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image-process - npm Package Compare versions

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* image-process version 4.3.0
* image-process version 4.3.1
* Author: Xing Zhong <,>
* Repository:
* Released on: 2022-09-18 17:51:48 (GMT+0900)
* Released on: 2022-12-30 14:17:09 (GMT+0900)

@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ /*!

var z = Object.defineProperty, P = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, k = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, W = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, S = (t, e, i) => e in t ? z(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: i }) : t[e] = i, p = (t, e) => {
var z = Object.defineProperty, P = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, k = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, W = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, E = (t, e, i) => e in t ? z(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: i }) : t[e] = i, _ = (t, e) => {
for (var i in e || (e = {})), i) && S(t, i, e[i]);, i) && E(t, i, e[i]);
if (P)
for (var i of P(e)), i) && S(t, i, e[i]);, i) && E(t, i, e[i]);
return t;

@@ -25,24 +25,24 @@ };

function $(t) {
function B(t) {
return t !== null && !V(t) && typeof t == "object";
var Y = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, f = { exports: {} };
var Y = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, o = { exports: {} };
/*! For license information please see date-utils-2020.js.LICENSE.txt */
(function(t, e) {
(function(i, r) {
t.exports = r();
(function(i, n) {
t.exports = n();
})(typeof self < "u" ? self : Y, function() {
return (() => {
var i = { 949: (n, a) => {
var i = { 949: (r, a) => {
Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), a.toTwoDigits = void 0, a.toTwoDigits = function(h) {
return h[1] ? h : "0" + h;
}, 607: (n, a, h) => {
}, 607: (r, a, h) => {
Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), a.toTwoDigits = a.toDate = a.formatDate = void 0;
var d = h(949);
var s = h(949);
Object.defineProperty(a, "toTwoDigits", { enumerable: !0, get: function() {
return d.toTwoDigits;
return s.toTwoDigits;
} });
var l = { weeks: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] };
function o(u) {
function f(u) {
if (u instanceof Date)

@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ return u;

if (typeof u == "string") {
var s = u.trim();
if (/^\d+$/.test(s)) {
var g = s.length;
return g === 8 ? new Date([s.substr(0, 4), s.substr(4, 2), s.substr(6, 2)].join("/")) : g === 6 ? new Date([s.substr(0, 4), s.substr(4, 2), "01"].join("/")) : g === 4 ? new Date(s + "/01/01") : new Date(parseInt(u));
var d = u.trim();
if (/^\d+$/.test(d)) {
var c = d.length;
return c === 8 ? new Date([d.substr(0, 4), d.substr(4, 2), d.substr(6, 2)].join("/")) : c === 6 ? new Date([d.substr(0, 4), d.substr(4, 2), "01"].join("/")) : c === 4 ? new Date(d + "/01/01") : new Date(parseInt(u));
if (s = s.replace(/[年月日]/g, function(c) {
return c === "\u65E5" ? "" : "/";
}).replace(/[(((].*?[)))]/g, " ").replace(/\bam|pm\b/gi, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " "), /^(\d{4})[-/](\d{1,2})[-/](\d{1,2})$/.test(s))
if (d = d.replace(/[年月日]/g, function(g) {
return g === "\u65E5" ? "" : "/";
}).replace(/[(((].*?[)))]/g, " ").replace(/\bam|pm\b/gi, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " "), /^(\d{4})[-/](\d{1,2})[-/](\d{1,2})$/.test(d))
return new Date([RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2, RegExp.$3].join("/"));
if (/^(\d{4})[-/](\d{1,2})$/.test(s))
if (/^(\d{4})[-/](\d{1,2})$/.test(d))
return new Date([RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2, "01"].join("/"));
var w = new Date(s);
var w = new Date(d);
return isNaN(w.getFullYear()) ? null : w;

@@ -70,38 +70,38 @@ }

a.formatDate = function(u, s, g) {
var w, c = o(u);
if (!c || !s)
a.formatDate = function(u, d, c) {
var w, g = f(u);
if (!g || !d)
return u + "";
if (s === "timestamp")
return c.getTime().toString();
/(y+)/i.test(s) && (w = RegExp.$1, s = s.replace(w, (c.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - w.length))), g && Array.isArray(g.weeks) || (g = l);
var b = { "M+": c.getMonth() + 1, "d+": c.getDate(), "h+": c.getHours(), "m+": c.getMinutes(), "s+": c.getSeconds(), "w+": c.getDay(), "W+": g.weeks[c.getDay()], "a+": c.getHours() < 12 ? "am" : "pm", "A+": c.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" };
if (d === "timestamp")
return g.getTime().toString();
/(y+)/i.test(d) && (w = RegExp.$1, d = d.replace(w, (g.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - w.length))), c && Array.isArray(c.weeks) || (c = l);
var b = { "M+": g.getMonth() + 1, "d+": g.getDate(), "h+": g.getHours(), "m+": g.getMinutes(), "s+": g.getSeconds(), "w+": g.getDay(), "W+": c.weeks[g.getDay()], "a+": g.getHours() < 12 ? "am" : "pm", "A+": g.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" };
for (var R in b)
if (new RegExp("(" + R + ")").test(s)) {
if (new RegExp("(" + R + ")").test(d)) {
w = RegExp.$1;
var D = b[R] + "";
s = s.replace(w, w.length === 1 ? D : d.toTwoDigits(D));
d = d.replace(w, w.length === 1 ? D : s.toTwoDigits(D));
if (/(g)/i.test(s)) {
var T = c.toString().split(/\s+/).slice(5), N = s.includes("g");
s = s.replace(/g/i, N ? T[0] : T.join(" "));
if (/(g)/i.test(d)) {
var T = g.toString().split(/\s+/).slice(5), N = d.includes("g");
d = d.replace(/g/i, N ? T[0] : T.join(" "));
return s;
}, a.toDate = o;
} }, r = {};
return function n(a) {
if (r[a])
return r[a].exports;
var h = r[a] = { exports: {} };
return i[a](h, h.exports, n), h.exports;
return d;
}, a.toDate = f;
} }, n = {};
return function r(a) {
if (n[a])
return n[a].exports;
var h = n[a] = { exports: {} };
return i[a](h, h.exports, r), h.exports;
function O(t = "", e = "-") {
return t.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (i, r) => `${r > 0 ? e : ""}${i.toLowerCase()}`);
function A(t = "", e = "-") {
return t.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (i, n) => `${n > 0 ? e : ""}${i.toLowerCase()}`);
function Z(t = "", e = !1) {
const i = t.replace(/[-_\s](\w)/g, (r, n) => n.toUpperCase());
return e ? i.replace(/^\w/, (r) => r.toUpperCase()) : i;
const i = t.replace(/[-_\s](\w)/g, (n, r) => r.toUpperCase());
return e ? i.replace(/^\w/, (n) => n.toUpperCase()) : i;

@@ -111,3 +111,3 @@ function q(t) {

function B(t, e = !1) {
function F(t, e = !1) {
if (typeof t == "number")

@@ -117,3 +117,3 @@ return t;

if (!e && /^(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\D*/.test(q(t)))
return B(RegExp.$1, !0);
return F(RegExp.$1, !0);
const i = Number(t);

@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ return isNaN(i) ? 0 : i;

function A(t = {}, e = !1) {
const i = e ? Z : O, r = {};
for (const [n, a] of Object.entries(t))
r[i(n)] = $(a) ? A(a, e) : a;
return r;
function S(t = {}, e = !1) {
const i = e ? Z : A, n = {};
for (const [r, a] of Object.entries(t))
n[i(r)] = B(a) ? S(a, e) : a;
return n;
function F(t, e = !1, i = 2) {
const r = ["KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"], n = e ? 1e3 : 1024;
function U(t, e = !1, i = 2) {
const n = ["KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"], r = e ? 1e3 : 1024;
let a = String(t), h = "Byte";
for (let d = 0, l = t / n; l > 1; l /= n, d++)
a = l.toFixed(i), h = r[d];
for (let s = 0, l = t / r; l > 1; l /= r, s++)
a = l.toFixed(i), h = n[s];
return e && (h = h.replace("i", "")), {

@@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ text: a.replace(/\.0+$/, "") + h,

function y(t, e = {}, i) {
const r = document.createElement(t);
for (const [n, a] of Object.entries(e))
r.setAttribute(O(n), n === "style" && $(a) ? G(a) : a);
return i && (Array.isArray(i) || (i = [i]), i.forEach((n) => {
if (typeof n == "string") {
const n = document.createElement(t);
for (const [r, a] of Object.entries(e))
n.setAttribute(A(r), r === "style" && B(a) ? G(a) : a);
return i && (Array.isArray(i) || (i = [i]), i.forEach((r) => {
if (typeof r == "string") {
const a = y("div");
a.innerHTML = n, r.append(...a.childNodes);
a.innerHTML = r, n.append(...a.childNodes);
} else
})), r;
})), n;
function G(...t) {
const e = t.reduce((r, n) => p(p({}, r), A(n)), {}), i = [];
for (const [r, n] of Object.entries(e))
n === "" || typeof n > "u" || n === null || i.push(`${r}:${n}`);
const e = t.reduce((n, r) => _(_({}, n), S(r)), {}), i = [];
for (const [n, r] of Object.entries(e))
r === "" || typeof r > "u" || r === null || i.push(`${n}:${r}`);
return i.join(";");

@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ }

return new Promise((e, i) => {
const r = new FileReader();
r.onload = (n) => {
const n = new FileReader();
n.onload = (r) => {
var a;
const h = (a = == null ? void 0 : a.result;
h ? e(h) : i(new Error(`FileReader's result is null, ${}`));
}, r.onerror = i, r.readAsDataURL(t);
const h = (a = == null ? void 0 : a.result;
h ? e(h) : i(new Error(`FileReader's result is null, ${}`));
}, n.onerror = i, n.readAsDataURL(t);

@@ -176,3 +176,3 @@ }

function U(t) {
function M(t) {
const e = t.split(",");

@@ -185,14 +185,14 @@ let i = "";

function M(t, e) {
const i = U(t), r = window.atob(;
function L(t, e) {
const i = M(t), n = window.atob(;
e = e || i.type;
const n = new Uint8Array(r.length);
for (let a = 0; a < r.length; a++)
n[a] = r.charCodeAt(a);
return new Blob([n], { type: e });
const r = new Uint8Array(n.length);
for (let a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
r[a] = n.charCodeAt(a);
return new Blob([r], { type: e });
const L = {
const p = {
enableDevicePixelRatio: !1,

@@ -205,19 +205,21 @@ isForce: !1,

height: 0,
longestSide: 0
longEdge: 0
}, J = /^data:(.+?);base64/, Q = /^image\/.+/;
function C(t, e) {
return new Promise((i, r) => {
const n = {
return new Promise((i, n) => {
var a;
const r = {
longEdge: (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.longEdge) != null ? a : e == null ? void 0 : e.longestSide
typeof t == "string" && J.test(t) ? E(t, n, i, r) : (t instanceof File || t instanceof Blob) && Q.test(t.type) ? K(t).then((a) => {
E(a, n, i, r);
}).catch(r) : r(new Error(`Invalid file, ${t}`));
typeof t == "string" && J.test(t) ? $(t, r, i, n) : (t instanceof File || t instanceof Blob) && Q.test(t.type) ? K(t).then((h) => {
$(h, r, i, n);
}).catch(n) : n(new Error(`Invalid file, ${t}`));
function E(t, e, i, r) {
const { type: n } = U(t), a = M(t, n), h = new Image();
function $(t, e, i, n) {
const { type: r } = M(t), a = L(t, r), h = new Image();
h.onload = () => {
const d = {
const s = {
element: h,

@@ -229,6 +231,6 @@ blob: a,

height: h.naturalHeight || h.height,
type: n,
size: F(a.size)
type: r,
size: U(a.size)
e.cropInfo && e.cropInfo.sw && ? _(d, e, i, r, {
e.cropInfo && e.cropInfo.sw && ? O(s, e, i, n, {

@@ -239,20 +241,20 @@ dx: 0,

}) : e.width && e.height ? _(d, e, i, r, I(d, e)) : e.width || e.height || e.longestSide ? X(d, e, i, r) : m({ ...d, raw: d }, e, i);
}, h.onerror = r, h.src = t;
}) : e.width && e.height ? O(s, e, i, n, I(s, e)) : e.width || e.height || e.longEdge ? X(s, e, i, n) : m({ ...s, raw: s }, e, i);
}, h.onerror = n, h.src = t;
function _(t, e, i, r, n) {
function O(t, e, i, n, r) {
try {, "enableDevicePixelRatio") || (n.enableDevicePixelRatio = e.enableDevicePixelRatio);, "enableDevicePixelRatio") || (r.enableDevicePixelRatio = e.enableDevicePixelRatio);
const a = v(t.element, {
enableDevicePixelRatio: e.enableDevicePixelRatio,
sw: n.sw,
sw: r.sw,
dx: 0,
dy: 0,
dw: n.sw,
dw: r.sw,
!e.width && !e.height ? e.longestSide ? n.sw > ? (e.width = e.longestSide, e.height = * e.width / n.sw) : (e.height = e.longestSide, e.width = n.sw * e.height / : (e.width = n.sw, e.height = : e.width ? e.height = * e.width / n.sw : e.width = n.sw * e.height /, j(
!e.width && !e.height ? e.longEdge ? r.sw > ? (e.width = e.longEdge, e.height = * e.width / r.sw) : (e.height = e.longEdge, e.width = r.sw * e.height / : (e.width = r.sw, e.height = : e.width ? e.height = * e.width / r.sw : e.width = r.sw * e.height /, j(

@@ -262,3 +264,3 @@ t,

sx: 0,

@@ -272,9 +274,9 @@ sy: 0,

} catch (a) {
function X(t, e, i, r) {
function X(t, e, i, n) {
try {
e.longestSide && !e.width && !e.height && (t.width >= t.height ? e.width = e.longestSide : e.height = e.longestSide);
const n = {
e.longEdge && !e.width && !e.height && (t.width >= t.height ? e.width = e.longEdge : e.height = e.longEdge);
const r = {
enableDevicePixelRatio: e.enableDevicePixelRatio,

@@ -295,3 +297,3 @@ sx: 0,

n.dh = t.height * e.width / t.width, e.height = n.dh;
r.dh = t.height * e.width / t.width, e.height = r.dh;
} else {

@@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ if (t.height < e.height && !e.isForce) {

n.dw = t.width * e.height / t.height, e.width = n.dw;
r.dw = t.width * e.height / t.height, e.width = r.dw;
j(t.element, t, e, n, i);
} catch (n) {
j(t.element, t, e, r, i);
} catch (r) {

@@ -329,14 +331,14 @@ }

function j(t, e, i, r, n) {
let a = e.width > e.height ? e.width - r.dw : e.height - r.dh;
function j(t, e, i, n, r) {
let a = e.width > e.height ? e.width - n.dw : e.height - n.dh;
if (a > i.perResize) {
const h = e.height / e.width;
for (; a > i.perResize; )
a -= i.perResize, r.sw = t.width, = t.height, r.dw = i.width + a, r.dh = r.dw * h, t = v(t, r);
a -= i.perResize, n.sw = t.width, = t.height, n.dw = i.width + a, n.dh = n.dw * h, t = v(t, n);
r.sw = t.width, = t.height, r.dw = i.width, r.dh = i.height, H(t, e, i, r, n);
n.sw = t.width, = t.height, n.dw = i.width, n.dh = i.height, H(t, e, i, n, r);
function H(t, e, i, r, n) {
const a = v(t, r), h = /^\w+\/\*$/.test(i.mimeType) || !i.mimeType ? e.type : i.mimeType, d = a.toDataURL(h, i.quality), l = M(d, h);
function H(t, e, i, n, r) {
const a = v(t, n), h = /^\w+\/\*$/.test(i.mimeType) || !i.mimeType ? e.type : i.mimeType, s = a.toDataURL(h, i.quality), l = L(s, h);
element: a,

@@ -347,5 +349,5 @@ type: h,

blob: l,
data: d,
data: s,
url: x(l),
size: F(l.size),
size: U(l.size),
raw: e

@@ -355,17 +357,17 @@ });

function I(t, e) {
const { width: i, height: r } = t, { width: n, height: a } = e;
const { width: i, height: n } = t, { width: r, height: a } = e;
let h;
const d = r * n / a;
if (i > d)
const s = n * r / a;
if (i > s)
h = {
sx: (i - d) / 2,
sx: (i - s) / 2,
sy: 0,
sw: d,
sh: r
sw: s,
sh: n
else {
const l = i * a / n;
const l = i * a / r;
h = {
sx: 0,
sy: (r - l) / 2,
sy: (n - l) / 2,
sw: i,

@@ -379,3 +381,3 @@ sh: l

dy: 0,
dw: n,
dw: r,
dh: a

@@ -385,6 +387,6 @@ };

function v(t, e) {
const i = e.enableDevicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio || 1, r = y("canvas");
r.width = e.dw * i, r.height = e.dh * i;
const n = r.getContext("2d");
return n.scale(i, i), n.drawImage(
const i = e.enableDevicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio || 1, n = y("canvas");
n.width = e.dw * i, n.height = e.dh * i;
const r = n.getContext("2d");
return r.scale(i, i), r.drawImage(

@@ -399,8 +401,8 @@,

), r;
), n;
function ee(t, e) {
return new Promise((i, r) => {
const n = {
return new Promise((i, n) => {
const r = {

@@ -411,8 +413,8 @@ }, a = x(t);

autoplay: !0
}), d = !1;
h.onerror = r, h.oncanplay = () => {
if (d)
}), s = !1;
h.onerror = n, h.oncanplay = () => {
if (s)
d = !0;
const l = h.duration, o = typeof n.currentTime > "u" ? l * Math.random() : B(n.currentTime), u = {
s = !0;
const l = h.duration, f = typeof r.currentTime > "u" ? l * Math.random() : F(r.currentTime), u = {
url: a,

@@ -423,21 +425,21 @@ videoFile: t,

duration: l,
currentTime: Math.min(o, l)
currentTime: Math.min(f, l)
te(h, u).then((s) => {
!n.width && !n.height && (n.width = u.videoWidth, n.height = u.videoHeight), C(s, e).then((g) => {
te(h, u).then((d) => {
!r.width && !r.height && (r.width = u.videoWidth, r.height = u.videoHeight), C(d, e).then((c) => {
videoInfo: u,
}), h = null;
function te(t, { currentTime: e, videoWidth: i, videoHeight: r }) {
return new Promise((n) => {
function te(t, { currentTime: e, videoWidth: i, videoHeight: n }) {
return new Promise((r) => {
t.currentTime = e, t.pause();
const a = "image/jpeg", h = y("canvas"), d = h.getContext("2d");
h.width = i, h.height = r, setTimeout(() => {
d.drawImage(t, 0, 0, h.width, h.height), n(h.toDataURL(a));
const a = "image/jpeg", h = y("canvas"), s = h.getContext("2d");
h.width = i, h.height = n, setTimeout(() => {
s.drawImage(t, 0, 0, h.width, h.height), r(h.toDataURL(a));
}, 500);

@@ -447,17 +449,17 @@ });

function ie(t, e) {
return new Promise((i, r) => {
const n = t.type;
/^(image|video)/.test(n) ? RegExp.$1 === "image" ? C(t, e).then(i).catch(r) : ee(t, e).then(i).catch(r) : r(new Error(`File type[${n}] not supported`));
return new Promise((i, n) => {
const r = t.type;
/^(image|video)/.test(r) ? RegExp.$1 === "image" ? C(t, e).then(i).catch(n) : ee(t, e).then(i).catch(n) : n(new Error(`File type[${r}] not supported`));
export {
M as base64ToBlob,
L as base64ToBlob,
x as createBlobURL,
y as createElement,
K as fileToBase64,
F as formatBytes,
U as formatBytes,
C as handleImageFile,
ie as handleMediaFile,
ee as handleVideoFile,
U as splitBase64
M as splitBase64
* image-process version 4.3.0
* image-process version 4.3.1
* Author: Xing Zhong <,>
* Repository:
* Released on: 2022-09-18 17:51:48 (GMT+0900)
* Released on: 2022-12-30 14:17:09 (GMT+0900)
(function(g,w){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?w(exports):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports"],w):(g=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:g||self,w(g.imageProcess={}))})(this,function(g){"use strict";/*!
(function(c,o){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?o(exports):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports"],o):(c=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:c||self,o(c.imageProcess={}))})(this,function(c){"use strict";/*!
* zx-sml version 0.6.0

@@ -12,2 +12,2 @@ * Author: Xing Zhong<>

* Released on: 2022-09-09 21:21:26 (GMT+0900)
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supported`))})}g.base64ToBlob=D,g.createBlobURL=b,g.createElement=y,g.fileToBase64=M,g.formatBytes=x,g.handleImageFile=T,g.handleMediaFile=ie,g.handleVideoFile=H,g.splitBase64=R,Object.defineProperties(g,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}})});
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a=E(t,r),d=/^\w+\/\*$/.test(i.mimeType)||!i.mimeType?e.type:i.mimeType,l=a.toDataURL(d,i.quality),s=D(l,d);n({element:a,type:d,width:a.width,height:a.height,blob:s,data:l,url:b(s),size:x(s.size),raw:e})}function ee(t,e){const{width:i,height:r}=t,{width:n,height:a}=e;let d;const l=r*n/a;if(i>l)d={sx:(i-l)/2,sy:0,sw:l,sh:r};else{const s=i*a/n;d={sx:0,sy:(r-s)/2,sw:i,sh:s}}return{...d,dx:0,dy:0,dw:n,dh:a}}function E(t,e){const i=e.enableDevicePixelRatio&&window.devicePixelRatio||1,r=y("canvas");r.width=e.dw*i,r.height=e.dh*i;const n=r.getContext("2d");return n.scale(i,i),n.drawImage(t,,,e.sw,,e.dx,e.dy,e.dw,e.dh),r}function H(t,e){return new Promise((i,r)=>{const n={...A,...e},a=b(t);let d=y("video",{src:a,autoplay:!0}),l=!1;d.onerror=r,d.oncanplay=()=>{if(l)return;l=!0;const s=d.duration,v=typeof n.currentTime>"u"?s*Math.random():M(n.currentTime),u={url:a,videoFile:t,videoWidth:d.videoWidth,videoHeight:d.videoHeight,duration:s,currentTime:Math.min(v,s)};te(d,u).then(h=>{!n.width&&!n.height&&(n.width=u.videoWidth,n.height=u.videoHeight),T(h,e).then(f=>{i({videoInfo:u,...f}),d=null}).catch(r)}).catch(r)}})}function te(t,{currentTime:e,videoWidth:i,videoHeight:r}){return new Promise(n=>{t.currentTime=e,t.pause();const a="image/jpeg",d=y("canvas"),l=d.getContext("2d");d.width=i,d.height=r,setTimeout(()=>{l.drawImage(t,0,0,d.width,d.height),n(d.toDataURL(a))},500)})}function ie(t,e){return new Promise((i,r)=>{const n=t.type;/^(image|video)/.test(n)?RegExp.$1==="image"?T(t,e).then(i).catch(r):H(t,e).then(i).catch(r):r(new Error(`File type[${n}] not supported`))})}c.base64ToBlob=D,c.createBlobURL=b,c.createElement=y,c.fileToBase64=U,c.formatBytes=x,c.handleImageFile=T,c.handleMediaFile=ie,c.handleVideoFile=H,c.splitBase64=R,Object.defineProperties(c,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}})});
"name": "image-process",
"version": "4.3.0",
"description": "A Image clipping or scaling, support local or same domain video file screenshot. It's implemented in canvas.",
"version": "4.3.1",
"description": "A Image clipping or scaling, support local or same domain video file screenshot. It's implemented in canvas.",
"main": "dist/image-process.umd.js",

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ "module": "dist/",

"dev": "cd packages/demo && pnpm run dev",
"demo:build": "cd packages/demo && pnpm run build",
"build:demo": "cd packages/demo && pnpm run build",
"build": "cd packages/core && pnpm run build",

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ "docs": "cd packages/core && pnpm run docs",

@@ -46,2 +46,3 @@ # image-process

<script src="./dist/image-process.umd.js"></script>

@@ -89,3 +90,3 @@ imageProcess.handleMediaFile(file, options)

file|`File`|yes|Image or video file.
options|`Partial<MediaFileHandlerOptions>`|no|See [MediaFileHandlerOptions](#MediaFileHandlerOptions).
options|`MediaFileHandlerOptions`|no|See [MediaFileHandlerOptions](#MediaFileHandlerOptions).

@@ -120,3 +121,3 @@ - @returns `Promise<MediaFileHandlerResult>` See [MediaFileHandlerResult](#MediaFileHandlerResult).

height|`number`|no|The `height` of the processed image. Default is `0`.
longestSide|`number`|no|The size of the longest side. Valid when width and height are `0`. Default is `0`.
longEdge|`number`|no|The value of long edge. Valid when width and height are `0`. Default is `0`.
cropInfo|`OptionsCropInfo`|no|See [OptionsCropInfo](#OptionsCropInfo).

@@ -150,4 +151,4 @@

height?: number
// The size of the longest side. Valid when width and height are `0`. Default is `0`.
longestSide?: number
// The value of long edge. Valid when width and height are `0`. Default is `0`.
longEdge?: number
// See [OptionsCropInfo](#OptionsCropInfo).

@@ -174,3 +175,3 @@ cropInfo?: OptionsCropInfo

element|`HTMLImageElement`/`HTMLCanvasElement`|yes|`HTMLImageElement` or `HTMLCanvasElement`.
raw|`MediaFileHandlerRawData`|yes|Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData].(#MediaFileHandlerRawData).
raw|`MediaFileHandlerRawData`|yes|Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData](#MediaFileHandlerRawData).

@@ -184,3 +185,3 @@ <details>

element: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement
// Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData].(#MediaFileHandlerRawData).
// Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData](#MediaFileHandlerRawData).
raw: MediaFileHandlerRawData

@@ -242,3 +243,3 @@ }

element|`HTMLImageElement`/`HTMLCanvasElement`|yes|`HTMLImageElement` or `HTMLCanvasElement`.
raw|`MediaFileHandlerRawData`|yes|Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData].(#MediaFileHandlerRawData).
raw|`MediaFileHandlerRawData`|yes|Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData](#MediaFileHandlerRawData).
videoInfo|`VideoInfo`|no|Video file information. See [VideoInfo](#videoinfo).

@@ -369,3 +370,3 @@

height|`number`|no|The `height` of the processed image. Default is `0`.
longestSide|`number`|no|The size of the longest side. Valid when width and height are `0`. Default is `0`.
longEdge|`number`|no|The value of long edge. Valid when width and height are `0`. Default is `0`.
cropInfo|`OptionsCropInfo`|no|See [OptionsCropInfo](#OptionsCropInfo).

@@ -402,3 +403,3 @@ currentTime|`number`|no|The `HTMLMediaElement` interface's `currentTime` property specifies the current playback time in seconds. If it is longer than the video duration, the last frame will be captured. The default is a `random` timestamp in the video duration.

element|`HTMLImageElement`/`HTMLCanvasElement`|yes|`HTMLImageElement` or `HTMLCanvasElement`.
raw|`MediaFileHandlerRawData`|yes|Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData].(#MediaFileHandlerRawData).
raw|`MediaFileHandlerRawData`|yes|Raw information of the image file being processed. See [MediaFileHandlerRawData](#MediaFileHandlerRawData).
videoInfo|`VideoInfo`|yes|When taking a screenshot of the video, the original video file information. See [VideoInfo](#VideoInfo).

@@ -405,0 +406,0 @@