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mixcloud-fetch - npm Package Compare versions

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"name": "mixcloud-fetch",
"version": "0.1.1",
"description": "JS library for fetching Mixcloud resources",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Node module for fetching Mixcloud resources",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"build": "npm run prepare",
"build:esm": "npx tsc -p tsconfig-esm.json",
"build:cjs": "npx tsc -p tsconfig.json",
"prepare": "rm -rf dist && npm run build:esm && npm run build:cjs && bash",
"lint": "npx eslint ./src && npx eslint ./examples",
"lint:fix": "npx eslint ./src --fix && npx eslint ./examples --fix",
"doc": "npx typedoc",
"example": "func() { npx ts-node ./examples/${1}.ts; }; func"
"main": "./dist/cjs/index-cjs.js",
"module": "./dist/mjs/index.js",
"types": "./dist/mjs/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"import": {
"types": "./dist/mjs/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/mjs/index.js"
"require": {
"types": "./dist/cjs/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/cjs/index-cjs.js"
"author": "Patrick Kan <> (",
"repository": {

@@ -13,2 +35,9 @@ "type": "git",

"license": "MIT",
"directories": {
"dist": "./dist"
"engines": {
"node": ">=14"
"keywords": [

@@ -23,4 +52,15 @@ "mixcloud",

"author": "Patrick Kan",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^14.18.38",
"@types/node-fetch": "^2.6.4",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.56.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.56.0",
"eslint": "^8.36.0",
"eslint-plugin-tsdoc": "^0.2.17",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"typedoc": "^0.24.0",
"typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^3.14.0",
"typedoc-plugin-rename-defaults": "^0.6.4",
"typescript": "^4.9.5"
"dependencies": {

@@ -30,4 +70,4 @@ "base64-min": "^2.0.0",

"node-cache": "^5.1.2",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.1"
"node-fetch": "^2.6.9"
# mixcloud-fetch
A JS library for fetching Mixcloud resources.
Node module for fetching Mixcloud resources.
Note: this library does not support user logins, so you won't be able to fetch exclusive content or access account-specific features.
Note: `mixcloud-fetch` does not support user login, so you won't be able to fetch exclusive content or access account-specific features.

@@ -16,28 +16,31 @@ # Installation

const mcfetch = require('mixcloud-fetch');
import mcfetch from 'mixcloud-fetch';
mcfetch.tag(['ambient', 'lounge']).getShows().then( shows => {
// Get shows matching the 'ambient' and 'lounge' tags
const shows = await mcfetch.tag(['ambient', 'lounge']).getShows();'jazz funk').getTags().then( tags => {
// Search for tags matching 'jazz funk'
const tags = await'jazz funk').getTags();
### Tag functions
Here, `mcfetch` is the default [MixcloudFetch](docs/api/classes/ instance exported by `mixcloud-fetch`. The `MixcloudFetch` class defines methods for accessing the underlying APIs.
A tag is used to discover shows and is identified by its **slug**. To access tag-related functions, you need to obtain a `Tag` object with the slug.
## Tag API
#### Access method
#### `MixcloudFetch#tag(slug | slug[])`
Returns a [TagAPI](docs/api/classes/ instance targeting the tag given by `slug`, or multiple tags given by `slug[]`.
#### Description
A tag is used to discover shows and is identified by its **slug**. To access the Tag API, call the `tag()` method of a `MixcloudFetch` instance, passing into it the slug of the target tag.
const slug = 'jazz';
const tag = mcfetch.tag(slug);
// Fetch shows matching the 'jazz' tag
tag.getShows().then( shows => {
You can encapsulate multiple tags in a `Tag` object by putting their slugs into an array:
To target multiple tags, put their slugs into an array and pass the array into `tag()`:

@@ -50,128 +53,599 @@ ```

const tag = mcfetch.tag(slugs);
// Fetch shows matching both the 'jazz' and 'funk' tags
tag.getShows().then( shows => {
The following functions are provided by a `Tag` object. Each of these functions returns a Promise that resolves to the data requested.
You can then call methods provided by `TagAPI`.
| Function | Resolves To | |
| getInfo() | Information about the represented tag(s) |[Example](examples/tag/getInfo.js) ([output](examples/tag/getInfo_output.txt)) |
| getShows([params])* | Cloudcasts matching the represented tag(s) |[Example](examples/tag/getShows.js) ([output](examples/tag/getShows_output.txt)) |
| getFeatured([params])*| Featured cloudcasts matching the represented tag(s)|[Example](examples/tag/getFeatured.js) ([output](examples/tag/getFeatured_output.txt))|
#### API methods
*`params` specify what to return in the results. Check the example for what params you can specify.
<br />
### User functions
[Example](examples/tag/getInfo.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/tag/getInfo_output.txt)
A user is identified by his or her **username**. To access user-related functions, you need to obtain a `User` object with the username.
<p>Fetches information about the target tag(s).</p>
- If none of the target tag(s) exist, the Promise resolves to `null`.
- Otherwise, the Promise resolves to an Array of [Tag](docs/api/interfaces/ items. Only tags that exist will be included in the Array.
<br />
[Example](examples/tag/getShows.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/tag/getShows_output.txt)
<p>Fetches Cloudcasts matching the target tag(s).</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `orderBy` | (string) `trending` \| `popular` \| `latest`. Default: `trending` |
| `country` | <p>(string) Country code - **only supported when `orderBy` is `trending`.**</p><p>If specified, return Cloudcasts originating from `country`. For the list of values you can specify, call [MiscAPI#getCountries()](#api-methods-6).</p><p>If not specified, the default value will be determined by Mixcloud.</p> |
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
- If none of the target tag(s) exist, the Promise resolves to `null`.
- Otherwise, the Promise resolves to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [Cloudcast](docs/api/interfaces/ items fetched.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
| `selectedTags` | (Array) The [Tag](docs/api/interfaces/ items representing the target tags. |
| `params` | (object) Sanitized version of `params` used to request data from Mixcloud. |
<br />
[Example](examples/tag/getFeatured.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/tag/getFeatured_output.txt)
<p>Fetches featured Cloudcasts matching the target tag(s).</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `orderBy` | (string) `popular` \| `latest`. Default: `latest` |
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
- If none of the target tag(s) exist, the Promise resolves to `null`.
- Otherwise, the Promise resolves to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [Cloudcast](docs/api/interfaces/ items fetched.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
| `selectedTags` | (Array) The [Tag](docs/api/interfaces/ items representing the target tags. |
| `params` | (object) Sanitized version of `params` used to request data from Mixcloud. |
## User API
#### Access method
#### `MixcloudFetch#user(username)`
Returns a [UserAPI](docs/api/classes/ instance targeting the user given by `username`.
#### Description
A user is identified by **username**. To access the User API, call the `user()` method of a `MixcloudFetch` instance, passing into it the username of the target user:
const username = 'jazzcat';
const user = mcfetch.user(username);
// Fetch shows uploaded by the user
user.getShows().then( shows => {
The following functions are provided by a `User` object. Each of these functions returns a Promise that resolves to the data requested.
You can then call methods provided by `UserAPI`.
| Function | Resolves To | |
| getInfo() | Information about the user |[Example](examples/user/getInfo.js) ([output](examples/user/getInfo_output.txt)) |
| getShows([params])* | Cloudcasts uploaded by the user |[Example](examples/user/getShows.js) ([output](examples/user/getShows_output.txt)) |
| getPlaylists() | Playlists owned by the user |[Example](examples/user/getPlaylists.js) ([output](examples/user/getPlaylists_output.txt)) |
#### API methods
*`params` specify what to return in the results. Check the example for what params you can specify.
<br />
### Playlist functions
[Example](examples/user/getInfo.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/user/getInfo_output.txt)
A playlist is identified by its ID. To access playlist-related functions, you need to obtain a `Playlist` object with the playlist's ID.
<p>Fetches information about the target user.</p>
Promise resolving to [User](docs/api/interfaces/, or `null` if target user does not exist.
<br />
[Example](examples/user/getShows.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/user/getShows_output.txt)
<p>Fetches Cloudcasts uploaded by the target user.</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `orderBy` | (string) 'trending' \| 'popular' \| 'latest' \| 'oldest'. Default: `latest` |
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
- If target user does not exist, the Promise resolves to `null`.
- Otherwise, the Promise resolves to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [Cloudcast](docs/api/interfaces/ items fetched.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
| `params` | (object) Sanitized version of `params` used to request data from Mixcloud. |
<br />
[Example](examples/user/getPlaylists.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/user/getPlaylists_output.txt)
<p>Fetches playlists owned by the target user.</p>
- If target user does not exist, the Promise resolves to `null`.
- Otherwise, the Promise resolves to an Array of [Playlist](docs/api/interfaces/ items.
<br />
[Example](examples/user/getLiveStream.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/user/getLiveStream_output.txt)
<p>Fetches the target user's live stream.</p>
> Note: it is possible that the live stream has ended. Check the `status` property to ascertain.
- If there is no live stream, or target user does not exist, the Promise resolves to `null`.
- Otherwise, the Promise resolves to a [LiveStream](docs/api/interfaces/ item.
## Playlist API
#### Access method
#### `MixcloudFetch#playlist(playlistID)`
Returns a [PlaylistAPI](docs/api/classes/ instance targeting the playlist given by `playlistID`.
#### Description
A playlist is identified by its ID. To access the Playlist API, call the `playlist()` method of a `MixcloudFetch` instance, passing into it the ID of the target playlist:
const playlistId = 'UGxheWxpc3Q6MTM5NDM2MA==';
const playlist = mcfetch.playlist(playlistId);
// Fetch shows in the playlist
playlist.getShows().then( shows => {
The following functions are provided by a `Playlist` object. Each of these functions returns a Promise that resolves to the data requested.
You can then call methods provided by `PlaylistAPI`.
| Function | Resolves To | |
| getInfo() | Information about the playlist |[Example](examples/playlist/getInfo.js) ([output](examples/playlist/getInfo_output.txt)) |
| getShows([params])* | Cloudcasts in the playlist |[Example](examples/playlist/getShows.js) ([output](examples/playlist/getShows_output.txt)) |
#### API methods
*`params` specify what to return in the results. Check the example for what params you can specify.
<br />
### Cloudcast functions
[Example](examples/playlist/getInfo.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/playlist/getInfo_output.txt)
A cloudcast is identified by its ID. To access cloudcast-related functions, you need to obtain a `Cloudcast` object with the cloudcast's ID.
<p>Fetches information about the target playlist.</p>
Promise resolving to [Playlist](docs/api/interfaces/, or `null` if target playlist does not exist.
<br />
[Example](examples/playlist/getShows.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/playlist/getShows_output.txt)
<p>Fetches Cloudcasts in the target playlist.</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
- If target playlist does not exist, the Promise resolves to `null`.
- Otherwise, the Promise resolves to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [Cloudcast](docs/api/interfaces/ items fetched.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
## Cloudcast API
#### Access method
#### `MixcloudFetch#cloudcast(cloudcastID)`
Returns a [CloudcastAPI](docs/api/classes/ instance targeting the Cloudcast given by `cloudcastID`.
#### Description
A Cloudcast is identified by its ID. To access the Cloudcast API, call the `cloudcast()` method of a `MixcloudFetch` instance, passing into it the ID of the target Cloudcast:
const cloudcastId = 'Q2xvdWRjYXN0OjE1MDg0MzQzNA==';
const cloudcast = mcfetch.cloudcast(cloudcastId);
// Fetch info about the cloudcast
cloudcast.getInfo().then( info => {
There is only one function provided by a `Cloudcast` object:
You can then call methods provided by `CloudcastAPI`.
| Function | Resolves To | |
| getInfo() | Information about the cloudcast |[Example](examples/cloudcast/getInfo.js) ([output](examples/cloudcast/getInfo_output.txt)) |
#### API methods
### Search functions
<br />
The library supports searching Tags, Shows and Users. To access the search functions, you need to obtain a `Search` object with the keywords to search for.
[Example](examples/cloudcast/getInfo.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/cloudcast/getInfo_output.txt)
<p>Fetches information about the target Cloudcast.</p>
Promise resolving to [Cloudcast](docs/api/interfaces/, or `null` if target Cloudcast does not exist.
## Search API
#### Access method
#### `MixcloudFetch#search(keywords)`
Returns a [SearchAPI](docs/api/classes/ instance targeting the `keywords` to search for.
#### Description
`mixcloud-fetch` supports searching Tags, Shows and Users. To access the Search API, call the `search()` method of a `MixcloudFetch` instance, passing into it the keywords you would like to search for.
const keywords = 'ambient lounge';
const search =;
// Fetch shows matching 'ambient lounge':
search.getShows().then( shows => {
You can then call methods provided by `SearchAPI`.
#### API methods
<br />
[Example](examples/search/getTags.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/search/getTags_output.txt)
<p>Searches for tags matching the target keywords.</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
Promise resolving to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [Tag](docs/api/interfaces/ items found.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
| `params` | (object) Sanitized version of `params` used to request data from Mixcloud. |
<br />
[Example](examples/search/getShows.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/search/getShows_output.txt)
<p>Searches for Cloudcasts matching the target keywords.</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `dateUploaded`| (string) `pastWeek` \| `pastMonth` \| `pastYear` \| `anyTime`. Default: `anyTime` |
| `requireTimeStamp` | (boolean) If `true`, only return Cloudcasts that are timestamped. Default: `false` |
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
Promise resolving to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [Cloudcast](docs/api/interfaces/ items found.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
| `params` | (object) Sanitized version of `params` used to request data from Mixcloud. |
<br />
[Example](examples/search/getUsers.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/search/getUsers_output.txt)
<p>Searches for users matching the target keywords.</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `dateJoined`| (string) `pastWeek` \| `pastMonth` \| `pastYear` \| `anyTime`. Default: `anyTime` |
| `userType` | (string) `uploader` \| `listener` \| `any`. Default: `any`
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
Promise resolving to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [User](docs/api/interfaces/ items found.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
| `params` | (object) Sanitized version of `params` used to request data from Mixcloud. |
## LiveStream API
#### Access property
#### `MixcloudFetch#liveStream`
Returns a [LiveStreamAPI](docs/api/classes/ isntance.
#### Description
The LiveStream API allows you to fetch Mixcloud live streams.
#### API methods
> For fetching the live stream of a user, call [UserAPI#getLiveStream()](#api-methods-1) instead.
<br />
[Example](examples/live_stream/getCurrent.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/live_stream/getCurrent_output.txt)
<p>Fetches the current live streams on Mixcloud.</p>
`params`: (object) (*optional* and *all properties optional*)
| Property | Description |
| `orderBy` | (string) `popular` \| `mostRecent`. Default: `popular` |
| `category` | <p>(string) If specified, return live streams in `category`.</p><p>For the list of values you can specify, call `getCategories()` of this API.</p> |
| `limit` | (number) Number of items to fetch (max: 100). Default: 20 |
| `pageToken` | (string) Continuation token for fetching the next batch of items following the previous fetch.
Promise resolving to an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `items` | (Array) The list of [LiveStream](docs/api/interfaces/ items fetched.
| `nextPageToken` | <p>(string) If available, the continuation token for retrieving the next batch of items. Otherwise, there are no further items available.</p><p>To fetch the next batch of items, pass the token as `params.pageToken` in the next call to this method.</p>
| `params` | (object) Sanitized version of `params` used to request data from Mixcloud. |
<br />
[Example](examples/live_stream/getCategories.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/live_stream/getCategories_output.txt)
<p>Fetches the available live stream categories.</p>
Promise resolving to an Array of strings. Each array element is the name of a live stream category.
## Miscellaneous API
#### Access property
#### `MixcloudFetch#misc`
Returns a [MiscAPI](docs/api/classes/ instance.
#### Description
The Miscellaneous API provides methods for obtaining values that can be used in other API methods.
#### API methods
<br />
[Example](examples/misc/getCategories.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/misc/getCategories_output.txt)
Fetches the list of Mixcloud categories. See Usage below for example of fetching Cloudcasts belonging to a specific category.
Promise resolving to a [CategoryBundle](docs/api/interfaces/ A bundle is an object with the following structure:
bundle1: Category[],
bundle2: Category[]
A [Category](docs/api/interfaces/ is an object wih the following key properties:
| Property | Description |
| `name` | (string) Category name |
| `slug` | (string) Category identifier |
Say we have the following category bundle obtained from `getCategories()`:
music: [
{ name: 'Ambient', slug: 'ambient' },
{ name: 'Bass', slug: 'bass' }
talk: [
{ name: 'Business', slug: 'business' },
{ name: 'Comedy', slug: 'comedy' }
The following functions are provided by a `Search` object. Each of these functions returns a Promise that resolves to the data requested.
To obtain Cloudcasts belonging to the 'Ambient' category, use its `slug` property in conjunction with the Tag API:
| Function | Resolves To | |
| getTags([params]) | Tags matching the given keywords |[Example](examples/search/getTags.js) ([output](examples/search/getTags_output.txt)) |
| getShows([params]) | Cloudcasts matching the given keywords |[Example](examples/search/getShows.js) ([output](examples/search/getShows_output.txt)) |
| getUsers([params]) | Users matching the given keywords |[Example](examples/search/getUsers.js) ([output](examples/search/getUsers_output.txt)) |
const tag = mcfetch.tag(bundle['music'][0]['slug']);
const showsInAmbientCategory = await tag.getShows();
`params` specify what to return in the results. Check the example for what params you can specify.
### Miscellaneous functions
<br />
[Example](examples/misc/getCountries.ts) ➔ [Output](examples/misc/getCountries_output.txt)
Fetches the list of countries available on Mixcloud. See Usage below for example of fetching Cloudcasts originating from a specific country.
Promise resolving to a [CountryBundle](docs/api/interfaces/ A bundle is an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `default` | (object) The default country |
| `available` | (Array) The list of available countries |
Each [Country](docs/api/interfaces/ is an object with the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| `code` | (string) Country code |
| `name` | (string) Country name |
Say we have the following countries returned by `getCountries()`:
// Get Mixcloud categories
mcfetch.misc.getCategories().then( categories => {
default: { code: 'HKG', name: 'Hong Kong' },
available: [
{ code: 'GLOBAL', name: 'Global' },
{ code: 'AUS', name: 'Australia' },
{ code: 'CAN', name: 'Canada' },
// Get the list of available countries as well as the default
mcfetch.misc.getCountries().then( countries => {
To obtain Cloudcasts matching the 'jazz' tag and originating from Canada:
const tag = mcfetch.tag('jazz');
const jazzShowsFromCanada = await tag.getShows({
country: 'CAN' // Use the country code
| Function | Resolves To | |
| getCategories() | Mixcloud categories |[Example](examples/misc/getCategories.js) ([output](examples/misc/getCategories_output.txt)) |
| getCountries() | Available countries and the default |[Example](examples/misc/getCountries.js) ([output](examples/misc/getCountries_output.txt)) |

@@ -222,2 +696,6 @@ # Rate Limiting

- Migrate to Typescript; package as ESM + CJS hybrid module
- Add support for fetching live streams

@@ -224,0 +702,0 @@ - Fix fetch errors due to Mixcloud changing their GraphQL URL.
