What is mixin-deep?
The mixin-deep package is a utility for deeply mixing the properties of objects into the first object. It is useful for merging objects with nested properties, allowing for deep assignment and merging of object properties, arrays, and other nested structures.
What are mixin-deep's main functionalities?
Deep Merging of Objects
This feature allows for the deep merging of objects, including nested properties. The code sample demonstrates merging two objects with nested properties, resulting in a single object that combines both.
{"const mixinDeep = require('mixin-deep');\nconst object1 = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } };\nconst object2 = { a: { b: { d: 2 }, e: 3 } };\nconst result = mixinDeep(object1, object2);\nconsole.log(result); // Output: { a: { b: { c: 1, d: 2 }, e: 3 } }"}
Merging Arrays and Objects
This feature demonstrates how mixin-deep can merge both arrays and objects. The arrays are replaced rather than merged, while the objects are deeply merged.
{"const mixinDeep = require('mixin-deep');\nconst object1 = { a: [1, 2], b: { c: 1 } };\nconst object2 = { a: [3, 4], b: { d: 2 } };\nconst result = mixinDeep(object1, object2);\nconsole.log(result); // Output: { a: [3, 4], b: { c: 1, d: 2 } }"}
Other packages similar to mixin-deep
Lodash's merge function offers similar deep merging capabilities. It recursively merges own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of source objects into the destination object. Compared to mixin-deep, lodash.merge is part of the larger lodash utility library, which provides a wide range of functions for manipulating objects, arrays, strings, etc.
The deepmerge package is another alternative that provides a simple and effective way to deeply merge objects in JavaScript. It is similar to mixin-deep but offers additional options for customizing the merge behavior, such as array merging strategies and cloning.

Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object. Like merge-deep, but doesn't clone. No dependencies.
Please consider following this project's author, Jon Schlinkert, and consider starring the project to show your :heart: and support.
Install with npm:
$ npm install --save mixin-deep
Heads up!
Please update to version 2.0.1 or later, a critical bug was fixed in that version.
const mixin = require('mixin-deep');
const res = mixin({ a: { foo: true } }, { a: { bar: true } }, { a: { baz: true } });
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
Running Tests
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
$ npm install && npm test
Building docs
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To generate the readme, run the following command:
$ npm install -g verbose/verb
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Jon Schlinkert
Copyright © 2019, Jon Schlinkert.
Released under the MIT License.
This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.8.0, on June 19, 2019.