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mathjs - npm Package Versions



published 0.20.0 •



2014-04-16, version 0.20.0

  • Switched to module decimal.js for BigNumber support, instead of bignumber.js.
  • Implemented support for polar coordinates to the Complex datatype. Thanks Finn Pauls (@finnp).
  • Implemented BigNumber support for functions exp, log, and log10.
  • Implemented conditional operator a ? b : c in expression parser.
  • Improved floating point comparison: the functions now check whether values are nearly equal, against a configured maximum relative difference epsilon. Thanks Rogelio J. Baucells (@rjbaucells).
  • Implemented function norm. Thanks Rogelio J. Baucells (@rjbaucells).
  • Improved function ifElse, is now specified for special data types too.
  • Improved function det. Thanks Bryan Cuccioli (@bcuccioli).
  • Implemented BigNumber support for functions det and diag.
  • Added unit alias lbs (pound mass).
  • Changed configuration option decimals to precision (applies to BigNumbers only).
  • Fixed support for element-wise comparisons between a string and a matrix.
  • Fixed: expression parser now trows IndexErrors with one-based indices instead of zero-based.
  • Minor bug fixes.
published 0.19.0 •



2014-03-30, version 0.19.0

  • Implemented functions compare, sum, prod, var, std, median.
  • Implemented function ifElse Thanks @mtraynham.
  • Minor bug fixes.
published 0.18.1 •



2014-02-15, version 0.18.1

  • Added unit feet.
  • Implemented function compile (shortcut for parsing and then compiling).
  • Improved performance of function pow for matrices. Thanks @hamadu.
  • Fixed broken auto completion in the command line interface.
  • Fixed an error in function combinations for large numbers, and improved performance of both functions combinations and permutations.
published 0.18.0 •



2014-01-18, version 0.18.0

  • Changed matrix index notation of expression parser from round brackets to square brackets, for example A[1, 1:3] instead of A(1, 1:3).
  • Removed need to use the function keyword for function assignments in the expression parser, you can define a function now like f(x) = x^2.
  • Implemented a compilation step in the expression parser: expressions are compiled into JavaScript, giving much better performance (easily 10x as fast).
  • Renamed unit conversion function and operator in to to. Operator in is still available in the expression parser as an alias for to. Added unit in, an abbreviation for inch. Thanks Elijah Insua (@tmpvar).
  • Added plurals and aliases for units.
  • Implemented an argument includeEnd for function range (false by default).
  • Ranges in the expression parser now support big numbers.
  • Implemented functions permutations and combinations. Thanks Daniel Levin (@daniel-levin).
  • Added lower case abbreviation l for unit litre.
published 0.17.1 •



2013-12-19, version 0.17.1

  • Fixed a bug with negative temperatures.
  • Fixed a bug with prefixes of units squared meter m2 and cubic meter m3.
published 0.17.0 •



2013-12-12, version 0.17.0

  • Renamed and flattened configuration settings:
    • number.defaultType is now number.
    • number.precision is now decimals.
    • matrix.defaultType is now matrix.
  • Function multiply now consistently outputs a complex number on complex input.
  • Fixed mod and in not working as function (only as operator).
  • Fixed support for old browsers (IE8 and older), compatible when using es5-shim.
  • Fixed support for Java's ScriptEngine.
published 0.16.0 •



2013-11-28, version 0.16.0

  • Implemented BigNumber support for arbitrary precision calculations. Added settings number.defaultType and number.precision to configure big numbers.
  • Documentation is extended.
  • Removed utility functions isScalar, toScalar, isVector, toVector from Matrix and Range. Use math.squeeze and math.size instead.
  • Implemented functions get and set on Matrix, for easier and faster retrieval/replacement of elements in a matrix.
  • Implemented function resize, handling matrices, scalars, and strings.
  • Functions ones and zeros now return an empty matrix instead of a number 1 or 0 when no arguments are provided.
  • Implemented functions min and max for Range and Index.
  • Resizing matrices now leaves new elements undefined by default instead of filling them with zeros. Function resize now has an extra optional parameter defaultValue.
  • Range operator : in expression parser has been given a higher precedence.
  • Functions don't allow arguments of unknown type anymore.
  • Options be set when constructing a math.js instance or using the new function config(options. Options are no longer accessible via math.options.
  • Renamed scientific notation to exponential in function format.
  • Function format outputs exponential notation with positive exponents now always with + sign, so outputs 2.1e+3 instead of 2.1e3.
  • Fixed function squeeze not being able squeeze into a scalar.
  • Some fixes and performance improvements in the resize and subset functions.
  • Function size now adheres to the option matrix.defaultType for scalar input.
  • Minor bug fixes.
published 0.15.0 •



2013-10-26, version 0.15.0

  • Math.js must be instantiated now, static calls are no longer supported. Usage:
    • node.js: var math = require('mathjs')();
    • browser: var math = mathjs();
  • Implemented support for multiplying vectors with matrices.
  • Improved number formatting:
    • Function format now support various options: precision, different notations (fixed, scientific, auto), and more.
    • Numbers are no longer rounded to 5 digits by default when formatted.
    • Implemented a function format for Matrix, Complex, Unit, Range, and Selector to format using options.
    • Function format does only stringify values now, and has a new parameter precision to round to a specific number of digits.
    • Removed option math.options.precision, use math.format(value [, precision]) instead.
    • Fixed formatting numbers as scientific notation in some cases returning a zero digit left from the decimal point. (like "0.33333e8" rather than "3.3333e7"). Thanks @husayt.
  • Implemented a function print to interpolate values in a template string, this functionality was moved from the function format.
  • Implemented statistics function mean. Thanks Guillermo Indalecio Fernandez (@guillermobox).
  • Extended and changed max and min for multi dimensional matrices: they now return the maximum and minimum of the flattened array. An optional second argument dim allows to calculate the max or min for specified dimension.
  • Renamed option math.options.matrix.default to math.options.matrix.defaultType.
  • Removed support for comparing complex numbers in functions smaller, smallereq, larger, largereq. Complex numbers cannot be ordered.
published 0.14.0 •



2013-10-08, version 0.14.0

  • Introduced an option math.options.matrix.default which can have values matrix (default) or array. This option is used by the functions eye, ones, range, and zeros, to determine the type of matrix output.
  • Getting a subset of a matrix will automatically squeeze the resulting subset, setting a subset of a matrix will automatically unsqueeze the given subset.
  • Removed concatenation of nested arrays in the expression parser. You can now input nested arrays like in JavaScript. Matrices can be concatenated using the function concat.
  • The matrix syntax [...] in the expression parser now creates 1 dimensional matrices by default. math.eval('[1,2,3,4]') returns a matrix with size [4], math.eval('[1,2;3,4]') returns a matrix with size [2,2].
  • Documentation is restructured and extended.
  • Fixed non working operator mod (modulus operator).
published 0.13.0 •



2013-09-03, version 0.13.0

  • Implemented support for booleans in all relevant functions.
  • Implemented functions map and forEach. Thanks Sebastien Piquemal (@sebpic).
  • All construction functions can be used to convert the type of variables, also element-wise for all elements in an Array or Matrix.
  • Changed matrix indexes of the expression parser to one-based with the upper-bound included, similar to most math applications. Note that on a JavaScript level, math.js uses zero-based indexes with excluded upper-bound.
  • Removed support for scalars in the function subset, it now only supports Array, Matrix, and String.
  • Removed the functions get and set from a selector, they are a duplicate of the function subset.
  • Replaced functions get and set of Matrix with a single function subset.
  • Some moving around with code and namespaces:
    • Renamed namespace math.expr to math.expression (contains Scope, Parser, node objects).
    • Renamed namespace to
    • Moved math.expr.Selector to math.chaining.Selector.
  • Fixed some edge cases in functions lcm and xgcd.