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Comparing version 0.12.1 to 1.0.0


# Contributing
## Release a new version on npm
1. Commit the changes on GitHub.
1. Update the versions in the files (find and replace, e.g. 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2).
1. Pull request of the branch with the changes (GitHub).
1. When the pull is confirmed and the code is merged, update the versions in the files (find and replace, e.g. 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2).
1. Commit the files changed in the previous point and commit them using the name of the version
as commit description (e.g. v0.0.2).
1. Release the new version on npm with `npm publish`.
'use strict';
const Fs = require('fs');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const S3 = new AWS.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });
const SNS = new AWS.SNS({ apiVersion: '2010-03-31', region: process.env['SNS_PUSH_REGION'] });
const S3 = new AWS.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });
const SNS = new AWS.SNS({ apiVersion: '2010-03-31', region: process.env['SNS_PUSH_REGION'] });
const UUIDV4 = require('uuid/v4');
const Nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const Fs = require('fs');
const Request = require('request');

@@ -27,4 +27,6 @@

ES2N, Obj2N, dynamoBatchOp, dynamoQueryOverLimit, dynamoScanOverLimit, IUID,
ES2N, Obj2N, IUID, getAtomicCounterByKey,
dynamoGet, dynamoPut, dynamoUpdate, dynamoDelete,
dynamoBatchGet, dynamoBatchPut, dynamoBatchDelete,
dynamoQuery, dynamoScan,

@@ -40,2 +42,4 @@ cognitoGetUserByClaims, cognitoGetUserByEmail, cognitoGetUserBySub,

requestToAPI, requestDoneAPI,

@@ -45,2 +49,3 @@ ISODateToItalianFormat, cleanStr, joinArraysOnKeys, isEmpty, saveObjToFile


@@ -55,3 +60,3 @@ /// DYNAMO

* @param {string} string string to remap
* @return cleaned string
* @return {string} cleaned string

@@ -66,6 +71,6 @@ function ES2N(string) {

* (otherwise prefer the quicker ES2N).
* @param {*} obj obj to remap
* @param {any} obj obj to remap
* @param {number} maxDepth max deepness in which to nest the function.
* @param {number} currentDepth to skip initial levels, if needed
* @return cleaned object
* @return {any} cleaned object

@@ -93,92 +98,217 @@ function Obj2N(obj, maxDepth, currentDepth) {

* Recursively insert chunks of items in a dynamoDB table.
* Note: errors are printed but ignored.
* @param {*} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {*} batchOps The batch operations to execute, in the DynamoDB's batchWriteItems format
* Returns an IUID: IDEA's Unique IDentifier, which is an id unique through all IDEA's projects.
* Note: there's no need of an authorization check for extrernal uses: the permissions depend
* from the context in which it's executed.
* @param {any} dynamo the istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {string} project the project to use as domain
* @return {Promise<string>} promise
function IUID(dynamo, project, attempt, maxAttempts) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
attempt = attempt || 0;
maxAttempts = maxAttempts || 3;
if(!project || attempt > maxAttempts) reject();
else {
let id = UUIDV4();
dynamoPut(dynamo, {
TableName: 'idea_IUID',
Item: { project: project, id: id },
ConditionExpression: 'NOT (project=:project AND id=:id)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':project': project, ':id': id }
.then(() => resolve(project+'_'+id))
.catch(() => IUID(dynamo, project, attempt+1, maxAttempts)); // ID exists, try again
* Manage atomic counters (atomic autoincrement values) in IDEA's projects.
* They key of an atomic counter should be composed as the following: `DynamoDBTableName_uniqueKey`.
* @param {any} dynamo the istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {string} key the key of the counter
* @return {Promise<number>}
function getAtomicCounterByKey(dynamo, key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
logger('GET ATOMIC COUNTER', null, key);
dynamoUpdate(dynamo, {
TableName: 'idea_atomicCounters', Key: { key: key },
UpdateExpression: 'ADD atomicCounter :increment',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':increment': 1 },
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
.then(() => resolve(data.Attributes.atomicCounter))
.catch(err => reject(err));
* Get an item of a DynamoDB table.
* @param {any} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {any} params The params to apply to DynamoDB's function
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoGet(dynamo, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dynamo.get(params, (err, data) => {
logger('GET', params.IndexName ? `${params.TableName} (${params.IndexName})`
: params.TableName, err, data);
if(err || !data.Item) reject(err);
else resolve(data.Item);
* Put an item in a DynamoDB table.
* @param {any} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {any} params The params to apply to DynamoDB's function
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoPut(dynamo, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dynamo.put(params, (err, data) => {
logger('PUT', params.TableName, err, params.Item);
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
* Update an item of a DynamoDB table.
* @param {any} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {any} params The params to apply to DynamoDB's function
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoUpdate(dynamo, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dynamo.update(params, (err, data) => {
logger('UPDATE', params.TableName, err, data);
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
* Delete an item of a DynamoDB table.
* @param {any} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {any} params The params to apply to DynamoDB's function
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoDelete(dynamo, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dynamo.delete(params, (err, data) => {
logger('DELETE', params.TableName, err, params.Key);
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
* Get group of items based on their keys from DynamoDb table,
* avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's BatchGetItem.
* @param {any} dynamo the istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {string} table DynamoDB table on which to operate
* @param {number} currentChunk Which chunk of operations are considering now (0 at the first call)
* @param {number} chunkSize Suggested dimension: 25
* @param {*} doneCb (err, numOpsExecuted) => {} called when everything's finished or after an error
* @param {Array<any>} keys the keys of items to get
* @param {boolean} ignoreErrors optional; if true, ignore the errors and continue the bulk op.
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoBatchOp(dynamo, batchOps, table, currentChunk, chunksSize, doneCb, ignoreErrors) {
if(batchOps.length == 0) return doneCb(null, 0);
chunksSize = chunksSize || 25;
ignoreErrors = Boolean(ignoreErrors); // undefined -> false
console.log(`Batch operation on ${table}: ${currentChunk} of ${batchOps.length}`);
function dynamoBatchGet(dynamo, table, keys, ignoreErrors) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(keys.length == 0) {
logger(`BATCH GET`, table, null, `No elements to get`);
} else {
ignoreErrors = Boolean(ignoreErrors); // undefined -> fals
dynamoBatchGetHelper(dynamo, table, keys, ignoreErrors, 0, 100, resolve, reject);
* @private helper
function dynamoBatchGetHelper(d, t, keys, iErr, curr, size, resolve, reject) {
// prepare the structure for the bulk operation
var batch = { RequestItems: {} };
// create the chunk
batch.RequestItems[table] = batchOps.slice(currentChunk, currentChunk+chunksSize);
let batch = { RequestItems: {} };
batch.RequestItems[t] = keys
.slice(curr, curr+size)
.map(k => { return { Keys: k } });
// execute the bulk operation
dynamo.batchWriteItem(batch, err => {
if(err && !ignoreErrors) doneCb(err);
d.batchGetItem(batch, err => {
logger(`BATCH GET`, t, err, `${curr} of ${keys.length}`);
if(err && !iErr) reject(err);
// if there are still chunks to manage, go on recursively
else if(currentChunk+chunksSize < batchOps.length)
dynamoBatchOperation(dynamo, batchOps, table, currentChunk+chunksSize, chunksSize, doneCb);
else if(curr+CHUNK_SIZE < keys.length)
dynamoBatchGetHelper(d, t, keys, iErr, curr+size, size, resolve, reject);
// no more chunks to manage: we're done
else doneCb(null, batchOps.length);
else resolve();
* Function to recursively query a table, avoiding the 1MB limit of DynamoDB
* @param {*} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {*} queryParams The params to apply to DynamoDB's query function
* @param {*} callback (err, data) => {} Callback function
* @param {Array<any>} items *Optional*. An array of items to start with.
* Put an array of items in a DynamoDb table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's BatchWriteItem.
* @param {*} dynamo the istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {string} table DynamoDB table on which to operate
* @param {Array<any>} items the items to put
* @param {boolean} ignoreErrors optional; if true, ignore the errors and continue the bulk op.
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoQueryOverLimit(dynamo, queryParams, callback, items) {
items = items || [];
dynamo.query(queryParams, (err, data) => {
if(err || !data || !data.Items) return callback(err);
else items = items.concat(data.Items);
if(data.LastEvaluatedKey) {
queryParams.ExclusiveStartKey = data.LastEvaluatedKey;
dynamoQueryOverLimit(dynamo, queryParams, callback, items);
} else callback(null, items);
function dynamoBatchPut(dynamo, table, items, ignoreErrors) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(items.length == 0) {
logger(`BATCH WRITE`, table, null, `No elements to write`);
} else {
ignoreErrors = Boolean(ignoreErrors); // undefined -> false
dynamoBatchWriteHelper(dynamo, table, items, true, ignoreErrors, 0, 25, resolve, reject);
* Helper function to recursively scan a table, avoiding the 1MB limit of DynamoDB
* @param {*} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {*} scanParams The params to apply to DynamoDB's scan function
* @param {*} callback (err, data) => {} Callback function
* @param {Array<any>} items *Optional*. An array of items to start with.
* Delete an array of items from a DynamoDb table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's BatchWriteItem.
* @param {*} dynamo the istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {string} table DynamoDB table on which to operate
* @param {Array<any>} keys the keys of items to delete
* @param {boolean} ignoreErrors optional; if true, ignore the errors and continue the bulk op.
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoScanOverLimit(dynamo, scanParams, callback, items) {
items = items || [];
dynamo.scan(scanParams, (err, data) => {
if(err || !data || !data.Items) return callback(err);
else items = items.concat(data.Items);
if(data.LastEvaluatedKey) {
scanParams.ExclusiveStartKey = data.LastEvaluatedKey;
dynamoScanOverLimit(dynamo, scanParams, callback, items)
} else callback(null, items);
function dynamoBatchDelete(dynamo, table, keys, ignoreErrors) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(keys.length == 0) {
logger(`BATCH WRITE`, table, null, `No elements to write`);
} else {
ignoreErrors = Boolean(ignoreErrors); // undefined -> fals
dynamoBatchWriteHelper(dynamo, table, keys, false, ignoreErrors, 0, 25, resolve, reject);
* Returns an IUID: IDEA's Unique IDentifier, which is an id unique through all IDEA's projects.
* Note: there's no need of an authorization check for extrernal uses: the permissions depend
* from the context in which it's executed.
* @param {string} project the project to use as domain
* @param {*} cb (id) => {}; if false, id hasn't been correctly generated
* @private helper
function IUID(dynamo, project, cb, attempt, maxAttempts) {
if(!project) return cb(false);
attempt = attempt || 0;
maxAttempts = maxAttempts || 3;
if(attempt > maxAttempts) return cb(false);
let id = UUIDV4();
dynamo.getItem({ TableName: 'idea_IUID', Key: { project: project, id: id } },
(err, data) => {
if(data && data.Item)
return IUID(dynamo, project, cb, attempt+1, maxAttempts); // ID exists, try again
else dynamo.putItem({ TableName: 'idea_IUID', Item: { project: project, id: id } },
(err, data) => {
if(err) cb(false);
else cb(project+'_'+id);
function dynamoBatchWriteHelper(d, t, items, iErr, isPut, curr, size, resolve, reject) {
// prepare the structure for the bulk operation
let batch = { RequestItems: {} };
if(isPut) {
batch.RequestItems[t] = items
.slice(curr, curr+size)
.map(i => { return { PutRequest: { Item: i } } });
} else { // isDelete
batch.RequestItems[t] = items
.slice(curr, curr+size)
.map(k => { return { DeleteRequest: { Key: k } } });
// execute the bulk operation
d.batchWriteItem(batch, err => {
logger(`BATCH WRITE`, t, err, `${curr} of ${items.length}`);
if(err && !iErr) reject(err);
// if there are still chunks to manage, go on recursively
else if(curr+CHUNK_SIZE < items.length)
dynamoBatchWriteHelper(d, t, items, iErr, isPut, curr+size, size, resolve, reject);
// no more chunks to manage: we're done
else resolve();

@@ -188,23 +318,49 @@ }

* Manage atomic counters (atomic autoincrement values) in IDEA's projects.
* They key of an atomic counter should be composed as the following:
* `DynamoDBTableName_uniqueKey`, where uniqueKey often coincides with the teamId
* @param {*} dynamo The istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {string} key The key of the counter
* @param {*} cb (counter) => {} Callback function
* Query a DynamoDb table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's Query.
* @param {*} dynamo the istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {*} params the params to apply to DynamoDB's function
* @param {Array<any>} initialItems optional; an array of items to start with
* @return {Promise}
function getAtomicCounterByKey(dynamo, key, cb) {
console.log('Getting atomic counter of', key);
let one = 1; // can't assign directly a number
TableName: 'idea_atomicCounters', Key: { key: key },
UpdateExpression: 'ADD atomicCounter :increment',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':increment': one },
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
}, (err, data) => {
if(err) cb(null);
else cb(data.Attributes.atomicCounter);
function dynamoQuery(dynamo, params, initialItems) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
initialItems = initialItems || [];
dynamoQueryScanHelper(dynamo, params, initialItems, true, resolve, reject);
* Scan a DynamoDb table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's Query.
* @param {*} dynamo the istance of DynamoDB to use
* @param {*} params the params to apply to DynamoDB's function
* @param {Array<any>} initialItems optional; an array of items to start with
* @return {Promise}
function dynamoScan(dynamo, params, initialItems) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
initialItems = initialItems || [];
dynamoQueryScanHelper(dynamo, params, initialItems, false, resolve, reject);
* @private helper
function dynamoQueryScanHelper(dynamo, params, items, isQuery, resolve, reject) {
let f = isQuery ? 'query' : 'scan';
dynamo[f](params, (err, data) => {
if(err || !data || !data.Items) {
logger(`SCAN`, table, err, data);
return reject(err);
items = items.concat(data.Items);
if(data.LastEvaluatedKey) {
params.ExclusiveStartKey = data.LastEvaluatedKey;
dynamoQueryScanHelper(dynamo, params, items, false, resolve, reject);
} else {
logger(`SCAN`, table, null, items.length);

@@ -216,3 +372,3 @@ /// COGNITO

* Helper to get the attributes of the user from the authorizer claims.
* @param {*} claims Cognito authentication claims after API gateway's integration.
* @param {any} claims Cognito authentication claims after API gateway's integration.
* @return {Array<string>} user's data

@@ -235,17 +391,21 @@ */

* @param {string} email user's email
* @param {*} cb (err, data) => {}
* @param {string} cognitoUserPoolId Cognito user pool
* @param {string} cognitoUserPoolId if not specified, use env var COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID
* @return {Promise}
function cognitoGetUserByEmail(email, cb, cognitoUserPoolId) {
function cognitoGetUserByEmail(email, cognitoUserPoolId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// read the parameters from env. var or force them
cognitoUserPoolId = cognitoUserPoolId || COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID;
// find the user by the email
new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({ apiVersion: '2016-04-18' })
.listUsers({ UserPoolId: cognitoUserPoolId, Filter: `email = "${email}"`, Limit: 1},
(err, data) => {
if(err || !data || !data.Users || !data.Users[0]) return cb();
// convert and return the attributes
let userAttributes = [];
data.Users[0].Attributes.forEach(a => userAttributes[a.Name] = a.Value);
cognitoUserPoolId = cognitoUserPoolId || COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID;
// find the user by the email
new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({ apiVersion: '2016-04-18' })
.listUsers({ UserPoolId: cognitoUserPoolId, Filter: `email = "${email}"`, Limit: 1},
(err, data) => {
if(err || !data || !data.Users || !data.Users[0]) reject();
else {
// convert and return the attributes
let userAttributes = [];
data.Users[0].Attributes.forEach(a => userAttributes[a.Name] = a.Value);

@@ -257,20 +417,25 @@ }

* @param {string} email user's sub (userId)
* @param {*} cb (err, data) => {}
* @param {string} cognitoUserPoolId Cognito user pool
* @param {string} cognitoUserPoolId if not specified, use env var COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID
* @return {Promise}
function cognitoGetUserBySub(sub, cb, cognitoUserPoolId) {
// read the parameters from env. var or force them
cognitoUserPoolId = cognitoUserPoolId || COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID;
// find the user by the sub
new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({ apiVersion: '2016-04-18' })
.listUsers({ UserPoolId: cognitoUserPoolId, Filter: `sub = "${sub}"`, Limit: 1},
(err, data) => {
if(err || !data || !data.Users || !data.Users[0]) return cb();
// convert and return the attributes
let userAttributes = [];
data.Users[0].Attributes.forEach(a => userAttributes[a.Name] = a.Value);
function cognitoGetUserBySub(sub, cognitoUserPoolId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// read the parameters from env. var or force them
cognitoUserPoolId = cognitoUserPoolId || COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID;
// find the user by the sub
new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({ apiVersion: '2016-04-18' })
.listUsers({ UserPoolId: cognitoUserPoolId, Filter: `sub = "${sub}"`, Limit: 1},
(err, data) => {
if(err || !data || !data.Users || !data.Users[0]) reject();
else {
// convert and return the attributes
let userAttributes = [];
data.Users[0].Attributes.forEach(a => userAttributes[a.Name] = a.Value);

@@ -282,43 +447,49 @@ /// SES

* Send an email through AWS Simple Email Service.
* @param {*} emailData
* @param {any} emailData
* toAddresses: Array<string>, ccAddresses?: Array<string>, bccAddresses?: Array<string>,
* replyToAddresses: Array<string>, subject: string, html?: string, text?: string,
* attachments?: Array<any> (
* @param {*} cb (err, data) => {}
* @param {*} sesParams (optional) region, source, sourceName, sourceArn
* @param {any} sesParams optional; region, source, sourceName, sourceArn
* @return {Promise}
function sesSendEmail(emailData, cb, sesParams) {
// default SES parameters
if(!sesParams) sesParams = {};
sesParams.region = sesParams.region || SES_DEFAULT_REGION;
sesParams.source = sesParams.source || SES_DEFAULT_SOURCE;
sesParams.sourceName = sesParams.sourceName || SES_DEFAULT_SOURCE_NAME;
sesParams.sourceArn = sesParams.sourceArn || SES_DEFAULT_SOURCE_ARN;
// prepare SES email data
let sesData = {};
sesData.Destination = {};
if(emailData.toAddresses) sesData.Destination.ToAddresses = emailData.toAddresses;
if(emailData.ccAddresses) sesData.Destination.CcAddresses = emailData.ccAddresses;
if(emailData.bccAddresses) sesData.Destination.BccAddresses = emailData.bccAddresses;
sesData.Message = {};
if(emailData.subject) sesData.Message.Subject = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: emailData.subject };
sesData.Message.Body = {};
if(emailData.html) sesData.Message.Body.Html = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: emailData.html };
if(emailData.text) sesData.Message.Body.Text = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: emailData.text };
if(!emailData.html && !emailData.text) sesData.Message.Body.Text = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: '' };
sesData.ReplyToAddresses = emailData.replyToAddresses;
sesData.Source = `${sesParams.sourceName} <${sesParams.source}>`;
sesData.SourceArn = sesParams.sourceArn;
let ses = new AWS.SES({ region: sesParams.region });
// send email
if(emailData.attachments && emailData.attachments.length) {
// including attachments, through Nodemailer
console.log('SES send email w/ attachments (Nodemailer)',
sesParams, sesData, emailData.attachments);
sesSendEmailThroughNodemailer(ses, sesData, emailData.attachments, cb);
} else {
// classic way, through SES
console.log('SES send email', sesParams, sesData);
ses.sendEmail(sesData, (err, data) => { cb(err, data); });
function sesSendEmail(emailData, sesParams) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// default SES parameters
if(!sesParams) sesParams = {};
sesParams.region = sesParams.region || SES_DEFAULT_REGION;
sesParams.source = sesParams.source || SES_DEFAULT_SOURCE;
sesParams.sourceName = sesParams.sourceName || SES_DEFAULT_SOURCE_NAME;
sesParams.sourceArn = sesParams.sourceArn || SES_DEFAULT_SOURCE_ARN;
// prepare SES email data
let sesData = {};
sesData.Destination = {};
if(emailData.toAddresses) sesData.Destination.ToAddresses = emailData.toAddresses;
if(emailData.ccAddresses) sesData.Destination.CcAddresses = emailData.ccAddresses;
if(emailData.bccAddresses) sesData.Destination.BccAddresses = emailData.bccAddresses;
sesData.Message = {};
if(emailData.subject) sesData.Message.Subject = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: emailData.subject };
sesData.Message.Body = {};
if(emailData.html) sesData.Message.Body.Html = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: emailData.html };
if(emailData.text) sesData.Message.Body.Text = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: emailData.text };
if(!emailData.html && !emailData.text) sesData.Message.Body.Text = { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: '' };
sesData.ReplyToAddresses = emailData.replyToAddresses;
sesData.Source = `${sesParams.sourceName} <${sesParams.source}>`;
sesData.SourceArn = sesParams.sourceArn;
let ses = new AWS.SES({ region: sesParams.region });
// send email
if(emailData.attachments && emailData.attachments.length) {
// including attachments, through Nodemailer
sesSendEmailThroughNodemailer(ses, sesData, emailData.attachments)
.then(res => resolve(res))
.catch(err => reject(err));
} else {
// classic way, through SES
logger('SES SEND EMAIL', null, sesData);
ses.sendEmail(sesData, (err, data) => {
logger('SES SEND EMAIL', err, data);
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);

@@ -331,23 +502,30 @@ /**

* @param {*} attachments array of attachments to send
* @param {*} cb (err, data) => {}
* @return {Promise}
function sesSendEmailThroughNodemailer(ses, sesData, attachments, cb) {
// set the mail options in Nodemailer's format
let mailOptions = {};
mailOptions.from = sesData.Source; = sesData.Destination.ToAddresses.join(',');
if( = sesData.Destination.CcAddresses.join(',');
if(sesData.Message.Body.bcc) mailOptions.bcc = sesData.Destination.BccAddresses.join(',');
mailOptions.replyTo = sesData.ReplyToAddresses.join(',');
mailOptions.subject = sesData.Message.Subject.Data;
if(sesData.Message.Body.Html) mailOptions.html = sesData.Message.Body.Html.Data;
if(sesData.Message.Body.Text) mailOptions.text = sesData.Message.Body.Text.Data;
mailOptions.attachments = attachments;
// create Nodemailer SES transporter
let transporter = Nodemailer.createTransport({ SES: ses });
// send the email
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (err, data) => { cb(err, data); });
function sesSendEmailThroughNodemailer(ses, sesData, attachments) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// set the mail options in Nodemailer's format
let mailOptions = {};
mailOptions.from = sesData.Source; = sesData.Destination.ToAddresses.join(',');
if( = sesData.Destination.CcAddresses.join(',');
if(sesData.Message.Body.bcc) mailOptions.bcc = sesData.Destination.BccAddresses.join(',');
mailOptions.replyTo = sesData.ReplyToAddresses.join(',');
mailOptions.subject = sesData.Message.Subject.Data;
if(sesData.Message.Body.Html) mailOptions.html = sesData.Message.Body.Html.Data;
if(sesData.Message.Body.Text) mailOptions.text = sesData.Message.Body.Text.Data;
mailOptions.attachments = attachments;
// create Nodemailer SES transporter
let transporter = Nodemailer.createTransport({ SES: ses });
// send the email
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (err, data) => {
logger('SES SEND EMAIL (NODEMAILER)', err, data);
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);

@@ -363,24 +541,23 @@ /// S3

* @param {string} key the unique filepath
* @param {*} dataToUpload usually a buffer
* @param {any} dataToUpload usually a buffer
* @param {string} contentType e.g. application/json
* @param {*} cb (err, url) => {}
* @param {string} bucket (optional) an alternative Downloads bucket to the default one
* @param {number} secToExp (optional), seconds to url expiration
* @param {string} bucket optional; an alternative Downloads bucket to the default one
* @param {number} secToExp optional; seconds to url expiration
* @return {Promise}
function downloadThroughS3Url(prefix, key, dataToUpload, contentType, cb, bucket, secToExp) {
key = `${prefix || S3_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_BUCKET_PREFIX}/${key}`;
bucket = bucket || S3_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_BUCKET;
S3.upload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: dataToUpload, ContentType: contentType },
(err, data) => {
console.log('Uploading file on S3...', err, data);
if(err) cb(err);
else {
const url = S3.getSignedUrl('getObject', { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Expires: secToExp });
console.log('Generated signed url', url);
cb(null, url);
function downloadThroughS3Url(prefix, key, dataToUpload, contentType, bucket, secToExp) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
key = `${prefix || S3_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_BUCKET_PREFIX}/${key}`;
bucket = bucket || S3_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_BUCKET;
S3.upload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: dataToUpload, ContentType: contentType },
(err, data) => {
logger('S3 UPLOAD', err, data);
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(S3.getSignedUrl('getObject', { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Expires: secToExp }));

@@ -394,18 +571,20 @@ /// SNS

* @param {string} deviceId registrationId
* @param {*} done cb(err, data) => {}
* @return {Promise}
function createSNSPushPlatormEndpoint(platform, deviceId, done) {
let platformARN;
// identify the platform ARN
switch(platform) {
case 'APNS': platformARN = SNS_PUSH_PLATFORM_ARN_IOS; break;
case 'FCM': platformARN = SNS_PUSH_PLATFORM_ARN_ANDROID; break;
default: return done(new Error());
// create a new endpoint in the platform
SNS.createPlatformEndpoint({ PlatformApplicationArn: platformARN, Token: deviceId },
(err, data) => {
console.log('Creating SNS platform endpoint', platformARN, err, data);
if(err || !data.EndpointArn) done(err || new Error());
else done(null, data.EndpointArn);
function createSNSPushPlatormEndpoint(platform, deviceId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let platformARN;
// identify the platform ARN
switch(platform) {
case 'APNS': platformARN = SNS_PUSH_PLATFORM_ARN_IOS; break;
case 'FCM': platformARN = SNS_PUSH_PLATFORM_ARN_ANDROID; break;
default: return reject(new Error(`UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM`));
// create a new endpoint in the platform
SNS.createPlatformEndpoint({ PlatformApplicationArn: platformARN, Token: deviceId },
(err, data) => {
logger('SNS ADD PLATFORM ENDPOINT', err, data);
if(err || !data.EndpointArn) reject(err);
else resolve(data.EndpointArn);

@@ -419,24 +598,27 @@ }

* @param {string} endpoint endpoint to a specific device
* @param {*} done cb(err, data) => {}
* @return {Promise}
function publishSNSPush(message, platform, endpoint, done) {
if(!done) done = () => {};
let structuredMessage;
switch(platform) {
case 'APNS':
structuredMessage = { APNS: JSON.stringify({ aps: { alert: message } }) };
case 'FCM':
structuredMessage = { GCM: JSON.stringify({ data: { message: message } }) };
default: return done(new Error());
MessageStructure: 'json', Message: JSON.stringify(structuredMessage), TargetArn: endpoint
}, (err, data) => {
console.log('Sending push notification', endpoint, err, data);
done(err, data);
function publishSNSPush(message, platform, endpoint) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let structuredMessage;
switch(platform) {
case 'APNS':
structuredMessage = { APNS: JSON.stringify({ aps: { alert: message } }) };
case 'FCM':
structuredMessage = { GCM: JSON.stringify({ data: { message: message } }) };
default: return reject(new Error(`UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM`));
MessageStructure: 'json', Message: JSON.stringify(structuredMessage), TargetArn: endpoint
}, (err, data) => {
logger('SNS PUSH NOTIFICATION', err, data);
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);

@@ -449,6 +631,6 @@ /// API GATEWAY

* @param {string} method enum: HTTP methods
* @param {*} options typical requests options (e.g. url, body, headers, etc.)
* @param {any} options typical requests options (e.g. url, body, headers, etc.)
* @param {number} delay optional; if set, the request is executed after a certain delay (in ms).
* Useful to avoid overwhelming the back-end when the execution isn't time pressured.
* @return Promise
* @return {Promise}

@@ -468,3 +650,3 @@ function requestToAPI(method, options, delay) {

else {
try { resolve(JSON.parse(res.body)); }
try { resolve(JSON.parse(res.body)); }
catch(err) { return reject(err); }

@@ -479,9 +661,8 @@ }

* Default callback for IDEA's API resource controllers.
* @param {*} err if not null, it contains the error raised
* @param {*} res if err, the error string, otherwise the result (a JSON to parse)
* @param {*} callback the AWS Lambda function callback
* @param {Error | any} err if not null, it contains the error raised
* @param {any} res if err, the error string, otherwise the result (a JSON to parse)
* @param {any} callback the AWS Lambda function callback
function requestDoneAPI(err, res, callback) {
if(err) console.error(`# DONE WITH ERRORS #`, err);
else`# DONE SUCCESSFULLY #`, res);
logger(`[DONE]`, err, res);
callback(null, {

@@ -494,3 +675,23 @@ statusCode: err ? '400' : '200',

* Add a formatted log in CloudWatch.
* @param {string} context context in which the content apply
* @param {Error | any} err error
* @param {string} content the content to log
* @param {boolean} important optional; if true, highlight the line in CloudWatch
function logger(context, err, content, important) {
context = context || '';
if(err) console.error('[ERROR]', context, '≫', err, content);
else if(important) console.log('[!! IMPORTANT !!]', context, '≫', content);
else console.log('\t', context, '≫', content); // to give less importance to debug info

@@ -546,6 +747,6 @@ ///

* Check if a field (/variable) is empty, based on its type.
* Check if a field (/variable) is empty, based on its type.
* If the type isn't passed as a parameter, it will be auto-detected.
* @param {*} field the field to check
* @param {*} type (optional, to set to force a type check); enum: string, number, date, boolean
* @param {any} field the field to check
* @param {string} type optional; to set to force a type check; enum: string, number, date, boolean

@@ -568,3 +769,3 @@ function isEmpty(field, type) {

else return true;
default: return true;

@@ -576,5 +777,5 @@ }

* Save the content of an object to the desired folder (as a log file).
* @param {*} name name of the object (== filename)
* @param {*} obj the JSON object
* @param {*} folder if null, uses the Config.LOGS.FOLDER
* @param {string} name name of the object (== filename)
* @param {any} obj the JSON object
* @param {string} folder if null, uses the Config.LOGS.FOLDER

@@ -581,0 +782,0 @@ function saveObjToFile(name, obj, folder) {

"name": "idea-toolbox",
"version": "0.12.1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "IDEA's utility functions",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "engines": {

@@ -5,2 +5,12 @@ # IDEA's toolbox

## Installation
`npm install idea-toolbox`
`npm install idea-toolbox`
## Usage
const Idea = require('idea-toolbox');
import Idea = require('idea-toolbox');
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