
MIPS Assembly parser in JavaScript
MIPS is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture developed by MIPS Technologies (formerly MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.).
MIPS is a load-store architecture (also sometimes called "register-register"), meaning it only performs arithmetic and logic operations between CPU registers, requiring load/store instructions to access memory (as opposed to a "register-memory" architecture, like x86).
The parser recognizes MIPS Assembly language, and produces segment-based AST, which can be used directly for interpretation, implementing a MIPS virtual machine, or emitting an actual bytecode corresponding to the instructions.
You can check the notes on the parser implementation, and also try it online.
The parser can be installed as an NPM module:
npm install -g mips-parser
mips-parser --help
Or for developement, from the git repository. To regenerate the parser file after editing grammar file, run the build
git clone https://github.com/DmitrySoshnikov/mips-parser.git
cd mips-parser
npm install
npm run build
./bin/mips-parser --help
Usage as a CLI
MIPS parser can be used as a CLI tool, to parser a file:
mips-parser -f ~/example.s
Or direct expressions for quick syntax checks:
mips-parser -e 'li $v0, 4'
Usage from Node
The parser can also be used as a Node module:
const MIPSParser = require('mips-parser');
const source = `
li $v0, 4
la $a0, message
A basic MIPS program:
# Hello, world!
# MIPS Assembly
.data # Data segment
# String to be printed:
out_string: .asciiz "Hello, world!"
.text # Code segment (instructions go here)
main: # Main entry point
li $v0, 4 # System call code for printing string = 4
la $a0, out_string # Load address of string into $a0
syscall # Call operating system to perform operation
# specified in $v0
# syscall takes its arguments from $a0, $a1, etc.
li $v0, 10 # Terminate the program
We get the following AST, which can be interpreted by a virtual machine:
"type": "Program",
"segments": {
".text": {
"instructions": [
"type": "Instruction",
"opcode": "li",
"operands": [
"type": "Register",
"value": "$v0",
"kind": "Name"
"type": "Number",
"kind": "decimal",
"value": 4
"type": "Instruction",
"opcode": "la",
"operands": [
"type": "Register",
"value": "$a0",
"kind": "Name"
"type": "Identifier",
"value": "out_string"
"type": "Instruction",
"opcode": "syscall"
"type": "Instruction",
"opcode": "li",
"operands": [
"type": "Register",
"value": "$v0",
"kind": "Name"
"type": "Number",
"kind": "decimal",
"value": 10
"type": "Instruction",
"opcode": "syscall"
".data": {
"instructions": [
"type": "Data",
"mode": ".asciiz",
"value": {
"type": "String",
"value": "Hello, world!"
"labels": {
"out_string": {
"address": 0,
"segment": ".data"
"main": {
"address": 0,
"segment": ".text"
"directives": [
"type": "Segment",
"value": ".data",
"type": "Segment",
"value": ".text",
The mips-parser
is implemented using Syntax tool, which generates a LALR(1) parser based on the MIPS grammar.