makin-cli is a minimalist cli for Node.JS that makes it easy to add Prettier, ESLint and even Typescript into your Node.JS project
I created this cli more out of curiosity on how to build and use a cli with node.js
and since currently there are still frameworks/projects that doesn't support out
of the box prettier and eslint,
I decided to add these two basic features out of the box for the majority of Typescript projects.
Feel free to contribute with other command tools!
Just run npm i -g makin-cli
Basic usage
Usage: index [options]
A CLI that scaffolds some quality gates in your app
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --all Install all features this CLI provides in once. Use by your own risk
-p, --prettier add prettier to package.json, with a format script and a generic configuration
file (.prettierrc)
-l, --lint add eslint to package.json, with a lint script and a generic configuration
file (.eslintrc.js)
-ts, --typescript add Typescript related packages to package.json, and a generic configuration
file (.tsconfig.json), using src/index.ts as the main entrance of your app.
Change it in package.json after the build if yours is different
-cz, --commitizen add commitzen and default configuration to support standard commit messages
using npm run commit
-j, --jest add jest to package.json, with a test script that runs jest
-h, --help display help for command
Auto Prettier
So, in a project that doesn't have prettier you can run in the root of it:
makin-cli -p
Expected result:
➜ makin-cli -p
[22:00:24] [info] _ _ _ _
_ __ ___ __ _ | | __ (_) _ __ ___ | | (_)
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | |/ / | | | '_ \ _____ / __| | | | |
| | | | | | | (_| | | < | | | | | | |_____| | (__ | | | |
|_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_|
[22:00:24] [info] Welcome back ;)
[22:00:24] [info] Configuring prettier...
[22:00:24] [info] Installing prettier
[22:00:26] [info] Adding .prettierrc
[22:00:26] [warn] .prettierrc added
It adds to your package json prettier, a script called format
which uses the pattern src/**/*.ts
to auto format, and a .prettierrc file with a generic configuration that you can change as you wish.
Auto Lint
Similar to prettier, but running with makin-cli -l
Expected result:
➜ makin-cli -l
[22:03:12] [info] _ _ _ _
_ __ ___ __ _ | | __ (_) _ __ ___ | | (_)
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | |/ / | | | '_ \ _____ / __| | | | |
| | | | | | | (_| | | < | | | | | | |_____| | (__ | | | |
|_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_|
[22:03:12] [info] Welcome back ;)
[22:03:12] [info] Configuring lint...
[22:03:12] [info] Installing eslint
[22:03:16] [info] Configuring .eslintrc
[22:03:16] [info] Adding lint script to package.json
Adding Typescript to your Javascript project:
In the root of your Javascript project, run makin-cli -ts
It is set to use the entry point of your application as src/index.ts
. If you use a different one you might need to change your
generated tsconfig.json and the added information on package.json
➜ makin-cli -ts
[11:15:29] [info] _ _ _ _
_ __ ___ __ _ | | __ (_) _ __ ___ | | (_)
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | |/ / | | | '_ \ _____ / __| | | | |
| | | | | | | (_| | | < | | | | | | |_____| | (__ | | | |
|_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_|
[11:15:29] [info] Welcome back ;)
[11:15:29] [info] Configuring typescript...
[11:15:29] [info] Installing typescript @types/node ts-node
[11:15:34] [info] Adding tsconfig.json
[11:15:34] [info] Adding format script to package.json
Adding commitizen
Commitizen facilitates your life to make standard commits. the -cz
command will basically configure commitizen in your package.json and allow you to run it using npm run commit
instead of using git commit, allowing you to choose their options and create commits with a nice standard.
➜ makin-cli -cz
[21:15:58] [info] _ _ _ _
_ __ ___ __ _ | | __ (_) _ __ ___ | | (_)
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | |/ / | | | '_ \ _____ / __| | | | |
| | | | | | | (_| | | < | | | | | | |_____| | (__ | | | |
|_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_|
[21:15:58] [info] Welcome back ;)
[21:15:58] [info] Configuring typescript...
[21:15:58] [info] Installing commitizen
[21:16:01] [info] Configuring commitizen init
[21:16:03] [info] Adding commit script to be used over git commit
Adding jest
Jest Basic scaffold with minimum Typescript configuration to run in your Node project
➜ makin-cli -t
[21:13:54] [info] _ _ _ _
_ __ ___ __ _ | | __ (_) _ __ ___ | | (_)
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | |/ / | | | '_ \ _____ / __| | | | |
| | | | | | | (_| | | < | | | | | | |_____| | (__ | | | |
|_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_|
[21:13:54] [info] Welcome back ;)
[21:13:54] [info] Configuring jest...
[21:13:54] [info] Installing jest and required Typescript dependencies
[21:13:56] [info] Configuring jest.config.ts
[21:13:56] [info] Adding jest script to package.json