What is lodash.kebabcase?
The lodash.kebabcase package is a utility function that converts a given string to kebab-case. Kebab-case is a string format where words are lowercased and separated by hyphens.
What are lodash.kebabcase's main functionalities?
Basic Conversion
This feature converts a simple string with spaces into kebab-case.
const kebabCase = require('lodash.kebabcase');
console.log(kebabCase('Hello World')); // Output: 'hello-world'
Conversion with Special Characters
This feature handles special characters and converts them into kebab-case.
const kebabCase = require('lodash.kebabcase');
console.log(kebabCase('Hello_World!')); // Output: 'hello-world'
Conversion with Mixed Case
This feature converts camelCase strings into kebab-case.
const kebabCase = require('lodash.kebabcase');
console.log(kebabCase('helloWorld')); // Output: 'hello-world'
Other packages similar to lodash.kebabcase
The change-case package provides a variety of string case transformations, including kebab-case. It is more versatile than lodash.kebabcase as it supports multiple case transformations like camelCase, snake_case, and more.
The param-case package is specifically designed to convert strings to kebab-case. It is similar to lodash.kebabcase but is more focused and lightweight, making it a good alternative if you only need kebab-case conversion.
The to-case package offers multiple string case transformations, including kebab-case. It is similar to change-case but with a simpler API, making it easier to use for basic transformations.
lodash.kebabcase v4.1.1
The lodash method _.kebabCase
exported as a Node.js module.
Using npm:
$ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash.kebabcase
In Node.js:
var kebabCase = require('lodash.kebabcase');
See the documentation or package source for more details.