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Determine if an object is a Stream

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13.7 kB

Package description

What is isstream?

The isstream npm package is a simple utility to check if an object is a stream. It provides functions to determine if an object is a readable, writable, or duplex stream.

What are isstream's main functionalities?

Check if an object is a stream

This feature allows you to check if a given object is a stream. In this example, we use the fs module to create a readable stream and then check if it is a stream using isStream.

const isStream = require('isstream');
const fs = require('fs');

const readableStream = fs.createReadStream('example.txt');
console.log(isStream(readableStream)); // true

Check if an object is a readable stream

This feature allows you to check if a given object is a readable stream. In this example, we use the fs module to create a readable stream and then check if it is a readable stream using isStream.isReadable.

const isStream = require('isstream');
const fs = require('fs');

const readableStream = fs.createReadStream('example.txt');
console.log(isStream.isReadable(readableStream)); // true

Check if an object is a writable stream

This feature allows you to check if a given object is a writable stream. In this example, we use the fs module to create a writable stream and then check if it is a writable stream using isStream.isWritable.

const isStream = require('isstream');
const fs = require('fs');

const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('example.txt');
console.log(isStream.isWritable(writableStream)); // true

Check if an object is a duplex stream

This feature allows you to check if a given object is a duplex stream. In this example, we create a duplex stream using the stream module and then check if it is a duplex stream using isStream.isDuplex.

const isStream = require('isstream');
const { Duplex } = require('stream');

const duplexStream = new Duplex();
console.log(isStream.isDuplex(duplexStream)); // true

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Test if an object is a Stream


The missing Stream.isStream(obj): determine if an object is standard Node.js Stream. Works for Node-core Stream objects (for 0.8, 0.10, 0.11, and in theory, older and newer versions) and all versions of readable-stream.


var isStream = require('isstream')
var Stream = require('stream')

isStream(new Stream()) // true

isStream({}) // false

isStream(new Stream.Readable())    // true
isStream(new Stream.Writable())    // true
isStream(new Stream.Duplex())      // true
isStream(new Stream.Transform())   // true
isStream(new Stream.PassThrough()) // true

But wait! There's more!

You can also test for isReadable(obj), isWritable(obj) and isDuplex(obj) to test for implementations of Streams2 (and Streams3) base classes.

var isReadable = require('isstream').isReadable
var isWritable = require('isstream').isWritable
var isDuplex = require('isstream').isDuplex
var Stream = require('stream')

isReadable(new Stream()) // false
isWritable(new Stream()) // false
isDuplex(new Stream())   // false

isReadable(new Stream.Readable())    // true
isReadable(new Stream.Writable())    // false
isReadable(new Stream.Duplex())      // true
isReadable(new Stream.Transform())   // true
isReadable(new Stream.PassThrough()) // true

isWritable(new Stream.Readable())    // false
isWritable(new Stream.Writable())    // true
isWritable(new Stream.Duplex())      // true
isWritable(new Stream.Transform())   // true
isWritable(new Stream.PassThrough()) // true

isDuplex(new Stream.Readable())    // false
isDuplex(new Stream.Writable())    // false
isDuplex(new Stream.Duplex())      // true
isDuplex(new Stream.Transform())   // true
isDuplex(new Stream.PassThrough()) // true

Reminder: when implementing your own streams, please use readable-stream rather than core streams.


isStream is Copyright (c) 2015 Rod Vagg @rvagg and licenced under the MIT licence. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included file for more details.



Package last updated on 07 Mar 2015

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