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lowlight - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.0 to 3.2.0




@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ /**

export const grammars: Record<string, LanguageFn>;
export type LanguageFn = import('highlight.js').LanguageFn;
import type { LanguageFn } from 'highlight.js';
* @typedef {import('highlight.js').LanguageFn} LanguageFn
* @import {LanguageFn} from 'highlight.js'

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@

@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ /**

export const grammars: Record<string, LanguageFn>;
export type LanguageFn = import('highlight.js').LanguageFn;
import type { LanguageFn } from 'highlight.js';
* @typedef {import('highlight.js').LanguageFn} LanguageFn
* @import {LanguageFn} from 'highlight.js'

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@

@@ -173,10 +173,2 @@ /**

export type Element = import('hast').Element;
export type ElementContent = import('hast').ElementContent;
export type Root = import('hast').Root;
export type RootData = import('hast').RootData;
export type Emitter = import('highlight.js').Emitter;
export type HljsOptions = import('highlight.js').HLJSOptions;
export type HighlightResult = import('highlight.js').HighlightResult;
export type LanguageFn = import('highlight.js').LanguageFn;

@@ -204,1 +196,4 @@ * Extra fields.

export type AutoOptions = Options & ExtraOptions;
import type { LanguageFn } from 'highlight.js';
import type { Root } from 'hast';
* @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element
* @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent
* @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root
* @typedef {import('hast').RootData} RootData
* @typedef {import('highlight.js').Emitter} Emitter
* @typedef {import('highlight.js').HLJSOptions} HljsOptions
* @typedef {import('highlight.js').HighlightResult} HighlightResult
* @typedef {import('highlight.js').LanguageFn} LanguageFn
* @import {ElementContent, Element, RootData, Root} from 'hast'
* @import {Emitter, HLJSOptions as HljsOptions, HighlightResult, LanguageFn} from 'highlight.js'

@@ -19,3 +12,3 @@

* @typedef {Object} Options
* @typedef Options
* Configuration for `highlight`.

@@ -22,0 +15,0 @@ * @property {string | null | undefined} [prefix='hljs-']

"name": "lowlight",
"version": "3.1.0",
"version": "3.2.0",
"description": "Virtual syntax highlighting for virtual DOMs and non-HTML things",

@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ "license": "MIT",

"devlop": "^1.0.0",
"highlight.js": "~11.9.0"
"highlight.js": "~11.10.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/mdast": "^4.0.0",
"@types/node": "^20.0.0",
"@types/node": "^22.0.0",
"@types/unist": "^3.0.0",
"c8": "^8.0.0",
"c8": "^10.0.0",
"chalk": "^5.0.0",

@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ "estree-util-is-identifier-name": "^3.0.0",

"prettier": "^3.0.0",
"remark-cli": "^11.0.0",
"remark-preset-wooorm": "^9.0.0",
"remark-cli": "^12.0.0",
"remark-preset-wooorm": "^10.0.0",
"type-coverage": "^2.0.0",
"typescript": "^5.0.0",
"unified": "^11.0.0",
"xo": "^0.56.0"
"xo": "^0.59.0"

@@ -59,0 +59,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -15,31 +15,31 @@ <!--lint disable no-html-->

* [What is this?](#what-is-this)
* [When should I use this?](#when-should-i-use-this)
* [Install](#install)
* [Use](#use)
* [API](#api)
* [`all`](#all)
* [`common`](#common)
* [`createLowlight([grammars])`](#createlowlightgrammars)
* [`lowlight.highlight(language, value[, options])`](#lowlighthighlightlanguage-value-options)
* [`lowlight.highlightAuto(value[, options])`](#lowlighthighlightautovalue-options)
* [`lowlight.listLanguages()`](#lowlightlistlanguages)
* [`lowlight.register(grammars)`](#lowlightregistergrammars)
* [`lowlight.registerAlias(aliases)`](#lowlightregisteraliasaliases)
* [`lowlight.registered(aliasOrlanguage)`](#lowlightregisteredaliasorlanguage)
* [`AutoOptions`](#autooptions)
* [`LanguageFn`](#languagefn)
* [`Options`](#options)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Example: serializing hast as html](#example-serializing-hast-as-html)
* [Example: turning hast into preact, react, etc](#example-turning-hast-into-preact-react-etc)
* [Types](#types)
* [Data](#data)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [Security](#security)
* [Related](#related)
* [Projects](#projects)
* [Contribute](#contribute)
* [License](#license)
* [What is this?](#what-is-this)
* [When should I use this?](#when-should-i-use-this)
* [Install](#install)
* [Use](#use)
* [API](#api)
* [`all`](#all)
* [`common`](#common)
* [`createLowlight([grammars])`](#createlowlightgrammars)
* [`lowlight.highlight(language, value[, options])`](#lowlighthighlightlanguage-value-options)
* [`lowlight.highlightAuto(value[, options])`](#lowlighthighlightautovalue-options)
* [`lowlight.listLanguages()`](#lowlightlistlanguages)
* [`lowlight.register(grammars)`](#lowlightregistergrammars)
* [`lowlight.registerAlias(aliases)`](#lowlightregisteraliasaliases)
* [`lowlight.registered(aliasOrlanguage)`](#lowlightregisteredaliasorlanguage)
* [`AutoOptions`](#autooptions)
* [`LanguageFn`](#languagefn)
* [`Options`](#options)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Example: serializing hast as html](#example-serializing-hast-as-html)
* [Example: turning hast into preact, react, etc](#example-turning-hast-into-preact-react-etc)
* [Types](#types)
* [Data](#data)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [Security](#security)
* [Related](#related)
* [Projects](#projects)
* [Contribute](#contribute)
* [License](#license)

@@ -140,4 +140,4 @@ ## What is this?

* `grammars` ([`Record<string, LanguageFn>`][api-language-fn], optional)
— grammars to add
* `grammars` ([`Record<string, LanguageFn>`][api-language-fn], optional)
— grammars to add

@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ ###### Returns

* `language` (`string`)
— programming language [name][names]
* `value` (`string`)
— code to highlight
* `options` ([`Options`][api-options], optional)
— configuration
* `language` (`string`)
— programming language [name][names]
* `value` (`string`)
— code to highlight
* `options` ([`Options`][api-options], optional)
— configuration

@@ -190,6 +190,6 @@ ###### Returns

* `value` (`string`)
— code to highlight
* `options` ([`AutoOptions`][api-auto-options], optional)
— configuration
* `value` (`string`)
— code to highlight
* `options` ([`AutoOptions`][api-auto-options], optional)
— configuration

@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ ###### Returns

* `register(name, grammar)`
* `register(grammars)`
* `register(name, grammar)`
* `register(grammars)`
###### Parameters
* `name` (`string`)
— programming language [name][names]
* `grammar` ([`LanguageFn`][api-language-fn])
— grammar
* `grammars` ([`Record<string, LanguageFn>`][api-language-fn], optional)
— grammars
* `name` (`string`)
— programming language [name][names]
* `grammar` ([`LanguageFn`][api-language-fn])
— grammar
* `grammars` ([`Record<string, LanguageFn>`][api-language-fn], optional)
— grammars

@@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ ###### Returns

* `registerAlias(aliases)`
* `registerAlias(name, alias)`
* `registerAlias(aliases)`
* `registerAlias(name, alias)`
###### Parameters
* `aliases` (`Record<string, Array<string> | string>`)
— map of programming language [names][] to one or more aliases
* `name` (`string`)
— programming language [name][names]
* `alias` (`Array<string> | string`)
— one or more aliases for the programming language
* `aliases` (`Record<string, Array<string> | string>`)
— map of programming language [names][] to one or more aliases
* `name` (`string`)
— programming language [name][names]
* `alias` (`Array<string> | string`)
— one or more aliases for the programming language

@@ -331,4 +331,4 @@ ###### Returns

* `aliasOrlanguage` (`string`)
— [name][names] of a language or alias for one
* `aliasOrlanguage` (`string`)
— [name][names] of a language or alias for one

@@ -359,6 +359,6 @@ ###### Returns

* `prefix` (`string`, default: `'hljs-'`)
— class prefix
* `subset` (`Array<string>`, default: all registered languages)
— list of allowed languages
* `prefix` (`string`, default: `'hljs-'`)
— class prefix
* `subset` (`Array<string>`, default: all registered languages)
— list of allowed languages

@@ -381,4 +381,4 @@ ### `LanguageFn`

* `prefix` (`string`, default: `'hljs-'`)
— class prefix
* `prefix` (`string`, default: `'hljs-'`)
— class prefix

@@ -456,5 +456,4 @@ ## Examples

* @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root
* @typedef {import('lowlight')}
* @import {Root} from 'hast'
* @import {} from 'lowlight'

@@ -487,194 +486,194 @@

* [ ] `1c` — 1C:Enterprise
* [ ] `abnf` — Augmented Backus-Naur Form
* [ ] `accesslog` — Apache Access Log
* [ ] `actionscript` (`as`) — ActionScript
* [ ] `ada` — Ada
* [ ] `angelscript` (`asc`) — AngelScript
* [ ] `apache` (`apacheconf`) — Apache config
* [ ] `applescript` (`osascript`) — AppleScript
* [ ] `arcade` — ArcGIS Arcade
* [x] `arduino` (`ino`) — Arduino
* [ ] `armasm` (`arm`) — ARM Assembly
* [ ] `asciidoc` (`adoc`) — AsciiDoc
* [ ] `aspectj` — AspectJ
* [ ] `autohotkey` (`ahk`) — AutoHotkey
* [ ] `autoit` — AutoIt
* [ ] `avrasm` — AVR Assembly
* [ ] `awk` — Awk
* [ ] `axapta` (`x++`) — X++
* [x] `bash` (`sh`) — Bash
* [ ] `basic` — BASIC
* [ ] `bnf` — Backus–Naur Form
* [ ] `brainfuck` (`bf`) — Brainfuck
* [x] `c` (`h`) — C
* [ ] `cal` — C/AL
* [ ] `capnproto` (`capnp`) — Cap’n Proto
* [ ] `ceylon` — Ceylon
* [ ] `clean` (`icl`, `dcl`) — Clean
* [ ] `clojure` (`clj`, `edn`) — Clojure
* [ ] `clojure-repl` — Clojure REPL
* [ ] `cmake` (``) — CMake
* [ ] `coffeescript` (`coffee`, `cson`, `iced`) — CoffeeScript
* [ ] `coq` — Coq
* [ ] `cos` (`cls`) — Caché Object Script
* [x] `cpp` (`cc`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `hh`, `hxx`, `cxx`) — C++
* [ ] `crmsh` (`crm`, `pcmk`) — crmsh
* [ ] `crystal` (`cr`) — Crystal
* [x] `csharp` (`cs`, `c#`) — C#
* [ ] `csp` — CSP
* [x] `css` — CSS
* [ ] `d` — D
* [ ] `dart` — Dart
* [ ] `delphi` (`dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`) — Delphi
* [x] `diff` (`patch`) — Diff
* [ ] `django` (`jinja`) — Django
* [ ] `dns` (`bind`, `zone`) — DNS Zone
* [ ] `dockerfile` (`docker`) — Dockerfile
* [ ] `dos` (`bat`, `cmd`) — Batch file (DOS)
* [ ] `dsconfig` — undefined
* [ ] `dts` — Device Tree
* [ ] `dust` (`dst`) — Dust
* [ ] `ebnf` — Extended Backus-Naur Form
* [ ] `elixir` (`ex`, `exs`) — Elixir
* [ ] `elm` — Elm
* [ ] `erb` — ERB
* [ ] `erlang` (`erl`) — Erlang
* [ ] `erlang-repl` — Erlang REPL
* [ ] `excel` (`xlsx`, `xls`) — Excel formulae
* [ ] `fix` — FIX
* [ ] `flix` — Flix
* [ ] `fortran` (`f90`, `f95`) — Fortran
* [ ] `fsharp` (`fs`, `f#`) — F#
* [ ] `gams` (`gms`) — GAMS
* [ ] `gauss` (`gss`) — GAUSS
* [ ] `gcode` (`nc`) — G-code (ISO 6983)
* [ ] `gherkin` (`feature`) — Gherkin
* [ ] `glsl` — GLSL
* [ ] `gml` — GML
* [x] `go` (`golang`) — Go
* [ ] `golo` — Golo
* [ ] `gradle` — Gradle
* [x] `graphql` (`gql`) — GraphQL
* [ ] `groovy` — Groovy
* [ ] `haml` — HAML
* [ ] `handlebars` (`hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `htmlbars`) — Handlebars
* [ ] `haskell` (`hs`) — Haskell
* [ ] `haxe` (`hx`) — Haxe
* [ ] `hsp` — HSP
* [ ] `http` (`https`) — HTTP
* [ ] `hy` (`hylang`) — Hy
* [ ] `inform7` (`i7`) — Inform 7
* [x] `ini` (`toml`) — TOML, also INI
* [ ] `irpf90` — IRPF90
* [ ] `isbl` — ISBL
* [x] `java` (`jsp`) — Java
* [x] `javascript` (`js`, `jsx`, `mjs`, `cjs`) — JavaScript
* [ ] `jboss-cli` (`wildfly-cli`) — JBoss CLI
* [x] `json` — JSON
* [ ] `julia` — Julia
* [ ] `julia-repl` (`jldoctest`) — Julia REPL
* [x] `kotlin` (`kt`, `kts`) — Kotlin
* [ ] `lasso` (`ls`, `lassoscript`) — Lasso
* [ ] `latex` (`tex`) — LaTeX
* [ ] `ldif` — LDIF
* [ ] `leaf` — Leaf
* [x] `less` — Less
* [ ] `lisp` — Lisp
* [ ] `livecodeserver` — LiveCode
* [ ] `livescript` (`ls`) — LiveScript
* [ ] `llvm` — LLVM IR
* [ ] `lsl` — LSL (Linden Scripting Language)
* [x] `lua` — Lua
* [x] `makefile` (`mk`, `mak`, `make`) — Makefile
* [x] `markdown` (`md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`) — Markdown
* [ ] `mathematica` (`mma`, `wl`) — Mathematica
* [ ] `matlab` — Matlab
* [ ] `maxima` — Maxima
* [ ] `mel` — MEL
* [ ] `mercury` (`m`, `moo`) — Mercury
* [ ] `mipsasm` (`mips`) — MIPS Assembly
* [ ] `mizar` — Mizar
* [ ] `mojolicious` — Mojolicious
* [ ] `monkey` — Monkey
* [ ] `moonscript` (`moon`) — MoonScript
* [ ] `n1ql` — N1QL
* [ ] `nestedtext` (`nt`) — Nested Text
* [ ] `nginx` (`nginxconf`) — Nginx config
* [ ] `nim` — Nim
* [ ] `nix` (`nixos`) — Nix
* [ ] `node-repl` — Node REPL
* [ ] `nsis` — NSIS
* [x] `objectivec` (`mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `obj-c++`, `objective-c++`) — Objective-C
* [ ] `ocaml` (`ml`) — OCaml
* [ ] `openscad` (`scad`) — OpenSCAD
* [ ] `oxygene` — Oxygene
* [ ] `parser3` — Parser3
* [x] `perl` (`pl`, `pm`) — Perl
* [ ] `pf` (`pf.conf`) — Packet Filter config
* [ ] `pgsql` (`postgres`, `postgresql`) — PostgreSQL
* [x] `php` — undefined
* [x] `php-template` — PHP template
* [x] `plaintext` (`text`, `txt`) — Plain text
* [ ] `pony` — Pony
* [ ] `powershell` (`pwsh`, `ps`, `ps1`) — PowerShell
* [ ] `processing` (`pde`) — Processing
* [ ] `profile` — Python profiler
* [ ] `prolog` — Prolog
* [ ] `properties` — .properties
* [ ] `protobuf` (`proto`) — Protocol Buffers
* [ ] `puppet` (`pp`) — Puppet
* [ ] `purebasic` (`pb`, `pbi`) — PureBASIC
* [x] `python` (`py`, `gyp`, `ipython`) — Python
* [x] `python-repl` (`pycon`) — undefined
* [ ] `q` (`k`, `kdb`) — Q
* [ ] `qml` (`qt`) — QML
* [x] `r` — R
* [ ] `reasonml` (`re`) — ReasonML
* [ ] `rib` — RenderMan RIB
* [ ] `roboconf` (`graph`, `instances`) — Roboconf
* [ ] `routeros` (`mikrotik`) — MikroTik RouterOS script
* [ ] `rsl` — RenderMan RSL
* [x] `ruby` (`rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`) — Ruby
* [ ] `ruleslanguage` — Oracle Rules Language
* [x] `rust` (`rs`) — Rust
* [ ] `sas` — SAS
* [ ] `scala` — Scala
* [ ] `scheme` (`scm`) — Scheme
* [ ] `scilab` (`sci`) — Scilab
* [x] `scss` — SCSS
* [x] `shell` (`console`, `shellsession`) — Shell Session
* [ ] `smali` — Smali
* [ ] `smalltalk` (`st`) — Smalltalk
* [ ] `sml` (`ml`) — SML (Standard ML)
* [ ] `sqf` — SQF
* [x] `sql` — SQL
* [ ] `stan` (`stanfuncs`) — Stan
* [ ] `stata` (`do`, `ado`) — Stata
* [ ] `step21` (`p21`, `step`, `stp`) — STEP Part 21
* [ ] `stylus` (`styl`) — Stylus
* [ ] `subunit` — SubUnit
* [x] `swift` — Swift
* [ ] `taggerscript` — Tagger Script
* [ ] `tap` — Test Anything Protocol
* [ ] `tcl` (`tk`) — Tcl
* [ ] `thrift` — Thrift
* [ ] `tp` — TP
* [ ] `twig` (`craftcms`) — Twig
* [x] `typescript` (`ts`, `tsx`, `mts`, `cts`) — TypeScript
* [ ] `vala` — Vala
* [x] `vbnet` (`vb`) — Visual Basic .NET
* [ ] `vbscript` (`vbs`) — VBScript
* [ ] `vbscript-html` — VBScript in HTML
* [ ] `verilog` (`v`, `sv`, `svh`) — Verilog
* [ ] `vhdl` — VHDL
* [ ] `vim` — Vim Script
* [x] `wasm` — WebAssembly
* [ ] `wren` — Wren
* [ ] `x86asm` — Intel x86 Assembly
* [ ] `xl` (`tao`) — XL
* [x] `xml` (`html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xjb`, `xsd`, `xsl`, `plist`, `wsf`, `svg`) — HTML, XML
* [ ] `xquery` (`xpath`, `xq`, `xqm`) — XQuery
* [x] `yaml` (`yml`) — YAML
* [ ] `zephir` (`zep`) — Zephir
* [ ] `1c` — 1C:Enterprise
* [ ] `abnf` — Augmented Backus-Naur Form
* [ ] `accesslog` — Apache Access Log
* [ ] `actionscript` (`as`) — ActionScript
* [ ] `ada` — Ada
* [ ] `angelscript` (`asc`) — AngelScript
* [ ] `apache` (`apacheconf`) — Apache config
* [ ] `applescript` (`osascript`) — AppleScript
* [ ] `arcade` — ArcGIS Arcade
* [x] `arduino` (`ino`) — Arduino
* [ ] `armasm` (`arm`) — ARM Assembly
* [ ] `asciidoc` (`adoc`) — AsciiDoc
* [ ] `aspectj` — AspectJ
* [ ] `autohotkey` (`ahk`) — AutoHotkey
* [ ] `autoit` — AutoIt
* [ ] `avrasm` — AVR Assembly
* [ ] `awk` — Awk
* [ ] `axapta` (`x++`) — X++
* [x] `bash` (`sh`, `zsh`) — Bash
* [ ] `basic` — BASIC
* [ ] `bnf` — Backus–Naur Form
* [ ] `brainfuck` (`bf`) — Brainfuck
* [x] `c` (`h`) — C
* [ ] `cal` — C/AL
* [ ] `capnproto` (`capnp`) — Cap’n Proto
* [ ] `ceylon` — Ceylon
* [ ] `clean` (`icl`, `dcl`) — Clean
* [ ] `clojure` (`clj`, `edn`) — Clojure
* [ ] `clojure-repl` — Clojure REPL
* [ ] `cmake` (``) — CMake
* [ ] `coffeescript` (`coffee`, `cson`, `iced`) — CoffeeScript
* [ ] `coq` — Coq
* [ ] `cos` (`cls`) — Caché Object Script
* [x] `cpp` (`cc`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `hh`, `hxx`, `cxx`) — C++
* [ ] `crmsh` (`crm`, `pcmk`) — crmsh
* [ ] `crystal` (`cr`) — Crystal
* [x] `csharp` (`cs`, `c#`) — C#
* [ ] `csp` — CSP
* [x] `css` — CSS
* [ ] `d` — D
* [ ] `dart` — Dart
* [ ] `delphi` (`dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`) — Delphi
* [x] `diff` (`patch`) — Diff
* [ ] `django` (`jinja`) — Django
* [ ] `dns` (`bind`, `zone`) — DNS Zone
* [ ] `dockerfile` (`docker`) — Dockerfile
* [ ] `dos` (`bat`, `cmd`) — Batch file (DOS)
* [ ] `dsconfig` — undefined
* [ ] `dts` — Device Tree
* [ ] `dust` (`dst`) — Dust
* [ ] `ebnf` — Extended Backus-Naur Form
* [ ] `elixir` (`ex`, `exs`) — Elixir
* [ ] `elm` — Elm
* [ ] `erb` — ERB
* [ ] `erlang` (`erl`) — Erlang
* [ ] `erlang-repl` — Erlang REPL
* [ ] `excel` (`xlsx`, `xls`) — Excel formulae
* [ ] `fix` — FIX
* [ ] `flix` — Flix
* [ ] `fortran` (`f90`, `f95`) — Fortran
* [ ] `fsharp` (`fs`, `f#`) — F#
* [ ] `gams` (`gms`) — GAMS
* [ ] `gauss` (`gss`) — GAUSS
* [ ] `gcode` (`nc`) — G-code (ISO 6983)
* [ ] `gherkin` (`feature`) — Gherkin
* [ ] `glsl` — GLSL
* [ ] `gml` — GML
* [x] `go` (`golang`) — Go
* [ ] `golo` — Golo
* [ ] `gradle` — Gradle
* [x] `graphql` (`gql`) — GraphQL
* [ ] `groovy` — Groovy
* [ ] `haml` — HAML
* [ ] `handlebars` (`hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `htmlbars`) — Handlebars
* [ ] `haskell` (`hs`) — Haskell
* [ ] `haxe` (`hx`) — Haxe
* [ ] `hsp` — HSP
* [ ] `http` (`https`) — HTTP
* [ ] `hy` (`hylang`) — Hy
* [ ] `inform7` (`i7`) — Inform 7
* [x] `ini` (`toml`) — TOML, also INI
* [ ] `irpf90` — IRPF90
* [ ] `isbl` — ISBL
* [x] `java` (`jsp`) — Java
* [x] `javascript` (`js`, `jsx`, `mjs`, `cjs`) — JavaScript
* [ ] `jboss-cli` (`wildfly-cli`) — JBoss CLI
* [x] `json` (`jsonc`) — JSON
* [ ] `julia` — Julia
* [ ] `julia-repl` (`jldoctest`) — Julia REPL
* [x] `kotlin` (`kt`, `kts`) — Kotlin
* [ ] `lasso` (`ls`, `lassoscript`) — Lasso
* [ ] `latex` (`tex`) — LaTeX
* [ ] `ldif` — LDIF
* [ ] `leaf` — Leaf
* [x] `less` — Less
* [ ] `lisp` — Lisp
* [ ] `livecodeserver` — LiveCode
* [ ] `livescript` (`ls`) — LiveScript
* [ ] `llvm` — LLVM IR
* [ ] `lsl` — LSL (Linden Scripting Language)
* [x] `lua` — Lua
* [x] `makefile` (`mk`, `mak`, `make`) — Makefile
* [x] `markdown` (`md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`) — Markdown
* [ ] `mathematica` (`mma`, `wl`) — Mathematica
* [ ] `matlab` — Matlab
* [ ] `maxima` — Maxima
* [ ] `mel` — MEL
* [ ] `mercury` (`m`, `moo`) — Mercury
* [ ] `mipsasm` (`mips`) — MIPS Assembly
* [ ] `mizar` — Mizar
* [ ] `mojolicious` — Mojolicious
* [ ] `monkey` — Monkey
* [ ] `moonscript` (`moon`) — MoonScript
* [ ] `n1ql` — N1QL
* [ ] `nestedtext` (`nt`) — Nested Text
* [ ] `nginx` (`nginxconf`) — Nginx config
* [ ] `nim` — Nim
* [ ] `nix` (`nixos`) — Nix
* [ ] `node-repl` — Node REPL
* [ ] `nsis` — NSIS
* [x] `objectivec` (`mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `obj-c++`, `objective-c++`) — Objective-C
* [ ] `ocaml` (`ml`) — OCaml
* [ ] `openscad` (`scad`) — OpenSCAD
* [ ] `oxygene` — Oxygene
* [ ] `parser3` — Parser3
* [x] `perl` (`pl`, `pm`) — Perl
* [ ] `pf` (`pf.conf`) — Packet Filter config
* [ ] `pgsql` (`postgres`, `postgresql`) — PostgreSQL
* [x] `php` — undefined
* [x] `php-template` — PHP template
* [x] `plaintext` (`text`, `txt`) — Plain text
* [ ] `pony` — Pony
* [ ] `powershell` (`pwsh`, `ps`, `ps1`) — PowerShell
* [ ] `processing` (`pde`) — Processing
* [ ] `profile` — Python profiler
* [ ] `prolog` — Prolog
* [ ] `properties` — .properties
* [ ] `protobuf` (`proto`) — Protocol Buffers
* [ ] `puppet` (`pp`) — Puppet
* [ ] `purebasic` (`pb`, `pbi`) — PureBASIC
* [x] `python` (`py`, `gyp`, `ipython`) — Python
* [x] `python-repl` (`pycon`) — undefined
* [ ] `q` (`k`, `kdb`) — Q
* [ ] `qml` (`qt`) — QML
* [x] `r` — R
* [ ] `reasonml` (`re`) — ReasonML
* [ ] `rib` — RenderMan RIB
* [ ] `roboconf` (`graph`, `instances`) — Roboconf
* [ ] `routeros` (`mikrotik`) — MikroTik RouterOS script
* [ ] `rsl` — RenderMan RSL
* [x] `ruby` (`rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`) — Ruby
* [ ] `ruleslanguage` — Oracle Rules Language
* [x] `rust` (`rs`) — Rust
* [ ] `sas` — SAS
* [ ] `scala` — Scala
* [ ] `scheme` (`scm`) — Scheme
* [ ] `scilab` (`sci`) — Scilab
* [x] `scss` — SCSS
* [x] `shell` (`console`, `shellsession`) — Shell Session
* [ ] `smali` — Smali
* [ ] `smalltalk` (`st`) — Smalltalk
* [ ] `sml` (`ml`) — SML (Standard ML)
* [ ] `sqf` — SQF
* [x] `sql` — SQL
* [ ] `stan` (`stanfuncs`) — Stan
* [ ] `stata` (`do`, `ado`) — Stata
* [ ] `step21` (`p21`, `step`, `stp`) — STEP Part 21
* [ ] `stylus` (`styl`) — Stylus
* [ ] `subunit` — SubUnit
* [x] `swift` — Swift
* [ ] `taggerscript` — Tagger Script
* [ ] `tap` — Test Anything Protocol
* [ ] `tcl` (`tk`) — Tcl
* [ ] `thrift` — Thrift
* [ ] `tp` — TP
* [ ] `twig` (`craftcms`) — Twig
* [x] `typescript` (`ts`, `tsx`, `mts`, `cts`) — TypeScript
* [ ] `vala` — Vala
* [x] `vbnet` (`vb`) — Visual Basic .NET
* [ ] `vbscript` (`vbs`) — VBScript
* [ ] `vbscript-html` — VBScript in HTML
* [ ] `verilog` (`v`, `sv`, `svh`) — Verilog
* [ ] `vhdl` — VHDL
* [ ] `vim` — Vim Script
* [x] `wasm` — WebAssembly
* [ ] `wren` — Wren
* [ ] `x86asm` — Intel x86 Assembly
* [ ] `xl` (`tao`) — XL
* [x] `xml` (`html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xjb`, `xsd`, `xsl`, `plist`, `wsf`, `svg`) — HTML, XML
* [ ] `xquery` (`xpath`, `xq`, `xqm`) — XQuery
* [x] `yaml` (`yml`) — YAML
* [ ] `zephir` (`zep`) — Zephir

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@@ -710,21 +709,21 @@

* [`refractor`][refractor]
— the same as lowlight but with [Prism][]
* [`starry-night`][starry-night]
— similar but like GitHub and really good
* [`refractor`][refractor]
— the same as lowlight but with [Prism][]
* [`starry-night`][starry-night]
— similar but like GitHub and really good
## Projects
* [`emphasize`](
— syntax highlighting in ANSI (for the terminal)
* [`react-lowlight`](
— syntax highlighter for [React][]
* [`react-syntax-highlighter`](
— [React][] component for syntax highlighting
* [`rehype-highlight`](
— [**rehype**]( plugin to highlight code
* [`jstransformer-lowlight`](
— syntax highlighting for [JSTransformers](
and [Pug](
* [`emphasize`](
— syntax highlighting in ANSI (for the terminal)
* [`react-lowlight`](
— syntax highlighter for [React][]
* [`react-syntax-highlighter`](
— [React][] component for syntax highlighting
* [`rehype-highlight`](
— [**rehype**]( plugin to highlight code
* [`jstransformer-lowlight`](
— syntax highlighting for [JSTransformers](
and [Pug](

@@ -731,0 +730,0 @@ ## Contribute

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