Export the MicroCMS schema file and save it in a folder.
If you use microcms-typescript
and execute the command as follows, TypeScript types will be generated.
yarn add -D microcms-typescript
microcms-typescript schema types/cms-types.ts
Import the MicroCMS class and set the EndPoints.
import type { EndPoints } from './types/cms-types';
const cms = new MicroCMS<EndPoints>({service,...keys})
Functions of the MicroCMS class
interface GetOptions<T> {
draftKey?: string;
fields?: ReadonlyArray<T>;
depth?: number;
globalKey?: boolean;
interface GetsOptions<T> {
draftKey?: string;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
orders?: string;
q?: string;
fields?: T[];
ids?: string;
filters?: string;
depth?: number;
globalKey?: boolean;
class MicroCMS {
constructor(options: {
service: string;
apiKey?: string;
apiWriteKey?: string;
apiGlobalKey?: string;
get(endpoint:string ,id: string,options: GetOptions) : Promise<Contents>;
gets(endpoint:string ,id: string,options: GetsOptions) : Promise<{
contents: Contents[];
totalCount: number;
offset: number;
limit: number;
post(endpoint: string,params: Contents) : Promise<ID>;
put(endpoint: string, id: string, params: Contents) : Promise<ID>;
patch(endpoint: string, id: string, params: Contents) : Promise<ID>;
del(id: string) : Promise<boolean>;
import type { EndPoints } from './types/cms-types';
import { MicroCMS } from '../src/index';
import { config } from 'dotenv';
const cms = new MicroCMS<EndPoints>({
service: process.env.SERVICE!,
apiKey: process.env.APIKEY,
apiWriteKey: process.env.APIKEY_WRITE,
apiGlobalKey: process.env.APIKEY_GLOBAL,
const main = async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await cms.post('contents', { title: 'Write' + i }).then((id) => console.log(`id:${id}`));
const result = await cms.gets('contents', {
limit: 10000,
fields: ['id', 'title'],
orders: 'createdAt',
if (result) {
const { totalCount, contents } = result;
console.log(`Acquisition data: ${contents.length}/${totalCount}`);
contents.forEach(({ id, title }) => {
console.log(id, title);
if (result)
for (let i = 0; i < result.contents.length; i++) {
const ps = new Set();
const p = cms
.del('contents', result.contents[i]['id'])
.then((v) => (v ? console.log(i) : false));
if (ps.size > 20) {
await Promise.all(ps);