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jwallet-web-keystore - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ 'use strict';

if (encryptionType === 'nacl.secretbox') {
return encryptNaclSecretbox(otherProps);
if (encryptionType !== 'nacl.secretbox') {
throw new Error('Encryption type ' + encryptionType + ' is not supported');
throw new Error('Encryption type ' + encryptionType + ' is not supported');
return encryptNaclSecretbox(otherProps);

@@ -34,2 +34,6 @@

if (encryptedData == null) {
throw new Error('Password is invalid');
return encodeEncryptedData(encryptedData, nonce, 'nacl.secretbox');

@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ }

if (encryptionType === 'nacl.secretbox') {
return decryptNaclSecretbox(props);
if (encryptionType !== 'nacl.secretbox') {
throw new Error('Decryption type ' + encryptionType + ' is not supported');
throw new Error('Decryption type ' + encryptionType + ' is not supported');
return decryptNaclSecretbox(props);

@@ -93,3 +97,3 @@

if (decryptedData == null) {
throw new Error('Decryption failed');
throw new Error('Password is invalid');

@@ -96,0 +100,0 @@

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ 'use strict';

var R = require('ramda');
var uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');

@@ -16,19 +17,13 @@ var bitcore = require('bitcore-lib');

var _require = require('lodash'),
find = _require.find,
findIndex = _require.findIndex;
var utils = require('./utils');
var encryption = require('./encryption');
var _testPassword = require('./password');
var _testPassword2 = require('./password');
var _require2 = require('./mnemonic'),
_generateMnemonic = _require2.generateMnemonic,
_isMnemonicValid = _require2.isMnemonicValid,
_isBip32XPublicKeyValid = _require2.isBip32XPublicKeyValid;
var _require = require('./mnemonic'),
_generateMnemonic = _require.generateMnemonic,
_isMnemonicValid = _require.isMnemonicValid,
_isBip32XPublicKeyValid = _require.isBip32XPublicKeyValid;
var packageData = require('../package.json');
var Keystore = function () {

@@ -40,3 +35,3 @@ function Keystore() {

this.accounts = [];
this.wallets = [];
this.defaultDerivationPath = props.defaultDerivationPath || "m/44'/60'/0'/0";

@@ -49,6 +44,5 @@ this.defaultEncryptionType = props.defaultEncryptionType || 'nacl.secretbox';

this.passwordConfig = props.passwordConfig || {};
this.addressesFromMnemonicPerIteration = 5;
this.mnemonicType = 'mnemonic';
this.addressType = 'address';
this.checkPasswordData = null;
this.salt = utils.generateSalt(this.saltByteCount);
this.version = packageData.version;

@@ -58,108 +52,101 @@ }

_createClass(Keystore, [{
key: 'getAccounts',
value: function getAccounts() {
return this.accounts;
key: 'getWallets',
value: function getWallets() {
return R.clone(this.wallets);
}, {
key: 'getAccount',
value: function getAccount(findProps) {
if (!(findProps && {
throw new Error('Account ID not provided');
key: 'getWallet',
value: function getWallet(walletId) {
if (!walletId) {
throw new Error('Wallet ID not provided');
return this._getAccount(findProps);
}, {
key: 'removeAccount',
value: function removeAccount(accountId) {
var accountIndex = this._getAccountIndex(accountId);
var wallet = R.find(R.propEq('id', walletId))(this.wallets);
if (accountIndex === -1) {
return false;
if (!wallet) {
throw new Error('Wallet with id ' + walletId + ' not found');
this.accounts.splice(accountIndex, 1);
return R.clone(wallet);
}, {
key: 'removeWallet',
value: function removeWallet(walletId) {
var wallet = this.getWallet(walletId);
if (!this.accounts.length) {
var isNotWalletId = function isNotWalletId(_ref) {
var id =;
return id !== walletId;
this.wallets = R.filter(isNotWalletId)(this.wallets);
return true;
return wallet;
}, {
key: 'removeAccounts',
value: function removeAccounts(password) {
if (password) {
this.accounts = [];
key: 'removeWallets',
value: function removeWallets() {
this.wallets = [];
}, {
key: 'createAccount',
value: function createAccount(props) {
key: 'createWallet',
value: function createWallet(props) {
var type = props.type,
isReadOnly = props.isReadOnly,
password = props.password,
accountName = props.accountName,
otherProps = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ['type', 'isReadOnly', 'password', 'accountName']);
name =,
otherProps = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ['type', 'isReadOnly', 'password', 'name']);
this._checkAccountUniqueness({ accountName: accountName }, 'name');
var extendedAccountInfo = this._getExtendedAccountInfo(accountName);
var accountData = _extends({}, otherProps, extendedAccountInfo, { password: password });
var extendedInfo = this._getExtendedWalletInfo(name);
var walletData = _extends({}, otherProps, extendedInfo, { password: password });
this._checkWalletUniqueness(, 'name');
var createAccountHandler = void 0;
if (type === this.mnemonicType) {
createAccountHandler = isReadOnly ? this._createReadOnlyMnemonicAccount : this._createMnemonicAccount;
if (isReadOnly) {
} else {
} else if (type === this.addressType) {
createAccountHandler = isReadOnly ? this._createReadOnlyAddressAccount : this._createAddressAccount;
if (isReadOnly) {
} else {
} else {
throw new Error('Type of account not provided or incorrect');
throw new Error('Type of wallet not provided or invalid');
}, accountData);
}, {
key: 'setAccountName',
value: function setAccountName(accountId, accountName) {
var account = this.getAccount({ id: accountId });
key: 'setWalletName',
value: function setWalletName(walletId, name) {
var wallet = this.getWallet(walletId);
if (account.accountName === accountName) {
return account;
if (!name) {
throw new Error('New wallet name should not be empty');
} else if ( === name) {
throw new Error('New wallet name should not be equal with the old one');
this._checkAccountUniqueness({ accountName: accountName }, 'name');
this._checkWalletUniqueness(name, 'name');
if (!(accountName && accountName.length)) {
throw new Error('New account name should be not empty');
return this._setAccount(account, { accountName: accountName });
return this._updateWallet(walletId, { name: name });
}, {
key: 'getPrivateKey',
value: function getPrivateKey(password, accountId) {
var addressIndex = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
value: function getPrivateKey(password, walletId) {
var _getWallet = this.getWallet(walletId),
isReadOnly = _getWallet.isReadOnly,
type = _getWallet.type,
salt = _getWallet.salt,
encrypted = _getWallet.encrypted;
var account = this.getAccount({ id: accountId });
var privateKey = type === this.mnemonicType ? this._getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(password, walletId) : this._decryptPrivateKey(encrypted.privateKey, password, salt);
var type = account.type,
encrypted = account.encrypted;
var privateKey = type === 'address' ? this._decryptData(encrypted.privateKey, password, true) : this._getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(password, account, addressIndex);
return utils.add0x(privateKey);

@@ -169,19 +156,24 @@ }

key: 'setAddressIndex',
value: function setAddressIndex(accountId) {
value: function setAddressIndex(walletId) {
var addressIndex = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
var account = this.getAccount({ id: accountId, type: this.mnemonicType });
var _getWallet2 = this.getWallet(walletId),
type = _getWallet2.type;
return this._setAccount(account, { addressIndex: addressIndex });
return this._updateWallet(walletId, { addressIndex: addressIndex });
}, {
key: 'setDerivationPath',
value: function setDerivationPath(password, accountId, newDerivationPath) {
var account = this.getAccount({ id: accountId, type: this.mnemonicType });
value: function setDerivationPath(password, walletId, newDerivationPath) {
var _getWallet3 = this.getWallet(walletId),
isReadOnly = _getWallet3.isReadOnly,
type = _getWallet3.type,
salt = _getWallet3.salt,
encrypted = _getWallet3.encrypted,
derivationPath = _getWallet3.derivationPath;

@@ -192,15 +184,11 @@ if (!this.constructor.isDerivationPathValid(newDerivationPath)) {

var encrypted = account.encrypted,
derivationPath = account.derivationPath;
if (newDerivationPath === derivationPath) {
if (R.equals(R.toLower(newDerivationPath), R.toLower(derivationPath))) {
throw new Error('Can not set the same derivation path');
var xpub = this._getXPubFromMnemonic(password, encrypted.mnemonic, newDerivationPath);
var xpub = this._getXPubFromMnemonic(password, salt, encrypted.mnemonic, newDerivationPath);
this._checkAccountUniqueness({ bip32XPublicKey: xpub }, 'xpub');
this._checkWalletUniqueness(xpub, 'bip32XPublicKey');
return this._setAccount(account, {
return this._updateWallet(walletId, {
derivationPath: newDerivationPath,

@@ -212,33 +200,38 @@ bip32XPublicKey: xpub

key: 'getAddressesFromMnemonic',
value: function getAddressesFromMnemonic(accountId) {
value: function getAddressesFromMnemonic(walletId) {
var iteration = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
var limit = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : ADDRESSES_PER_ITERATION_LIMIT;
var limit = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : this.addressesFromMnemonicPerIteration;
var account = this.getAccount({ id: accountId, type: this.mnemonicType });
var _getWallet4 = this.getWallet(walletId),
type = _getWallet4.type,
bip32XPublicKey = _getWallet4.bip32XPublicKey;
return this._generateAddresses(account.bip32XPublicKey, iteration, limit);
return this._generateAddresses(bip32XPublicKey, iteration, limit);
}, {
key: 'getAddressFromMnemonic',
value: function getAddressFromMnemonic(accountId) {
var addressIndex = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
key: 'getAddress',
value: function getAddress(walletId) {
var _getWallet5 = this.getWallet(walletId),
type = _getWallet5.type,
address = _getWallet5.address,
addressIndex = _getWallet5.addressIndex,
bip32XPublicKey = _getWallet5.bip32XPublicKey;
var account = this.getAccount({ id: accountId, type: this.mnemonicType });
return this._generateAddresses(account.bip32XPublicKey, addressIndex, 1).shift();
return type === this.mnemonicType ? R.head(this._generateAddresses(bip32XPublicKey, addressIndex, 1)) : address;
}, {
key: 'getMnemonic',
value: function getMnemonic(password, accountId) {
var account = this.getAccount({ id: accountId, type: this.mnemonicType });
value: function getMnemonic(password, walletId) {
var _getWallet6 = this.getWallet(walletId),
isReadOnly = _getWallet6.isReadOnly,
type = _getWallet6.type,
salt = _getWallet6.salt,
encrypted = _getWallet6.encrypted;
var paddedMnemonic = this._decryptData(account.encrypted.mnemonic, password);
var paddedMnemonic = this._decryptData(encrypted.mnemonic, password, salt);

@@ -248,2 +241,36 @@ return paddedMnemonic.trim();

}, {
key: 'getDecryptedWallet',
value: function getDecryptedWallet(password, walletId) {
var _getWallet7 = this.getWallet(walletId),
id =,
isReadOnly = _getWallet7.isReadOnly,
type = _getWallet7.type,
name =,
address = _getWallet7.address,
salt = _getWallet7.salt,
encrypted = _getWallet7.encrypted;
var walletData = {
id: id,
name: name,
type: type,
readOnly: isReadOnly ? 'yes' : 'no'
if (isReadOnly) {
return walletData;
if (type === this.mnemonicType) {
return R.assoc('mnemonic', this._decryptData(encrypted.mnemonic, password, salt))(walletData);
return R.compose(R.assoc('address', address), R.assoc('privateKey', this._decryptPrivateKey(encrypted.privateKey, password, salt)))(walletData);
}, {
key: 'setPassword',
value: function setPassword(password, newPassword, walletId) {
this._reEncryptData(password, newPassword, walletId);
}, {
key: 'serialize',

@@ -256,59 +283,19 @@ value: function serialize() {

value: function deserialize(backupData) {
var data = void 0;
try {
var data = JSON.parse(backupData);
try {
data = JSON.parse(backupData);
return data;
} catch (err) {
throw new Error('Failed to parse backup data');
return data;
}, {
key: 'getDecryptedAccounts',
value: function getDecryptedAccounts(password) {
var _this = this;
return (account) {
var isReadOnly = account.isReadOnly,
type = account.type,
accountName = account.accountName,
address = account.address,
encrypted = account.encrypted;
var privateKey = encrypted.privateKey,
mnemonic = encrypted.mnemonic;
var decryptedPrivateKey = privateKey ? _this._decryptData(privateKey, password) : null;
var decryptedMnemonic = mnemonic ? _this._decryptData(mnemonic, password) : null;
return {
accountName: accountName,
type: type,
readOnly: isReadOnly ? 'yes' : 'no',
address: address || 'n/a',
privateKey: decryptedPrivateKey || 'n/a',
mnemonic: decryptedMnemonic ? decryptedMnemonic.trim() : 'n/a'
}, {
key: 'setPassword',
value: function setPassword(password, newPassword) {
this._reEncryptData(password, newPassword);
}, {
key: '_createMnemonicAccount',
value: function _createMnemonicAccount(props) {
key: '_createMnemonicWallet',
value: function _createMnemonicWallet(props) {
var id =,
password = props.password,
accountName = props.accountName;
name =;
var mnemonic = props.mnemonic.toLowerCase();
var mnemonic = R.toLower(props.mnemonic);
var derivationPath = props.derivationPath || this.defaultDerivationPath;

@@ -322,27 +309,35 @@

var salt = utils.generateSalt(this.saltByteCount);
var paddedMnemonic = utils.leftPadString(mnemonic, ' ', this.paddedMnemonicLength);
var encryptedMnemonic = this._encryptData(paddedMnemonic, password);
var bip32XPublicKey = this._getXPubFromMnemonic(password, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath);
var encryptedMnemonic = this._encryptData(paddedMnemonic, password, salt);
var xpub = this._getXPubFromMnemonic(password, salt, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath);
this._checkAccountUniqueness({ bip32XPublicKey: bip32XPublicKey }, 'xpub');
this._checkWalletUniqueness(xpub, 'bip32XPublicKey');
type: this.mnemonicType,
id: id,
accountName: accountName,
name: name,
salt: salt,
derivationPath: derivationPath,
bip32XPublicKey: bip32XPublicKey,
addressIndex: 0,
isReadOnly: false,
addressIndex: 0,
userType: 'mnemonic',
bip32XPublicKey: xpub,
type: this.mnemonicType,
encrypted: {
privateKey: null,
mnemonic: encryptedMnemonic
* Another wallet data, necessary for consistency of types
address: null
}, {
key: '_createReadOnlyMnemonicAccount',
value: function _createReadOnlyMnemonicAccount(props) {
key: '_createReadOnlyMnemonicWallet',
value: function _createReadOnlyMnemonicWallet(props) {
var id =,
bip32XPublicKey = props.bip32XPublicKey,
accountName = props.accountName;
name =;

@@ -354,89 +349,119 @@

this._checkAccountUniqueness({ bip32XPublicKey: bip32XPublicKey }, 'xpub');
this._checkWalletUniqueness(bip32XPublicKey, 'bip32XPublicKey');
type: this.mnemonicType,
id: id,
accountName: accountName,
name: name,
bip32XPublicKey: bip32XPublicKey,
addressIndex: 0,
isReadOnly: true,
addressIndex: 0,
encrypted: {}
userType: 'bip32Xpub',
type: this.mnemonicType,
* Another wallet data, necessary for consistency of types
salt: null,
address: null,
encrypted: null,
derivationPath: null
}, {
key: '_createAddressAccount',
value: function _createAddressAccount(props) {
key: '_createAddressWallet',
value: function _createAddressWallet(props) {
var id =,
password = props.password,
accountName = props.accountName,
name =,
privateKey = props.privateKey;
if (!utils.isValidPrivateKey(privateKey)) {
if (!utils.isPrivateKeyValid(privateKey)) {
throw new Error('Private Key is invalid');
var salt = utils.generateSalt(this.saltByteCount);
var address = utils.getAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey);
var addressLowerCase = address.toLowerCase();
this._checkAccountUniqueness({ addressLowerCase: addressLowerCase }, 'address');
this._checkWalletUniqueness(address, 'address');
type: this.addressType,
id: id,
name: name,
salt: salt,
address: address,
addressLowerCase: addressLowerCase,
accountName: accountName,
isReadOnly: false,
userType: 'privateKey',
type: this.addressType,
encrypted: {
privateKey: this._encryptData(privateKey, password, true)
mnemonic: null,
privateKey: this._encryptPrivateKey(privateKey, password, salt)
* Another wallet data, necessary for consistency of types
addressIndex: null,
derivationPath: null,
bip32XPublicKey: null
}, {
key: '_createReadOnlyAddressAccount',
value: function _createReadOnlyAddressAccount(props) {
key: '_createReadOnlyAddressWallet',
value: function _createReadOnlyAddressWallet(props) {
var id =,
accountName = props.accountName,
name =,
address = props.address;
if (!utils.isValidAddress(address)) {
if (!utils.isAddressValid(address)) {
throw new Error('Address is invalid');
var addressLowerCase = address.toLowerCase();
this._checkAccountUniqueness({ addressLowerCase: addressLowerCase }, 'address');
this._checkWalletUniqueness(address, 'address');
type: this.addressType,
id: id,
name: name,
address: address,
addressLowerCase: addressLowerCase,
accountName: accountName,
isReadOnly: true,
encrypted: {}
userType: 'address',
type: this.addressType,
* Another wallet data, necessary for consistency of types
salt: null,
encrypted: null,
addressIndex: null,
derivationPath: null,
bip32XPublicKey: null
}, {
key: '_getExtendedAccountInfo',
value: function _getExtendedAccountInfo(accountName) {
key: '_appendWallet',
value: function _appendWallet(wallet) {
this.wallets = R.append(wallet)(this.wallets);
}, {
key: '_getExtendedWalletInfo',
value: function _getExtendedWalletInfo(name) {
var id = uuidv4();
return { id: uuidv4(), accountName: accountName || id };
return { id: id, name: name || id };
}, {
key: '_deriveKeyFromPassword',
value: function _deriveKeyFromPassword(password) {
var scryptParams = this.scryptParams,
derivedKeyLength = this.derivedKeyLength,
salt = this.salt;
value: function _deriveKeyFromPassword(password, salt) {
if (!password) {
throw new Error('Password is empty');
return utils.deriveKeyFromPassword(password, scryptParams, derivedKeyLength, salt);
return utils.deriveKeyFromPassword(password, this.scryptParams, this.derivedKeyLength, salt);
}, {
key: '_encryptPrivateKey',
value: function _encryptPrivateKey(dataToEncrypt, password, salt) {
return this._encryptData(dataToEncrypt, password, salt, true);
}, {
key: '_encryptData',
value: function _encryptData(dataToEncrypt, password) {
var isPrivateKey = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
value: function _encryptData(dataToEncrypt, password, salt) {
var isPrivateKey = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false;

@@ -447,9 +472,14 @@ return encryption.encryptData({

encryptionType: this.defaultEncryptionType,
derivedKey: this._deriveKeyFromPassword(password)
derivedKey: this._deriveKeyFromPassword(password, salt)
}, {
key: '_decryptPrivateKey',
value: function _decryptPrivateKey(dataToDecrypt, password, salt) {
return this._decryptData(dataToDecrypt, password, salt, true);
}, {
key: '_decryptData',
value: function _decryptData(dataToDecrypt, password) {
var isPrivateKey = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
value: function _decryptData(dataToDecrypt, password, salt) {
var isPrivateKey = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false;

@@ -459,3 +489,3 @@ return encryption.decryptData({

data: dataToDecrypt,
derivedKey: this._deriveKeyFromPassword(password)
derivedKey: this._deriveKeyFromPassword(password, salt)

@@ -465,7 +495,10 @@ }

key: '_getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic',
value: function _getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(password, account, addressIndex) {
var encrypted = account.encrypted,
derivationPath = account.derivationPath;
value: function _getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(password, walletId) {
var _getWallet8 = this.getWallet(walletId),
encrypted = _getWallet8.encrypted,
derivationPath = _getWallet8.derivationPath,
addressIndex = _getWallet8.addressIndex,
salt = _getWallet8.salt;
var hdRoot = this._getPrivateHdRoot(password, encrypted.mnemonic, derivationPath);
var hdRoot = this._getPrivateHdRoot(password, salt, encrypted.mnemonic, derivationPath);
var generatedKey = this._generateKey(hdRoot, addressIndex);

@@ -478,18 +511,20 @@

value: function _generateAddresses(bip32XPublicKey, iteration, limit) {
var _this = this;
var keyIndexStart = iteration * limit;
var keyIndexEnd = keyIndexStart + limit;
var addresses = [];
var hdRoot = this._getPublicHdRoot(bip32XPublicKey);
var range = R.range(keyIndexStart, keyIndexEnd);
for (var index = keyIndexStart; index < keyIndexEnd; index += 1) {
var generatedKey = this._generateKey(hdRoot, index);
var publicKey = generatedKey.publicKey.toString();
var address = utils.getAddressFromPublicKey(publicKey);
return (index) {
return _this._generateAddress(hdRoot, index);
}, {
key: '_generateAddress',
value: function _generateAddress(hdRoot, index) {
var generatedKey = this._generateKey(hdRoot, index);
var publicKey = generatedKey.publicKey.toString();
return addresses;
return utils.getAddressFromPublicKey(publicKey);

@@ -516,4 +551,4 @@ }, {

key: '_getPrivateHdRoot',
value: function _getPrivateHdRoot(password, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath) {
var mnemonic = this._decryptData(encryptedMnemonic, password);
value: function _getPrivateHdRoot(password, salt, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath) {
var mnemonic = this._decryptData(encryptedMnemonic, password, salt);
var hdPath = this._getHdPath(mnemonic, derivationPath);

@@ -525,4 +560,4 @@

key: '_getXPubFromMnemonic',
value: function _getXPubFromMnemonic(password, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath) {
var hdRoot = this._getPrivateHdRoot(password, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath);
value: function _getXPubFromMnemonic(password, salt, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath) {
var hdRoot = this._getPrivateHdRoot(password, salt, encryptedMnemonic, derivationPath);

@@ -532,49 +567,16 @@ return hdRoot.hdPublicKey.toString();

}, {
key: '_setAccount',
value: function _setAccount(account, props) {
var accountIndex = this._getAccountIndex(;
key: '_updateWallet',
value: function _updateWallet(walletId, newData) {
var wallet = this.getWallet(walletId);
var newWallet = _extends({}, wallet, newData);
if (accountIndex === -1) {
throw new Error('Account not found');
var newAccount = _extends({}, account, props);
this.accounts.splice(accountIndex, 1, newAccount);
return newAccount;
return newWallet;
}, {
key: '_getAccount',
value: function _getAccount(findProps) {
return find(this.accounts, findProps);
}, {
key: '_getAccountIndex',
value: function _getAccountIndex(accountId) {
return findIndex(this.accounts, { id: accountId });
}, {
key: '_getBackupData',
value: function _getBackupData() {
var accounts = this.accounts,
defaultDerivationPath = this.defaultDerivationPath,
defaultEncryptionType = this.defaultEncryptionType,
scryptParams = this.scryptParams,
derivedKeyLength = this.derivedKeyLength,
checkPasswordData = this.checkPasswordData,
salt = this.salt,
version = this.version;
return {
accounts: accounts,
defaultDerivationPath: defaultDerivationPath,
defaultEncryptionType: defaultEncryptionType,
scryptParams: scryptParams,
derivedKeyLength: derivedKeyLength,
checkPasswordData: checkPasswordData,
salt: salt,
version: version
return R.pick(['wallets', 'defaultDerivationPath', 'defaultEncryptionType', 'scryptParams', 'derivedKeyLength', 'version'])(this);

@@ -585,12 +587,10 @@ }, {

if (backupData.version <= packageData.version) {
var accounts = backupData.accounts,
var wallets = backupData.wallets,
defaultDerivationPath = backupData.defaultDerivationPath,
defaultEncryptionType = backupData.defaultEncryptionType,
scryptParams = backupData.scryptParams,
derivedKeyLength = backupData.derivedKeyLength,
checkPasswordData = backupData.checkPasswordData,
salt = backupData.salt;
derivedKeyLength = backupData.derivedKeyLength;
this.accounts = accounts || [];
this.wallets = wallets || [];
this.defaultDerivationPath = defaultDerivationPath || this.defaultDerivationPath;

@@ -600,4 +600,2 @@ this.defaultEncryptionType = defaultEncryptionType || this.defaultEncryptionType;

this.derivedKeyLength = derivedKeyLength || this.derivedKeyLength;
this.checkPasswordData = checkPasswordData || this.checkPasswordData;
this.salt = salt || this.salt;
this.version = packageData.version;

@@ -607,98 +605,67 @@ }

}, {
key: '_checkAccountExist',
value: function _checkAccountExist(account) {
if (!account) {
throw new Error('Account not found');
key: '_isNotReadOnly',
value: function _isNotReadOnly(isReadOnly) {
if (isReadOnly) {
throw new Error('Wallet is read only');
}, {
key: '_checkReadOnly',
value: function _checkReadOnly(account) {
if (account.isReadOnly) {
throw new Error('Account is read only');
key: '_isMnemonicType',
value: function _isMnemonicType(type) {
if (type !== this.mnemonicType) {
throw new Error('Wallet type is not mnemonic');
}, {
key: '_checkPassword',
value: function _checkPassword(password) {
if (!(password && password.length)) {
throw new Error('Password is empty');
key: '_checkWalletUniqueness',
value: function _checkWalletUniqueness(uniqueProperty, propertyName) {
var isFound = function isFound(wallet) {
var property = wallet[propertyName];
if (!this.checkPasswordData) {
return property ? R.equals(R.toLower(property), R.toLower(uniqueProperty)) : false;
var foundWallet = R.compose(R.head, R.filter(isFound))(this.wallets);
var errMessage = 'Password is incorrect';
try {
var decryptedData = this._decryptData(this.checkPasswordData, password);
if (!(decryptedData && decryptedData.length)) {
throw new Error(errMessage);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(errMessage);
if (foundWallet) {
throw new Error('Wallet with this ' + propertyName + ' already exists');
}, {
key: '_checkAccountUniqueness',
value: function _checkAccountUniqueness(uniqueProperty, propertyName) {
var isAccountExist = !!this._getAccount(uniqueProperty);
key: '_testPassword',
value: function _testPassword(password) {
var testPasswordResult = _testPassword2(password, this.passwordConfig);
if (isAccountExist) {
throw new Error('Account with this ' + propertyName + ' already exists');
}, {
key: '_setPasswordDataToCheck',
value: function _setPasswordDataToCheck(password) {
var testPasswordResult = _testPassword(password, this.passwordConfig);
if (testPasswordResult.failedTests.length) {
throw new Error(testPasswordResult.errors[0]);
var checkPasswordData = utils.generateSalt(this.saltByteCount);
this.checkPasswordData = this._encryptData(checkPasswordData, password);
}, {
key: '_removePasswordDataToCheck',
value: function _removePasswordDataToCheck() {
this.checkPasswordData = null;
}, {
key: '_reEncryptData',
value: function _reEncryptData(password, newPassword) {
var _this2 = this;
value: function _reEncryptData(password, newPassword, walletId) {
var _getWallet9 = this.getWallet(walletId),
isReadOnly = _getWallet9.isReadOnly,
type = _getWallet9.type,
salt = _getWallet9.salt,
encrypted = _getWallet9.encrypted;
this.accounts.forEach(function (account) {
var isReadOnly = account.isReadOnly,
encrypted = account.encrypted;
if (isReadOnly) {
if (type === this.mnemonicType) {
var decryptedMnemonic = this._decryptData(encrypted.mnemonic, password, salt);
var mnemonic = this._encryptData(decryptedMnemonic, newPassword, salt);
if (isReadOnly) {
this._updateWallet(walletId, {
encrypted: R.assoc('mnemonic', mnemonic)(encrypted)
} else {
var decryptedPrivateKey = this._decryptPrivateKey(encrypted.privateKey, password, salt);
var privateKey = this._encryptPrivateKey(decryptedPrivateKey, newPassword, salt);
var newEncrypted = {};
Object.keys(encrypted).forEach(function (key) {
var encryptedItem = encrypted[key];
var isPrivateKey = key === 'privateKey';
if (encryptedItem) {
var decryptedItem = _this2._decryptData(encryptedItem, password, isPrivateKey);
newEncrypted[key] = _this2._encryptData(decryptedItem, newPassword);
} else {
newEncrypted[key] = encryptedItem;
this._updateWallet(walletId, {
encrypted: R.assoc('privateKey', privateKey)(encrypted)
_this2._setAccount(account, { encrypted: newEncrypted });

@@ -723,10 +690,10 @@ }], [{

}, {
key: 'isValidAddress',
value: function isValidAddress(address) {
return utils.isValidAddress(address);
key: 'isAddressValid',
value: function isAddressValid(address) {
return utils.isAddressValid(address);
}, {
key: 'isValidPrivateKey',
value: function isValidPrivateKey(privateKey) {
return utils.isValidPrivateKey(privateKey);
key: 'isPrivateKeyValid',
value: function isPrivateKeyValid(privateKey) {
return utils.isPrivateKeyValid(privateKey);

@@ -741,3 +708,3 @@ }, {

value: function testPassword(password, passwordConfig) {
return _testPassword(password, passwordConfig);
return _testPassword2(password, passwordConfig);

@@ -744,0 +711,0 @@ }]);

@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ 'use strict';

function isValidAddress(address) {
return isNormalizedAddress(address) || isValidChecksumAddress(address);
function isAddressValid(address) {
return isNormalizedAddress(address) || isChecksumAddressValid(address);

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@

function isValidChecksumAddress(address) {
function isChecksumAddressValid(address) {
return (/^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/i.test(address) && getChecksum(address) === address

@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ );

function isValidPrivateKey(privateKey) {
function isPrivateKeyValid(privateKey) {
return (/^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/i.test(privateKey)

@@ -66,3 +66,3 @@ );

return add0x(address);
return getChecksum(address);

@@ -108,4 +108,4 @@

module.exports = {
isValidAddress: isValidAddress,
isValidPrivateKey: isValidPrivateKey,
isAddressValid: isAddressValid,
isPrivateKeyValid: isPrivateKeyValid,
getAddressFromPublicKey: getAddressFromPublicKey,

@@ -112,0 +112,0 @@ getAddressFromPrivateKey: getAddressFromPrivateKey,

"name": "jwallet-web-keystore",
"version": "0.6.0",
"version": "0.7.0",
"description": "Library for ethereum blockchain accounts management",

@@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ "main": "index.js",

"compile": "npm run clean && ./node_modules/.bin/babel ./src --out-dir ./lib",
"build": "npm run lint && npm run compile && npm test"
"build": "npm run lint && npm run compile && npm test",
"precommit": "./node_modules/.bin/lint-staged",
"prepush": "npm run build"

@@ -33,2 +35,7 @@ "repository": {


@@ -50,3 +57,3 @@ "address",

"elliptic": "6.4.0",
"lodash": "4.17.4",
"ramda": "0.25.0",
"scrypt.js": "0.2.0",

@@ -66,2 +73,4 @@ "tweetnacl": "1.0.0",

"eslint-plugin-import": "2.7.0",
"husky": "0.14.3",
"lint-staged": "6.1.1",
"mocha": "3.5.3",

@@ -68,0 +77,0 @@ "should": "13.1.0",

# jwallet-web-keystore
Library for ethereum blockchain accounts management.
Library for ethereum blockchain wallets management.

@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ <p align="center">

Keystore can hold `read only` / `full access` accounts of two types:
* Address / PrivateKey
* Mnemonic
Keystore can hold `read only` / `full access` wallets of two types:
* `privateKey` / `address`
* `mnemonic` / `bip32XPublicKey`

@@ -41,20 +41,22 @@ Also Keystore API provides several [utility methods](#static-methods) for working with mnemonics / hashes / passwords.

### Account properties
### Wallet properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| id | String | Unique ID of account |
| type | String | Type of account (`mnemonic` / `address`) |
| accountName | String | Account name |
| derivationPath | String | Derivation path for generating of addresses from mnemonic |
| isReadOnly | Boolean | Read-only flag of account |
| address | String | Address of account |
| addressIndex | Number | Current index of address of `mnemonic` account |
| bip32XPublicKey | String | BIP32 Extended Public Key |
| encrypted | Object | Container of encrypted data |
| encrypted.privateKey | Object | Encrypted private key |
| encrypted.mnemonic | Object | Encrypted mnemonic |
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| id | String | Unique ID of wallet |
| type | String | Type of wallet (`mnemonic` / `address`) |
| name | String | Wallet name |
| salt | String | Salt for enforcing of password |
| address | String | Address of wallet |
| userType | String | User-friendly type of wallet |
| isReadOnly | Boolean | Read-only flag of wallet |
| addressIndex | Number | Current index of address of `mnemonic` wallet |
| derivationPath | String | Derivation path for generating of addresses from mnemonic |
| bip32XPublicKey | String | BIP32 Extended Public Key |
| encrypted | Object | Container of encrypted data |
| encrypted.privateKey | Object | Encrypted private key |
| encrypted.mnemonic | Object | Encrypted mnemonic |
* `isReadOnly` - flag means that account can be used only for balance / transactions checking
* `isReadOnly` - flag means that wallet can be used only for balance / transactions checking
* `bip32XPublicKey` - `xpub...` key that used for deriving of public keys (addresses)

@@ -64,3 +66,3 @@

See [mocha tests]( for examples of usage.
See [mocha tests]( for examples of usage.

@@ -76,3 +78,3 @@ ### new Keystore(props)

| props | Object | {} | Constructor properties |
| props.defaultDerivationPath | String | "m/44'/60'/0'/0" | Default derivation path for new `Mnemonic` accounts |
| props.defaultDerivationPath | String | "m/44'/60'/0'/0" | Default derivation path for new `Mnemonic` wallets |
| props.defaultEncryptionType | String | 'nacl.secretbox' | Default encryption type. Currently `nacl.secretbox` is only one supported |

@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ | props.paddedMnemonicLength | Number | 120 | Mnemonic will be padded left with this size before encryption |

#### getAccounts()
#### getWallets()
##### Returns
Accounts list presented in keystore.
Wallets list presented in keystore.

@@ -107,16 +109,14 @@ ##### Example

const accounts = keystore.getAccounts()
const wallets = keystore.getWallets()
#### getAccount(props)
#### getWallet(walletId)
##### Parameters
account properties object ([Account properties](#account-properties)).
Wallet ID.
**Note: all properties are optional except of `id`.**
##### Returns
Accounts list presented in keystore.
Wallet found by its ID.

@@ -126,14 +126,22 @@ ##### Example

const accounts = keystore.getAccounts()
const wallet = keystore.getWallet('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s')
#### createAccount(props)
#### createWallet(props)
##### Parameters
account properties with except of `id` & `encrypted` ([Account properties](#account-properties))
wallet properties([Wallet properties](#wallet-properties)):
* `type`
* `name`
* `address`
* `mnemonic`
* `isReadOnly`
* `privateKey`
* `derivationPath`
* `bip32XPublicKey`
##### Returns
Unique ID of created account
Unique ID of created wallet

@@ -143,21 +151,22 @@ ##### Example

const accountId = keystore.createAccount({
const walletId = keystore.createWallet({
type: 'address',
name: 'My wallet',
isReadonly: false,
password: 'JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s',
type: 'address',
privateKey: '0x8a02a99cc7a801da6996a2dacc406ffa5190dc9c8a02a99cc7a801da6996a2da',
accountName: 'My account',
#### removeAccount(accountId)
#### removeWallet(walletId)
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| --------- | ------ | -------------------- |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------- |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |
##### Returns
`true` if removed, otherwise `false`.
Removed wallet data.

@@ -167,33 +176,25 @@ ##### Example

const result = keystore.removeAccount('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1') // true
const removedWallet = keystore.removeWallet('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1') // data
#### removeAccounts([password])
#### removeWallets()
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| --------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------- |
| password | String | Keystore password. The parameter is optional |
##### Example
keystore.removeAccounts('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s') // all keystore accounts were removed
keystore.removeAccounts('123') // failed, password is invalid
keystore.removeAccounts() // ok, accounts were removed
keystore.removeWallets() // ok, wallets were removed
#### setAccountName(accountId, newName)
#### setWalletName(walletId, newName)
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| --------- | ------ | -------------------- |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| newName | String | New account name |
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------- |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |
| newName | String | New wallet name |
##### Returns
Updated account.
Updated wallet.

@@ -203,14 +204,13 @@ ##### Example

const updatedAccount = keystore.setAccountName('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1', 'New account name')
const updatedWallet = keystore.setWalletName('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1', 'New wallet name')
#### getPrivateKey(password, accountId, addressIndex)
#### getPrivateKey(password, walletId)
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| ------------ | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| password | String | Keystore password |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| addressIndex | Number | Index of address (private key) to derive from `mnemonic` (default 0) |
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------- |
| password | String | Wallet password |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |

@@ -227,19 +227,19 @@ ##### Returns

#### setDerivationPath(password, accountId, newDerivationPath)
#### setDerivationPath(password, walletId, newDerivationPath)
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` accounts.**
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` wallets.**
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----------------- | ------ | -------------------- |
| password | String | Keystore password |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| newDerivationPath | String | New derivation path |
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----------------- | ------ | ------------------- |
| password | String | Wallet password |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |
| newDerivationPath | String | New derivation path |
**Note: default derivation path that will be assigned to all new created accounts can be managed by `defaultDerivationPath` constructor parameter.**
**Note: default derivation path that will be assigned to all new created wallets can be managed by `defaultDerivationPath` constructor parameter.**
##### Returns
Updated account.
Updated wallet.

@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ ##### Example

const updatedAccount = keystore.setDerivationPath('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s', '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1', "m/44'/61'/0'/0")
const updatedWallet = keystore.setDerivationPath('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s', '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1', "m/44'/61'/0'/0")
#### getMnemonic(password, accountId)
#### getMnemonic(password, walletId)
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` accounts.**
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` wallets.**
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| --------- | ------ | -------------------- |
| password | String | Keystore password |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------- |
| password | String | Wallet password |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |

@@ -274,5 +274,5 @@ ##### Returns

#### getAddressesFromMnemonic(accountId, iteration, limit)
#### getAddressesFromMnemonic(walletId, iteration, limit)
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` accounts.**
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` wallets.**

@@ -283,3 +283,3 @@ ##### Parameters

| --------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |
| iteration | Number | Iteration index (aka page for pagination) to generate bunch of addresses |

@@ -298,16 +298,13 @@ | limit | Number | Count of addresses to generate from mnemonic per one page / iteration |

#### getAddressFromMnemonic(accountId, addressIndex)
#### getAddress(walletId, addressIndex)
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` accounts.**
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| ------------ | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| addressIndex | String | Index of address to derive from `mnemonic` / `bip32XPublicKey` |
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------- |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |
##### Returns
Derived by index address.
Current address of wallet.

@@ -317,8 +314,8 @@ ##### Example

const address = keystore.getAddressFromMnemonic('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1', 5)
const address = keystore.getAddress('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1')
#### setAddressIndex(accountId, addressIndex)
#### setAddressIndex(walletId, addressIndex)
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` accounts.**
**Note: used only for `mnemonic` wallets.**

@@ -329,3 +326,3 @@ ##### Parameters

| ------------ | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| accountId | String | Unique ID of account |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |
| addressIndex | String | Index of address to derive from `mnemonic` / `bip32XPublicKey` |

@@ -335,3 +332,3 @@

Updated account.
Updated wallet.

@@ -341,3 +338,3 @@ ##### Example

const updatedAccount = keystore.setAddress('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1', 5)
const updatedWallet = keystore.setAddress('110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1', 5)

@@ -372,17 +369,18 @@

const backupData = '{"accounts":[{"type":"mnemonic","id":"2e820ddb-a9ce-43e1-b7ec-dbed59eec7e9",...'
const backupData = '{"wallets":[{"type":"mnemonic","id":"2e820ddb-a9ce-43e1-b7ec-dbed59eec7e9",...'
const keystoreDeserializedData = keystore.deserialize(backupData)
#### getDecryptedAccounts(password)
#### getDecryptedWallet(password, walletId)
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ----------------- |
| password | String | Keystore password |
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------- |
| password | String | Wallet password |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |
#### Returns
Accounts with decrypted data.
Wallet with decrypted data.

@@ -392,13 +390,14 @@ ##### Example

const decryptedAccounts = keystore.getDecryptedAccounts('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s')
const decryptedWallet = keystore.getDecryptedWallets('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s', '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1')
#### setPassword(password, newPassword)
#### setPassword(password, newPassword, walletId)
##### Parameters
| Param | Type | Description |
| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------ |
| password | String | Keystore password |
| newPassword | String | New keystore password |
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ------ | --------------------- |
| password | String | Wallet password |
| newPassword | String | New keystore password |
| walletId | String | Unique ID of wallet |

@@ -408,3 +407,3 @@ ##### Example

keystore.setPassword('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s', 'Tw5E^g7djfd(29j')
keystore.setPassword('JHJ23jG^*DGHj667s', 'Tw5E^g7djfd(29j', '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c977d813b8d1')

@@ -466,3 +465,3 @@

#### isValidAddress(address)
#### isAddressValid(address)

@@ -480,6 +479,6 @@ | Param | Type | Description |

const isValid = Keystore.isValidAddress('0x8a02a99ee7a801da6996a2dacc406ffa5190dc9c')
const isValid = Keystore.isAddressValid('0x8a02a99ee7a801da6996a2dacc406ffa5190dc9c')
#### isValidPrivateKey(privateKey)
#### isPrivateKeyValid(privateKey)

@@ -498,3 +497,3 @@ | Param | Type | Description |

const pk = '0xa7fcb4efc392d2c8983cbfe64063f994f85120e60843407af95907d905d0dc9f'
const isValid = Keystore.isValidPrivateKey(pk)
const isValid = Keystore.isPrivateKeyValid(pk)

@@ -522,3 +521,3 @@

| ------------------------ | ------ | ------- | -------------------------- |
| password | String | | Keystore password |
| password | String | | Wallet password |
| passwordConfig | Object | {} | Password options container |

@@ -525,0 +524,0 @@ | passwordConfig.minLength | Number | 10 | Min length for password |

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const should = require('should')

const bip32XPublicKey = 'xpub6DZVENYSZsMW1D48vLG924qPaxz83TZc43tK7zMbCdFcv1La9pqe6pBiuxdzDNjufXRW42CfJEK8indRdhfDoWvYfZDZS1xjkZrQB5iYtHy'
const accountName = 'mnemonic read only account'
const accountIdLength = 36
const name = 'mnemonic read only wallet'
const walletIdLength = 36
const currentKeystoreVersion = packageData.version
let accountId
let walletId
let serializedKeystoreData

@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@

it('createAccount() should create example account', function(done) {
accountId = keystore.createAccount({
it('createWallet() should create example wallet', function(done) {
walletId = keystore.createWallet({

@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ type: 'mnemonic',

@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ done()

@@ -56,0 +56,0 @@

const should = require('should')
const Keystore = require('../index')
const validMnemonic = 'come average primary sunny profit eager toy pulp struggle hazard tourist round'
const validMnemonic = 'come average primary sunny profit eager toy pulp struggle hazard tourist ' +
const invalidMnemonic = `${validMnemonic} some other words`

@@ -37,4 +39,8 @@

const mnemonicWithEntropy = Keystore.generateMnemonic(mnemonicEntropy)
const mnemonicWithBufferLength = Keystore.generateMnemonic(mnemonicEntropy, mnemonicBufferLength)
const mnemonicWithBufferLength = Keystore.generateMnemonic(
const words = mnemonic.toString().split(' ')

@@ -87,8 +93,8 @@ const wordsWithEntropy = mnemonicWithEntropy.toString().split(' ')

describe('isValidAddress', function() {
describe('isAddressValid', function() {
it('should return true when address is correct', function(done) {
const isAddressValid1 = Keystore.isValidAddress(validAddress)
const isAddressValid2 = Keystore.isValidAddress(invalidChecksumAddress)
const isAddressValid3 = Keystore.isValidAddress(invalidAddress1)
const isAddressValid4 = Keystore.isValidAddress(invalidAddress2)
const isAddressValid1 = Keystore.isAddressValid(validAddress)
const isAddressValid2 = Keystore.isAddressValid(invalidChecksumAddress)
const isAddressValid3 = Keystore.isAddressValid(invalidAddress1)
const isAddressValid4 = Keystore.isAddressValid(invalidAddress2)

@@ -111,7 +117,7 @@

describe('isValidPrivateKey', function() {
describe('isPrivateKeyValid', function() {
it('should return true when private key is correct', function(done) {
const isPrivateKeyValid1 = Keystore.isValidPrivateKey(validPrivateKey)
const isPrivateKeyValid2 = Keystore.isValidPrivateKey(invalidPrivateKey1)
const isPrivateKeyValid3 = Keystore.isValidPrivateKey(invalidPrivateKey2)
const isPrivateKeyValid1 = Keystore.isPrivateKeyValid(validPrivateKey)
const isPrivateKeyValid2 = Keystore.isPrivateKeyValid(invalidPrivateKey1)
const isPrivateKeyValid3 = Keystore.isPrivateKeyValid(invalidPrivateKey2)

@@ -150,4 +156,8 @@

const testInvalidPasswordResult = Keystore.testPassword(invalidPassword)
const testPasswordResultWithCustomConfig = Keystore.testPassword(validPassword, customPasswordConfig)
const testPasswordResultWithCustomConfig = Keystore.testPassword(

@@ -154,0 +164,0 @@