What's this ?
litesql is a tiny library easing developpement with sqlite databases.
work was based upon the massive-js library. massivejs is a nodejs module and provides an intuitive interface over raw Mysql and Postgre modules.
basically, litesql intends to brings the same interface into sqlite database. undeway the module use the sqlite3 module, meaning you can access all the functions it offers.
Of course you may also use the additional facilities this module offers (otherwise, you wouldn't be here, right?)
Getting started
install it
npm install litesql
then use it
var litesql = require('litesql');
var db = litesql.db(':memory:');
db.serialize(function() {
id: 'pk',
num: 'int',
task: { type: 'text', required: true },
duedate: 'date',
completed: 'boolean'
var todos = new litesql.Table('todos', 'id', db);
for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
todos.insert({ num: i, task: 'Task #'+i, duedate: new Date(), completed: false }).run();
todos.find().all( function(err, tasks){
assert.equal(tasks.length, 10);
So basically, it works always the way you've seen it
- Construct a query via helper methods and classes
- then execute the query using methods like you are used to ( run, get, all, each )
CRUD methods
We've already seen insert; following how to update an existing record given its primary key; usually (but not necessary) an 'id' column;
db.serialize(function() {
todos.update({ task: 'have to finish this' }, 1 ).run();
todos.find(1).get(function(err, todo) {
assert.equal(todo.task, 'have to finish this');
You can also update by another condition; here we update all records with num <= 5
db.serialize(function() {
todos.update({ completed: true }, { 'num <=': 5 }).run();
todos.find({ completed: true }).all(function(err, completedTasks) {
assert.equal(completedTasks.length, 5);
Another way to insert a new record is via the #save method
db.serialize(function() {
todos.save({ task: 'give me more examples', completed: false }).run();
todos.find({ task: 'give me more examples' }).all(function(err, tasks) {
assert.equal(tasks.length, 1);
You can use #save to update an existing record as well. Just include the pk field
db.serialize(function() {
todos.save({ id: '1', task: 'first of firsts' }).run();
todos.find(1).get(function(err, todo) {
assert.equal(todo.task, 'first of firsts');
We use #remove to delete an existing record; below we remove by the pk field
db.serialize(function() {
todos.find(10).all(function(err, todos) {
assert.equal(todos.length, 0);
As you may have already guessed, you can call #remove with more conditions; below we remove all tasks with completed=true
db.serialize(function() {
todos.remove({ completed: true }).run();
todos.find({ completed: true }).all(function(err, todos) {
assert.equal(todos.length, 0);
Schema helper methods