Line is flow control designed to work with CoffeeScript.
Here's an example:
Line = require('line').Line
data2 = null
l = new Line
error: (err) -> console.log('Oh no! One of the callbacks had an error:', err)
-> fs.readdir 'my_dir', @wait()
(files) ->
# Callback results can be named, or observed
fs.readFile "my_dir/#{files[0]}", 'utf8', @wait('data1')
fs.readFile "my_dir/#{files[1]}", 'utf8', @wait (data) -> data2 = data
fs.stat "my_dir/#{files[2]}", @wait()
# By default, the result of the last wait() call will be passed on
(stats) ->
console.log('Contents of the first file:', @results.data1)
console.log('Contents of the second file:', data2)
console.log('Result of fs.stat for the third file:', stats)
# If there is no wait() call, the callback will complete immediately
# Blocks can also be added later
l.add -> console.log('All the tasks completed without errors.')