marketo-rest-api is a NodeJs interface for Marketo REST API @ http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/rest/. Syncs leads and sends email campaigns via Marketo platform.
$ npm install marketo-rest-api
Marketo API Requirement
Marketo API's client id, client secret and rest endpoint are required.
Follow the instruction @ http://developers.marketo.com/blog/quick-start-guide-for-marketo-rest-api/ to sign up for Marketo Rest API.
init(options, callback);
Initialize marketo-rest-api with your Marketo confirgurations including campaigns and lists.
var marketo = require('marketo-rest-api');
var options = {
'clientId': 'xxxxx',
'clientSecret': 'yyyyy',
'restEndpoint': 'https://...',
'lists': {
'listname_1': 1001,
'listname_2': 1002,
'campaigns': {
'campaignname_1': 2001,
'campaignname_2': 2002,
marketo.init(options, function(response){
syncLead(options, callback);
Sync leads on Marketo lead database and associates the lead to Marketo list.
var options: {
'process': 'add' || 'update' || 'remove',
'list': 'listname from 'lists':{...} in init()',
'input': {
'email': 'user@email.com',
'firstName': 'John',
'lastName': 'Doe',
'title': 'Techie',
'phone': '1112223333',
'company': 'John Doe Company',
'custom_field_1': 'custom_value_1',
'custom_field_2': 'custom_value_2',
marketo.syncLead(options, function(response){
sendEmail(options, callback);
Schedules Marketo to send an email campaign to selected user.
var options: {
'email': 'user@email.com',
'campaign': 'campaignname from 'campaigns':{...} in init()',
'tokens': [
{'name': '{{token1_name}}', 'value': 'some value'},
{'name': '{{token2_name}}', 'value': 'some value'},
marketo.sendEmail(options, function(response){
scheduleCampaign(options, callback);
Schedules campaign in Marketo.
var options: {
'campaign': 'campaignname from 'campaigns':{...} in init()',
'runAt': '2020-02-22T23:59:00.000Z',
'tokens': [
{'name': '{{token1_name}}', 'value': 'some value'},
{'name': '{{token2_name}}', 'value': 'some value'},
marketo.scheduleCampaign(options, function(response){
Before running test for the first time, provide Marketo API values in ./test/test.json.
$ npm test
Release History
- 0.2.0 Schedule Campaign added
- 0.1.0 Initial release