This plugin for graphql code generator generates types and runtime codecs for a given GraphQL Schema using io-ts to give runtime type safety.
Missing features:
- Custom codecs for custom Scalars
- Name aliases
operation types
- At least one Mutation will be present
- At least one Query will be present
will be generated on all types and selections automatically
The general flow to generate the types is as follows:
- Parse the schema into an AST
- Filter to Type Definitions and run topological sort on it so that dependant types appear first (this is crucial to printing the codecs in the correct order).
- Convert sorted graph to an io-ts AST representation.
- Build io-ts representation of all selections backing the selections with the above io-ts AST.
- Build io-ts representation of selection variables again backed with the above io-ts AST.
- Print all helpers to perform nested selections on codecs.
- Pretty print all io-ts ASTs.
's Intersection type is bound to a minimum of 2 codecs and a maximum of 5. When performing selections and merging them with intersection types these bounds need to be honored. Currently this plugin only supports the merging of 25 codecs.