fetchDataMethod | true | - | api method for getting table data |
fetchDataMethodParameter | true | - | parameters of api method data |
headRows | true | - | column definitions of the table |
deleteMethod | true | - | api method for deleting table data |
saveMethod | true | - | api method for update table data |
addMethod | true | - | api method for insert table data |
inlineForm | true | - | free style react component which will appear when user wants to add a new record or update an existing record |
emptyModel | true | - | will be the initial values when user wants to add new record |
tableName | true | - | name will appear in table heading |
tableId | true | - | id representing the table |
showButtons | true | - | define wihch buttons will appear (add,update,delete, csv, print, refresh,filterBar or columnsBar ) Ex. Format : { add: true, edit: false, delete: true, csv: true, search: true, refresh : true, filterBar : true, columnsBar : true, print : true} |
allowPagination | true | - | whether the pagination will be applied , true or false |
onRowSelected | false | null | action triggered on row click Ex. Format : (e, row) => { console.log(e,row); } |
identifierColumn | true | - | this column will use for identifying row for selection |
onAllButtonClick | false | null | - |
tableSize | false | "medium" | define table size "small","medium" or "large" |
operationMessages | false | { add: { toolTip: "Yeni Kayıt", success: "Ekleme işlemi başarılı", fail: "Ekleme işlemi başarısız", }, update: { toolTip: "Düzenle", success: "Düzenleme işlemi başarılı", fail: "Düzenleme işlemi başarısız", }, delete: { toolTip: "Sil", onDeletePopup: "Kayıt silinecektir. Onaylıyor musunuz?", success: "Silme işlemi başarılı", fail: "Silme işlemi başarısız", }, general: { unexpectedError: "Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu", confirm: "Onayla", cancel: "Vazgeç",columnsPopUp : "Sütunları Göster",selectAll : "Hepsi" }, } | operation messages and tooltip definitions can be done with this parameter |
containerName | false | "material_inline_operation_table" | used for naming the buttons of table and its rows |
boolColumnLabels | false | { true: "Evet", false: "Hayır" } | text will appear when column type is selected as "bool" |
kafkaUsage | false | { addMethod : false, saveMethod : false, deleteMethod : false } | define whether kafka integration is made any of operations. |
signalRNotificationComponent | false | null | free style signalR notification component for connecting signalR hub |
setBlocking | false | null | used for blocking the screen when kafka usage exists |
isConnectionAlive | false | true | when kafka is used and signalR connection exists, the table will be rendered |
signalRNotificationComponentProps | false | null | parameters of signalRNotificationComponent. Ex. Usage : { methodName : "signalRMethodName", setConnectionStatus : (status) => {console.log(status);}, onMessage : (message) => {console.log(message);} } |
initializeTransaction | false | null | is used for defining transactionID for the row currently operated on. Ex. Usage : initializeTransaction(row) { const transactionID = uuidv4(); this.setState({...this.state,islemKod:transactionID}); row.islemKod = transactionID; } |
forceStopCount | false | 0 | is used for re-rendering the table. Defined for kafka usage |
defaultOrderColumn | false | null | define default column to be ordered by. if null, identifiercolumn is used |
defaultOrderWay | false | "asc" | define default order way for ordering. "asc" or "desc" |
defaultRowsPerPage | false | 10 | define value of rows per page. 5,10,25,50 or 100 |
rowsMaxHeight | false | 1000 | define max length of table in px. |
rowHeight | false | 80 | define length of table in px. |
customComponents | false | null | customComponent renderer for the column. column type should be set to "component". the parameter format should be a list of objects in format : {id : "the id which should match the column id", component : free style React component ,params : parameters used by free style component, getParamsFromRow : the list of parameter names which should be get from the identifier column value of the row } |