Kappa View Query
is a materialised view to be used with kappa-core. It provides an API that allows you to define your own indexes and execute custom map-filter-reduce queries over your indexes.
is inspired by flumeview-query. It uses the same scoring system for determining the most efficient index relevant to the provided query.
How it works
uses a key / value store to compose a single index either in memory (using level-mem
) or stored as a file (using level
). Each time a message is published to a feed, or is received via replication, kappa-view-query
checks to see if any of the message's fields match any of the indexes.
We can define an index like this:
key: 'typ',
value: [
['value', 'type'],
['value', 'timestamp']
This above index tells our view to store all messages that map to the data structure value.type
and value.timestamp
. If a message hitting the view does, it will save a reference to this message in our key / value store, where the matching field names along with the name of the index in question are compiled down into a single string. The value is a reference to the feed key and the sequence number, so we can retrieve that message from the correct hypercore later when we perform a query.
For example:
key: 'typ!chat/message!1566481592277',
value: 'f38b5a5e9603ffc6c24f4431c271999f08f43fc67379faf13c9d75adda01e63c@3'
Lets write a query. For example, say we want all messages of type chat/message
published between 13:00 and 15:00 on 22-08-2019, here's what our query would look like...
var query = [{
$filter: {
value: {
type: 'chat/message',
timestamp: { $gte: 1566486000000, $lte: 1566478800000 }
When we execute this query, our scoring system will first determine which index we previously provided gives us the best lens on the data. It does this by matching the requested fields, in this case, value.type
and value.timestamp
. The scoring system can be found at query.js.
In the case of the above dataset and query, the closest matching index is the one we provided above, named typ
. At this point, kappa-view-query
can then reduce the scope of our index file significantly, by filtering all references in our level or level-mem, greater than or equal to typ!chat/message!1566486000000
, but less than or equal to type!chat/message!1566478800000
. This gives us a subset of references with which we can fetch the actual messages from our hypercore feeds.
This example uses a single hypercore and collects all messages at a given point in time.
const Kappa = require('kappa-core')
const hypercore = require('hypercore')
const ram = require('random-access-memory')
const collect = require('collect-stream')
const memdb = require('level-mem')
const sub = require('subleveldown')
const Query = require('./')
const { validator, fromHypercore } = require('./util')
const { cleaup, tmp } = require('./test/util')
const seedData = require('./test/seeds.json')
const core = new Kappa()
const feed = hypercore(ram, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
const db = memdb()
core.use('query', createHypercoreSource({ feed, db: sub(db, 'state') }), Query(sub(db, 'view'), {
indexes: [
{ key: 'log', value: [['value', 'timestamp']] },
{ key: 'typ', value: [['value', 'type'], ['value', 'timestamp']] }
getMessage: fromHypercore(feed)
feed.append(seedData, (err, _) => {
core.ready('query', () => {
const query = [{ $filter: { value: { type: 'chat/message' } }]
collect(core.view.query.read({ query }), (err, chats) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
collect(core.view.query.read({ query: [{ $filter: { value: { type: 'user/about' } } }] }), (err, users) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
This example uses a multifeed instance for managing hypercores and sets up two live streams to dump messages to the console as they arrive.
const Kappa = require('kappa-core')
const multifeed = require('multifeed')
const ram = require('random-access-memory')
const collect = require('collect-stream')
const memdb = require('level-mem')
const sub = require('subleveldown')
const Query = require('./')
const { validator, fromMultifeed } = require('./util')
const { cleaup, tmp } = require('./test/util')
const seedData = require('./test/seeds.json')
const core = new Kappa()
const feeds = multifeed(ram, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
const db = memdb()
core.use('query', createMultifeedSource({ feeds, db: sub(db, 'state') }), Query(sub(db, 'view'), {
indexes: [
{ key: 'log', value: [['value', 'timestamp']] },
{ key: 'typ', value: [['value', 'type'], ['value', 'timestamp']] }
getMessage: fromMultifeed(feeds)
core.ready('query', () => {
query: [{ $filter: { value: { type: 'chat/message' } } }],
live: true,
old: false
}).on('data', (msg) => {
if (msg.sync) return next()
function next () {
query: [{ $filter: { value: { type: 'user/about' } } }],
live: true,
old: false
}).on('data', (msg) => {
feeds.writer('one', (err, one) => {
feeds.writer('two', (err, two) => {
one.append(seedData.slice(0, 3))
two.append(seedData.slice(3, 5))
const View = require('kappa-view-query')
Expects a LevelUP or LevelDOWN instance leveldb
Expects a getMessage
function to use your defined index to grab the message from the feed.
$ npm install kappa-view-query
kappa-view-query was built by @kyphae and assisted by @dominictarr. It uses @dominictarr's scoring system and query interface from flumeview-query.
- Updated to remove the need for
and flumeview-query
as an external dependency, providing better compatibility with the rest of the kappa-db
ecosystem. core.api.query.read
returns a regular readable node stream.- In order to continue to use pull-streams:
- Fixed an outstanding issue where live streams were not working. Queries with
{ live: true }
setup will now properly pipe messages through as they are indexed. - Fixed an outstanding issue where messages with a matching timestamp were colliding, where the last indexed would over-writing the previous. Messages are now indexed, on top of provided values, on the sequence number and the feed id, for guaranteed uniqueness.
3.0.0 (not yet released)
- Updated to use the experimental version of kappa-core which includes breaking API changes. See Frando's kappa-core fork.