Simple, robust LastFM API client (for public data)
npm install last-fm
Why this package?
The most useful data on LastFM is the public music data. When building an app that
incorporates music data from LastFM, lots of functionality provided by the LastFM
API isn't necessary – authorizing as a user, liking tracks, adding/removing tags,
getting a list of songs in the user's "library", etc.
This package only provides the LastFM API methods that use GET requests to fetch
data, making it smaller and simpler than the other LastFM libraries.
If this matches your use case, consider using this package.
- Powered by the LastFM API
- Lightweight library, only provides the GET methods from the API
First, get an API key from
const LastFM = require('last-fm')
const lastfm = new LastFM('API_KEY', { userAgent: 'MyApp/1.0.0 (' })
lastfm.trackSearch({ q: 'the greatest' }, (err, data) => {
if (err) console.error(err)
else console.log(data)
lastfm = new LastFM(key, [opts])
Create a new LastFM API client with the given public API key
Since all the LastFM calls supported by this module access public data, the secret
key is not required.
If opts
is provided, it can contain the following options:
- String to use as the User-Agent
header in http requestsopts.minArtistListeners
- Exclude artist results with fewer than this number of "listeners" (default: 0
- Exclude track results with fewer than this number of "listeners" (default: 0
Note: Unfortunately, there is no opts.minAlbumListeners
since the API does not
include listener numbers in album results (even though the data exists when you get an
individual album via lastfm.albumInfo
Convenience API
These APIs are not part of the LastFM documentation, but they use data from the API
and process it into a more useful form., (err, data) => {})
Search for artists, tracks, or albums by name. (,,
This returns the "top result" across all result types, prioritizing an exact query
match, if one exists. Otherwise, the most popular result by number of "listeners"
is used.
- the search queryopts.limit
- the number of each type of result to fetch
Album API
lastfm.albumInfo(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the metadata and tracklist for an album on using the album name. (album.getInfo)
lastfm.albumTopTags(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top tags for an album on, ordered by popularity. (album.getTopTags)
lastfm.albumSearch(opts, (err, data) => {})
Search for an album by name. Returns album matches sorted by relevance. (
Artist API
lastfm.artistCorrection(opts, (err, data) => {})
Use the corrections data to check whether the supplied artist has a correction to a canonical artist. (artist.getCorrection)
lastfm.artistInfo(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the metadata for an artist. Includes biography, truncated at 300 characters. (artist.getInfo)
lastfm.artistSimilar(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get all the artists similar to this artist (artist.getSimilar)
lastfm.artistTopAlbums(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top albums for an artist on, ordered by popularity. (artist.getTopAlbums)
lastfm.artistTopTags(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top tags for an artist on, ordered by popularity. (artist.getTopTags)
lastfm.artistTopTracks(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top tracks by an artist on, ordered by popularity. (artist.getTopTracks)
lastfm.artistSearch(opts, (err, data) => {})
Search for an artist by name. Returns artist matches sorted by relevance. (
Chart API
lastfm.chartTopArtists(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top artists chart. (chart.getTopArtists)
lastfm.chartTopTags(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top tags chart. (chart.getTopTags)
lastfm.chartTopTracks(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top tracks chart. (chart.getTopTracks)
lastfm.geoTopArtists(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the most popular artists on by country. (geo.getTopArtists)
lastfm.geoTopTracks(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the most popular tracks on last week by country. (geo.getTopTracks)
lastfm.tagInfo(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the metadata for a tag. (tag.getInfo)
lastfm.tagSimilar(opts, (err, data) => {})
Search for tags similar to this one. Returns tags ranked by similarity, based on listening data. (tag.getSimilar)
lastfm.tagTopAlbums(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top albums tagged by this tag, ordered by tag count. (tag.getTopAlbums)
lastfm.tagTopArtists(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top artists tagged by this tag, ordered by tag count. (tag.getTopArtists)
lastfm.tagTopTags(opts, (err, data) => {})
Fetches the top global tags on, sorted by popularity (number of times used). (tag.getTopTags)
lastfm.tagTopTracks(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top tracks tagged by this tag, ordered by tag count. (tag.getTopTracks)
Track API
lastfm.trackCorrection(opts, (err, data) => {})
Use the corrections data to check whether the supplied track has a correction to a canonical track. (track.getCorrection)
lastfm.trackInfo(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the metadata for a track on using the artist/track name. (track.getInfo)
lastfm.trackSimilar(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the similar tracks for this track on, based on listening data. (track.getSimilar)
lastfm.trackTopTags(opts, (err, data) => {})
Get the top tags for this track on, ordered by tag count. Supply a track & artist name. (track.getTopTags)
lastfm.trackSearch(opts, (err, data) => {})
Search for a track by track name. Returns track matches sorted by relevance. (
MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh.