LoggerSDK for Microservices with multiple adapters eg: Pino, Winston, Bunyan.
npm install log4-microservice --save
Configuration Required
process.env.SERVICE = 'Payment'; // Name of the microservice
process.env.LOG_ADAPTER = 'pino'; // any one of the pino, winston, bunyan values
process.env.LOG_LEVEL = 'debug';
process.env.LOG_PATH = 'logs'; // log directory path
process.env.LOG_FILE = 'payment.log'; // log file name
// Entry Point of your Microservice
// server.js
const { Log4Microservice } = require('log4-microservice');
// Typescript
// import { Log4Microservice } from 'log4-microservice'
//...other initialization code
function configureLogger() {
const logOptions = {
level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL,
logPath: process.env.LOG_PATH,
logFile: process.env.LOG_FILE,
Log4Microservice.addAdapter(process.env.LOG_ADAPTER, Log4Microservice.setAdapter(process.env.LOG_ADAPTER));
// should be configured once hence in entry point file
// mymodule.js
const { Log4Microservice } = require('log4-microservice');
const logger = new Log4Microservice('mymodule');
logger.error(new Error());
logger.log('level', msg, arbitarydata, correlationIdJson)
NOTE: scope will be truncated to first 6 chars for formatting.
In order to add the correlationIds often known as MDC (Mapped Domain Context or Context Mapping) related to specific event it can be supplied to any of the loggers API as the last argument. CorrelationId should be a valid JSON Object. Incase if correlationIds are not passed on default correlationIds assigned during instantiation will be used.
Motive for implementing MDC
Often when there are lot of microservices and logs are been forwarded it becomes difficult to find the reason for error and sequence of events that might have caused the error. MDC approach helps to group together the events that are related to specific event for eg. Order Checkout failed or Payment Failure on Ecommerce site.As customer is unaware of the internal things it is wise idea to add some related information as correlationIds like { orderID: 101 } so it can be searched quickly.
Usage of CorrelationIds
processPayment(orderData) {
logger.debug(`Processing payment for orderID ${orderData.id}`, { orderId: orderData.id });
Run Examples
node examples server.js
Setup Requirement For New Relic Integration
- Install td-agent 4 Installation
- Configure td-agent.conf in /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
@type tail
path /tmp/logs/payment.log
tag payment.stdout
pos_file /tmp/payment.log.pos
@type json
<match payment.stdout>
@type http
log_level debug
endpoint https://log-api.eu.newrelic.com/log/v1
http_method post
content_type application/json
headers {"x-license-key":"ENTER_LICENSE_KEY" }
@type json
flush_interval 2s
HappyCoding :bowtie: