Load which and how many polyfill? Depend on yourself
Notice: this package depend on global Promise, if your dest env does not contain Promise, polyfill it first. For example:
import 'es6-promise/auto'
loadPolyfill accept an array of two dimesions
in each one item[0] should be boolean or function, when function it should return bool in sync code
in each one item[1] could be string or function, when function it should return promise
it return promise, call your main code in 'then' method
import loadPolyfill from 'load-polyfill'
// here use dynimic import and webpack code spliting feature.
['isArray' in Array, 'core-js/fn/array/is-array'],
// when the second is fn, it must return promise
['isArray' in Array, () => import('lodash/isArray').then(module => Array.isArray = module)],
['from' in Array, 'core-js/fn/array/from'],
[() => 'find' in Array.prototype, 'core-js/fn/array/find'], // will call dynimic import('core-js/fn/array/find')
[() => 'find' in Array.prototype, () => import('core-js/fn/array/find')], // or run your own logic
[() => {
// some code to test env does not have Map
return 'Map' in global
}, () => import('es6-map/polyfill')],
]).then(() => {
// load your main code here
// for example
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#main'))
polyfills list have to be maintained manually, depend on your dest browser env.
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