helps save and load game data and hiscores into ipfs. I made this intending to use it during the next ludum dare game jam.
uses the ipfs api by wrapping ipfs.add
npm install
make sure you have an IPFS daemon running locally, or use these environment variables to set the location of your IPFS daemon (API must be enabled and accessible)
Available environment variables:
See example dir for more detailed and commented code
Save game data to IPFS
var ipfsPlay = require('ipfsPlay');
var saveData = {"level": 5};
ipfsPlay.save(saveData, function(err, key) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
console.log('your game is saved! To load your game later, use the key ' + key);
Load game data from IPFS
var key = 'QmPJQv5888kUNFXLvr8duLu9De6sgGog896jBGYnBWk6f1';
ipfsPlay.load(key, function (err, gameData) {
if (err) return console.error('problem loading! ' + err);
var level = gameData.level;
console.log('Welcome back, player. you are on level ' + level);
see example directory for more detail and commented code
Future ideas