What is lodash.padstart?
The lodash.padstart package is a utility function from the Lodash library that pads the beginning of a string with a specified character until the string reaches a given length. This is useful for formatting strings to ensure they have a consistent length, which can be important for tasks like aligning text in console output or preparing data for display.
What are lodash.padstart's main functionalities?
Basic Padding
Pads the beginning of the string 'abc' with spaces until the total length is 6.
const _ = require('lodash.padstart');
const result = _.padStart('abc', 6);
console.log(result); // ' abc'
Padding with Custom Character
Pads the beginning of the string 'abc' with the character '0' until the total length is 6.
const _ = require('lodash.padstart');
const result = _.padStart('abc', 6, '0');
console.log(result); // '000abc'
Padding with Multiple Characters
Pads the beginning of the string 'abc' with the sequence '_-' until the total length is 8.
const _ = require('lodash.padstart');
const result = _.padStart('abc', 8, '_-');
console.log(result); // '_-_-abc'
Other packages similar to lodash.padstart
The left-pad package provides similar functionality to lodash.padstart by padding the beginning of a string with a specified character or sequence until it reaches a given length. It is simpler and more focused solely on padding strings, whereas lodash.padstart is part of the larger Lodash utility library.
The string.prototype.padstart package is a polyfill for the native String.prototype.padStart method introduced in ECMAScript 2017. It provides the same functionality as lodash.padstart but is designed to add this method to the String prototype for environments that do not support it natively.
lodash.padstart v4.6.1
The lodash method _.padStart
exported as a Node.js module.
Using npm:
$ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash.padstart
In Node.js:
var padStart = require('lodash.padstart');
See the documentation or package source for more details.