ | Italian | `it` |

* [Oleksii Mylotskyi]( for Ukrainian support
* [Patrik Simek]( for Czech support
Licensed under the WTFPL, so you can do whatever you want. Enjoy!
Licensed under the permissive [Unlicense]( Enjoy!
Related modules
* [angularjs-humanize-duration](

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