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URL utilities for markdown-it

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Package description

What is mdurl?

The mdurl npm package is a utility for encoding and decoding URLs in a manner that is consistent with Markdown specifications. It is particularly useful when dealing with Markdown files that contain URLs which may need to be properly escaped to ensure they are interpreted correctly by Markdown parsers.

What are mdurl's main functionalities?

URL Encoding

Encodes a URL by escaping characters that are not allowed in Markdown URLs. This is useful for creating Markdown links that contain special characters.

var encode = require('mdurl/encode');
console.log(encode(' bar'));

URL Decoding

Decodes a URL by unescaping percent-encoded characters. This is useful for reading and processing Markdown links that contain encoded characters.

var decode = require('mdurl/decode');

Other packages similar to mdurl




CI NPM version

URL utilities for markdown-it parser.


.encode(str [, exclude, keepEncoded]) -> String

Percent-encode a string, avoiding double encoding. Don't touch /a-zA-Z0-9/ + excluded chars + /%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/ (if not disabled). Broken surrorates are replaced with U+FFFD.


  • str - input string.
  • exclude - optional, ;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()#. Additional chars to keep intact (except /a-zA-Z0-9/).
  • keepEncoded - optional, true. By default it skips already encoded sequences (/%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/). If set to false, % will be encoded.

encode.defaultChars, encode.componentChars

You can use these constants as second argument to encode function.

  • encode.defaultChars is the same exclude set as in the standard encodeURI() function
  • encode.componentChars is the same exclude set as in the encodeURIComponent() function

For example, encode('something', encode.componentChars, true) is roughly the equivalent of the encodeURIComponent() function (except encode() doesn't throw).

.decode(str [, exclude]) -> String

Decode percent-encoded string. Invalid percent-encoded sequences (e.g. %2G) are left as is. Invalid UTF-8 characters are replaced with U+FFFD.


  • str - input string.
  • exclude - set of characters to leave encoded, optional, ;/?:@&=+$,#.

decode.defaultChars, decode.componentChars

You can use these constants as second argument to decode function.

  • decode.defaultChars is the same exclude set as in the standard decodeURI() function
  • decode.componentChars is the same exclude set as in the decodeURIComponent() function

For example, decode('something', decode.defaultChars) has the same behavior as decodeURI('something') on a correctly encoded input.

.parse(url, slashesDenoteHost) -> urlObs

Parse url string. Similar to node's url.parse, but without any normalizations and query string parse.

  • url - input url (string)
  • slashesDenoteHost - if url starts with //, expect a hostname after it. Optional, false.

Result (hash):

  • protocol
  • slashes
  • auth
  • port
  • hostname
  • hash
  • search
  • pathname

Difference with node's url:

  1. No leading slash in paths, e.g. in url.parse('http://foo?bar') pathname is ``, not /
  2. Backslashes are not replaced with slashes, so http:\\\ is treated like a relative path
  3. Trailing colon is treated like a part of the path, i.e. in pathname is :foo
  4. Nothing is URL-encoded in the resulting object, (in joyent/node some chars in auth and paths are encoded)
  5. url.parse() does not have parseQueryString argument
  6. Removed extraneous result properties: host, path, query, etc., which can be constructed using other parts of the url.


Format an object previously obtained with .parse() function. Similar to node's url.format.




Package last updated on 01 Dec 2023

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