Mixpanel Common
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- components: low-level pre-styled web components
- report: mixpanel-specific app utilities
- stylesheets: default CSS and importable Stylus mixins
- util: data manipulation utilities
- widgets: composed pre-styled web components
Mixpanel Design System
Local development of components
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start a server and build continuously:
npm start
- Open http://localhost:8081
TypeScript components
- Components written in TypeScript are compiled differently than normal JS because they use the TypeScript compiler and not Babel. Because they are compiled differently, they will not obey any babel-specified transformations. The right place to configure their transpilation is in
Testing with Saucelabs
SAUCE_USERNAME=<your username> SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<your access key> npm run test-wct-sauce
Unit Tests
Plain old mocha tests
npm run test-unit
With nyc coverage and html report.
Report can be seen in browser at .nyc_report/index.html
npm run test-unit-nyc && npm run coverage-report