Lodash Chainer
Simple chaining of lodash functions. Without requiring the entire lodash package, or lodash/fp.
This allows us to use modular imports, so that we can strip unused lodash code from our bundle.
import split from "lodash/split";
import toUpper from "lodash/toUpper";
import chainer from "lodash-chainer";
let value = "loud noises";
let wordsReversed = chainer(value)
.do(split, " ")
.do(reverse).value; // ['noises', 'loud']
Alternative Solutions to this Problem
import split from "lodash/split";
import reverse from "lodash/reverse";
import flow from "lodash/flow";
import curryRight from "lodash/curryRight";
import _ from "lodash";
import chainer from "lodash-chainer";
let value = "loud noises";
let upperCasedWords;
// Undesirable as it's not chained
wordsReversed = reverse(split(value, " "));
// Undesirable as `_` relies on importing the entire lodash package
wordsReversed = _(value).split(" ").reverse().value();
// Undesirable as `chain` also relies on importing the entire lodash package - even if used as a relative import
wordsReversed = _.chain(value).split(" ").reverse().value();
// Undesirable as you have to wrap lodash functions in order to pass arguments
wordsReversed = flow(
(innerValue) => split(innerValue, " "),
// Undesirable as you have to wrap lodash functions with curryRight
wordsReversed = flow(
curryRight(split)(" ", 2),
// Undesirable as you have to go all-in on lodash/fp, which some developers prefer not to do
// Mixing lodash with lodash/fp "just for the chaining" is confusing, and results in duplicated code in the bundle
import split from "lodash/fp/split";
import reverse from "lodash/fp/reverse";
import flow from "lodash/fp/flow";
wordsReversed = flow(split(" "), reverse)(value);
// Has a nice interface, but requires the additional step to set plugins every time you use it.
import lodashChain from "lodash-chain";
lodashChain.plugins({ split, reverse });
wordsReversed = lodashChain
.split(" ")
expect(wordsReversed).toEqual(["noises", "loud"]);
// Similar to above, undesirable due to having to wrap functions to pass arguments
import { chain } from "@spacet.me/chain";
wordsReversed = chain(value)
.thru((value) => split(value, " "))