NPM Version (with latest tag)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/metamorphosis/v/latest)
Metamorphosis is a css variable management library that helps create and organize variables into easily configurable themes.
Establish a few control variables and easily create interpolated variables with multiple stops.
It can be used by itself or as a compliment to other css libraries (e.g. tailwind). It's also easy to integrate other interpolators such as colorsjs.io.
It's designed to allow management from the js side to allow for easy, consistent user theming in apps (though it can be used to statically generate css variables as well).
All variables are strongly typed with typescript.
A quick example:
const paddingMin = new ControlVar(Units.px, 0)
const paddingMax = new ControlVar(Units.px, 200)
const padding = new InterpolatedVars("padding",
[paddingMin, paddingMax],
const white = new ControlVar(Units.rgb, { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 })
const black = new ControlVar(Units.rgb, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 })
const grays = new InterpolatedVars("gray", Units.rgb, [white, black],
steps: [0, 0.2, 0.8, 1],
keyName: paddedKeyNamer(1000),
const lightRed = new ControlVar(Units.rgb, { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 })
const saturatedMiddleRed = new ControlVar(Units.rgb, { r: 255, g: 170, b: 170 })
const darkRed = new ControlVar(Units.rgb, { r: 50, g: 0, b: 0 })
const red = new InterpolatedVars("red", Units.rgb, [
const reds = new InterpolatedVars("red", Units.rgb, [
[0, lightRed],
[0.25, saturatedMiddleRed],
[0.75, darkRed],
const theme = new Theme({
white.set({ r: 200, g: 200, b: 200 })
theme.add({ reds })
theme.add({ lightRed })
const fancyRem = Units.createSimpleUnit("fancy-rem")
const fancyUnit = (
{ some, fancy, unit }:
{ some: number, fancy: "string", unit: boolean }
) => `${some}px ${fancy} ${unit}`
const customRgbFormatter = ({ r, g, b, a = 0 }: Units.Rgb) => `R:${r} G:${g} B:${b} ${a ? `A:${a}` : ""}`
const grays3 = new InterpolatedVars("gray", customRgbFormatter, [white, black])
const grays4 = new InterpolatedVars("gray", Units.rgb, [white, black], {
interpolator: ({ percent, state, start, end }) => {
const key = start.css + end.css
if (state.key !== key) {
state.range = new Color(start.css).range(new Color(end.css), { space: "srgb" })
state.key = key
const val = state.range(percent).coords
return { r: val[0] * 255, g: val[1] * 255, b: val[0] * 255 }
const white2 = new ControlVar(Units.str, `rgb(255, 255, 255)`)
const black2 = new ControlVar(Units.str, `#000000`)
const grays5 = new InterpolatedVars("gray", Units.str, [white2, black2], {
interpolator: ({ percent, state, start, end }) => {
const key = start.css + end.css
if (state.key !== key) {
state.range = new Color(start.css).range(new Color(end.css), { space: "srgb" })
state.key = key
return state.range(percent)
.toString({ format: "srgb" })
For an example of more advanced usage, see the example base theme.
The library has optional peer dependencies for tailwind and colorjs.io. colorjs.io is only needed if importing the base theme from metamorphosis/BaseTheme
. And tailwind is only needed if importing from metamorphosis/tailwind