A jQuery plugin to display your Node Modules on NPM.
Getting started
Three quick start options are available:
Use Bower to fetch all dependencies:
$ bower install
Now you're ready to go!
<div id="example"></div>
Include jQuery:
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Include plugin's JS:
<script src="jquery.nodeico.min.js"></script>
Call the plugin:
Check full example's source code.
Here's a list of available settings.
name: 'some-node-module',
type: 'standard',
downloads: true,
rank: true,
stars: true
name | String | jquery-nodeico | The name of the node module. |
type | String | standard | How is the badge ('standard', 'mini', 'compact', 'histogram'). |
downloads | Boolean | false | Displays the number of downloads that the module has. |
rank | Boolean | false | Displays the download rank of the module. |
stars | Boolean | false | Displays the number of stars that the module has. |
months | Number | 1 | How many months ago should display ('12', '9', '6', '3', '1'). |
height | Number | 1 | The height of the histograms, there are 3 heights ('1', '2', '3') |
Built on top of nodei.co.
Used jQuery Boilerplate to generate the structure.
MIT License © Lucas Vieira