Use shell commands directly from nodejs, nice and synchronous, so you
can build easy command line scripts in node much like in Ruby.
So much like Ruby in fact, that here are the samples in coffeescript
shell "ls ."
And pipelines...
shell "ls . | grep lib"
Or if you us just plain Javascript
shell("ls .");
And of course, you can subshell and capture output
stuff = $("ls .")
Puts shellscript's functions on global, so you can call them without
an intermediate variable or namespace, useful to make this feel a lot
more like other languages with built in synchronous shelling.
shell(command, exitOnError)
This just runs a command using your current $SHELL
or /bin/sh
if not
set. It pipes stdout and stderr into the parent, and blocks until
complete. This is the workhorse make a shell script function.
If exitOnError
is true, this will exit the process for any non 0 exit
code. Handy if you just want to exit and avoid error checking the return
An object with properties:
- pid: pid of the shelled process, now exited
- exitCode: exit code of the shelled process
- signalCode: signal on exit of the shelled process
- stdout: standard out, captured as a string
- stderr: standard error, captured as a string
Much like shell
above, but instead of returning process information,
returns the string that is stdout, or empty for a non-zero exit code.
$(command, args...)
In this version, if you pass args, either as a CoffeeScript splat or
JavaScript array, the command will be invoked directly without a
subshell. This is a tiny bit faster, and sometimes what you need if you
don't want to run a shell pipeline.