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Comparing version 1.19.0 to 1.20.0


@@ -5,2 +5,11 @@ # Change Log

# [1.20.0]( (2020-01-16)
### Features
* add JWTExpired error and JWTClaimInvalid claim and reason props ([a0c0c7a](, closes [#62](
# [1.19.0]( (2020-01-13)

@@ -7,0 +16,0 @@



@@ -16,2 +16,3 @@ const CODES = {


@@ -77,3 +78,11 @@ }

module.exports.JWTClaimInvalid = class JWTClaimInvalid extends JOSEError {}
class JWTClaimInvalid extends JOSEError {
constructor (message, claim = 'unspecified', reason = 'unspecified') {
this.claim = claim
this.reason = reason
module.exports.JWTClaimInvalid = JWTClaimInvalid
module.exports.JWTExpired = class JWTExpired extends JWTClaimInvalid {}
module.exports.JWTMalformed = class JWTMalformed extends JOSEError {}


const isNotString = val => typeof val !== 'string' || val.length === 0
module.exports.isNotString = isNotString
module.exports.isString = function isString (Err, value, label, required = false) {
module.exports.isString = function isString (Err, value, label, claim, required = false) {
if (required && value === undefined) {
throw new Err(`${label} is missing`)
throw new Err(`${label} is missing`, claim, 'missing')
if (value !== undefined && isNotString(value)) {
throw new Err(`${label} must be a string`)
throw new Err(`${label} must be a string`, claim, 'invalid')

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ const isObject = require('../help/is_object')

const { KeyStore } = require('../jwks')
const { JWTClaimInvalid } = require('../errors')
const { JWTClaimInvalid, JWTExpired } = require('../errors')

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ const { isString, isNotString } = require('./shared_validations')

if (required && value === undefined) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim is missing`)
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim is missing`, label, 'missing')
if (value !== undefined && (typeof value !== 'number' || !Number.isSafeInteger(value))) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim must be a unix timestamp`)
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim must be a unix timestamp`, label, 'invalid')

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ }

if (required && value === undefined) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim is missing`)
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim is missing`, label, 'missing')
if (value !== undefined && (isNotString(value) && isNotArrayOfStrings(value))) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim must be a string or array of strings`)
throw new JWTClaimInvalid(`"${label}" claim must be a string or array of strings`, label, 'invalid')

@@ -154,3 +154,3 @@ }

const validateTypes = ({ header, payload }, profile, options) => {
isPayloadString(header.alg, '"alg" header parameter', true)
isPayloadString(header.alg, '"alg" header parameter', 'alg', true)

@@ -161,18 +161,18 @@ isTimestamp(payload.iat, 'iat', profile === IDTOKEN || profile === LOGOUTTOKEN || !!options.maxTokenAge)

isTimestamp(payload.nbf, 'nbf')
isPayloadString(payload.jti, '"jti" claim', profile === LOGOUTTOKEN || !!options.jti)
isPayloadString(payload.acr, '"acr" claim')
isPayloadString(payload.nonce, '"nonce" claim', !!options.nonce)
isPayloadString(payload.iss, '"iss" claim', profile === IDTOKEN || profile === ATJWT || profile === LOGOUTTOKEN || !!options.issuer)
isPayloadString(payload.sub, '"sub" claim', profile === IDTOKEN || profile === ATJWT || !!options.subject)
isPayloadString(payload.jti, '"jti" claim', 'jti', profile === LOGOUTTOKEN || !!options.jti)
isPayloadString(payload.acr, '"acr" claim', 'acr')
isPayloadString(payload.nonce, '"nonce" claim', 'nonce', !!options.nonce)
isPayloadString(payload.iss, '"iss" claim', 'iss', profile === IDTOKEN || profile === ATJWT || profile === LOGOUTTOKEN || !!options.issuer)
isPayloadString(payload.sub, '"sub" claim', 'sub', profile === IDTOKEN || profile === ATJWT || !!options.subject)
isStringOrArrayOfStrings(payload.aud, 'aud', profile === IDTOKEN || profile === ATJWT || profile === LOGOUTTOKEN || !!options.audience)
isPayloadString(payload.azp, '"azp" claim', profile === IDTOKEN && Array.isArray(payload.aud) && payload.aud.length > 1)
isPayloadString(payload.azp, '"azp" claim', 'azp', profile === IDTOKEN && Array.isArray(payload.aud) && payload.aud.length > 1)
isStringOrArrayOfStrings(payload.amr, 'amr')
if (profile === ATJWT) {
isPayloadString(payload.client_id, '"client_id" claim', true)
isPayloadString(header.typ, '"typ" header parameter', true)
isPayloadString(payload.client_id, '"client_id" claim', 'client_id', true)
isPayloadString(header.typ, '"typ" header parameter', 'typ', true)
if (profile === LOGOUTTOKEN) {
isPayloadString(payload.sid, '"sid" claim')
isPayloadString(payload.sid, '"sid" claim', 'sid')

@@ -184,19 +184,19 @@ if (!('sid' in payload) && !('sub' in payload)) {

if ('nonce' in payload) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"nonce" claim is prohibited')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"nonce" claim is prohibited', 'nonce', 'prohibited')
if (!('events' in payload)) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"events" claim is missing')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"events" claim is missing', 'events', 'missing')
if (!isObject( {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"events" claim must be an object')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"events" claim must be an object', 'events', 'invalid')
if (!('' in {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"" member is missing in the "events" claim')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"" member is missing in the "events" claim', 'events', 'invalid')
if (!isObject([''])) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"" member in the "events" claim must be an object')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"" member in the "events" claim must be an object', 'events', 'invalid')

@@ -240,19 +240,19 @@ }

if (issuer && decoded.payload.iss !== issuer) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "iss" claim value')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "iss" claim value', 'iss', 'check_failed')
if (nonce && decoded.payload.nonce !== nonce) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "nonce" claim value')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "nonce" claim value', 'nonce', 'check_failed')
if (subject && decoded.payload.sub !== subject) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "sub" claim value')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "sub" claim value', 'sub', 'check_failed')
if (jti && decoded.payload.jti !== jti) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "jti" claim value')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "jti" claim value', 'jti', 'check_failed')
if (audience && !checkAudiencePresence(decoded.payload.aud, typeof audience === 'string' ? [audience] : audience, profile)) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "aud" claim value')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "aud" claim value', 'aud', 'check_failed')

@@ -265,3 +265,3 @@

if (decoded.payload.auth_time + maxAuthAgeSeconds < unix - tolerance) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"auth_time" claim timestamp check failed (too much time has elapsed since the last End-User authentication)')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"auth_time" claim timestamp check failed (too much time has elapsed since the last End-User authentication)', 'auth_time', 'check_failed')

@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ }

if (!ignoreIat && !('exp' in decoded.payload) && 'iat' in decoded.payload && decoded.payload.iat > unix + tolerance) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"iat" claim timestamp check failed (it should be in the past)')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"iat" claim timestamp check failed (it should be in the past)', 'iat', 'check_failed')
if (!ignoreNbf && 'nbf' in decoded.payload && decoded.payload.nbf > unix + tolerance) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"nbf" claim timestamp check failed')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"nbf" claim timestamp check failed', 'nbf', 'check_failed')
if (!ignoreExp && 'exp' in decoded.payload && decoded.payload.exp <= unix - tolerance) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"exp" claim timestamp check failed')
throw new JWTExpired('"exp" claim timestamp check failed', 'exp', 'check_failed')

@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@

if (age - tolerance > max) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"iat" claim timestamp check failed (too far in the past)')
throw new JWTExpired('"iat" claim timestamp check failed (too far in the past)', 'iat', 'check_failed')
if (age < 0 - tolerance) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"iat" claim timestamp check failed (it should be in the past)')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('"iat" claim timestamp check failed (it should be in the past)', 'iat', 'check_failed')

@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ }

if (profile === IDTOKEN && Array.isArray(decoded.payload.aud) && decoded.payload.aud.length > 1 && decoded.payload.azp !== audience) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "azp" claim value')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('unexpected "azp" claim value', 'azp', 'check_failed')
if (profile === ATJWT && decoded.header.typ !== ATJWT) {
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('invalid JWT typ header value for the used validation profile')
throw new JWTClaimInvalid('invalid JWT typ header value for the used validation profile', 'typ', 'check_failed')

@@ -305,0 +305,0 @@

"name": "jose",
"version": "1.19.0",
"version": "1.20.0",
"description": "JSON Web Almost Everything - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWK, JWT, JWKS for Node.js with minimal dependencies",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -410,23 +410,33 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

export namespace errors {
class JOSEError extends Error {}
class JOSEMultiError extends JOSEError {}
class JOSEError<T = string> extends Error {
code: T;
class JOSEAlgNotWhitelisted extends JOSEError {}
class JOSECritNotUnderstood extends JOSEError {}
class JOSENotSupported extends JOSEError {}
class JOSEInvalidEncoding extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_INVALID_ENCODING'> {}
class JOSEMultiError extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_MULTIPLE_ERRORS'> {}
class JWEDecryptionFailed extends JOSEError {}
class JWEInvalid extends JOSEError {}
class JOSEAlgNotWhitelisted extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_ALG_NOT_WHITELISTED'> {}
class JOSECritNotUnderstood extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_CRIT_NOT_UNDERSTOOD'> {}
class JOSENotSupported extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_NOT_SUPPORTED'> {}
class JWKImportFailed extends JOSEError {}
class JWKInvalid extends JOSEError {}
class JWKKeySupport extends JOSEError {}
class JWEDecryptionFailed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWE_DECRYPTION_FAILED'> {}
class JWEInvalid extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWE_INVALID'> {}
class JWKSNoMatchingKey extends JOSEError {}
class JWKImportFailed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWK_IMPORT_FAILED'> {}
class JWKInvalid extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWK_INVALID'> {}
class JWKKeySupport extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWK_KEY_SUPPORT'> {}
class JWSInvalid extends JOSEError {}
class JWSVerificationFailed extends JOSEError {}
class JWKSNoMatchingKey extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWKS_NO_MATCHING_KEY'> {}
class JWTClaimInvalid extends JOSEError {}
class JWTMalformed extends JOSEError {}
class JWSInvalid extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWS_INVALID'> {}
class JWSVerificationFailed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWS_VERIFICATION_FAILED'> {}
class JWTClaimInvalid<T = 'ERR_JWT_CLAIM_INVALID'> extends JOSEError<T> {
constructor(message?: string, claim?: string, reason?: string);
claim: string;
reason: 'prohibited' | 'missing' | 'invalid' | 'check_failed' | 'unspecified';
class JWTExpired extends JWTClaimInvalid<'ERR_JWT_EXPIRED'> {}
class JWTMalformed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWT_MALFORMED'> {}
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