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@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ /*

var __o = require("khepri-ast")["node"],
type, isIdentifier, isOperator, isSymbol, isLiteral, isNumberish, isPrimitive, isSimple, isPod, isTruthy,
type, isIdentifier, isOperator, isSymbol, isLiteral, isString, isNumberish, isPrimitive, isSimple, isPod, isTruthy,
isBlockFunction, isLambda, isLambdaWithoutArgs, tryGetUd, getUd, setUd, modify, getUid, setUid, getLocals,

@@ -31,2 +31,5 @@ setLocals, getClosure, setClosure, setData = __o["setData"],

(isString = (function(node) {
return (isLiteral(node) && (node.kind === "string"));
(isNumberish = (function(node) {

@@ -100,2 +103,3 @@ return (isPrimitive(node) && (!isNaN(node.value)));

(exports["isLiteral"] = isLiteral);
(exports["isString"] = isString);
(exports["isNumberish"] = isNumberish);

@@ -102,0 +106,0 @@ (exports["isPrimitive"] = isPrimitive);



@@ -7,41 +7,56 @@ /*

var record = require("bes")["record"],
__o = require("khepri-ast")["node"],
__o0 = require("../ast"),
markExpansion, incrementCount, getExpansion, isExpansion, mergeExpansions, expandNode, setData = __o["setData"],
getUd = __o0["getUd"],
__o = require("../ast"),
getExpansion, isExpansion, getExpansionDepth, getExpansionValue, setExpansion, deleteExpansion, canExpand,
markExpansion, incrementCount, mergeExpansions, expandNode, getUd = __o["getUd"],
setUd = __o["setUd"],
Expansion = record.declare(null, ["count", "value"]);
(getExpansion = getUd.bind(null, "expand"));
(isExpansion = getExpansion);
(getExpansionDepth = (function(node) {
var exp = getExpansion(node);
return (exp ? exp.count : 0);
(getExpansionValue = (function(z) {
var y = getExpansion(z);
return (y && y.value);
(setExpansion = setUd.bind(null, "expand"));
(deleteExpansion = setExpansion.bind(null, null));
(canExpand = (function(node) {
var exp;
return (getExpansion(node) && (((exp = getExpansion(node)), (exp ? exp.count : 0)) < 1));
(markExpansion = (function(node, count, value) {
var expansion, expansion0;
return (getExpansion(value) ? ((expansion = getExpansion(value)), setData(node, "expand", expansion)) : ((
expansion0 = Expansion.create(Math.max(count, (getExpansion(node) ? getExpansion(node)
.count : 0)), value)), setData(node, "expand", expansion0)));
var exp;
return (getExpansion(value) ? setExpansion(getExpansion(value), node) : setExpansion(Expansion.create(Math.max(
count, ((exp = getExpansion(node)), (exp ? exp.count : 0))), value), node));
(mergeExpansions = (function(val, other) {
var expansion;
return ((getExpansion(other) && getExpansion(val)) ? ((expansion = Expansion.create(Math.max(getExpansion(
.count, getExpansion(other)
.count), getExpansion(val)
.value)), setData(val, "expand", expansion)) : val);
var exp, exp0;
return ((getExpansion(other) && getExpansion(val)) ? setExpansion(Expansion.create(Math.max(((exp =
getExpansion(val)), (exp ? exp.count : 0)), ((exp0 = getExpansion(other)), (exp0 ? exp0
.count : 0))), getExpansion(val)
.value), val) : val);
(incrementCount = (function(node, count, value) {
var exp = getExpansion(node),
count0 = (((exp && exp.count) || count) + 1),
expansion, expansion0;
return (getExpansion(value) ? ((expansion = getExpansion(value)), setData(node, "expand", expansion)) : ((
expansion0 = Expansion.create(Math.max(count0, (getExpansion(node) ? getExpansion(node)
.count : 0)), value)), setData(node, "expand", expansion0)));
var exp, count0 = ((((exp = getExpansion(node)), (exp ? exp.count : 0)) || count) + 1),
return (getExpansion(value) ? setExpansion(getExpansion(value), node) : setExpansion(Expansion.create(Math.max(
count0, ((exp0 = getExpansion(node)), (exp0 ? exp0.count : 0))), value), node));
(expandNode = (function(node) {
var exp;
return (getExpansion(node) ? ((exp = getExpansion(node)), ((exp.count < 1) ? exp.value : setData(node,
"expand", null))) : node);
return (getExpansion(node) ? ((getExpansion(node) && (((exp = getExpansion(node)), (exp ? exp.count : 0)) <
1)) ? getExpansionValue(node) : deleteExpansion(node)) : node);
(exports["getExpansion"] = getExpansion);
(exports["isExpansion"] = isExpansion);
(exports["getExpansionDepth"] = getExpansionDepth);
(exports["getExpansionValue"] = getExpansionValue);
(exports["setExpansion"] = setExpansion);
(exports["deleteExpansion"] = deleteExpansion);
(exports["canExpand"] = canExpand);
(exports["markExpansion"] = markExpansion);
(exports["incrementCount"] = incrementCount);
(exports["getExpansion"] = getExpansion);
(exports["isExpansion"] = isExpansion);
(exports["mergeExpansions"] = mergeExpansions);
(exports["expandNode"] = expandNode);

@@ -15,39 +15,41 @@ /*

TreeZipperT = require("zipper-m")["trans"]["tree"],
__o1 = require("../ast"),
ast = require("../ast"),
builtin = require("../builtin"),
__o2 = require("../fun"),
__o1 = require("../fun"),
state = require("./state"),
__o3 = require("./expand"),
__o4 = require("./expansion"),
__o5 = require("./rename"),
__o2 = require("./expand"),
__o3 = require("./expansion"),
__o4 = require("./rename"),
optimize, modifyNode = __o["modify"],
setData = __o["setData"],
next = __o0["next"],
seq = __o0["sequence"],
seqa = __o0["sequencea"],
type = __o1["type"],
isIdentifier = __o1["isIdentifier"],
getUid = __o1["getUid"],
isLambda = __o1["isLambda"],
isLambdaWithoutArgs = __o1["isLambdaWithoutArgs"],
isPrimitive = __o1["isPrimitive"],
isNumberish = __o1["isNumberish"],
isTruthy = __o1["isTruthy"],
type = ast["type"],
isIdentifier = ast["isIdentifier"],
getUid = ast["getUid"],
isLambda = ast["isLambda"],
isLambdaWithoutArgs = ast["isLambdaWithoutArgs"],
isPrimitive = ast["isPrimitive"],
isString = ast["isString"],
isNumberish = ast["isNumberish"],
isTruthy = ast["isTruthy"],
builtins = builtin["builtins"],
definitions = builtin["definitions"],
flattenr = __o2["flattenr"],
flatten = __o2["flatten"],
foldl = __o2["foldl"],
concat = __o2["concat"],
map = __o2["map"],
range = __o2["range"],
flattenr = __o1["flattenr"],
flatten = __o1["flatten"],
foldl = __o1["foldl"],
concat = __o1["concat"],
map = __o1["map"],
range = __o1["range"],
State = state["State"],
expandCallee = __o3["expandCallee"],
expandCurry = __o3["expandCurry"],
markExpansion = __o4["markExpansion"],
mergeExpansions = __o4["mergeExpansions"],
getExpansion = __o4["getExpansion"],
isExpansion = __o4["isExpansion"],
expandNode = __o4["expandNode"],
incCount = __o5["incCount"],
expandCallee = __o2["expandCallee"],
expandCurry = __o2["expandCurry"],
markExpansion = __o3["markExpansion"],
mergeExpansions = __o3["mergeExpansions"],
getExpansion = __o3["getExpansion"],
getExpansionDepth = __o3["getExpansionDepth"],
getExpansionValue = __o3["getExpansionValue"],
isExpansion = __o3["isExpansion"],
expandNode = __o3["expandNode"],
incCount = __o4["incCount"],
x, y, x3, y3, __args, ops, consequent0, alternate0, consequent, alternate, __args0, ops0, consequent1, __args1,

@@ -59,8 +61,8 @@ ops1, __args2, ops2, __args3, ops3, __args4, ops4, __args5, ops5, __args7, ops7, consequent2, __args8, ops8,

ops29, __args30, ops30, consequent5, __args31, ops31, __args32, ops32, consequent6, consequent7, __args33,
ops33, consequent8, __args34, ops34, __args35, ops35, __args36, ops36, consequent9, alternate1, __args37, ops37,
__args38, ops38, consequent10, __args39, ops39, __args40, ops40, consequent11, consequent12, consequent13,
consequent14, __args41, ops41, __args42, ops42, __args43, ops43, __args44, ops44, exp, consequent15,
consequent16, __args45, ops45, __args46, ops46, exp0, consequent17, consequent18, __args47, ops47, __args48,
ops48, consequent19, consequent20, __args49, ops49, consequent21, __args51, ops51, __args52, ops52, __args53,
ops53, x40, y40, __and = (function(x, y) {
ops33, consequent8, __args35, ops35, __args36, ops36, __args37, ops37, consequent9, alternate1, __args38, ops38,
__args39, ops39, consequent10, __args40, ops40, __args41, ops41, consequent11, consequent12, consequent13,
consequent14, __args42, ops42, __args43, ops43, __args44, ops44, __args45, ops45, exp, consequent15,
consequent16, __args46, ops46, __args47, ops47, exp0, consequent17, consequent18, __args48, ops48, __args49,
ops49, consequent19, consequent20, __args50, ops50, consequent21, __args52, ops52, __args53, ops53, __args54,
ops54, x41, y41, __and = (function(x, y) {
return (x && y);

@@ -131,2 +133,4 @@ }),

SIMPLE = true,
COMPLEX = false,
_check, M = TreeZipperT(StateT(Unique)),

@@ -196,26 +200,31 @@ run = (function(c, ctx, state0, seed) {

addBindingForNode = (function(id, value) {
var uid = getUid(id);
return (isPrimitive(value) ? addBinding(uid, value, true) : (isLambda(value) ? addBinding(uid,
markExpansion(id, 0, value), true) : (isIdentifier(value) ? getBinding(getUid(value))
getBindingType = (function(id, value) {
return (isPrimitive(value) ? M.of([SIMPLE, value]) : (isLambda(value) ? M.of([SIMPLE, markExpansion(id, 0,
value)]) : (isIdentifier(value) ? getBinding(getUid(value))
.chain((function(binding) {
return ((binding && binding.immutable) ? addBinding(uid, ((binding.simple &&
binding.value) ? mergeExpansions(binding.value, value) : value), true) :
addBinding(uid, value, false));
})) : addBinding(uid, value, false))));
return ((binding && binding.immutable) ? M.of([SIMPLE, ((binding.simple && binding.value) ?
mergeExpansions(binding.value, value) : value)]) : M.of([COMPLEX, value]));
})) : M.of([COMPLEX, value]))));
addBindingForNode = (function(id, value) {
return getBindingType(id, value)
.chain((function(__o5) {
var kind = __o5[0],
value0 = __o5[1];
return addBinding(getUid(id), value0, kind);
addWorkingForNode = (function(id, value) {
var uid = getUid(id);
return (isPrimitive(value) ? addWorking(uid, value, true) : (isLambda(value) ? addWorking(uid,
markExpansion(id, 0, value), true) : (isIdentifier(value) ? getBinding(getUid(value))
.chain((function(binding) {
return ((binding && binding.immutable) ? addWorking(uid, ((binding.simple &&
binding.value) ? binding.value : value), true) : addWorking(uid, value,
})) : invalidateWorking(uid))));
return getBindingType(id, value)
.chain((function(__o5) {
var kind = __o5[0],
value0 = __o5[1];
return addWorking(getUid(id), value0, kind);
setWorkingForNode = (function(id, value) {
return getBinding(getUid(id))
var uid = getUid(id);
return getBinding(uid)
.chain((function(binding) {
return (binding ? addWorkingForNode(id, value) : invalidateWorking(getUid(id)));
return (binding ? addWorkingForNode(id, value) : invalidateWorking(uid));

@@ -233,4 +242,4 @@ }),

x0 = addRewrite.bind(null, "UnaryOperator"),
y0 = seq(extract((function(__o6) {
var name = __o6["name"],
y0 = seq(extract((function(__o5) {
var name = __o5["name"],
x1, y1;

@@ -241,4 +250,4 @@ return seq(addGlobal(name), ((x1 = set), (y1 = builtins[name]), x1(y1)));

var x1 = addRewrite.bind(null, "BinaryOperator"),
y1 = seq(extract((function(__o6) {
var name = __o6["name"],
y1 = seq(extract((function(__o5) {
var name = __o5["name"],
x2, y2;

@@ -252,10 +261,10 @@ return seq(addGlobal(name), ((x2 = set), (y2 = builtins[name]), x2(y2)));

var x4 = addRewrite.bind(null, "OperatorExpression"),
y4 = seq(((consequent = seq(unique((function(uid) {
return modify((function(__o6) {
var operator = __o6["operator"];
y4 = seq(((consequent = unique((function(uid) {
return modify((function(__o5) {
var operator = __o5["operator"];
return builtin.member(operator, uid);
})), checkTop)), (alternate = seq(((__args = ["operator", checkTop]), (ops = [__args[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"operator"), seqa(ops), up)), ((consequent0 = modify((function(__o6) {
var operator = __o6["operator"];
}))), (alternate = seq(((__args = ["operator", checkTop]), (ops = [__args[1]]), seq(moveChild("operator"),
seqa(ops), up)), ((consequent0 = modify((function(__o5) {
var operator = __o5["operator"];
return ast_expression.CallExpression.create(null, builtins["_"], [operator]);

@@ -266,7 +275,7 @@ }))), (alternate0 = modify((function(x5) {

return (node.flipped ? consequent0 : (alternate0 || pass));
}))), checkTop)), extract((function(node) {
}))))), extract((function(node) {
var operator;
return (((operator = node["operator"]), ((type(operator) === "MemberExpression") || (type(
operator) === "CallExpression"))) ? consequent : (alternate || pass));
}))), checkTop);

@@ -278,3 +287,3 @@ var x5 = addRewrite.bind(null, "Program"),

return modifyNode(node, ({
body: concat(createGlobalDeclarations(globals0), node.body)
"body": concat(createGlobalDeclarations(globals0), node.body)

@@ -292,9 +301,9 @@ }));

return modify((function(node) {
var body = node["body"];
return modifyNode(node, ({
"body": ((type(node.body) === "WithStatement") ? ast_statement.WithStatement
.create(node.body.loc, node.body.bindings, ast_statement.BlockStatement
.create(null, concat(createGlobalDeclarations(globals0), node.body.body
.body))) : concat(createGlobalDeclarations(globals0), node.body)
}), ({}));
"body": ((type(body) === "WithStatement") ? modifyNode(body, ({
"body": ast_statement.BlockStatement.create(null, concat(
createGlobalDeclarations(globals0), body.body.body))
})) : concat(createGlobalDeclarations(globals0), body))

@@ -319,6 +328,6 @@ })));

y10 = seq(((__args7 = ["init", checkTop]), (ops7 = [__args7[1]]), seq(moveChild("init"), seqa(ops7), up)), ((
consequent2 = extract((function(__o6) {
var immutable = __o6["immutable"],
id = __o6["id"],
init = __o6["init"];
consequent2 = extract((function(__o5) {
var immutable = __o5["immutable"],
id = __o5["id"],
init = __o5["init"];
return (immutable ? seq(addBindingForNode(id, init), tryPrune(id)) : addWorking(getUid(id),

@@ -331,22 +340,20 @@ init, ((isPrimitive(init) || isIdentifier(init)) || isLambda(init))));

var x11 = addRewrite.bind(null, "Binding"),
y11 = seq(((__args8 = ["value", checkTop]), (ops8 = [__args8[1]]), seq(moveChild("value"), seqa(ops8), up)),
extract((function() {
return pass;
})), ((consequent3 = extract((function(__o6) {
var pattern = __o6["pattern"],
value = __o6["value"];
y11 = seq(((__args8 = ["value", checkTop]), (ops8 = [__args8[1]]), seq(moveChild("value"), seqa(ops8), up)), ((
consequent3 = extract((function(__o5) {
var pattern = __o5["pattern"],
value = __o5["value"];
return seq(addBindingForNode(, value), tryPrune(;
}))), extract((function(node) {
var pattern;
return (((pattern = node["pattern"]), ((type(pattern) === "IdentifierPattern") && getUid( ? consequent3 : (undefined || pass));
}))), ((consequent4 = extract((function(node) {
var y12 = concat(node.value.bindings, ast_declaration.Binding.create(null, node.pattern,
bindings = flatten(y12);
return seq(set(bindings), visitChild((bindings.length - 1)));
}))), extract((function(node) {
return (((type(node) === "Binding") && (type(node.value) === "LetExpression")) ? consequent4 :
(undefined || pass));
var pattern;
return (((pattern = node["pattern"]), ((type(pattern) === "IdentifierPattern") && getUid( ? consequent3 : (undefined || pass));
}))), ((consequent4 = extract((function(node) {
var y12 = concat(node.value.bindings, ast_declaration.Binding.create(null, node.pattern,
bindings = flatten(y12);
return seq(set(bindings), visitChild((bindings.length - 1)));
}))), extract((function(node) {
return (((type(node) === "Binding") && (type(node.value) === "LetExpression")) ? consequent4 :
(undefined || pass));

@@ -406,3 +413,3 @@ var x12 = addRewrite.bind(null, "BlockStatement"),

return modify((function(node) {
return setData(node, "locals", concat(node.ud.locals, locals));
return ast.setLocals(concat(ast.getLocals(node), locals), node);

@@ -422,6 +429,6 @@ })), popLocals

y22 = seq(((__args30 = ["argument", checkTop]), (ops30 = [__args30[1]]), seq(moveChild("argument"), seqa(ops30), up)), (
(consequent5 = modify((function(__o6) {
var loc = __o6["loc"],
operator = __o6["operator"],
argument = __o6["argument"],
(consequent5 = modify((function(__o5) {
var loc = __o5["loc"],
operator = __o5["operator"],
argument = __o5["argument"],
value = arithmetic[operator](argument.value);

@@ -457,6 +464,6 @@ return ast_value.Literal.create(loc, (typeof value), value);

__args32 = ["right", checkTop]), (ops32 = [__args32[1]]), seq(moveChild("right"), seqa(ops32), up)), ((
consequent6 = modify((function(__o6) {
var operator = __o6["operator"],
left = __o6["left"],
right0 = __o6["right"],
consequent6 = modify((function(__o5) {
var operator = __o5["operator"],
left = __o5["left"],
right0 = __o5["right"],
value = arithmetic0[operator](left.value, right0.value);

@@ -469,6 +476,6 @@ return ast_value.Literal.create(null, (typeof value), value);

undefined || pass));
}))), ((consequent7 = extract((function(__o6) {
var operator = __o6["operator"],
left = __o6["left"],
right0 = __o6["right"],
}))), ((consequent7 = extract((function(__o5) {
var operator = __o5["operator"],
left = __o5["left"],
right0 = __o5["right"],
x24, y24;

@@ -487,6 +494,6 @@ return seq(addGlobal(operator), ((x24 = set), (y24 = ast_expression.CallExpression.create(

y24 = seq(((__args33 = ["right", checkTop]), (ops33 = [__args33[1]]), seq(moveChild("right"), seqa(ops33), up)), ((
consequent8 = extract((function(__o6) {
var immutable = __o6["immutable"],
left = __o6["left"],
right0 = __o6["right"];
consequent8 = extract((function(__o5) {
var immutable = __o5["immutable"],
left = __o5["left"],
right0 = __o5["right"];
return (immutable ? addBindingForNode(left, right0) : setWorkingForNode(left, right0));

@@ -499,19 +506,24 @@ }))), extract((function(node) {

var x25 = addRewrite.bind(null, ["ConditionalExpression", "IfStatement"]),
y25 = seq(((__args34 = ["test", checkTop]), (ops34 = [__args34[1]]), seq(moveChild("test"), seqa(ops34), up)), ((
consequent9 = extract((function(__o6) {
var test = __o6["test"],
consequent10 = __o6["consequent"],
alternate1 = __o6["alternate"];
var x25 = addRewrite.bind(null, "DeleteExpression"),
__args34 = ["argument", checkTop],
ops34 = [__args34[1]],
y25 = seq(moveChild("argument"), seqa(ops34), up);
var x26 = addRewrite.bind(null, ["ConditionalExpression", "IfStatement"]),
y26 = seq(((__args35 = ["test", checkTop]), (ops35 = [__args35[1]]), seq(moveChild("test"), seqa(ops35), up)), ((
consequent9 = extract((function(__o5) {
var test = __o5["test"],
consequent10 = __o5["consequent"],
alternate1 = __o5["alternate"];
return seq(set((isTruthy(test) ? consequent10 : alternate1)), checkTop);
}))), (alternate1 = seq(((__args35 = ["consequent", checkTop]), (ops35 = [__args35[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"consequent"), seqa(ops35), up)), ((__args36 = ["alternate", checkTop]), (ops36 = [__args36[1]]),
seq(moveChild("alternate"), seqa(ops36), up)))), extract((function(node) {
}))), (alternate1 = seq(((__args36 = ["consequent", checkTop]), (ops36 = [__args36[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"consequent"), seqa(ops36), up)), ((__args37 = ["alternate", checkTop]), (ops37 = [__args37[1]]),
seq(moveChild("alternate"), seqa(ops37), up)))), extract((function(node) {
return (isPrimitive(node.test) ? consequent9 : (alternate1 || pass));
var x26 = addRewrite.bind(null, "CheckedMemberExpression"),
y26 = seq(((__args37 = ["object", checkTop]), (ops37 = [__args37[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), seqa(ops37), up)), (
(__args38 = ["property", checkTop]), (ops38 = [__args38[1]]), (consequent10 = seq(moveChild("property"),
seqa(ops38), up)), extract((function(node) {
var x27 = addRewrite.bind(null, "CheckedMemberExpression"),
y27 = seq(((__args38 = ["object", checkTop]), (ops38 = [__args38[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), seqa(ops38), up)), (
(__args39 = ["property", checkTop]), (ops39 = [__args39[1]]), (consequent10 = seq(moveChild("property"),
seqa(ops39), up)), extract((function(node) {
return (node.computed ? consequent10 : (undefined || pass));

@@ -521,18 +533,18 @@ }))), extract((function(node) {

.chain((function(binding) {
var x27, y27;
return (((binding && binding.value) && binding.simple) ? ((x27 = set), (y27 =
var x28, y28;
return (((binding && binding.value) && binding.simple) ? ((x28 = set), (y28 =
modifyNode(node, ({
"id": binding.value
}))), x27(y27)) : pass);
}))), x28(y28)) : pass);
var x27 = addRewrite.bind(null, "MemberExpression"),
y27 = seq(((__args39 = ["object", checkTop]), (ops39 = [__args39[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), seqa(ops39), up)), (
(__args40 = ["property", checkTop]), (ops40 = [__args40[1]]), (consequent11 = seq(moveChild("property"),
seqa(ops40), up)), extract((function(node) {
var x28 = addRewrite.bind(null, "MemberExpression"),
y28 = seq(((__args40 = ["object", checkTop]), (ops40 = [__args40[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), seqa(ops40), up)), (
(__args41 = ["property", checkTop]), (ops41 = [__args41[1]]), (consequent11 = seq(moveChild("property"),
seqa(ops41), up)), extract((function(node) {
return (node.computed ? consequent11 : (undefined || pass));
}))), ((consequent12 = modify((function(__o6) {
var object = __o6["object"],
property = __o6["property"];
}))), ((consequent12 = modify((function(__o5) {
var object = __o5["object"],
property = __o5["property"];
return (object.elements[property.value] || builtins.undefined);

@@ -542,4 +554,4 @@ }))), extract((function(node) {

consequent12 : (undefined || pass));
}))), ((consequent13 = modify((function(__o6) {
var object = __o6["object"];
}))), ((consequent13 = modify((function(__o5) {
var object = __o5["object"];
return ast_value.Literal.create(null, "number", object.elements.length);

@@ -556,21 +568,23 @@ }))), extract((function(node) {

}))), extract((function(node) {
return (((node.computed && ((type(node.object) === "Literal") && (node.object.kind === "string"))) &&
isNumberish( ? consequent14 : (undefined || pass));
return (((node.computed && isString(node.object)) && isNumberish( ? consequent14 :
(undefined || pass));
var x28 = addRewrite.bind(null, ["NewExpression", "ApplyExpression"]),
y28 = seq(((__args41 = ["callee", checkTop]), (ops41 = [__args41[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), seqa(ops41), up)), (
(__args42 = ["args", checkTop]), (ops42 = [__args42[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(ops42), up)));
var x29 = addRewrite.bind(null, "CallExpression"),
y29 = seq(((__args43 = ["callee", checkTop]), (ops43 = [__args43[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), seqa(ops43), up)), (
(__args44 = ["args", checkTop]), (ops44 = [__args44[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(ops44), up)), ((exp = {
return x30.callee;
var x29 = addRewrite.bind(null, ["NewExpression", "ApplyExpression"]),
y29 = seq(((__args42 = ["callee", checkTop]), (ops42 = [__args42[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), seqa(ops42), up)), (
(__args43 = ["args", checkTop]), (ops43 = [__args43[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(ops43), up)));
var x30 = addRewrite.bind(null, "CallExpression"),
y30 = seq(((__args44 = ["callee", checkTop]), (ops44 = [__args44[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), seqa(ops44), up)), (
(__args45 = ["args", checkTop]), (ops45 = [__args45[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(ops45), up)), ((exp = {
return x31.callee;
}))), (consequent15 = exp.chain((function(z) {
var callee = expandNode(z);
var newCallee = expandNode(z);
return modify((function(node) {
return incCount(getUid(node.callee), (getExpansion(node.callee)
.count || 1), getExpansion(node.callee)
.value, ast_expression.CallExpression.create(node.loc, callee, node.args));
var callee = node["callee"];
return incCount(getUid(callee), (getExpansionDepth(callee) || 1),
getExpansionValue(callee), modifyNode(node, ({
"callee": newCallee

@@ -581,5 +595,5 @@ }))), extract((function(node) {

return extract((function(node) {
var __o6 = expandCallee(uid, node.callee, node.args),
locals = __o6[0],
node0 = __o6[1];
var __o5 = expandCallee(uid, node.callee, node.args),
locals = __o5[0],
node0 = __o5[1];
return seq(modifyState(state.addLocals.bind(null, locals)), set(node0));

@@ -592,13 +606,16 @@ }));

var x30 = addRewrite.bind(null, "CurryExpression"),
y30 = seq(((__args45 = ["base", checkTop]), (ops45 = [__args45[1]]), seq(moveChild("base"), seqa(ops45), up)), ((
__args46 = ["args", checkTop]), (ops46 = [__args46[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(ops46), up)), ((exp0 = {
return x31.base;
var x31 = addRewrite.bind(null, "CurryExpression"),
y31 = seq(((__args46 = ["base", checkTop]), (ops46 = [__args46[1]]), seq(moveChild("base"), seqa(ops46), up)), ((
__args47 = ["args", checkTop]), (ops47 = [__args47[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(ops47), up)), ((exp0 = {
return x32.base;
}))), (consequent17 = exp0.chain((function(z) {
var base = expandNode(z);
var expandedBase = expandNode(z);
return modify((function(node) {
return incCount(getUid(node.base), getExpansion(node.base), getExpansion(node.base)
.value, ast_expression.CurryExpression.create(node.loc, base, node.args));
var base = node["base"];
return incCount(getUid(base), getExpansion(base), getExpansionValue(base),
modifyNode(node, ({
"base": expandedBase

@@ -616,29 +633,28 @@ }))), extract((function(node) {

var x31 = addRewrite.bind(null, "LetExpression"),
y31 = seq(((__args47 = ["bindings", checkTop]), (ops47 = [__args47[1]]), seq(moveChild("bindings"), seqa(ops47), up)), (
(__args48 = ["body", checkTop]), (ops48 = [__args48[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"), seqa(ops48), up)), ((
consequent19 = modify((function(__o6) {
var loc = __o6["loc"],
bindings = __o6["bindings"],
body3 = __o6["body"];
var x32 = addRewrite.bind(null, "LetExpression"),
y32 = seq(((__args48 = ["bindings", checkTop]), (ops48 = [__args48[1]]), seq(moveChild("bindings"), seqa(ops48), up)), (
(__args49 = ["body", checkTop]), (ops49 = [__args49[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"), seqa(ops49), up)), ((
consequent19 = modify((function(__o5) {
var loc = __o5["loc"],
bindings = __o5["bindings"],
body3 = __o5["body"];
return ast_expression.LetExpression.create(loc, concat(bindings, body3.bindings), body3.body);
}))), extract((function(node) {
var z, y32;
return (((z = node.body), (y32 = type(z)), ("LetExpression" === y32)) ? consequent19 : (
var z, y33;
return (((z = node.body), (y33 = type(z)), ("LetExpression" === y33)) ? consequent19 : (
undefined || pass));
}))), modify((function(__o6) {
var loc = __o6["loc"],
bindings = __o6["bindings"],
body3 = __o6["body"];
return ast_expression.LetExpression.create(loc, flattenr(bindings), body3);
})), ((consequent20 = modify((function(x32) {
return x32.body;
}))), modify((function(node) {
return modifyNode(node, ({
"bindings": flattenr(node.bindings)
})), ((consequent20 = modify((function(x33) {
return x33.body;
}))), extract((function(node) {
var bindings;
return (((bindings = node["bindings"]), (!bindings.length)) ? consequent20 : (undefined || pass));
var x33;
return (((x33 = node.bindings.length), (!x33)) ? consequent20 : (undefined || pass));
var x32 = addRewrite.bind(null, "SliceUnpack"),
y32 = seq(((__args49 = ["target", checkTop]), (ops49 = [__args49[1]]), seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(ops49), up)), (
var x33 = addRewrite.bind(null, "SliceUnpack"),
y33 = seq(((__args50 = ["target", checkTop]), (ops50 = [__args50[1]]), seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(ops50), up)), (
(consequent21 = extract((function(node) {

@@ -648,6 +664,6 @@ return getBinding(getUid(

return (((binding && binding.value) && (type(binding.value) ===
"ArrayExpression")) ? modify((function(__o6) {
var target = __o6["target"],
from = __o6["from"],
to = __o6["to"];
"ArrayExpression")) ? modify((function(__o5) {
var target = __o5["target"],
from = __o5["from"],
to = __o5["to"];
return ast_expression.ArrayExpression.create(null, map((

@@ -665,34 +681,35 @@ function(i) {

var x33 = addRewrite.bind(null, ["RelativeUnpack"]),
__args50 = ["target", checkTop],
ops50 = [__args50[1]],
y33 = seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(ops50), up);
var x34 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ArgumentsPattern"),
y34 = seq(((__args51 = ["id", checkTop]), (ops51 = [__args51[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(ops51), up)), ((
__args52 = ["elements", checkTop]), (ops52 = [__args52[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(ops52), up)), (
(__args53 = ["self", checkTop]), (ops53 = [__args53[1]]), seq(moveChild("self"), seqa(ops53), up)));
var x34 = addRewrite.bind(null, ["RelativeUnpack"]),
__args51 = ["target", checkTop],
ops51 = [__args51[1]],
y34 = seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(ops51), up);
var x35 = addRewrite.bind(null, "IdentifierPattern"),
y35 = extract((function(node) {
return addBinding(getUid(, null, true);
var x35 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ArgumentsPattern"),
y35 = seq(((__args52 = ["id", checkTop]), (ops52 = [__args52[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(ops52), up)), ((
__args53 = ["elements", checkTop]), (ops53 = [__args53[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(ops53), up)), (
(__args54 = ["self", checkTop]), (ops54 = [__args54[1]]), seq(moveChild("self"), seqa(ops54), up)));
var x36 = addRewrite.bind(null, "IdentifierPattern"),
y36 = extract((function(__o5) {
var id = __o5["id"];
return addBinding(getUid(id), null, SIMPLE);
var x36 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ArrayExpression"),
__args54 = ["elements", checkTop],
ops54 = [__args54[1]],
y36 = seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(ops54), up);
var x37 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ObjectExpression"),
__args55 = ["properties", checkTop],
var x37 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ArrayExpression"),
__args55 = ["elements", checkTop],
ops55 = [__args55[1]],
y37 = seq(moveChild("properties"), seqa(ops55), up);
y37 = seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(ops55), up);
var x38 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ObjectValue"),
__args56 = ["value", checkTop],
var x38 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ObjectExpression"),
__args56 = ["properties", checkTop],
ops56 = [__args56[1]],
y38 = seq(moveChild("value"), seqa(ops56), up);
y38 = seq(moveChild("properties"), seqa(ops56), up);
var x39 = addRewrite.bind(null, "Identifier"),
var x39 = addRewrite.bind(null, "ObjectValue"),
__args57 = ["value", checkTop],
ops57 = [__args57[1]],
y39 = seq(moveChild("value"), seqa(ops57), up);
var x40 = addRewrite.bind(null, "Identifier"),
consequent22 = extract((function(node) {

@@ -704,6 +721,6 @@ return getBinding(getUid(node))

y39 = extract((function(node) {
y40 = extract((function(node) {
return ((getUid(node) && (!isExpansion(node))) ? consequent22 : (undefined || pass));
(_check = (function(node) {

@@ -728,10 +745,10 @@ if (Array.isArray(node)) {

initialState = ((x40 = foldl((function(s, name) {
initialState = ((x41 = foldl((function(s, name) {
var id = builtins[name],
def = definitions[name];
return state.addBinding(getUid(id), markExpansion(id, 0, def), true, s);
}), State.empty, Object.keys(builtins))), (y40 = state.addGlobal.bind(null, "_")), y40(x40));
(optimize = (function(ast, data) {
return run(inline, ast, initialState, data.unique);
return state.addBinding(getUid(id), markExpansion(id, 0, def), SIMPLE, s);
}), State.empty, Object.keys(builtins))), (y41 = state.addGlobal.bind(null, "_")), y41(x41));
(optimize = (function(ast0, data) {
return run(inline, ast0, initialState, data.unique);
(exports["optimize"] = optimize);

@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ /*

__args40, actions40, __args41, actions41, __args42, actions42, __args43, actions43, __args44, actions44, body12,
__args45, actions45, __args46, actions46, consequent1, __args47, actions47, __args48, actions48, __args49,
actions49, __args50, actions50, __args51, actions51, __args52, actions52, __args53, actions53, __args54,
actions54, __args55, actions55, __args56, actions56, __args57, actions57, consequent2, __args60, actions60,
__args61, actions61, __args62, actions62, __args63, actions63, __args67, actions67, __args68, actions68,
__args70, actions70, __args71, actions71, __args72, actions72, __args73, actions73, __args74, actions74, _check,
__args45, actions45, __args46, actions46, consequent1, __args47, actions47, __args49, actions49, __args50,
actions50, __args51, actions51, __args52, actions52, __args53, actions53, __args54, actions54, __args55,
actions55, __args56, actions56, __args57, actions57, __args58, actions58, consequent2, __args61, actions61,
__args62, actions62, __args63, actions63, __args64, actions64, __args68, actions68, __args69, actions69,
__args71, actions71, __args72, actions72, __args73, actions73, __args74, actions74, __args75, actions75, _check,
reserved = getUd.bind(null, "reserved"),

@@ -396,63 +396,68 @@ getStart = (function(y) {

var x26 = addCheck.bind(null, "BinaryExpression"),
y26 = seq(((__args48 = ["operator", checkTop]), (actions48 = [__args48[1]]), seq(moveChild("operator"), seqa(
actions48), up)), ((__args49 = ["left", checkTop]), (actions49 = [__args49[1]]), seq(moveChild("left"),
seqa(actions49), up)), ((__args50 = ["right", checkTop]), (actions50 = [__args50[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"right"), seqa(actions50), up)));
var x26 = addCheck.bind(null, "DeleteExpression"),
__args48 = ["argument", checkTop],
actions48 = [__args48[1]],
y26 = seq(moveChild("argument"), seqa(actions48), up);
var x27 = addCheck.bind(null, "ConditionalExpression"),
y27 = seq(((__args51 = ["test", checkTop]), (actions51 = [__args51[1]]), seq(moveChild("test"), seqa(actions51), up)), (
(__args52 = ["consequent", checkTop]), (actions52 = [__args52[1]]), seq(moveChild("consequent"), seqa(
actions52), up)), ((__args53 = ["alternate", checkTop]), (actions53 = [__args53[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"alternate"), seqa(actions53), up)));
var x27 = addCheck.bind(null, "BinaryExpression"),
y27 = seq(((__args49 = ["operator", checkTop]), (actions49 = [__args49[1]]), seq(moveChild("operator"), seqa(
actions49), up)), ((__args50 = ["left", checkTop]), (actions50 = [__args50[1]]), seq(moveChild("left"),
seqa(actions50), up)), ((__args51 = ["right", checkTop]), (actions51 = [__args51[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"right"), seqa(actions51), up)));
var x28 = addCheck.bind(null, ["CallExpression", "NewExpression"]),
y28 = seq(((__args54 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions54 = [__args54[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), seqa(actions54),
up)), ((__args55 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions55 = [__args55[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(actions55),
var x28 = addCheck.bind(null, "ConditionalExpression"),
y28 = seq(((__args52 = ["test", checkTop]), (actions52 = [__args52[1]]), seq(moveChild("test"), seqa(actions52), up)), (
(__args53 = ["consequent", checkTop]), (actions53 = [__args53[1]]), seq(moveChild("consequent"), seqa(
actions53), up)), ((__args54 = ["alternate", checkTop]), (actions54 = [__args54[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"alternate"), seqa(actions54), up)));
var x29 = addCheck.bind(null, ["CallExpression", "NewExpression"]),
y29 = seq(((__args55 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions55 = [__args55[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), seqa(actions55),
up)), ((__args56 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions56 = [__args56[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(actions56),
var x29 = addCheck.bind(null, ["MemberExpression", "CheckedMemberExpression"]),
y29 = seq(((__args56 = ["object", checkTop]), (actions56 = [__args56[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), seqa(actions56),
up)), ((__args57 = ["property", checkTop]), (actions57 = [__args57[1]]), (consequent2 = seq(moveChild(
"property"), seqa(actions57), up)), inspect((function(node) {
var x30 = addCheck.bind(null, ["MemberExpression", "CheckedMemberExpression"]),
y30 = seq(((__args57 = ["object", checkTop]), (actions57 = [__args57[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), seqa(actions57),
up)), ((__args58 = ["property", checkTop]), (actions58 = [__args58[1]]), (consequent2 = seq(moveChild(
"property"), seqa(actions58), up)), inspect((function(node) {
return (node.computed ? consequent2 : (undefined || pass));
var x30 = addCheck.bind(null, "ArrayExpression"),
__args58 = ["elements", checkTop],
actions58 = [__args58[1]],
y30 = seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(actions58), up);
var x31 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectExpression"),
__args59 = ["properties", checkTop],
var x31 = addCheck.bind(null, "ArrayExpression"),
__args59 = ["elements", checkTop],
actions59 = [__args59[1]],
y31 = seq(moveChild("properties"), seqa(actions59), up);
y31 = seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(actions59), up);
var x32 = addCheck.bind(null, "LetExpression"),
body13 = [((__args60 = ["bindings", checkTop]), (actions60 = [__args60[1]]), seq(moveChild("bindings"), seqa(
actions60), up)), ((__args61 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions61 = [__args61[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"),
seqa(actions61), up))],
y32 = seq(push, seqa(body13), pop);
var x32 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectExpression"),
__args60 = ["properties", checkTop],
actions60 = [__args60[1]],
y32 = seq(moveChild("properties"), seqa(actions60), up);
var x33 = addCheck.bind(null, "CurryExpression"),
y33 = seq(((__args62 = ["base", checkTop]), (actions62 = [__args62[1]]), seq(moveChild("base"), seqa(actions62), up)), (
(__args63 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions63 = [__args63[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(actions63), up)));
var x33 = addCheck.bind(null, "LetExpression"),
body13 = [((__args61 = ["bindings", checkTop]), (actions61 = [__args61[1]]), seq(moveChild("bindings"), seqa(
actions61), up)), ((__args62 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions62 = [__args62[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"),
seqa(actions62), up))],
y33 = seq(push, seqa(body13), pop);
var x34 = addCheck.bind(null, "OperatorExpression"),
__args64 = ["operator", checkTop],
actions64 = [__args64[1]],
y34 = seq(moveChild("operator"), seqa(actions64), up);
var x34 = addCheck.bind(null, "CurryExpression"),
y34 = seq(((__args63 = ["base", checkTop]), (actions63 = [__args63[1]]), seq(moveChild("base"), seqa(actions63), up)), (
(__args64 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions64 = [__args64[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), seqa(actions64), up)));
var x35 = addCheck.bind(null, "EllipsisPattern"),
__args65 = ["id", checkTop],
var x35 = addCheck.bind(null, "OperatorExpression"),
__args65 = ["operator", checkTop],
actions65 = [__args65[1]],
y35 = seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions65), up);
y35 = seq(moveChild("operator"), seqa(actions65), up);
var x36 = addCheck.bind(null, ["SliceUnpack", "RelativeUnpack", "ImportPattern"]),
__args66 = ["pattern", checkTop],
var x36 = addCheck.bind(null, "EllipsisPattern"),
__args66 = ["id", checkTop],
actions66 = [__args66[1]],
y36 = seq(moveChild("pattern"), seqa(actions66), up);
y36 = seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions66), up);
var x37 = addCheck.bind(null, "IdentifierPattern"),
y37 = seq(inspect((function(node) {
var x37 = addCheck.bind(null, ["SliceUnpack", "RelativeUnpack", "ImportPattern"]),
__args67 = ["pattern", checkTop],
actions67 = [__args67[1]],
y37 = seq(moveChild("pattern"), seqa(actions67), up);
var x38 = addCheck.bind(null, "IdentifierPattern"),
y38 = seq(inspect((function(node) {
var loc = node["loc"],

@@ -462,37 +467,37 @@ id = node["id"];

})), ((__args67 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions67 = [__args67[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions67), up)));
var x38 = addCheck.bind(null, "AsPattern"),
y38 = seq(((__args68 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions68 = [__args68[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions68), up)),
})), ((__args68 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions68 = [__args68[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions68), up)));
var x39 = addCheck.bind(null, "AsPattern"),
y39 = seq(((__args69 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions69 = [__args69[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions69), up)),
inspect((function(node) {
var __args69 = ["target", modifyNode((function(target) {
var __args70 = ["target", modifyNode((function(target) {
return setUd("id",, target);
})), checkTop],
actions69 = [__args69[1], __args69[2]];
return seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(actions69), up);
actions70 = [__args70[1], __args70[2]];
return seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(actions70), up);
var x39 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectPattern"),
__args69 = ["elements", checkTop],
actions69 = [__args69[1]],
y39 = seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(actions69), up);
var x40 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectPatternElement"),
y40 = seq(((__args70 = ["target", checkTop]), (actions70 = [__args70[1]]), seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(actions70),
up)), ((__args71 = ["key", checkTop]), (actions71 = [__args71[1]]), seq(moveChild("key"), seqa(actions71),
var x40 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectPattern"),
__args70 = ["elements", checkTop],
actions70 = [__args70[1]],
y40 = seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(actions70), up);
var x41 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectPatternElement"),
y41 = seq(((__args71 = ["target", checkTop]), (actions71 = [__args71[1]]), seq(moveChild("target"), seqa(actions71),
up)), ((__args72 = ["key", checkTop]), (actions72 = [__args72[1]]), seq(moveChild("key"), seqa(actions72),
var x41 = addCheck.bind(null, "ArgumentsPattern"),
y41 = seq(((__args72 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions72 = [__args72[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions72), up)), (
(__args73 = ["elements", checkTop]), (actions73 = [__args73[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(actions73),
up)), ((__args74 = ["self", checkTop]), (actions74 = [__args74[1]]), seq(moveChild("self"), seqa(
actions74), up)));
var x42 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectValue"),
__args75 = ["value", checkTop],
actions75 = [__args75[1]],
y42 = seq(moveChild("value"), seqa(actions75), up);
var x42 = addCheck.bind(null, "ArgumentsPattern"),
y42 = seq(((__args73 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions73 = [__args73[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), seqa(actions73), up)), (
(__args74 = ["elements", checkTop]), (actions74 = [__args74[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"), seqa(actions74),
up)), ((__args75 = ["self", checkTop]), (actions75 = [__args75[1]]), seq(moveChild("self"), seqa(
actions75), up)));
var x43 = addCheck.bind(null, ["Identifier", "BinaryOperator"]),
y43 = inspect((function(node) {
var x43 = addCheck.bind(null, "ObjectValue"),
__args76 = ["value", checkTop],
actions76 = [__args76[1]],
y43 = seq(moveChild("value"), seqa(actions76), up);
var x44 = addCheck.bind(null, ["Identifier", "BinaryOperator"]),
y44 = inspect((function(node) {
var loc = node["loc"],

@@ -502,9 +507,9 @@ name = node["name"];

var uid = scope.getUid(name, s),
return seq(addRef(uid), ((y44 = setUid(uid, node)), setNode(y44)));
return seq(addRef(uid), ((y45 = setUid(uid, node)), setNode(y45)));
var x44 = addCheck.bind(null, ["UnaryOperator"]),
y44 = inspect((function(node) {
var x45 = addCheck.bind(null, ["UnaryOperator"]),
y45 = inspect((function(node) {
var loc = node["loc"],

@@ -514,7 +519,7 @@ name = node["name"];

var uid = scope.getUid(name, s),
return seq(((y45 = setUid(uid, node)), setNode(y45)), addOperator(name, uid));
return seq(((y46 = setUid(uid, node)), setNode(y46)), addOperator(name, uid));
(_check = (function(node) {

@@ -527,9 +532,9 @@ return (Array.isArray(node) ? checkArray(node) : (checks[type(node)] || pass));

addUnaryOps = flip(foldl.bind(null, (function(s, c) {
return scope.addOperator(c, "global", s);
return scope.addOperator(c, "global", scope.addImmutableBinding(c, "global", s));
rewrite = seq(checkTop, root, extractCtx.chain((function(x45) {
rewrite = seq(checkTop, root, extractCtx.chain((function(x46) {
return unique((function(unique0) {
return {
return ({
tree: x45,
tree: x46,
data: ({

@@ -543,7 +548,7 @@ unique: unique0

(check = (function(ast, globals, builtinBinary, builtinUnary) {
var x45, y45, x46, y46, x47, y47;
return run(rewrite, ((x45 = Scope.empty), (y45 = addGlobals.bind(null, (globals || []))), (x46 = y45(x45)), (
y46 = addGlobals.bind(null, (builtinBinary || []))), (x47 = y46(x46)), (y47 = addUnaryOps.bind(
null, (builtinUnary || []))), y47(x47)), ast, Error.of,;
var x46, y46, x47, y47, x48, y48;
return run(rewrite, ((x46 = Scope.empty), (y46 = addGlobals.bind(null, (globals || []))), (x47 = y46(x46)), (
y47 = addGlobals.bind(null, (builtinBinary || []))), (x48 = y47(x47)), (y48 = addUnaryOps.bind(
null, (builtinUnary || []))), y48(x48)), ast, Error.of,;
(exports["check"] = check);

@@ -120,3 +120,19 @@ /*

peepholes.add("BinaryExpression", UP, (function(z) {
var y0 = z.operator;
return ("|>" === y0);
}), (function(__o6) {
var left = __o6["left"],
right = __o6["right"];
return ast_expression.CallExpression.create(null, right, [left]);
peepholes.add("BinaryExpression", UP, (function(z) {
var y0 = z.operator;
return ("<|" === y0);
}), (function(__o6) {
var left = __o6["left"],
right = __o6["right"];
return ast_expression.CallExpression.create(null, left, [right]);
(normalize = rewrite.bind(null, peepholes));
(exports["normalize"] = normalize);

@@ -189,3 +189,3 @@ /*

var x19 = addRewrite.bind(null, "UnaryExpression"),
var x19 = addRewrite.bind(null, ["UnaryExpression", "DeleteExpression"]),
__args34 = ["argument", checkTop],

@@ -192,0 +192,0 @@ actions34 = [__args34[1]],

@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ /*

builtinBinaryOps = ["*", "/", "+", "-", "%", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "===", "!==", "&",
"^", "|", "||", "&&", "|>", "||>", "\\>", "\\>>", "<|", "<<|", "<\\", "<<\\", "!", "++", "--", "~", ".", "??",
"@", "void", "instanceof", "typeof", "new"
"^", "|", "||", "&&", "|>", "||>", "\\>", "\\>>", "<|", "<<|", "<\\", "<<\\", ".", "??", "@", "instanceof",
builtinUnaryOps = ["!", "++", "--", "~"];
builtinUnaryOps = ["!", "++", "--", "~", "typeof", "void"];
(check = (function(input) {

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ var options = input["options"],

@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ /*

actions48, __args49, actions49, __args50, actions50, __args51, actions51, __args52, actions52, __args53,
actions53, __args54, actions55, __args55, actions56, __args56, actions57, __args57, actions58, __args58,
actions59, __args59, actions60, __args60, actions61, __args61, actions62, __args63, actions64, __args64,
actions65, __args65, actions66, __args66, actions67, move, uid, f1, uid0, f2, _trans, M = TreeZipperT(StateT(
actions53, __args54, actions54, __args55, actions56, __args56, actions57, __args57, actions58, __args58,
actions59, __args59, actions60, __args60, actions61, __args61, actions62, __args62, actions63, __args64,
actions65, __args65, actions66, __args66, actions67, __args67, actions68, move, uid, f1, uid0, f2, _trans, M =
run = (function(m, s, ctx) {

@@ -239,55 +239,59 @@ return Unique.runUnique(StateT.evalStateT(TreeZipperT.runTreeZipperT(m, ctx), s));

var x22 = addTransform.bind(null, "UnaryExpression"),
var x22 = addTransform.bind(null, "DeleteExpression"),
y23 = seq(((__args33 = ["argument", checkTop]), (actions33 = [__args33[1]]), seq(moveChild("argument"), sequencea(
actions33), up)), modify(translate.unaryExpression));
actions33), up)), modify(translate.deleteExpression));
var x23 = addTransform.bind(null, "BinaryExpression"),
y24 = seq(((__args34 = ["operator", checkTop]), (actions34 = [__args34[1]]), seq(moveChild("operator"), sequencea(
actions34), up)), ((__args35 = ["left", checkTop]), (actions35 = [__args35[1]]), seq(moveChild("left"),
sequencea(actions35), up)), ((__args36 = ["right", checkTop]), (actions36 = [__args36[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"right"), sequencea(actions36), up)), modify(translate.binaryExpression));
var x23 = addTransform.bind(null, "UnaryExpression"),
y24 = seq(((__args34 = ["argument", checkTop]), (actions34 = [__args34[1]]), seq(moveChild("argument"), sequencea(
actions34), up)), modify(translate.unaryExpression));
var x24 = addTransform.bind(null, "ConditionalExpression"),
y25 = seq(((__args37 = ["test", checkTop]), (actions37 = [__args37[1]]), seq(moveChild("test"), sequencea(actions37),
up)), ((__args38 = ["consequent", checkTop]), (actions38 = [__args38[1]]), seq(moveChild("consequent"),
sequencea(actions38), up)), ((__args39 = ["alternate", checkTop]), (actions39 = [__args39[1]]), seq(
moveChild("alternate"), sequencea(actions39), up)), modify(translate.conditionalExpression));
var x24 = addTransform.bind(null, "BinaryExpression"),
y25 = seq(((__args35 = ["operator", checkTop]), (actions35 = [__args35[1]]), seq(moveChild("operator"), sequencea(
actions35), up)), ((__args36 = ["left", checkTop]), (actions36 = [__args36[1]]), seq(moveChild("left"),
sequencea(actions36), up)), ((__args37 = ["right", checkTop]), (actions37 = [__args37[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"right"), sequencea(actions37), up)), modify(translate.binaryExpression));
var x25 = addTransform.bind(null, "NewExpression"),
y26 = seq(((__args40 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions40 = [__args40[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), sequencea(
actions40), up)), ((__args41 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions41 = [__args41[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"),
sequencea(actions41), up)), modify(translate.newExpression));
var x25 = addTransform.bind(null, "ConditionalExpression"),
y26 = seq(((__args38 = ["test", checkTop]), (actions38 = [__args38[1]]), seq(moveChild("test"), sequencea(actions38),
up)), ((__args39 = ["consequent", checkTop]), (actions39 = [__args39[1]]), seq(moveChild("consequent"),
sequencea(actions39), up)), ((__args40 = ["alternate", checkTop]), (actions40 = [__args40[1]]), seq(
moveChild("alternate"), sequencea(actions40), up)), modify(translate.conditionalExpression));
var x26 = addTransform.bind(null, "CallExpression"),
y27 = seq(((__args42 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions42 = [__args42[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), sequencea(
actions42), up)), ((__args43 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions43 = [__args43[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"),
sequencea(actions43), up)), modify(translate.callExpression));
var x26 = addTransform.bind(null, "NewExpression"),
y27 = seq(((__args41 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions41 = [__args41[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), sequencea(
actions41), up)), ((__args42 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions42 = [__args42[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"),
sequencea(actions42), up)), modify(translate.newExpression));
var x27 = addTransform.bind(null, "ApplyExpression"),
y28 = seq(((__args44 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions44 = [__args44[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), sequencea(
actions44), up)), ((__args45 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions45 = [__args45[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"),
sequencea(actions45), up)), modify(translate.applyExpression));
var x27 = addTransform.bind(null, "CallExpression"),
y28 = seq(((__args43 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions43 = [__args43[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), sequencea(
actions43), up)), ((__args44 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions44 = [__args44[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"),
sequencea(actions44), up)), modify(translate.callExpression));
var x28 = addTransform.bind(null, "MemberExpression"),
y29 = seq(((__args46 = ["object", checkTop]), (actions46 = [__args46[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), sequencea(
actions46), up)), ((__args47 = ["property", checkTop]), (actions47 = [__args47[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"property"), sequencea(actions47), up)), modify(translate.memberExpression));
var x28 = addTransform.bind(null, "ApplyExpression"),
y29 = seq(((__args45 = ["callee", checkTop]), (actions45 = [__args45[1]]), seq(moveChild("callee"), sequencea(
actions45), up)), ((__args46 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions46 = [__args46[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"),
sequencea(actions46), up)), modify(translate.applyExpression));
var x29 = addTransform.bind(null, "CheckedMemberExpression"),
y30 = seq(((__args48 = ["object", checkTop]), (actions48 = [__args48[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), sequencea(
actions48), up)), ((__args49 = ["property", checkTop]), (actions49 = [__args49[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"property"), sequencea(actions49), up)), modify(translate.checkedMemberExpression), checkTop);
var x29 = addTransform.bind(null, "MemberExpression"),
y30 = seq(((__args47 = ["object", checkTop]), (actions47 = [__args47[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), sequencea(
actions47), up)), ((__args48 = ["property", checkTop]), (actions48 = [__args48[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"property"), sequencea(actions48), up)), modify(translate.memberExpression));
var x30 = addTransform.bind(null, "LetExpression"),
y31 = seq(((__args50 = ["bindings", checkTop]), (actions50 = [__args50[1]]), seq(moveChild("bindings"), sequencea(
actions50), up)), withNode((function(z) {
var x30 = addTransform.bind(null, "CheckedMemberExpression"),
y31 = seq(((__args49 = ["object", checkTop]), (actions49 = [__args49[1]]), seq(moveChild("object"), sequencea(
actions49), up)), ((__args50 = ["property", checkTop]), (actions50 = [__args50[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"property"), sequencea(actions50), up)), modify(translate.checkedMemberExpression), checkTop);
var x31 = addTransform.bind(null, "LetExpression"),
y32 = seq(((__args51 = ["bindings", checkTop]), (actions51 = [__args51[1]]), seq(moveChild("bindings"), sequencea(
actions51), up)), withNode((function(z) {
return addBindingsForBindingsList(z.bindings);
})), ((__args51 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions51 = [__args51[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"), sequencea(actions51),
})), ((__args52 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions52 = [__args52[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"), sequencea(actions52),
up)), modify(translate.letExpression));
var x31 = addTransform.bind(null, "CurryExpression"),
y32 = seq(((__args52 = ["base", checkTop]), (actions52 = [__args52[1]]), seq(moveChild("base"), sequencea(actions52),
up)), ((__args53 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions53 = [__args53[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), sequencea(
actions53), up)), modify(translate.curryExpression));
var x32 = addTransform.bind(null, "CurryExpression"),
y33 = seq(((__args53 = ["base", checkTop]), (actions53 = [__args53[1]]), seq(moveChild("base"), sequencea(actions53),
up)), ((__args54 = ["args", checkTop]), (actions54 = [__args54[1]]), seq(moveChild("args"), sequencea(
actions54), up)), modify(translate.curryExpression));
var createExplicitClosure = (function(locals) {

@@ -306,13 +310,13 @@ return enumeration(map((function(uid) {

x32 = addTransform.bind(null, "FunctionExpression"),
actions54 = [((__args54 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions55 = [__args54[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), sequencea(actions55),
x33 = addTransform.bind(null, "FunctionExpression"),
actions55 = [((__args55 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions56 = [__args55[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), sequencea(actions56),
up)), modify((function(node0) {
return translate.functionExpression(node0.loc,, node0.params, node0.body, getUd("prefix",
})), ((__args55 = ["params", checkTop]), (actions56 = [__args55[1]]), seq(moveChild("params"), sequencea(
actions56), up)), ((__args56 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions57 = [__args56[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"),
sequencea(actions57), up)), modify(translate.functionExpressionPost)],
y33 = seq(enterBlock, sequencea(actions54), exitBlock),
evaluate = funcBlock(y33),
y34 = getContext.chain((function(ctx) {
})), ((__args56 = ["params", checkTop]), (actions57 = [__args56[1]]), seq(moveChild("params"), sequencea(
actions57), up)), ((__args57 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions58 = [__args57[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"),
sequencea(actions58), up)), modify(translate.functionExpressionPost)],
y34 = seq(enterBlock, sequencea(actions55), exitBlock),
evaluate = funcBlock(y34),
y35 = getContext.chain((function(ctx) {
return ((ctx === state.LOOP_CTX) ? withNode((function(node0) {

@@ -322,67 +326,67 @@ return seq(evaluate, createExplicitClosure(getClosure(node0)));

var x33 = addTransform.bind(null, "ArrayExpression"),
y35 = seq(((__args57 = ["elements", checkTop]), (actions58 = [__args57[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"), sequencea(
actions58), up)), modify(translate.arrayExpression));
var x34 = addTransform.bind(null, "ObjectExpression"),
y36 = seq(((__args58 = ["properties", checkTop]), (actions59 = [__args58[1]]), seq(moveChild("properties"),
sequencea(actions59), up)), modify(translate.objectExpression));
var x34 = addTransform.bind(null, "ArrayExpression"),
y36 = seq(((__args58 = ["elements", checkTop]), (actions59 = [__args58[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"), sequencea(
actions59), up)), modify(translate.arrayExpression));
var x35 = addTransform.bind(null, "ObjectValue"),
y37 = seq(((__args59 = ["key", checkTop]), (actions60 = [__args59[1]]), seq(moveChild("key"), sequencea(actions60),
up)), ((__args60 = ["value", checkTop]), (actions61 = [__args60[1]]), seq(moveChild("value"), sequencea(
actions61), up)), modify(translate.objectValue));
var x35 = addTransform.bind(null, "ObjectExpression"),
y37 = seq(((__args59 = ["properties", checkTop]), (actions60 = [__args59[1]]), seq(moveChild("properties"),
sequencea(actions60), up)), modify(translate.objectExpression));
var x36 = addTransform.bind(null, "IdentifierPattern"),
y38 = seq(((__args61 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions62 = [__args61[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), sequencea(actions62),
up)), modify((function(x37) {
var x36 = addTransform.bind(null, "ObjectValue"),
y38 = seq(((__args60 = ["key", checkTop]), (actions61 = [__args60[1]]), seq(moveChild("key"), sequencea(actions61),
up)), ((__args61 = ["value", checkTop]), (actions62 = [__args61[1]]), seq(moveChild("value"), sequencea(
actions62), up)), modify(translate.objectValue));
var x37 = addTransform.bind(null, "IdentifierPattern"),
y39 = seq(((__args62 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions63 = [__args62[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), sequencea(actions63),
up)), modify((function(x38) {
var x37 = addTransform.bind(null, ["RelativeUnpack", "SliceUnpack"]),
__args62 = ["target", checkTop],
actions63 = [__args62[1]],
y39 = seq(moveChild("target"), sequencea(actions63), up);
var x38 = addTransform.bind(null, "ArgumentsPattern"),
y40 = seq(((__args63 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions64 = [__args63[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), sequencea(actions64),
up)), ((__args64 = ["elements", checkTop]), (actions65 = [__args64[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"),
sequencea(actions65), up)), ((__args65 = ["self", checkTop]), (actions66 = [__args65[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"self"), sequencea(actions66), up)));
var x38 = addTransform.bind(null, ["RelativeUnpack", "SliceUnpack"]),
__args63 = ["target", checkTop],
actions64 = [__args63[1]],
y40 = seq(moveChild("target"), sequencea(actions64), up);
var x39 = addTransform.bind(null, "Program"),
y41 = seq(pushBindings, modify((function(node0) {
var x39 = addTransform.bind(null, "ArgumentsPattern"),
y41 = seq(((__args64 = ["id", checkTop]), (actions65 = [__args64[1]]), seq(moveChild("id"), sequencea(actions65),
up)), ((__args65 = ["elements", checkTop]), (actions66 = [__args65[1]]), seq(moveChild("elements"),
sequencea(actions66), up)), ((__args66 = ["self", checkTop]), (actions67 = [__args66[1]]), seq(moveChild(
"self"), sequencea(actions67), up)));
var x40 = addTransform.bind(null, "Program"),
y42 = seq(pushBindings, modify((function(node0) {
return ((type(node0.body) === "Package") ? node0 : setUd("prefix", translate.useStrict, node0));
})), ((__args66 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions67 = [__args66[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"), sequencea(actions67),
})), ((__args67 = ["body", checkTop]), (actions68 = [__args67[1]]), seq(moveChild("body"), sequencea(actions68),
up)), getBindings((function(bindings) {
return modify(translate.program.bind(null, bindings));
var x40 = addTransform.bind(null, "Package"),
y42 = seq(packageManager.chain((function(packageManager0) {
var x41 = addTransform.bind(null, "Package"),
y43 = seq(packageManager.chain((function(packageManager0) {
return modify(translate.packageBlock.bind(null, packageManager0));
})), checkTop);
var x41 = addTransform.bind(null, "Import"),
y43 = packageManager.chain((function(packageManager0) {
var y44;
return modify(((y44 = packageManager0.importPackage), (function(z) {
return y44(z.from);
var x42 = addTransform.bind(null, "Import"),
y44 = packageManager.chain((function(packageManager0) {
var y45;
return modify(((y45 = packageManager0.importPackage), (function(z) {
return y45(z.from);
var x42 = addTransform.bind(null, "Identifier"),
y44 = withNode((function(node0) {
var id, uid, uid0, x43, y45;
var x43 = addTransform.bind(null, "Identifier"),
y45 = withNode((function(node0) {
var id, uid, uid0, x44, y46;
return (getUid(node0) ? seq(((id =, (uid = getUid(node0)), modifyScope(scope.addVar.bind(
null, id, uid))), ((uid0 = getUid(node0)), inspectScope(scope.getMapping.bind(null, uid0)))
.chain((function(name) {
var x43 = set,
y45 = translate.identifier(node0.loc, name, getUid(node0));
return x43(y45);
}))) : ((x43 = set), (y45 = translate.identifier(node0.loc,, x43(y45)));
var x44 = set,
y46 = translate.identifier(node0.loc, name, getUid(node0));
return x44(y46);
}))) : ((x44 = set), (y46 = translate.identifier(node0.loc,, x44(y46)));
var visitArray = ((move = (function(x43, i, a) {
var visitArray = ((move = (function(x44, i, a) {
return ((i === (a.length - 1)) ? checkTop : seq(checkTop, right));

@@ -389,0 +393,0 @@ })), (function(node0) {

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ /*

__o0 = require("./unpack"),
useStrict, identifier, program, variableDeclaration, variableDeclarator, assignmentExpression, unaryExpression,
binaryExpression, logicalExpression, conditionalExpression, newExpression, callExpression, applyExpression,
memberExpression, checkedMemberExpression, arrayExpression, objectExpression, objectValue, functionExpression,
functionExpressionPost, explicitClosure, letExpression, curryExpression, catchClause, switchCase,
emptyStatement, blockStatement, withStatement, expressionStatement, returnStatement, throwStatement,
useStrict, identifier, program, variableDeclaration, variableDeclarator, assignmentExpression, deleteExpression,
unaryExpression, binaryExpression, logicalExpression, conditionalExpression, newExpression, callExpression,
applyExpression, memberExpression, checkedMemberExpression, arrayExpression, objectExpression, objectValue,
functionExpression, functionExpressionPost, explicitClosure, letExpression, curryExpression, catchClause,
switchCase, emptyStatement, blockStatement, withStatement, expressionStatement, returnStatement, throwStatement,
breakStatement, continueStatement, ifStatement, switchStatement, forStatement, doWhileStatement, whileStatement,

@@ -74,2 +74,5 @@ tryStatement, packageBlock, type = __o["type"],

(deleteExpression = (function(node) {
return ecma_expression.UnaryExpression.create(node.loc, "delete", node.argument);
var mapOp = (function(op) {

@@ -232,2 +235,3 @@ switch (op) {

(exports["assignmentExpression"] = assignmentExpression);
(exports["deleteExpression"] = deleteExpression);
(exports["unaryExpression"] = unaryExpression);

@@ -234,0 +238,0 @@ (exports["binaryExpression"] = binaryExpression);

"name": "khepri-compile",
"version": "1.3.3",
"version": "1.3.4",
"description": "Compiler for the Khepri programming language",

@@ -43,3 +43,3 @@ "author": "Matt Bierner",

"khepri-ast": "4.7.x",
"khepri-ast": "4.8.x",
"khepri-ast-zipper": "1.2.x",

@@ -57,3 +57,3 @@

"khepri-parse": "2.6.x",
"khepri-parse": "2.7.x",
"ecma-unparse": "3.3.x"

@@ -60,0 +60,0 @@ },

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet