An infinite list of shuffled elements ∞
Takes a reference set of items , returns a random item from this array, infinitely. Never pass 2 identical items in a row.
- non-deterministic
- goes through a full set before shuffling again
- will
the given array
Useful for generating an infinite grid based on different patterns/positions, or showing random informations without showing the same item multiple times.
Installation :package:
npm i infinite-random-list -S
Usage & example :floppy_disk:
import InfiniteRandomList from 'infinite-random-list'
let list = new InfiniteRandomList(['Emma', 'Hannah', 'Alex', 'Mia'])
list.get() // 'Alex'
list.get() // 'Mia'
list.get() // 'Emma'
list.get() // 'Hannah'
// shuffles again here
list.get() // 'Mia'
list.get() // 'Alex'
new InfiniteRandomList(items)
Returns a list instance populated with items
Sets items (Array) as the reference items.
Returns one item from the original set (passed using list.set(items)
or the constructor). Always returns something (i.e. the list doesn't get empty). Always return a different item.
License :pencil: