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listr2 - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.1.0-beta.2 to 6.0.0-beta.1


import Enquirer from 'enquirer';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Readable, Writable } from 'stream';
import { Writable, Readable } from 'stream';
import { WriteStream } from 'fs';

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ import * as _colorette from 'colorette';


@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ }


@@ -58,2 +58,294 @@ FAILED = "FAILED",

/** Default loglevels for the logger */
declare enum LogLevels {
* Tests to see if the object is an RxJS {@link Observable}
* @param obj the object to test
declare function isObservable<T>(obj: any): obj is {
subscribe: T;
next: any;
error: any;
complete: any;
declare function isUnicodeSupported(): boolean;
declare const colorette: _colorette.Colorette;
declare function indentString(string: string, count: number): string;
declare const FIGURES_MAIN: {
warning: string;
cross: string;
arrowDown: string;
tick: string;
arrowRight: string;
pointer: string;
checkboxOn: string;
arrowLeft: string;
squareSmallFilled: string;
pointerSmall: string;
type Figures = typeof FIGURES_MAIN;
declare const figures: Figures;
* A basic function to parse minutes and tasks passed given a duration.
* Useful for renderers to show the task time.
* @param {number} duration
* @returns {string}
declare function parseTaskTime(duration: number): string;
declare function timestamp(): string;
declare class ProcessOutput {
stdout(buffer: string): boolean;
stderr(buffer: string): boolean;
interface ProcessOutputRendererOptions {
* Pass your implementation of process output class to write to stdout and stderr.
* @default 'ProcessOutput'
* @global global option that can not be temperated with subtasks
processOutput?: ProcessOutput;
* This function asserts the given value as a function or itself.
* If the value itself is a function it will evaluate it with the passed in arguments,
* elsewise it will directly return itself.
declare function assertFunctionOrSelf<T>(functionOrSelf: T, ...args: T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? Parameters<T> : never): T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? ReturnType<T> : T;
* Deep clones a object in the most easiest manner.
declare function cloneObject<T extends Record<PropertyKey, any>>(obj: T): T;
interface BasePromptOptions {
message: string | (() => string) | (() => Promise<string>);
initial?: boolean | number | number[] | string | (() => string) | (() => Promise<string>);
required?: boolean;
stdin?: NodeJS.ReadStream;
stdout?: NodeJS.WriteStream;
header?: string;
footer?: string;
skip?: (value: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
format?: (value: any) => any | Promise<any>;
result?: (value: any) => any | Promise<any>;
validate?: (value: any, state: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | string | Promise<string> | Promise<string | boolean>;
onSubmit?: (name: any, value: any, prompt: Enquirer.Prompt) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
onCancel?: (name: any, value: any, prompt: Enquirer.Prompt) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
interface BasePromptOptionsWithName extends BasePromptOptions {
name: string | (() => string);
interface ArrayPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
choices: string[] | BasePromptOptionsWithName[];
maxChoices?: number;
multiple?: boolean;
initial?: number | number[];
delay?: number;
separator?: boolean;
sort?: boolean;
linebreak?: boolean;
edgeLength?: number;
align?: 'left' | 'right';
scroll?: boolean;
hint?: string;
interface BooleanPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
initial?: boolean | (() => string) | (() => Promise<string>);
interface StringPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
initial?: string;
multiline?: boolean;
interface ScalePromptOptions extends ArrayPromptOptions {
scale: StringPromptOptions[];
margin?: [number, number, number, number];
interface NumberPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
min?: number;
max?: number;
delay?: number;
float?: boolean;
round?: boolean;
major?: number;
minor?: number;
initial?: number;
interface SnippetPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
newline?: string;
fields: Partial<BasePromptOptionsWithName>[];
template: string;
interface SortPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
hint?: string;
drag?: boolean;
numbered?: boolean;
interface SurveyPromptOptions extends ArrayPromptOptions {
scale: BasePromptOptionsWithName[];
margin: [number, number, number, number];
interface QuizPromptOptions extends ArrayPromptOptions {
correctChoice: number;
interface TogglePromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
enabled?: string;
disabled?: string;
/** Returns all the prompt options depending on the type selected. */
type PromptOptions<T extends boolean = false> = Unionize<{
[K in PromptTypes]-?: T extends true ? {
type: K;
} & PromptOptionsType<K> & {
name: string | (() => string);
} : {
type: K;
} & PromptOptionsType<K>;
}> | ({
type: string;
} & T extends true ? PromptOptionsType<string> & {
name: string | (() => string);
} : PromptOptionsType<string>);
type Unionize<T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P];
}[keyof T];
type PromptTypes = 'AutoComplete' | 'BasicAuth' | 'Confirm' | 'Editable' | 'Form' | 'Input' | 'Invisible' | 'List' | 'MultiSelect' | 'Numeral' | 'Password' | 'Quiz' | 'Scale' | 'Select' | 'Snippet' | 'Sort' | 'Survey' | 'Text' | 'Toggle';
type PromptOptionsType<T> = T extends keyof PromptOptionsMap ? PromptOptionsMap[T] : T extends string ? BasePromptOptions & Record<PropertyKey, unknown> : any;
declare class PromptOptionsMap implements Record<PromptTypes, Record<PropertyKey, any>> {
AutoComplete: ArrayPromptOptions;
BasicAuth: StringPromptOptions;
Confirm: BooleanPromptOptions;
Editable: ArrayPromptOptions;
Form: ArrayPromptOptions;
Input: StringPromptOptions;
Invisible: StringPromptOptions;
List: ArrayPromptOptions;
MultiSelect: ArrayPromptOptions;
Numeral: NumberPromptOptions;
Password: StringPromptOptions;
Quiz: QuizPromptOptions;
Scale: ScalePromptOptions;
Select: ArrayPromptOptions;
Snippet: SnippetPromptOptions;
Sort: SortPromptOptions;
Survey: SurveyPromptOptions;
Text: StringPromptOptions;
Toggle: TogglePromptOptions;
interface PromptSettings {
error?: boolean;
cancelCallback?: (settings?: PromptSettings) => string | Error | PromptError | void;
stdout?: WriteStream | Writable;
enquirer?: Enquirer;
interface PromptInstance extends Omit<BasePromptOptions, 'onCancel' | 'onSubmit'> {
submit: () => void;
cancel: (err?: string) => void;
* Create a new prompt with Enquirer externally.
* This extends enquirer so you dont have to give a name to single prompts and such so it is also
* useful to use externally.
* @param this
* @param options
* @param settings
declare function createPrompt(this: any, options: PromptOptions | PromptOptions<true>[], settings?: PromptSettings): Promise<any>;
declare function destroyPrompt(this: TaskWrapper<any, any>, throwError?: boolean): void;
declare function getRendererClass(renderer: ListrRendererValue): ListrRendererFactory;
declare function getRenderer(renderer: ListrRendererValue, fallbackRenderer?: ListrRendererValue, fallbackCondition?: ListrOptions['rendererFallback'], silentCondition?: ListrOptions['rendererSilent']): SupportedRenderer;
/** Generate a basic uuid with no requirement of being unbelievable unique. */
declare function generateUUID(): string;
* A internal logger for using in the verbose renderer mostly.
declare class ListrLogger {
private options?;
readonly process: ProcessOutput;
constructor(options?: ListrLoggerOptions);
started(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
failed(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
skipped(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
completed(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
output(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
title(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
subtask(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
retry(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
rollback(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): void;
wrap(message: string, options?: {
format?: LoggerFormat;
}): string;
suffix(message: string, ...suffixes: LoggerPrefixOrSuffix[]): string;
prefix(message: string, ...prefixes: LoggerPrefixOrSuffix[]): string;
applyToEntity(message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions<true>): string;
protected format(level: LogLevels, message: string, options?: LogEntityOptions): string;
protected style(level: LogLevels, message: string): string;
* Options for the logger
interface ListrLoggerOptions extends ProcessOutputRendererOptions {
* useIcons instead of text for log level
* @default false
useIcons?: boolean;
entityOptions?: LogEntityOptions<true>;
interface LogEntityOptions<MultipleOnly extends boolean = false> {
prefix?: MultipleOnly extends false ? LoggerPrefixOrSuffix | LoggerPrefixOrSuffix[] : LoggerPrefixOrSuffix[];
suffix?: MultipleOnly extends false ? LoggerPrefixOrSuffix | LoggerPrefixOrSuffix[] : LoggerPrefixOrSuffix[];
type LoggerFormat = (message?: string) => string;
interface LoggerPrefixOrSuffixFn<Args extends any[] = any[]> {
condition?: ((...args: Args) => boolean) | boolean;
data: ((...args: Args) => string) | string;
args?: Args;
format?: LoggerFormat;
conditionalFormat?: (...args: Args) => LoggerFormat;
type LoggerPrefixOrSuffix<Args extends any[] = any[]> = LoggerPrefixOrSuffixFn<Args> | string;
interface LoggerRendererOptions {
logger?: ListrLogger;
interface RendererPresetTimer {
* show duration for all tasks
* @default false
* @global global option that can not be temperated with subtasks
timer?: LoggerPrefixOrSuffixFn<[number]>;
interface RendererPresetTimestamp {
timestamp?: LoggerPrefixOrSuffixFn;
/** Default updating renderer for Listr2 */

@@ -145,9 +437,2 @@ declare class DefaultRenderer implements ListrRenderer {

* show duration for all tasks
* @default false
* @global global option that can not be temperated with subtasks
showTimer?: boolean;
* removes empty lines from the data output

@@ -165,3 +450,3 @@ *

formatOutput?: 'truncate' | 'wrap';
} & RendererPresetTimer & LoggerRendererOptions;
/** per task options for the default renderer */

@@ -186,7 +471,3 @@ static rendererTaskOptions: {

persistentOutput?: boolean;
* show the task time if it was successful
showTimer?: boolean;
} & RendererPresetTimer;
private id?;

@@ -197,2 +478,3 @@ private bottomBar;

private spinnerPosition;
private readonly logger;
constructor(tasks: Task<any, typeof DefaultRenderer>[], options: (typeof DefaultRenderer)['rendererOptions'], events: EventManager<ListrEventType, ListrEventMap>);

@@ -202,5 +484,3 @@ getTaskOptions(task: Task<any, typeof DefaultRenderer>): (typeof DefaultRenderer)['rendererTaskOptions'];

hasPersistentOutput(task: Task<any, typeof DefaultRenderer>): boolean;
hasTimer(task: Task<any, typeof DefaultRenderer>): boolean;
getSelfOrParentOption<T extends keyof (typeof DefaultRenderer)['rendererOptions']>(task: Task<any, typeof DefaultRenderer>, key: T): (typeof DefaultRenderer)['rendererOptions'][T];
getTaskTime(task: Task<any, typeof DefaultRenderer>): string;
getSelfOrParentOption<K extends keyof (typeof DefaultRenderer)['rendererOptions']>(task: Task<any, typeof DefaultRenderer>, key: K): (typeof DefaultRenderer)['rendererOptions'][K];
createRender(options?: {

@@ -213,10 +493,9 @@ tasks?: boolean;

end(): void;
private multiLineRenderer;
protected getSymbol(task: Task<ListrContext, typeof DefaultRenderer>, data?: boolean): string;
private renderer;
private renderBottomBar;
private renderPrompt;
private dumpData;
private formatString;
private indentMultilineOutput;
private getSymbol;
private addSuffixToMessage;
private dump;
private format;
private indent;

@@ -247,119 +526,143 @@

static nonTTY: boolean;
static rendererOptions: {
* if true this will add
* timestamp at the begin of the rendered line
* @example
* ```bash
* [12:33:44] ✔ Do something important
* ```
* @default false
prefixWithTimestamp?: boolean;
* choose between process.stdout and process.stderr
* @default stdout
output?: 'stdout' | 'stderr';
static rendererTaskOptions: never;
static rendererOptions: RendererPresetTimer & RendererPresetTimestamp & LoggerRendererOptions;
static rendererTaskOptions: RendererPresetTimer;
private readonly logger;
constructor(tasks: Task<any, typeof SimpleRenderer>[], options: (typeof SimpleRenderer)['rendererOptions']);
static now(): Date;
static formatTitle(task?: Task<any, typeof SimpleRenderer>): string;
log(output?: string): void;
end(): void;
render(): void;
private simpleRenderer;
getSelfOrParentOption<K extends keyof (typeof SimpleRenderer)['rendererOptions']>(task: Task<any, typeof SimpleRenderer>, key: K): (typeof SimpleRenderer)['rendererOptions'][K];
private renderer;
/** Default loglevels for the logger */
declare enum LogLevels {
* Options for the logger
* ListrTask.
* Defines the task, conditions and options to run a specific task in the listr.
interface LoggerOptions {
useIcons: boolean;
interface ListrTask<Ctx = ListrContext, Renderer extends ListrRendererFactory = any> {
* Title of the task.
* Give this task a title if you want to track it by name in the current renderer.
* Tasks without a title will hide in the default renderer and are useful for running a background instance.
* On verbose renderer, state changes from these tasks will log as 'Task without a title.'
title?: string;
* The task itself.
* Task can be a sync or async function, an Observable, or a Stream.
* Task will be executed, if the certain criteria of the state are met and whenever the time for that specific task has come.
task: ListrTaskFn<Ctx, Renderer>;
* Skip this task depending on the context.
* The function that has been passed in will be evaluated at the runtime when the task tries to initially run.
skip?: boolean | string | ((ctx: Ctx) => boolean | string | Promise<boolean | string>);
* Enable a task depending on the context.
* The function that has been passed in will be evaluated at the initial creation of the Listr class for rendering purposes,
* as well as re-evaluated when the time for that specific task has come.
enabled?: boolean | ((ctx: Ctx) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);
* Adds the given number of retry attempts to the task if the task fails.
retry?: number;
* Runs a specific event if the current task or any of the subtasks has failed.
* Mostly useful for rollback purposes for subtasks.
* But can also be useful whenever a task is failed and some measures have to be taken to ensure the state is not changed.
rollback?: ListrTaskFn<Ctx, Renderer>;
* Set exit on the error option from task-level instead of setting it for all the subtasks.
exitOnError?: boolean | ((ctx: Ctx) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);
* Per task options, that depends on the selected renderer.
* These options depend on the implementation of the selected renderer. If the selected renderer has no options it will
* be displayed as never.
options?: ListrGetRendererTaskOptions<Renderer>;
* A internal logger for using in the verbose renderer mostly.
* Task can be set of sync or async function, an Observable or a stream.
declare class Logger {
private options?;
constructor(options?: LoggerOptions);
fail(message: string): void;
skip(message: string): void;
success(message: string): void;
data(message: string): void;
start(message: string): void;
title(message: string): void;
retry(message: string): void;
rollback(message: string): void;
protected parseMessage(level: LogLevels, message: string): string;
protected logColoring({ level, message }: {
level: LogLevels;
message: string;
}): string;
private wrapInBrackets;
type ListrTaskResult<Ctx> = string | Promise<any> | Listr<Ctx, ListrRendererValue, any> | Readable | NodeJS.ReadableStream | Observable<any>;
type ListrTaskFn<Ctx, Renderer extends ListrRendererFactory> = (ctx: Ctx, task: TaskWrapper<Ctx, Renderer>) => void | ListrTaskResult<Ctx>;
type ListrTaskPrompt = undefined | PromptInstance | PromptError;
interface ListrTaskRetry {
count: number;
withError?: Error;
interface ListrTaskMessage {
/** Run time of the task, if it has been successfully resolved. */
duration?: number;
/** Error message of the task, if it has been failed. */
error?: string;
/** Skip message of the task, if it has been skipped. */
skip?: string;
/** Rollback message of the task, if the rollback finishes */
rollback?: string;
/** Retry messages */
retry?: ListrTaskRetry;
declare class TestRenderer implements ListrRenderer {
tasks: Task<any, typeof TestRenderer>[];
options: (typeof TestRenderer)['rendererOptions'];
/** designates whether this renderer can output to a non-tty console */
static nonTTY: boolean;
/** renderer options for the verbose renderer */
static rendererOptions: {
subtasks?: boolean;
state?: ListrTaskState[];
output?: boolean;
title?: boolean;
messages?: (keyof ListrTaskMessage)[];
} & LoggerRendererOptions;
/** per task options for the verbose renderer */
static rendererTaskOptions: never;
private readonly logger;
constructor(tasks: Task<any, typeof TestRenderer>[], options: (typeof TestRenderer)['rendererOptions']);
render(): void;
end(): void;
private renderer;
declare class TestRendererEvent<T extends ListrTaskEventType> {
event: T;
data: ListrTaskEventMap[T];
task?: Task<any, typeof TestRenderer>;
constructor(event: T, data: ListrTaskEventMap[T], task?: Task<any, typeof TestRenderer>);
toJson(): string;
declare class VerboseRenderer implements ListrRenderer {
tasks: Task<any, typeof VerboseRenderer>[];
options: (typeof VerboseRenderer)['rendererOptions'];
events?: EventManager<ListrEventType, ListrEventMap>;
/** designates whether this renderer can output to a non-tty console */
static nonTTY: boolean;
/** renderer options for the verbose renderer */
static rendererOptions: ({
static rendererOptions: {
* useIcons instead of text for log level
* @default false
useIcons?: boolean;
* log tasks with empty titles
* @default true
logEmptyTitle?: boolean;
* log title changes
* @default true
* log title changes
* @default true
logTitleChange?: boolean;
* show duration for all tasks
showTimer?: boolean;
} & {
* inject a custom logger
logger?: new (...args: any) => Logger;
* inject options to custom logger
options?: any;
} & RendererPresetTimer & RendererPresetTimestamp & LoggerRendererOptions;
/** per task options for the verbose renderer */
static rendererTaskOptions: never;
static rendererTaskOptions: RendererPresetTimer;
private logger;
constructor(tasks: Task<any, typeof VerboseRenderer>[], options: (typeof VerboseRenderer)['rendererOptions'], events?: EventManager<ListrEventType, ListrEventMap>);
constructor(tasks: Task<any, typeof VerboseRenderer>[], options: (typeof VerboseRenderer)['rendererOptions']);
render(): void;
end(): void;
private verboseRenderer;
getSelfOrParentOption<K extends keyof (typeof VerboseRenderer)['rendererOptions']>(task: Task<any, typeof VerboseRenderer>, key: K): (typeof VerboseRenderer)['rendererOptions'][K];
private renderer;

@@ -375,2 +678,6 @@

type ListrFallbackRenderer = typeof VerboseRenderer;
/** Name of testing renderer */
type ListrTestRendererValue = 'test';
/** Type of testing renderer */
type ListrTestRenderer = typeof TestRenderer;
/** Silent rendere for internal usage */

@@ -388,19 +695,19 @@ type ListrSilentRendererValue = 'silent';

type ListrRendererValue = ListrSilentRendererValue | ListrDefaultRendererValue | ListrSimpleRendererValue | ListrFallbackRendererValue | ListrRendererFactory;
type ListrRendererValue = ListrSilentRendererValue | ListrDefaultRendererValue | ListrSimpleRendererValue | ListrFallbackRendererValue | ListrTestRendererValue | ListrRendererFactory;
* Returns the class type from friendly names of the renderers.
type ListrGetRendererClassFromValue<T extends ListrRendererValue> = T extends ListrDefaultRendererValue ? ListrDefaultRenderer : T extends ListrSimpleRendererValue ? ListrSimpleRenderer : T extends ListrFallbackRendererValue ? ListrFallbackRenderer : T extends ListrSilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T : never;
type ListrGetRendererClassFromValue<T extends ListrRendererValue> = T extends ListrDefaultRendererValue ? ListrDefaultRenderer : T extends ListrSimpleRendererValue ? ListrSimpleRenderer : T extends ListrFallbackRendererValue ? ListrFallbackRenderer : T extends ListrTestRendererValue ? ListrTestRenderer : T extends ListrSilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T : never;
* Returns the friendly names from the type of renderer classes.
type ListrGetRendererValueFromClass<T extends ListrRendererFactory> = T extends DefaultRenderer ? ListrDefaultRendererValue : T extends SimpleRenderer ? ListrSimpleRendererValue : T extends VerboseRenderer ? ListrFallbackRendererValue : T extends SilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T : never;
type ListrGetRendererValueFromClass<T extends ListrRendererFactory> = T extends DefaultRenderer ? ListrDefaultRendererValue : T extends SimpleRenderer ? ListrSimpleRendererValue : T extends VerboseRenderer ? ListrFallbackRendererValue : T extends TestRenderer ? ListrTestRendererValue : T extends SilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T : never;
* Returns renderer global options depending on the renderer type.
type ListrGetRendererOptions<T extends ListrRendererValue> = T extends ListrDefaultRendererValue ? ListrDefaultRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrSimpleRendererValue ? ListrSimpleRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrFallbackRendererValue ? ListrFallbackRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrSilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T['rendererOptions'] : never;
type ListrGetRendererOptions<T extends ListrRendererValue> = T extends ListrDefaultRendererValue ? ListrDefaultRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrSimpleRendererValue ? ListrSimpleRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrFallbackRendererValue ? ListrFallbackRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrTestRendererValue ? ListrTestRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrSilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer['rendererOptions'] : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T['rendererOptions'] : never;
* Returns renderer per task options depending on the renderer type.
type ListrGetRendererTaskOptions<T extends ListrRendererValue> = T extends ListrDefaultRendererValue ? ListrDefaultRenderer['rendererTaskOptions'] : T extends ListrSimpleRendererValue ? ListrSimpleRenderer : T extends ListrFallbackRendererValue ? ListrFallbackRenderer['rendererTaskOptions'] : T extends ListrSilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer['rendererTaskOptions'] : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T['rendererTaskOptions'] : never;
type ListrGetRendererTaskOptions<T extends ListrRendererValue> = T extends ListrDefaultRendererValue ? ListrDefaultRenderer['rendererTaskOptions'] : T extends ListrSimpleRendererValue ? ListrSimpleRenderer : T extends ListrFallbackRendererValue ? ListrFallbackRenderer['rendererTaskOptions'] : T extends ListrTestRendererValue ? ListrTestRenderer['rendererTaskOptions'] : T extends ListrSilentRenderer ? ListrSilentRenderer['rendererTaskOptions'] : T extends ListrRendererFactory ? T['rendererTaskOptions'] : never;
/** Select renderer as default renderer */

@@ -431,3 +738,3 @@ interface ListrDefaultRendererOptions<T extends ListrRendererValue> {

/** A function to what to do on render */
render: () => void;
render: () => void | Promise<void>;
/** A function to what to do on end of the render */

@@ -449,3 +756,3 @@ end: (err?: Error) => void;

/** A function to what to do on render */
render: () => void;
render: () => void | Promise<void>;
/** A function to what to do on end of the render */

@@ -467,60 +774,2 @@ end: (err?: Error) => void;

* ListrTask.
* Defines the task, conditions and options to run a specific task in the listr.
interface ListrTask<Ctx = ListrContext, Renderer extends ListrRendererFactory = any> {
* Title of the task.
* Give this task a title if you want to track it by name in the current renderer.
* Tasks without a title will hide in the default renderer and are useful for running a background instance.
* On verbose renderer, state changes from these tasks will log as 'Task without a title.'
title?: string;
* The task itself.
* Task can be a sync or async function, an Observable, or a Stream.
* Task will be executed, if the certain criteria of the state are met and whenever the time for that specific task has come.
task: (ctx: Ctx, task: TaskWrapper<Ctx, Renderer>) => void | ListrTaskResult<Ctx>;
* Skip this task depending on the context.
* The function that has been passed in will be evaluated at the runtime when the task tries to initially run.
skip?: boolean | string | ((ctx: Ctx) => boolean | string | Promise<boolean | string>);
* Enable a task depending on the context.
* The function that has been passed in will be evaluated at the initial creation of the Listr class for rendering purposes,
* as well as re-evaluated when the time for that specific task has come.
enabled?: boolean | ((ctx: Ctx) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);
* Adds the given number of retry attempts to the task if the task fails.
retry?: number;
* Runs a specific event if the current task or any of the subtasks has failed.
* Mostly useful for rollback purposes for subtasks.
* But can also be useful whenever a task is failed and some measures have to be taken to ensure the state is not changed.
rollback?: (ctx: Ctx, task: TaskWrapper<Ctx, Renderer>) => void | ListrTaskResult<Ctx>;
* Set exit on the error option from task-level instead of setting it for all the subtasks.
exitOnError?: boolean | ((ctx: Ctx) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);
* Per task options, that depends on the selected renderer.
* These options depend on the implementation of the selected renderer. If the selected renderer has no options it will
* be displayed as never.
options?: ListrGetRendererTaskOptions<Renderer>;
* Options to set the behavior of this base task.

@@ -604,6 +853,2 @@ */

* Task can be set of sync or async function, an Observable or a stream.
type ListrTaskResult<Ctx> = string | Promise<any> | Listr<Ctx, ListrRendererValue, any> | Readable | NodeJS.ReadableStream | Observable<any>;
* Parent class options.

@@ -622,13 +867,2 @@ *

type ListrSubClassOptions<Ctx = ListrContext, Renderer extends ListrRendererValue = ListrDefaultRendererValue> = ListrOptions<Ctx> & Omit<ListrDefaultRendererOptions<Renderer>, 'renderer'>;
/** The internal communication event. */
type ListrEvent = {
type: Exclude<ListrTaskEventType, 'MESSAGE' | 'DATA'>;
data?: string | boolean;
} | {
type: ListrTaskEventType.DATA;
data: string;
} | {
type: ListrTaskEventType.MESSAGE;
data: Task<any, any>['message'];

@@ -664,127 +898,2 @@ /** The internal error handling mechanism.. */

interface BasePromptOptions {
message: string | (() => string) | (() => Promise<string>);
initial?: boolean | number | number[] | string | (() => string) | (() => Promise<string>);
required?: boolean;
stdin?: NodeJS.ReadStream;
stdout?: NodeJS.WriteStream;
header?: string;
footer?: string;
skip?: (value: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
format?: (value: any) => any | Promise<any>;
result?: (value: any) => any | Promise<any>;
validate?: (value: any, state: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | string | Promise<string> | Promise<string | boolean>;
onSubmit?: (name: any, value: any, prompt: Enquirer.Prompt) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
onCancel?: (name: any, value: any, prompt: Enquirer.Prompt) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
interface BasePromptOptionsWithName extends BasePromptOptions {
name: string | (() => string);
interface ArrayPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
choices: string[] | BasePromptOptionsWithName[];
maxChoices?: number;
multiple?: boolean;
initial?: number | number[];
delay?: number;
separator?: boolean;
sort?: boolean;
linebreak?: boolean;
edgeLength?: number;
align?: 'left' | 'right';
scroll?: boolean;
hint?: string;
interface BooleanPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
initial?: boolean | (() => string) | (() => Promise<string>);
interface StringPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
initial?: string;
multiline?: boolean;
interface ScalePromptOptions extends ArrayPromptOptions {
scale: StringPromptOptions[];
margin?: [number, number, number, number];
interface NumberPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
min?: number;
max?: number;
delay?: number;
float?: boolean;
round?: boolean;
major?: number;
minor?: number;
initial?: number;
interface SnippetPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
newline?: string;
fields: Partial<BasePromptOptionsWithName>[];
template: string;
interface SortPromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
hint?: string;
drag?: boolean;
numbered?: boolean;
interface SurveyPromptOptions extends ArrayPromptOptions {
scale: BasePromptOptionsWithName[];
margin: [number, number, number, number];
interface QuizPromptOptions extends ArrayPromptOptions {
correctChoice: number;
interface TogglePromptOptions extends BasePromptOptions {
enabled?: string;
disabled?: string;
/** Returns all the prompt options depending on the type selected. */
type PromptOptions<T extends boolean = false> = Unionize<{
[K in PromptTypes]-?: T extends true ? {
type: K;
} & PromptOptionsType<K> & {
name: string | (() => string);
} : {
type: K;
} & PromptOptionsType<K>;
}> | ({
type: string;
} & T extends true ? PromptOptionsType<string> & {
name: string | (() => string);
} : PromptOptionsType<string>);
type Unionize<T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P];
}[keyof T];
type PromptTypes = 'AutoComplete' | 'BasicAuth' | 'Confirm' | 'Editable' | 'Form' | 'Input' | 'Invisible' | 'List' | 'MultiSelect' | 'Numeral' | 'Password' | 'Quiz' | 'Scale' | 'Select' | 'Snippet' | 'Sort' | 'Survey' | 'Text' | 'Toggle';
type PromptOptionsType<T> = T extends keyof PromptOptionsMap ? PromptOptionsMap[T] : T extends string ? BasePromptOptions & Record<PropertyKey, unknown> : any;
declare class PromptOptionsMap implements Record<PromptTypes, Record<PropertyKey, any>> {
AutoComplete: ArrayPromptOptions;
BasicAuth: StringPromptOptions;
Confirm: BooleanPromptOptions;
Editable: ArrayPromptOptions;
Form: ArrayPromptOptions;
Input: StringPromptOptions;
Invisible: StringPromptOptions;
List: ArrayPromptOptions;
MultiSelect: ArrayPromptOptions;
Numeral: NumberPromptOptions;
Password: StringPromptOptions;
Quiz: QuizPromptOptions;
Scale: ScalePromptOptions;
Select: ArrayPromptOptions;
Snippet: SnippetPromptOptions;
Sort: SortPromptOptions;
Survey: SurveyPromptOptions;
Text: StringPromptOptions;
Toggle: TogglePromptOptions;
interface PromptSettings {
error?: boolean;
cancelCallback?: (settings?: PromptSettings) => string | Error | PromptError | void;
stdout?: WriteStream | Writable;
enquirer?: Enquirer;
interface PromptInstance extends Omit<BasePromptOptions, 'onCancel' | 'onSubmit'> {
submit: () => void;
cancel: (err?: string) => void;

@@ -835,21 +944,2 @@ * Extend the task to have more functionality while accessing from the outside.

type TaskPrompt = undefined | PromptInstance | PromptError;
interface TaskRetry {
count: number;
withError?: Error;
interface TaskMessage {
/** Run time of the task, if it has been successfully resolved. */
duration?: number;
/** Error message of the task, if it has been failed. */
error?: string;
/** Skip message of the task, if it has been skipped. */
skip?: string;
/** Rollback message of the task, if the rollback finishes */
rollback?: string;
/** Retry messages */
retry?: TaskRetry;
type TaskFn<Ctx, Renderer extends ListrRendererFactory> = (ctx: Ctx, task: TaskWrapper<Ctx, Renderer>) => void | ListrTaskResult<Ctx>;

@@ -868,3 +958,3 @@ * Create a task from the given set of variables and make it runnable.

/** The task object itself, to further utilize it. */
task: TaskFn<Ctx, Renderer>;
task: ListrTaskFn<Ctx, Renderer>;
/** Extend current task with multiple subtasks. */

@@ -879,3 +969,3 @@ subtasks: Task<Ctx, Renderer>[];

/** Current retry number of the task if retrying */
retry?: TaskRetry;
retry?: ListrTaskRetry;

@@ -886,7 +976,7 @@ * A channel for messages.

message: TaskMessage;
message: ListrTaskMessage;
/** Per task options for the current renderer of the task. */
rendererTaskOptions: ListrGetRendererTaskOptions<Renderer>;
/** This will be triggered each time a new render should happen. */
prompt: TaskPrompt;
prompt: ListrTaskPrompt;
private enabled;

@@ -907,3 +997,3 @@ constructor(listr: Listr<Ctx, any, any>, tasks: ListrTask<Ctx, any>, options: ListrOptions, rendererOptions: ListrGetRendererOptions<Renderer>);

/** Returns whether this task is in progress. */
isPending(): boolean;
isStarted(): boolean;
/** Returns whether this task is skipped. */

@@ -942,3 +1032,3 @@ isSkipped(): boolean;

[ListrTaskEventType.TITLE]: string;
[ListrTaskEventType.DATA]: string;
[ListrTaskEventType.OUTPUT]: string;
[ListrTaskEventType.MESSAGE]: Task<any, any>['message'];

@@ -987,30 +1077,5 @@ }

declare const colorette: _colorette.Colorette;
declare const RENDERER_TIMESTAMP: LoggerPrefixOrSuffixFn;
declare const RENDERER_TIMER: LoggerPrefixOrSuffixFn<[number]>;
* Create a new prompt with Enquirer externally.
* This extends enquirer so you dont have to give a name to single prompts and such so it is also
* useful to use externally.
* @param this
* @param options
* @param settings
declare function createPrompt(this: any, options: PromptOptions | PromptOptions<true>[], settings?: PromptSettings): Promise<any>;
declare function destroyPrompt(this: TaskWrapper<any, any>, throwError?: boolean): void;
declare const figures: {
warning: string;
cross: string;
arrowDown: string;
tick: string;
arrowRight: string;
pointer: string;
checkboxOn: string;
arrowLeft: string;
squareSmallFilled: string;
pointerSmall: string;
declare function isUnicodeSupported(): boolean;
export { Listr, ListrBaseClassOptions, ListrBaseRenderer, ListrContext, ListrDefaultNonTTYRendererOptions, ListrDefaultRenderer, ListrDefaultRendererOptions, ListrDefaultRendererValue, ListrError, ListrErrorTypes, ListrEvent, ListrEventType, ListrFallbackRenderer, ListrFallbackRendererValue, ListrGetRendererClassFromValue, ListrGetRendererOptions, ListrGetRendererTaskOptions, ListrGetRendererValueFromClass, ListrOptions, ListrRenderer, ListrRendererFactory, ListrRendererOptions, ListrRendererValue, ListrSilentRenderer, ListrSilentRendererValue, ListrSimpleRenderer, ListrSimpleRendererValue, ListrSubClassOptions, ListrTask, ListrTaskEventType, Task as ListrTaskObject, ListrTaskResult, ListrTaskState, TaskWrapper as ListrTaskWrapper, LogLevels, Logger, Manager, PromptError, PromptInstance, PromptOptions, PromptOptionsMap, PromptOptionsType, PromptSettings, PromptTypes, SupportedRenderer, Unionize, colorette, createPrompt, destroyPrompt, figures, isUnicodeSupported };
export { DefaultRenderer, Figures, Listr, ListrBaseClassOptions, ListrBaseRenderer, ListrContext, ListrDefaultNonTTYRendererOptions, ListrDefaultRenderer, ListrDefaultRendererOptions, ListrDefaultRendererValue, ListrError, ListrErrorTypes, ListrEventType, ListrFallbackRenderer, ListrFallbackRendererValue, ListrGetRendererClassFromValue, ListrGetRendererOptions, ListrGetRendererTaskOptions, ListrGetRendererValueFromClass, ListrLogger, ListrLoggerOptions, ListrOptions, ListrRenderer, ListrRendererFactory, ListrRendererOptions, ListrRendererValue, ListrSilentRenderer, ListrSilentRendererValue, ListrSimpleRenderer, ListrSimpleRendererValue, ListrSubClassOptions, ListrTask, ListrTaskEventType, ListrTaskFn, ListrTaskMessage, Task as ListrTaskObject, ListrTaskPrompt, ListrTaskResult, ListrTaskRetry, ListrTaskState, TaskWrapper as ListrTaskWrapper, ListrTestRenderer, ListrTestRendererValue, LogEntityOptions, LogLevels, LoggerFormat, LoggerPrefixOrSuffix, LoggerPrefixOrSuffixFn, LoggerRendererOptions, Manager, ProcessOutput, ProcessOutputRendererOptions, PromptError, PromptInstance, PromptOptions, PromptOptionsMap, PromptOptionsType, PromptSettings, PromptTypes, RENDERER_TIMER, RENDERER_TIMESTAMP, RendererPresetTimer, RendererPresetTimestamp, SilentRenderer, SimpleRenderer, SupportedRenderer, TestRenderer, TestRendererEvent, Unionize, VerboseRenderer, assertFunctionOrSelf, cloneObject, colorette, createPrompt, destroyPrompt, figures, generateUUID, getRenderer, getRendererClass, indentString, isObservable, isUnicodeSupported, parseTaskTime, timestamp };

@@ -34,2 +34,3 @@ "use strict";

__export(src_exports, {
DefaultRenderer: () => DefaultRenderer,
Listr: () => Listr,

@@ -39,8 +40,18 @@ ListrError: () => ListrError,

ListrEventType: () => ListrEventType,
ListrLogger: () => ListrLogger,
ListrTaskEventType: () => ListrTaskEventType,
ListrTaskState: () => ListrTaskState,
LogLevels: () => LogLevels,
Logger: () => Logger,
Manager: () => Manager,
ProcessOutput: () => ProcessOutput,
PromptError: () => PromptError,
SilentRenderer: () => SilentRenderer,
SimpleRenderer: () => SimpleRenderer,
TestRenderer: () => TestRenderer,
TestRendererEvent: () => TestRendererEvent,
VerboseRenderer: () => VerboseRenderer,
assertFunctionOrSelf: () => assertFunctionOrSelf,
cloneObject: () => cloneObject,
colorette: () => colorette,

@@ -50,3 +61,10 @@ createPrompt: () => createPrompt,

figures: () => figures,
isUnicodeSupported: () => isUnicodeSupported
generateUUID: () => generateUUID,
getRenderer: () => getRenderer,
getRendererClass: () => getRendererClass,
indentString: () => indentString,
isObservable: () => isObservable,
isUnicodeSupported: () => isUnicodeSupported,
parseTaskTime: () => parseTaskTime,
timestamp: () => timestamp

@@ -61,3 +79,3 @@ module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);

ListrTaskState2["PENDING"] = "PENDING";
ListrTaskState2["STARTED"] = "STARTED";
ListrTaskState2["COMPLETED"] = "COMPLETED";

@@ -103,3 +121,3 @@ ListrTaskState2["FAILED"] = "FAILED";

ListrTaskEventType2["SUBTASK"] = "SUBTASK";
ListrTaskEventType2["DATA"] = "DATA";
ListrTaskEventType2["OUTPUT"] = "OUTPUT";
ListrTaskEventType2["MESSAGE"] = "MESSAGE";

@@ -109,54 +127,3 @@ return ListrTaskEventType2;

// src/utils/general.ts
var import_rfdc = __toESM(require("rfdc"));
var clone = (0, import_rfdc.default)({ circles: true });
function cloneObject(obj) {
return clone(obj);
__name(cloneObject, "cloneObject");
// src/interfaces/listr-error.interface.ts
var ListrError = class extends Error {
constructor(error, type, task) {
this.error = error;
this.type = type;
this.task = task; = "ListrError";
this.path = [...task.listr.path ?? [], task.title].join(" > ");
if ((task == null ? void 0 : task.options.collectErrors) === "full") {
this.task = cloneObject(task);
this.ctx = cloneObject(task.listr.ctx);
this.stack = error == null ? void 0 : error.stack;
__name(ListrError, "ListrError");
var ListrErrorTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ListrErrorTypes2) => {
ListrErrorTypes2["WILL_RETRY"] = "WILL_RETRY";
ListrErrorTypes2["HAS_FAILED"] = "HAS_FAILED";
return ListrErrorTypes2;
})(ListrErrorTypes || {});
var PromptError = class extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message); = "PromptError";
__name(PromptError, "PromptError");
// src/utils/assert.ts
function assertFunctionOrSelf(functionOrSelf, ...args) {
if (typeof functionOrSelf === "function") {
return functionOrSelf(...args);
} else {
return functionOrSelf;
__name(assertFunctionOrSelf, "assertFunctionOrSelf");
// src/utils/is-observable.ts
// src/utils/environment/is-observable.ts
function isObservable(obj) {

@@ -167,14 +134,3 @@ return !!obj && typeof obj.lift === "function" && typeof obj.subscribe === "function";

// src/renderer/default.renderer.ts
var import_cli_truncate = __toESM(require("cli-truncate"));
var import_log_update = __toESM(require("log-update"));
var import_os = require("os");
var import_wrap_ansi = __toESM(require("wrap-ansi"));
// src/utils/colorette.ts
var import_colorette = require("colorette");
var _a;
var colorette = (0, import_colorette.createColors)({ useColor: ((_a = process.env) == null ? void 0 : _a.LISTR_DISABLE_COLOR) !== "1" });
// src/utils/is-unicode-supported.ts
// src/utils/environment/is-unicode-supported.ts
function isUnicodeSupported() {

@@ -188,3 +144,14 @@ if (process.platform !== "win32") {

// src/utils/figures.ts
// src/utils/format/colorette.ts
var import_colorette = require("colorette");
var _a;
var colorette = (0, import_colorette.createColors)({ useColor: ((_a = process.env) == null ? void 0 : _a.LISTR_DISABLE_COLOR) !== "1" });
// src/utils/format/indent-string.ts
function indentString(string, count) {
return string.replace(/^(?!\s*$)/gm, " ".repeat(count));
__name(indentString, "indentString");
// src/utils/format/figures.ts

@@ -213,9 +180,3 @@ warning: "\u26A0",

// src/utils/indent-string.ts
function indentString(string, count) {
return string.replace(/^(?!\s*$)/gm, " ".repeat(count));
__name(indentString, "indentString");
// src/utils/parse-time.ts
// src/utils/format/parse-time.ts
function parseTaskTime(duration) {

@@ -238,3 +199,421 @@ const seconds = Math.floor(duration / 1e3);

// src/utils/format/timestamp.ts
function timestamp() {
const now = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
return String(now.getHours()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(now.getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(now.getSeconds()).padStart(2, "0");
__name(timestamp, "timestamp");
// src/utils/logger/logger.constants.ts
var LogLevels = /* @__PURE__ */ ((LogLevels2) => {
LogLevels2["STARTED"] = "STARTED";
LogLevels2["FAILED"] = "FAILED";
LogLevels2["SKIPPED"] = "SKIPPED";
LogLevels2["OUTPUT"] = "OUTPUT";
LogLevels2["TITLE"] = "TITLE";
LogLevels2["ROLLBACK"] = "ROLLBACK";
LogLevels2["RETRY"] = "RETRY";
LogLevels2["SUBTASK"] = "SUBTASK";
return LogLevels2;
})(LogLevels || {});
// src/utils/logger/logger.ts
var import_os = require("os");
var ListrLogger = class {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
this.options = {
useIcons: true,
this.process = this.options.processOutput ?? new ProcessOutput();
started(message, options) {
this.process.stdout(this.format("STARTED" /* STARTED */, message, options));
failed(message, options) {
this.process.stderr(this.format("FAILED" /* FAILED */, message, options));
skipped(message, options) {
this.process.stdout(this.format("SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */, message, options));
completed(message, options) {
this.process.stdout(this.format("COMPLETED" /* COMPLETED */, message, options));
output(message, options) {
this.process.stdout(this.format("OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */, message, options));
title(message, options) {
this.process.stdout(this.format("TITLE" /* TITLE */, message, options));
subtask(message, options) {
this.process.stdout(this.format("SUBTASK" /* SUBTASK */, message, options));
retry(message, options) {
this.process.stderr(this.format("RETRY" /* RETRY */, message, options));
rollback(message, options) {
this.process.stderr(this.format("ROLLBACK" /* ROLLBACK */, message, options));
wrap(message, options) {
message = `[${message}]`;
if (options == null ? void 0 : options.format) {
return options.format(message);
return message;
suffix(message, ...suffixes) {
suffixes.filter(Boolean).forEach((suffix) => {
if (typeof suffix === "string") {
message = message + ` ${this.wrap(suffix)}`;
} else if (typeof suffix === "object") {
const args = suffix.args ?? [];
if (typeof suffix.condition === "function" ? !suffix.condition(...args) : !(suffix.condition ?? true)) {
return message;
message = message + ` ${this.wrap(typeof === "string" ? :, {
format: suffix.conditionalFormat ? suffix.conditionalFormat(...args) : suffix.format
return message;
prefix(message, ...prefixes) {
prefixes.filter(Boolean).forEach((prefix) => {
if (typeof prefix === "string") {
message = `${this.wrap(prefix)} ` + message;
} else if (typeof prefix === "object") {
const args = prefix.args ?? [];
if (typeof prefix.condition === "function" ? !prefix.condition(...args) : !(prefix.condition ?? true)) {
return message;
message = `${this.wrap(typeof === "string" ? :, {
format: prefix.conditionalFormat ? prefix.conditionalFormat(...args) : prefix.format
})} ` + message;
return message;
applyToEntity(message, options) {
if (options == null ? void 0 : options.prefix) {
message = this.prefix(message, ...options.prefix);
if (options == null ? void 0 : options.suffix) {
message = this.suffix(message, ...options.suffix);
return message;
format(level, message, options) {
let multiLineMessage;
try {
multiLineMessage = message.split(import_os.EOL);
} catch {
multiLineMessage = [message];
multiLineMessage = multiLineMessage.filter((msg) => msg && msg.trim() !== "").map((msg) => {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
return this.applyToEntity(, msg), {
prefix: [...((_b = (_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.entityOptions) == null ? void 0 : _b.prefix) ?? [], ...Array.isArray(options == null ? void 0 : options.prefix) ? options.prefix : [options == null ? void 0 : options.prefix]],
suffix: [...((_d = (_c = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _c.entityOptions) == null ? void 0 : _d.suffix) ?? [], ...Array.isArray(options == null ? void 0 : options.suffix) ? options.suffix : [options == null ? void 0 : options.suffix]]
message = multiLineMessage.join(import_os.EOL);
return message;
style(level, message) {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i;
let icon;
let coloring = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input) => {
return input;
}, "coloring");
switch (level) {
case "FAILED" /* FAILED */:
if ((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.useIcons) {
coloring =;
icon = figures.cross;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
case "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */:
if ((_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b.useIcons) {
coloring = colorette.yellow;
icon = figures.arrowDown;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
if ((_c = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _c.useIcons) {
coloring =;
icon = figures.tick;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
case "OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */:
if ((_d = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _d.useIcons) {
icon = figures.arrowRight;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
case "STARTED" /* STARTED */:
if ((_e = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _e.useIcons) {
icon = figures.pointer;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
case "TITLE" /* TITLE */:
if ((_f = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _f.useIcons) {
icon = figures.checkboxOn;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
case "RETRY" /* RETRY */:
if ((_g = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _g.useIcons) {
coloring = colorette.yellow;
icon = figures.pointer;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
if ((_h = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _h.useIcons) {
coloring =;
icon = figures.arrowLeft;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
case "SUBTASK" /* SUBTASK */:
if ((_i = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _i.useIcons) {
coloring = colorette.yellowBright;
icon = figures.pointer;
} else {
icon = this.wrap(level);
message = coloring(icon) + " " + message;
return message;
__name(ListrLogger, "ListrLogger");
// src/utils/logger/process-output.ts
var import_os2 = require("os");
var ProcessOutput = class {
stdout(buffer) {
return process.stdout.write(buffer + import_os2.EOL);
stderr(buffer) {
return process.stderr.write(buffer + import_os2.EOL);
__name(ProcessOutput, "ProcessOutput");
// src/utils/assert.ts
function assertFunctionOrSelf(functionOrSelf, ...args) {
if (typeof functionOrSelf === "function") {
return functionOrSelf(...args);
} else {
return functionOrSelf;
__name(assertFunctionOrSelf, "assertFunctionOrSelf");
// src/utils/clone.ts
var import_rfdc = __toESM(require("rfdc"));
var clone = (0, import_rfdc.default)({ circles: true });
function cloneObject(obj) {
return clone(obj);
__name(cloneObject, "cloneObject");
// src/lib/task-wrapper.ts
var import_through = __toESM(require("through"));
// src/constants/clearline-regex.constants.ts
var CLEAR_LINE_REGEX = "(?:\\u001b|\\u009b)\\[[\\=><~/#&.:=?%@~_-]*[0-9]*[\\a-ln-tqyz=><~/#&.:=?%@~_-]+";
var BELL_REGEX = /\u0007/;
// src/lib/task-wrapper.ts
var TaskWrapper = class {
constructor(task, errors, options) {
this.task = task;
this.errors = errors;
this.options = options;
/** Get the title of the current task. */
get title() {
return this.task.title;
/** Change the title of the current task. */
set title(data) {
this.task.title$ = data;
/** Get the output from the output channel. */
get output() {
return this.task.output;
/** Send a output to the output channel. */
set output(data) {
this.task.output$ = data;
/** Create a new subtask with given renderer selection from the parent task. */
newListr(task, options) {
let tasks;
if (typeof task === "function") {
tasks = task(this);
} else {
tasks = task;
return new Listr(tasks, options, this.task);
/** Report a error in process for error collection. */
report(error, type) {
var _a2;
if (this.task.options.collectErrors !== false) {
this.errors.push(new ListrError(error, type, this.task));
this.task.message$ = { error: error.message ?? ((_a2 = this.task) == null ? void 0 : _a2.title) ?? "Task with no title." };
/** Skip current task. */
skip(message) {
var _a2;
this.task.state$ = "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */;
if (message) {
this.task.message$ = { skip: message ?? ((_a2 = this.task) == null ? void 0 : _a2.title) ?? "Task with no title." };
/** Get the number of retrying, else returns false */
isRetrying() {
return this.task.isRetrying() ? this.task.retry : { count: 0 };
* Create a new Enquirer prompt using prompt options.
* Since process.stdout is controlled by Listr, this will passthrough all Enquirer data through internal stdout.
async prompt(options) {
var _a2;
return createPrompt.bind(this)(options, { ...(_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.injectWrapper });
/** Cancels the current prompt attach to this task. */
cancelPrompt(throwError = false) {
return destroyPrompt.bind(this)(throwError);
* Pass stream of data to internal stdout.
* Since Listr2 takes control of process.stdout utilizing the default renderer, any data outputted to process.stdout
* will corrupt its looks.
* This returns a fake stream to pass any stream inside Listr as task data.
stdout() {
return (0, import_through.default)((chunk) => {
chunk = chunk.toString();
chunk = chunk.replace(new RegExp(CLEAR_LINE_REGEX, "gmi"), "");
chunk = chunk.replace(new RegExp(BELL_REGEX, "gmi"), "");
if (chunk !== "") {
this.output = chunk;
/** Run this task. */
run(ctx) {
return, this);
__name(TaskWrapper, "TaskWrapper");
// src/utils/prompt.ts
function defaultCancelCallback(settings) {
const errorMsg = "Cancelled prompt.";
if (this instanceof TaskWrapper) {
this.task.prompt = new PromptError(errorMsg);
} else if ((settings == null ? void 0 : settings.error) !== false) {
throw new Error(errorMsg);
} else {
return errorMsg;
__name(defaultCancelCallback, "defaultCancelCallback");
async function createPrompt(options, settings) {
let cancelCallback;
if (settings == null ? void 0 : settings.cancelCallback) {
cancelCallback = settings.cancelCallback;
} else {
cancelCallback = defaultCancelCallback;
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
options = [{ ...options, name: "default" }];
} else if (options.length === 1) {
options = options.reduce((o, option) => {
return [...o, Object.assign(option, { name: "default" })];
}, []);
options = options.reduce((o, option) => {
return [
Object.assign(option, {
// this is for outside calls, if it is not called from taskwrapper with bind
stdout: this instanceof TaskWrapper ? (settings == null ? void 0 : settings.stdout) ?? this.stdout() : process.stdout,
onCancel: cancelCallback.bind(this, settings)
}, []);
let enquirer;
if (settings == null ? void 0 : settings.enquirer) {
enquirer = settings.enquirer;
} else {
try {
const imported = await import("enquirer");
enquirer = imported.default ? new imported.default() : new imported();
} catch (e) {
this.task.prompt = new PromptError("Enquirer is a peer dependency that must be installed separately.");
throw new Error(e);
if (this instanceof TaskWrapper) {
enquirer.on("prompt", (prompt) => this.task.prompt = prompt);
enquirer.on("submit", () => this.task.prompt = void 0);
this.task.on("STATE" /* STATE */, (event) => {
if (event === "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */) {
if (this.task.prompt && !(this.task.prompt instanceof PromptError)) {
const response = await enquirer.prompt(options);
if (options.length === 1) {
return response.default;
} else {
return response;
__name(createPrompt, "createPrompt");
function destroyPrompt(throwError = false) {
if (!this.task.prompt || this.task.prompt instanceof PromptError) {
if (throwError) {
} else {
__name(destroyPrompt, "destroyPrompt");
// src/renderer/default.renderer.ts
var import_cli_truncate = __toESM(require("cli-truncate"));
var import_log_update = __toESM(require("log-update"));
var import_os3 = require("os");
var import_wrap_ansi = __toESM(require("wrap-ansi"));
var _DefaultRenderer = class {

@@ -248,3 +627,5 @@ constructor(tasks, options, events) {

this.spinnerPosition = 0;
this.logger = new ListrLogger();
this.options = { ..._DefaultRenderer.rendererOptions, ...this.options };
this.logger = this.options.logger ?? new ListrLogger();

@@ -261,5 +642,2 @@ getTaskOptions(task) {

hasTimer(task) {
return this.getTaskOptions(task).showTimer === true;
getSelfOrParentOption(task, key) {

@@ -269,17 +647,11 @@ var _a2, _b;

/* istanbul ignore next */
getTaskTime(task) {
return colorette.dim(`[${parseTaskTime(task.message.duration)}]`);
createRender(options) {
options = {
tasks: true,
bottomBar: true,
prompt: true
tasks: true,
bottomBar: true,
prompt: true,
const render = [];
const renderTasks = this.multiLineRenderer(this.tasks);
const renderTasks = this.renderer(this.tasks);
const renderBottomBar = this.renderBottomBar();

@@ -291,8 +663,8 @@ const renderPrompt = this.renderPrompt();

if (options.bottomBar && (renderBottomBar == null ? void 0 : renderBottomBar.trim().length) > 0) {
render.push((render.length > 0 ? import_os.EOL : "") + renderBottomBar);
render.push((render.length > 0 ? import_os3.EOL : "") + renderBottomBar);
if (options.prompt && (renderPrompt == null ? void 0 : renderPrompt.trim().length) > 0) {
render.push((render.length > 0 ? import_os.EOL : "") + renderPrompt);
render.push((render.length > 0 ? import_os3.EOL : "") + renderPrompt);
return render.length > 0 ? render.join(import_os.EOL) : "";
return render.length > 0 ? render.join(import_os3.EOL) : "";

@@ -323,8 +695,34 @@ render() {

if (!this.options.clearOutput) {
process.stdout.write(this.createRender({ prompt: false }) + import_os.EOL);
this.logger.process.stdout(this.createRender({ prompt: false }));
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
multiLineRenderer(tasks, level = 0) {
var _a2, _b;
getSymbol(task, data = false) {
var _a2, _b, _c;
if (task.isSkipped() && (data || this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "collapseSkips"))) {
return colorette.yellow(figures.arrowDown);
if (data) {
return figures.pointerSmall;
if (task.isStarted()) {
return ((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.lazy) || this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSubtasks") !== false && task.hasSubtasks() && !task.subtasks.every((subtask) => !subtask.hasTitle()) ? colorette.yellow(figures.pointer) : colorette.yellowBright(this.spinner[this.spinnerPosition]);
} else if (task.isCompleted()) {
return task.hasSubtasks() && task.subtasks.some((subtask) => subtask.hasFailed()) ? colorette.yellow(figures.warning) :;
} else if (task.isRetrying()) {
return ((_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b.lazy) ? colorette.yellow(figures.warning) : colorette.yellow(this.spinner[this.spinnerPosition]);
} else if (task.isRollingBack()) {
return ((_c = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _c.lazy) ? :[this.spinnerPosition]);
} else if (task.hasRolledBack()) {
} else if (task.hasFailed()) {
return task.hasSubtasks() ? :;
} else if (task.isSkipped() && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "collapseSkips") === false) {
return colorette.yellow(figures.warning);
return colorette.dim(figures.squareSmallFilled);
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
renderer(tasks, level = 0) {
var _a2, _b, _c;
let output = [];

@@ -338,3 +736,3 @@ for (const task of tasks) {

!task.hasSubtasks() && task.message.error && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showErrorMessage") ? task.message.error : task.title,

@@ -348,8 +746,8 @@ this.getSymbol(task),

task.message.skip && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSkipMessage") ? task.message.skip : task.title,
this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "suffixSkips")
this.logger.suffix(task.message.skip && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSkipMessage") ? task.message.skip : task.title, {
data: "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */,
condition: this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "suffixSkips"),
format: colorette.dim

@@ -360,10 +758,30 @@ level

} else if (task.isRetrying() && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "suffixRetries")) {
output = [...output, this.formatString(this.addSuffixToMessage(task.title, `RETRYING-${task.message.retry.count}`), this.getSymbol(task), level)];
} else if (task.isCompleted() && task.hasTitle() && (this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showTimer") || this.hasTimer(task))) {
output = [...output, this.formatString(`${task == null ? void 0 : task.title} ${this.getTaskTime(task)}`, this.getSymbol(task), level)];
output = [
this.logger.suffix(task.title, {
data: `${"RETRY" /* RETRY */}:${task.message.retry.count}`,
format: colorette.yellow
} else if (task.isCompleted() && task.hasTitle() && assertFunctionOrSelf((_a2 = this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "timer")) == null ? void 0 : _a2.condition, task.message.duration)) {
output = [
this.logger.suffix(task == null ? void 0 : task.title, {
...this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "timer"),
args: [task.message.duration]
} else {
output = [...output, this.formatString(task.title, this.getSymbol(task), level)];
output = [...output, this.format(task.title, this.getSymbol(task), level)];
} else {
output = [...output, this.formatString(task.title,, level)];
output = [...output, this.format(task.title,, level)];

@@ -373,12 +791,12 @@ }

if (task.hasFailed() && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "collapseErrors") === false && (this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showErrorMessage") || !this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSubtasks"))) {
output = [...output, this.dumpData(task, level, "error")];
output = [...output, this.dump(task, level, "FAILED" /* FAILED */)];
} else if (task.isSkipped() && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "collapseSkips") === false && (this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSkipMessage") || !this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSubtasks"))) {
output = [...output, this.dumpData(task, level, "skip")];
output = [...output, this.dump(task, level, "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */)];
if (task == null ? void 0 : task.output) {
if ((task.isPending() || task.isRetrying() || task.isRollingBack()) && task.isPrompt()) {
if ((task.isStarted() || task.isRetrying() || task.isRollingBack()) && task.isPrompt()) {
this.promptBar = task.output;
} else if (this.isBottomBar(task) || !task.hasTitle()) {
const data = [this.dumpData(task, -1)];
const data = [this.dump(task, -1)];
if (!this.bottomBar[]) {

@@ -394,7 +812,7 @@ this.bottomBar[] = {};

if (!((_b = (_a2 = this.bottomBar[]) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _b.some((element) => data.includes(element))) && !task.isSkipped()) {
if (!((_c = (_b = this.bottomBar[]) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _c.some((element) => data.includes(element))) && !task.isSkipped()) {
this.bottomBar[].data = [...this.bottomBar[].data,];
} else if (task.isPending() || task.isRetrying() || task.isRollingBack() || this.hasPersistentOutput(task)) {
output = [...output, this.dumpData(task, level)];
} else if (task.isStarted() || task.isRetrying() || task.isRollingBack() || this.hasPersistentOutput(task)) {
output = [...output, this.dump(task, level)];

@@ -405,3 +823,3 @@ }

this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSubtasks") !== false && // if it doesnt have subtasks no need to check
task.hasSubtasks() && (task.isPending() || task.hasFailed() || task.isCompleted() && !task.hasTitle() || // have to be completed and have subtasks
task.hasSubtasks() && (task.isStarted() || task.hasFailed() || task.isCompleted() && !task.hasTitle() || // have to be completed and have subtasks
task.isCompleted() && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "collapse") === false && !task.subtasks.some((subtask) => subtask.rendererOptions.collapse === true) || // if any of the subtasks have the collapse option of

@@ -413,3 +831,3 @@ task.subtasks.some((subtask) => subtask.rendererOptions.collapse === false) || // if any of the subtasks has failed

const subtaskLevel = !task.hasTitle() ? level : level + 1;
const subtaskRender = this.multiLineRenderer(task.subtasks, subtaskLevel);
const subtaskRender = this.renderer(task.subtasks, subtaskLevel);
if ((subtaskRender == null ? void 0 : subtaskRender.trim()) !== "") {

@@ -429,3 +847,3 @@ output = [...output, subtaskRender];

if (output.length > 0) {
return output.join(import_os.EOL);
return output.join(import_os3.EOL);
} else {

@@ -446,3 +864,3 @@ return;

}, {});
return Object.values(this.bottomBar).reduce((o, value) => o = [...o,], []).filter(Boolean).join(import_os.EOL);
return Object.values(this.bottomBar).reduce((o, value) => o = [...o,], []).filter(Boolean).join(import_os3.EOL);

@@ -455,23 +873,23 @@ }

dumpData(task, level, source = "output") {
dump(task, level, source = "OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */) {
let data;
switch (source) {
case "output":
case "OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */:
data = task.output;
case "skip":
case "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */:
data = task.message.skip;
case "error":
case "FAILED" /* FAILED */:
data = task.message.error;
if (task.hasTitle() && source === "error" && data === task.title) {
if (task.hasTitle() && source === "FAILED" /* FAILED */ && data === task.title) {
if (typeof data === "string") {
return this.formatString(data, this.getSymbol(task, true), level + 1);
return this.format(data, this.getSymbol(task, true), level + 1);
formatString(str, icon, level) {
format(str, icon, level) {
if (str.trim() === "") {

@@ -486,8 +904,8 @@ return;

case "truncate":
parsedStr = str.split(import_os.EOL).map((s, i) => {
return (0, import_cli_truncate.default)(this.indentMultilineOutput(s, i), columns);
parsedStr = str.split(import_os3.EOL).map((s, i) => {
return (0, import_cli_truncate.default)(this.indent(s, i), columns);
case "wrap":
parsedStr = (0, import_wrap_ansi.default)(str, columns, { hard: true }).split(import_os.EOL).map((s, i) => this.indentMultilineOutput(s, i));
parsedStr = (0, import_wrap_ansi.default)(str, columns, { hard: true }).split(import_os3.EOL).map((s, i) => this.indent(s, i));

@@ -500,32 +918,7 @@ default:

return indentString(parsedStr.join(import_os.EOL), level * this.options.indentation);
return indentString(parsedStr.join(import_os3.EOL), level * this.options.indentation);
indentMultilineOutput(str, i) {
indent(str, i) {
return i > 0 ? indentString(str.trim(), 2) : str.trim();
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
getSymbol(task, data = false) {
var _a2, _b, _c;
if (task.isPending() && !data) {
return ((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.lazy) || this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "showSubtasks") !== false && task.hasSubtasks() && !task.subtasks.every((subtask) => !subtask.hasTitle()) ? colorette.yellow(figures.pointer) : colorette.yellowBright(this.spinner[this.spinnerPosition]);
} else if (task.isCompleted() && !data) {
return task.hasSubtasks() && task.subtasks.some((subtask) => subtask.hasFailed()) ? colorette.yellow(figures.warning) :;
} else if (task.isRetrying() && !data) {
return ((_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b.lazy) ? colorette.yellow(figures.warning) : colorette.yellow(this.spinner[this.spinnerPosition]);
} else if (task.isRollingBack() && !data) {
return ((_c = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _c.lazy) ? :[this.spinnerPosition]);
} else if (task.hasRolledBack() && !data) {
} else if (task.hasFailed() && !data) {
return task.hasSubtasks() ? :;
} else if (task.isSkipped() && !data && this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "collapseSkips") === false) {
return colorette.yellow(figures.warning);
} else if (task.isSkipped() && (data || this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "collapseSkips"))) {
return colorette.yellow(figures.arrowDown);
return !data ? colorette.dim(figures.squareSmallFilled) : figures.pointerSmall;
addSuffixToMessage(message, suffix, condition) {
return condition ?? true ? message + colorette.dim(` [${suffix}]`) : message;

@@ -549,3 +942,2 @@ var DefaultRenderer = _DefaultRenderer;

lazy: false,
showTimer: false,
removeEmptyLines: true,

@@ -572,3 +964,2 @@ formatOutput: "truncate"

var import_log_update2 = require("log-update");
var import_os2 = require("os");
var _SimpleRenderer = class {

@@ -579,24 +970,9 @@ constructor(tasks, options) {

this.options = { ..._SimpleRenderer.rendererOptions, ...options };
this.logger = this.options.logger ?? new ListrLogger({
useIcons: true,
entityOptions: {
prefix: [this.options.timestamp]
// This is used for mocks, since mocking Date is cumbesome
static now() {
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
// Used to sanitize title output
static formatTitle(task) {
return (task == null ? void 0 : task.title) ? ` ${task.title}` : "";
// Writes sanitized output
log(output) {
const logOut = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg) => {
process[this.options.output].write(msg.endsWith(import_os2.EOL) ? msg : `${msg}${import_os2.EOL}`);
}, "logOut");
if (!this.options.prefixWithTimestamp) {
const now =;
const timestamp = String(now.getHours()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(now.getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(now.getSeconds()).padStart(2, "0");
logOut(`${colorette.dim(`[${timestamp}]`)} ${output}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line

@@ -606,22 +982,42 @@ end() {

render() {
simpleRenderer(tasks) {
getSelfOrParentOption(task, key) {
var _a2, _b;
return ((_a2 = task == null ? void 0 : task.rendererOptions) == null ? void 0 : _a2[key]) ?? ((_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b[key]);
renderer(tasks) {
tasks.forEach((task) => {
task.on("SUBTASK" /* SUBTASK */, (subtasks) => {
if (task.hasTitle()) {
this.log(`${} ${task.title}`);
task.on("STATE" /* STATE */, (state) => {
if (state === "COMPLETED" /* COMPLETED */ && task.hasTitle()) {
this.log(`${} ${task.title}`);
var _a2;
if (!task.hasTitle()) {
if (state === "STARTED" /* STARTED */) {
} else if (state === "COMPLETED" /* COMPLETED */) {
const timer = this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "timer");
timer && {
suffix: {
condition: !!((_a2 = task.message) == null ? void 0 : _a2.duration) && timer.condition,
args: [task.message.duration]
task.on("DATA" /* DATA */, (data) => {
if (task.isPrompt() && !String(data).match(/^\n$/)) {
(0, import_log_update2.stderr)(data);
task.on("OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */, (output) => {
if (task.isPrompt() && !String(output).match(/^\n$/)) {
(0, import_log_update2.stderr)(output);
} else {
this.log(`${figures.pointerSmall} ${data}`);

@@ -631,14 +1027,29 @@ });

if (message.error) {
const title = _SimpleRenderer.formatTitle(task);
this.log(`${}${title}: ${message.error}`);
this.logger.failed(task.title, {
suffix: {
data: `${"FAILED" /* FAILED */}: ${message.error}`,
} else if (message.skip) {
const title = _SimpleRenderer.formatTitle(task);
const skip = task.title !== message.skip ? `: ${message.skip}` : "";
this.log(`${colorette.yellow(figures.arrowDown)}${title} [${colorette.yellow(`skipped${skip}`)}]`);
this.logger.skipped(task.title, {
suffix: {
data: `${"SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */}: ${message.skip}`,
format: colorette.yellow
} else if (message.rollback) {
const title = _SimpleRenderer.formatTitle(task);
this.log(`${}${title}: ${message.rollback}`);
this.logger.rollback(task.title, {
suffix: {
data: `${"ROLLBACK" /* ROLLBACK */}: ${message.rollback}`,
} else if (message.retry) {
const title = _SimpleRenderer.formatTitle(task);
this.logger.retry(task.title, {
suffix: {
data: `${"RETRY" /* RETRY */}:${message.retry.count}`,

@@ -654,167 +1065,110 @@ });

// designate your renderer options that will be showed inside the `ListrOptions` as rendererOptions
SimpleRenderer.rendererOptions = { prefixWithTimestamp: false, output: "stdout" };
SimpleRenderer.rendererOptions = {};
// designate your custom internal task-based options that will show as `options` in the task itself
SimpleRenderer.rendererTaskOptions = {};
// src/constants/listr.constants.ts
var TASK_WITHOUT_TITLE = "Task without title.";
// src/utils/logger.constants.ts
var LogLevels = /* @__PURE__ */ ((LogLevels2) => {
LogLevels2["SILENT"] = "SILENT";
LogLevels2["FAILED"] = "FAILED";
LogLevels2["SKIPPED"] = "SKIPPED";
LogLevels2["SUCCESS"] = "SUCCESS";
LogLevels2["DATA"] = "DATA";
LogLevels2["STARTED"] = "STARTED";
LogLevels2["TITLE"] = "TITLE";
LogLevels2["RETRY"] = "RETRY";
LogLevels2["ROLLBACK"] = "ROLLBACK";
return LogLevels2;
})(LogLevels || {});
// src/utils/logger.ts
var Logger = class {
constructor(options) {
// src/renderer/test.renderer.ts
var _TestRenderer = class {
constructor(tasks, options) {
this.tasks = tasks;
this.options = options;
this.options = { ..._TestRenderer.rendererOptions, ...this.options };
this.logger = this.options.logger ?? new ListrLogger();
fail(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("FAILED" /* FAILED */, message);
render() {
skip(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */, message);;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
end() {
success(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("SUCCESS" /* SUCCESS */, message);
data(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("DATA" /* DATA */, message);;
start(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("STARTED" /* STARTED */, message);
title(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("TITLE" /* TITLE */, message);;
retry(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("RETRY" /* RETRY */, message);
rollback(message) {
message = this.parseMessage("ROLLBACK" /* ROLLBACK */, message);
parseMessage(level, message) {
let multiLineMessage;
try {
multiLineMessage = message.split("\n");
} catch {
multiLineMessage = [message];
multiLineMessage = => {
return this.logColoring({
message: msg
// verbose renderer multi-level
renderer(tasks) {
return tasks == null ? void 0 : tasks.forEach((task) => {
if (this.options.subtasks) {
task.on("SUBTASK" /* SUBTASK */, (subtasks) => {
if (this.options.state) {
task.on("STATE" /* STATE */, (state) => {
this.logger.process.stdout(new TestRendererEvent("STATE" /* STATE */, state, task).toJson());
if (this.options.output) {
task.on("OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */, (data) => {
this.logger.process.stdout(new TestRendererEvent("OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */, data, task).toJson());
if (this.options.title) {
task.on("TITLE" /* TITLE */, (title) => {
this.logger.process.stdout(new TestRendererEvent("TITLE" /* TITLE */, title, task).toJson());
task.on("MESSAGE" /* MESSAGE */, (message) => {
const parsed = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(message).map(([key, value]) => {
if (this.options.messages.includes(key)) {
return [key, value];
if (Object.keys(parsed).length > 0) {
const output = new TestRendererEvent("MESSAGE" /* MESSAGE */, parsed, task).toJson();
if (["error", "rollback", "retry"].some((state) => Object.keys(parsed).includes(state))) {
} else {
message = multiLineMessage.join("\n");
return message;
logColoring({ level, message }) {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
let icon;
let coloring = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input) => {
return input;
}, "coloring");
switch (level) {
case "FAILED" /* FAILED */:
if ((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.useIcons) {
coloring =;
icon = figures.cross;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
case "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */:
if ((_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b.useIcons) {
coloring = colorette.yellow;
icon = figures.arrowDown;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
case "SUCCESS" /* SUCCESS */:
if ((_c = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _c.useIcons) {
coloring =;
icon = figures.tick;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
case "DATA" /* DATA */:
if ((_d = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _d.useIcons) {
icon = figures.arrowRight;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
case "STARTED" /* STARTED */:
if ((_e = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _e.useIcons) {
icon = figures.pointer;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
case "TITLE" /* TITLE */:
if ((_f = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _f.useIcons) {
icon = figures.checkboxOn;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
case "RETRY" /* RETRY */:
if ((_g = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _g.useIcons) {
coloring = colorette.yellow;
icon = figures.pointer;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
if ((_h = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _h.useIcons) {
coloring =;
icon = figures.arrowLeft;
} else {
icon = this.wrapInBrackets(level);
return coloring(`${icon} ${message}`);
var TestRenderer = _TestRenderer;
__name(TestRenderer, "TestRenderer");
/** designates whether this renderer can output to a non-tty console */
TestRenderer.nonTTY = true;
/** renderer options for the verbose renderer */
TestRenderer.rendererOptions = {
subtasks: true,
state: Object.values(ListrTaskState),
output: true,
title: true,
messages: ["skip", "error", "retry", "rollback"]
var TestRendererEvent = class {
constructor(event, data, task) {
this.event = event; = data;
this.task = task;
wrapInBrackets(level) {
return `[${level}]`;
toJson() {
var _a2, _b;
return JSON.stringify({
event: this.event,
task: {
title: (_a2 = this.task) == null ? void 0 : _a2.title,
hasFinalized: (_b = this.task) == null ? void 0 : _b.hasFinalized()
__name(Logger, "Logger");
__name(TestRendererEvent, "TestRendererEvent");
// src/renderer/verbose.renderer.ts
var _VerboseRenderer = class {
constructor(tasks, options, events) {
constructor(tasks, options) {
this.tasks = tasks;
this.options = options; = events;
var _a2, _b;
if ((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.logger) {
this.logger = new this.options.logger(options == null ? void 0 : options.options);
} else {
this.logger = new Logger({ useIcons: (_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b.useIcons });
this.options = { ..._VerboseRenderer.rendererOptions, ...this.options };
this.logger = this.options.logger ?? new ListrLogger({
useIcons: false,
entityOptions: {
prefix: [this.options.timestamp]
render() {

@@ -824,25 +1178,36 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function

getSelfOrParentOption(task, key) {
var _a2, _b;
return ((_a2 = task == null ? void 0 : task.rendererOptions) == null ? void 0 : _a2[key]) ?? ((_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b[key]);
// verbose renderer multi-level
verboseRenderer(tasks) {
renderer(tasks) {
return tasks == null ? void 0 : tasks.forEach((task) => {
var _a2;
task.on("SUBTASK" /* SUBTASK */, (subtasks) => {
task.on("STATE" /* STATE */, (state) => {
var _a3, _b, _c;
if (task.hasTitle() || ((_a3 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a3.logEmptyTitle) !== false) {
const title = task.hasTitle() ? task.title : TASK_WITHOUT_TITLE;
switch (state) {
case "PENDING" /* PENDING */:
this.logger.success(title + (((_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b.showTimer) && ((_c = task.message) == null ? void 0 : _c.duration) ? ` [${parseTaskTime(task.message.duration)}]` : ""));
var _a3;
if (!task.hasTitle()) {
if (state === "STARTED" /* STARTED */) {
} else if (state === "COMPLETED" /* COMPLETED */) {
const timer = this.getSelfOrParentOption(task, "timer");
timer && {
suffix: {
condition: !!((_a3 = task.message) == null ? void 0 : _a3.duration) && timer.condition,
args: [task.message.duration]
task.on("DATA" /* DATA */, (data) => {;
task.on("OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */, (data) => {

@@ -856,10 +1221,9 @@ if (((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.logTitleChange) !== false) {

if (message == null ? void 0 : message.error) {;
} else if (message == null ? void 0 : message.skip) {
} else if (message == null ? void 0 : message.rollback) {
} else if (message == null ? void 0 : message.retry) {
const title = task.hasTitle() ? task.title : TASK_WITHOUT_TITLE;
this.logger.retry(`[${message.retry.count}] ` + title);
this.logger.retry(task.title, { suffix: message.retry.count.toString() });

@@ -876,12 +1240,11 @@ });

VerboseRenderer.rendererOptions = {
useIcons: false,
logEmptyTitle: true,
logTitleChange: true
logTitleChange: false
// src/utils/renderer.ts
var renderers = {
default: DefaultRenderer,
simple: SimpleRenderer,
verbose: VerboseRenderer,
test: TestRenderer,
silent: SilentRenderer

@@ -895,21 +1258,16 @@ };

if (typeof renderer === "string") {
return renderers[renderer] || renderers.default;
return RENDERERS[renderer] ?? RENDERERS.default;
return typeof renderer === "function" ? renderer : renderers.default;
return typeof renderer === "function" ? renderer : RENDERERS.default;
__name(getRendererClass, "getRendererClass");
function getRenderer(renderer, fallbackRenderer, fallbackCondition, silentCondition) {
let returnValue;
let ret = getRendererClass(renderer);
returnValue = { renderer: ret, nonTTY: false };
const evaluateSilent = assertFunctionOrSelf(silentCondition);
const evaluateFallback = assertFunctionOrSelf(fallbackCondition);
if (evaluateSilent) {
ret = getRendererClass("silent");
returnValue = { renderer: ret, nonTTY: true };
} else if (!isRendererSupported(ret) || evaluateFallback) {
ret = getRendererClass(fallbackRenderer);
returnValue = { renderer: ret, nonTTY: true };
if (assertFunctionOrSelf(silentCondition)) {
return { renderer: getRendererClass("silent"), nonTTY: true };
return returnValue;
const r = { renderer: getRendererClass(renderer), nonTTY: false };
if (!isRendererSupported(r.renderer) || assertFunctionOrSelf(fallbackCondition)) {
return { renderer: getRendererClass(fallbackRenderer), nonTTY: true };
return r;

@@ -928,2 +1286,35 @@ __name(getRenderer, "getRenderer");

// src/interfaces/listr-error.interface.ts
var ListrError = class extends Error {
constructor(error, type, task) {
this.error = error;
this.type = type;
this.task = task; = "ListrError";
this.path = [...task.listr.path ?? [], task.title].join(" > ");
if ((task == null ? void 0 : task.options.collectErrors) === "full") {
this.task = cloneObject(task);
this.ctx = cloneObject(task.listr.ctx);
this.stack = error == null ? void 0 : error.stack;
__name(ListrError, "ListrError");
var ListrErrorTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ListrErrorTypes2) => {
ListrErrorTypes2["WILL_RETRY"] = "WILL_RETRY";
ListrErrorTypes2["HAS_FAILED"] = "HAS_FAILED";
return ListrErrorTypes2;
})(ListrErrorTypes || {});
var PromptError = class extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message); = "PromptError";
__name(PromptError, "PromptError");
// src/lib/task.ts

@@ -958,3 +1349,3 @@ var Task = class extends EventManager {

for (const subtask of this.subtasks) {
if (subtask.state === "PENDING" /* PENDING */) {
if (subtask.state === "STARTED" /* STARTED */) {
subtask.state$ = "FAILED" /* FAILED */;

@@ -968,3 +1359,3 @@ }

this.output = data;
this.emit("DATA" /* DATA */, data);
this.emit("OUTPUT" /* OUTPUT */, data);

@@ -1003,4 +1394,4 @@ }

/** Returns whether this task is in progress. */
isPending() {
return this.state === "PENDING" /* PENDING */;
isStarted() {
return this.state === "STARTED" /* STARTED */;

@@ -1079,3 +1470,3 @@ /** Returns whether this task is skipped. */

const startTime =;
this.state$ = "PENDING" /* PENDING */;
this.state$ = "STARTED" /* STARTED */;
const skipped = await assertFunctionOrSelf(((_a2 = this.tasks) == null ? void 0 : _a2.skip) ?? false, context);

@@ -1112,3 +1503,3 @@ if (skipped) {

if (this.isPending() || this.isRetrying()) {
if (this.isStarted() || this.isRetrying()) {
this.message$ = { duration: - startTime };

@@ -1126,4 +1517,4 @@ this.state$ = "COMPLETED" /* COMPLETED */;

await this.tasks.rollback(context, wrapper);
this.message$ = { rollback: this.title };
this.state$ = "ROLLED_BACK" /* ROLLED_BACK */;
this.message$ = { rollback: this.title };
} catch (err) {

@@ -1156,179 +1547,2 @@ this.state$ = "FAILED" /* FAILED */;

// src/lib/task-wrapper.ts
var import_through = __toESM(require("through"));
// src/constants/clearline-regex.constants.ts
var CLEAR_LINE_REGEX = "(?:\\u001b|\\u009b)\\[[\\=><~/#&.:=?%@~_-]*[0-9]*[\\a-ln-tqyz=><~/#&.:=?%@~_-]+";
var BELL_REGEX = /\u0007/;
// src/utils/prompt.ts
function defaultCancelCallback(settings) {
const errorMsg = "Cancelled prompt.";
if (this instanceof TaskWrapper) {
this.task.prompt = new PromptError(errorMsg);
} else if ((settings == null ? void 0 : settings.error) !== false) {
throw new Error(errorMsg);
} else {
return errorMsg;
__name(defaultCancelCallback, "defaultCancelCallback");
async function createPrompt(options, settings) {
let cancelCallback;
if (settings == null ? void 0 : settings.cancelCallback) {
cancelCallback = settings.cancelCallback;
} else {
cancelCallback = defaultCancelCallback;
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
options = [{ ...options, name: "default" }];
} else if (options.length === 1) {
options = options.reduce((o, option) => {
return [...o, Object.assign(option, { name: "default" })];
}, []);
options = options.reduce((o, option) => {
return [
Object.assign(option, {
// this is for outside calls, if it is not called from taskwrapper with bind
stdout: this instanceof TaskWrapper ? (settings == null ? void 0 : settings.stdout) ?? this.stdout() : process.stdout,
onCancel: cancelCallback.bind(this, settings)
}, []);
let enquirer;
if (settings == null ? void 0 : settings.enquirer) {
enquirer = settings.enquirer;
} else {
try {
const imported = await import("enquirer");
enquirer = imported.default ? new imported.default() : new imported();
} catch (e) {
this.task.prompt = new PromptError("Enquirer is a peer dependency that must be installed separately.");
throw new Error(e);
if (this instanceof TaskWrapper) {
enquirer.on("prompt", (prompt) => this.task.prompt = prompt);
enquirer.on("submit", () => this.task.prompt = void 0);
this.task.on("STATE" /* STATE */, (event) => {
if (event === "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */) {
if (this.task.prompt && !(this.task.prompt instanceof PromptError)) {
const response = await enquirer.prompt(options);
if (options.length === 1) {
return response.default;
} else {
return response;
__name(createPrompt, "createPrompt");
function destroyPrompt(throwError = false) {
if (!this.task.prompt || this.task.prompt instanceof PromptError) {
if (throwError) {
} else {
__name(destroyPrompt, "destroyPrompt");
// src/lib/task-wrapper.ts
var TaskWrapper = class {
constructor(task, errors, options) {
this.task = task;
this.errors = errors;
this.options = options;
/** Get the title of the current task. */
get title() {
return this.task.title;
/** Change the title of the current task. */
set title(data) {
this.task.title$ = data;
/** Get the output from the output channel. */
get output() {
return this.task.output;
/** Send a output to the output channel. */
set output(data) {
this.task.output$ = data;
/** Create a new subtask with given renderer selection from the parent task. */
newListr(task, options) {
let tasks;
if (typeof task === "function") {
tasks = task(this);
} else {
tasks = task;
return new Listr(tasks, options, this.task);
/** Report a error in process for error collection. */
report(error, type) {
var _a2;
if (this.task.options.collectErrors !== false) {
this.errors.push(new ListrError(error, type, this.task));
this.task.message$ = { error: error.message ?? ((_a2 = this.task) == null ? void 0 : _a2.title) ?? "Task with no title." };
/** Skip current task. */
skip(message) {
var _a2;
this.task.state$ = "SKIPPED" /* SKIPPED */;
if (message) {
this.task.message$ = { skip: message ?? ((_a2 = this.task) == null ? void 0 : _a2.title) ?? "Task with no title." };
/** Get the number of retrying, else returns false */
isRetrying() {
return this.task.isRetrying() ? this.task.retry : { count: 0 };
* Create a new Enquirer prompt using prompt options.
* Since process.stdout is controlled by Listr, this will passthrough all Enquirer data through internal stdout.
async prompt(options) {
var _a2;
return createPrompt.bind(this)(options, { ...(_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.injectWrapper });
/** Cancels the current prompt attach to this task. */
cancelPrompt(throwError = false) {
return destroyPrompt.bind(this)(throwError);
* Pass stream of data to internal stdout.
* Since Listr2 takes control of process.stdout utilizing the default renderer, any data outputted to process.stdout
* will corrupt its looks.
* This returns a fake stream to pass any stream inside Listr as task data.
stdout() {
return (0, import_through.default)((chunk) => {
chunk = chunk.toString();
chunk = chunk.replace(new RegExp(CLEAR_LINE_REGEX, "gmi"), "");
chunk = chunk.replace(new RegExp(BELL_REGEX, "gmi"), "");
if (chunk !== "") {
this.output = chunk;
/** Run this task. */
run(ctx) {
return, this);
__name(TaskWrapper, "TaskWrapper");
// src/listr.ts

@@ -1380,3 +1594,3 @@ var Listr = class {

this.tasks.forEach(async (task2) => {
if (task2.isPending()) {
if (task2.isStarted()) {
task2.state$ = "FAILED" /* FAILED */;

@@ -1404,3 +1618,3 @@ }

await this.renderer.render();
this.ctx = ((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.ctx) ?? context ?? {};

@@ -1483,4 +1697,17 @@ await Promise.all( => task.check(this.ctx)));

__name(Manager, "Manager");
// src/renderer/renderer-presets.constants.ts
condition: true,
data: timestamp,
format: colorette.dim
condition: true,
data: parseTaskTime,
format: colorette.dim
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {

@@ -1490,8 +1717,18 @@ ListrError,


@@ -1501,3 +1738,10 @@ createPrompt,

"name": "listr2",
"version": "5.1.0-beta.2",
"version": "6.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "Terminal task list reborn! Create beautiful CLI interfaces via easy and logical to implement task lists that feel alive and interactive.",

@@ -82,3 +82,3 @@ "license": "MIT",

"@cenk1cenk2/cz-cc": "^1.5.9",
"@cenk1cenk2/eslint-config": "2.5.52",
"@cenk1cenk2/eslint-config": "2.6.0",
"@types/clone": "^2.1.1",

@@ -89,3 +89,2 @@ "@types/jest": "^29.0.0",

"@types/wrap-ansi": "^3.0.0",
"delay": "^5.0.0",
"enquirer": "^2.3.6",

@@ -92,0 +91,0 @@ "eslint": "^8.23.0",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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