name | required | string | Name of the user |
url | optional | string | Url or base64 for the image |
base64 | optional | boolean | Whether url is base64 or not |
showLabel | optional | boolean | Whether to show a label with the user's name below the avatar |
size | optional | string | Can be either nothing, sm , md or lg . Default size is 42px, sm is 22px, md is 32px and lg is 64px |
renderTooltip | optional | function | A function that returns jsx or a component with the content of a tooltip |
style | optional | object | An object with valid custom css for the avatar |
className | optional | string | A custom class for the avatar wrapper |
onMouseLeave | optional | function | Function to be called when mouse leaves the avatar |
onMouseEnter | optional | function | Function to be called when mouse enters the avatar |
onClick | optional | function | Function to be called the avatar is clicked |