JSON template literal tag
Template literal tag function that escapes arguments as JSON values.
Zero dependency. Supports both ESM and CJS.
uses JSON.stringify()
to escape the template literal's arguments.
import {jlit} from 'jlit'
jlit`string: ${'double quote "'}`
jlit`number: ${1337}`
jlit`boolean: ${true} & ${false}`
jlit`null: ${null}`
jlit`array: ${['double quote "', null, 1337]}`
jlit`object: ${{doubleQuote: '"', doubleNumber: 1.337e+3}}`
You will get the following strings:
string: "double quote \""
number: 1337
boolean: true & false
null: null
array: ["double quote \"",null,1337]
object: {"doubleQuote":"\"","doubleNumber":1337}
It works as follows, this:
jlit`text ${value}`
Is essentialy this:
`text ${JSON.stringify(value)}`