Jupyter Book

Jupyter Book is an open-source tool for building publication-quality books and documents from computational material.
Jupyter Book allows users to
- write their content in Markdown files or Jupyter notebooks,
- include computational elements (e.g., code cells) in either type,
- include rich syntax such as citations, cross-references, and numbered equations, and
- using a simple command, run the embedded code cells, cache the outputs and convert this content into:
- a web-based interactive book and
- a publication-quality PDF.
Governance of This Project
Jupyter Book 2 is still developing relatively rapidly, so please be patient if things change or features iterate and change quickly.
Contribute or Improve The Book
Notice a typo in the text? Want to add a cool feature so that others can enjoy the improvements to Jupyter Books?
. We'd love your help!
Jupyter Book is maintained and primarily developed by the Jupyter Book Project.