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ml-matrix - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0 to 2.1.0


@@ -0,1 +1,20 @@

<a name="2.1.0"></a>
# [2.1.0]( (2016-10-07)
### Bug Fixes
* use Symbol.species as Matrix constructor in selection ([fee325e](
* use Symbol.species in evaluated static methods ([39800f9](
### Features
* add fast multiplication algorithm (strassen) ([fdc1c07](
* add maxValue option to Matrix.randInt ([e5a8541](
* add value parameter to Matrix.eye ([f52e4fd](
* implement optimized algorithm for 2x2 and 3x3 multiplication ([4055ef9](
<a name="2.0.0"></a>

@@ -2,0 +21,0 @@ # [2.0.0]( (2016-08-04)


"name": "ml-matrix",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "2.1.0",
"description": "Matrix manipulation and computation library",

@@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ "main": "src/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"ml-array-utils": "^0.2.4"
"ml-array-utils": "^0.3.0"

@@ -111,3 +111,3 @@ 'use strict';

* @param {number} columns - Number of columns
* @param {function} [rng] - Random number generator (default: Math.random)
* @param {function} [rng=Math.random] - Random number generator
* @returns {Matrix} The new matrix

@@ -127,2 +127,23 @@ */

* Creates a matrix with the given dimensions. Values will be random integers.
* @param {number} rows - Number of rows
* @param {number} columns - Number of columns
* @param {number} [maxValue=1000] - Maximum value
* @param {function} [rng=Math.random] - Random number generator
* @returns {Matrix} The new matrix
static randInt(rows, columns, maxValue, rng) {
if (maxValue === undefined) maxValue = 1000;
if (rng === undefined) rng = Math.random;
var matrix = this.empty(rows, columns);
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
var value = Math.floor(rng() * maxValue);
matrix.set(i, j, value);
return matrix;
* Creates an identity matrix with the given dimension. Values of the diagonal will be 1 and others will be 0.

@@ -133,3 +154,4 @@ * @param {number} rows - Number of rows

static eye(rows, columns) {
static eye(rows, columns, value) {
if (value === undefined) value = 1
if (columns === undefined) columns = rows;

@@ -139,3 +161,3 @@ var min = Math.min(rows, columns);

for (var i = 0; i < min; i++) {
matrix.set(i, i, 1);
matrix.set(i, i, value);

@@ -965,3 +987,214 @@ return matrix;

var result = new this.constructor[Symbol.species](2, 2);
const a11 = this.get(0,0);
const b11 = other.get(0,0);
const a12 = this.get(0,1);
const b12 = other.get(0,1);
const a21 = this.get(1,0);
const b21 = other.get(1,0);
const a22 = this.get(1,1);
const b22 = other.get(1,1);
// Compute intermediate values.
const m1 = (a11+a22)*(b11+b22);
const m2 = (a21+a22)*b11;
const m3 = a11*(b12-b22);
const m4 = a22*(b21-b11);
const m5 = (a11+a12)*b22;
const m6 = (a21-a11)*(b11+b12);
const m7 = (a12-a22)*(b21+b22);
// Combine intermediate values into the output.
const c00 =m1+m4-m5+m7;
const c01 = m3+m5;
const c10 = m2+m4;
const c11 = m1-m2+m3+m6;
return result;
var result = new this.constructor[Symbol.species](3, 3);
const a00 = this.get(0,0);
const a01 = this.get(0,1);
const a02 = this.get(0,2);
const a10 = this.get(1,0);
const a11 = this.get(1,1);
const a12 = this.get(1,2);
const a20 = this.get(2,0);
const a21 = this.get(2,1);
const a22 = this.get(2,2);
const b00 = other.get(0,0);
const b01 = other.get(0,1);
const b02 = other.get(0,2);
const b10 = other.get(1,0);
const b11 = other.get(1,1);
const b12 = other.get(1,2);
const b20 = other.get(2,0);
const b21 = other.get(2,1);
const b22 = other.get(2,2);
const m1 = (a00+a01+a02-a10-a11-a21-a22)*b11;
const m2 = (a00-a10)*(-b01+b11);
const m3 = a11*(-b00+b01+b10-b11-b12-b20+b22);
const m4 = (-a00+a10+a11)*(b00-b01+b11);
const m5 = (a10+a11)*(-b00+b01);
const m6 = a00*b00;
const m7 = (-a00+a20+a21)*(b00-b02+b12);
const m8 = (-a00+a20)*(b02-b12);
const m9 = (a20+a21)*(-b00+b02);
const m10 = (a00+a01+a02-a11-a12-a20-a21)*b12;
const m11 = a21*(-b00+b02+b10-b11-b12-b20+b21);
const m12 = (-a02+a21+a22)*(b11+b20-b21);
const m13 = (a02-a22)*(b11-b21);
const m14 = a02*b20;
const m15 = (a21+a22)*(-b20+b21);
const m16 = (-a02+a11+a12)*(b12+b20-b22);
const m17 = (a02-a12)*(b12-b22);
const m18 = (a11+a12)*(-b20+b22);
const m19= a01*b10;
const m20 = a12*b21;
const m21 = a10*b02;
const m22 = a20*b01;
const m23 = a22*b22;
const c00 = m6+m14+m19;
const c01 = m1+m4+m5+m6+m12+m14+m15;
const c02 = m6+m7+m9+m10+m14+m16+m18;
const c10 = m2+m3+m4+m6+m14+m16+m17;
const c11 = m2+m4+m5+m6+m20;
const c12 = m14+m16+m17+m18+m21;
const c20 = m6+m7+m8+m11+m12+m13+m14;
const c21 = m12+m13+m14+m15+m22;
const c22 = m6+m7+m8+m9+m23;
return result;
* Returns the matrix product between x and y. More efficient than mmul(other) only when we multiply squared matrix and when the size of the matrix is > 1000.
* @param {Matrix} x
* @param {Matrix} y
* @returns {Matrix}
var x = this.clone();
var r1 = x.rows;
var c1 = x.columns;
var r2 = y.rows;
var c2 = y.columns;
if(c1 != r2){
console.log(`Multiplying ${r1} x ${c1} and ${r2} x ${c2} matrix: dimensions do not match.`)
// Put a matrix into the top left of a matrix of zeros.
// `rows` and `cols` are the dimensions of the output matrix.
function embed(mat, rows, cols){
var r = mat.rows;
var c = mat.columns;
if((r==rows) && (c==cols)){
return mat;
var resultat = Matrix.zeros(rows, cols);
resultat = resultat.setSubMatrix(mat, 0, 0);
return resultat;
// Make sure both matrices are the same size.
// This is exclusively for simplicity:
// this algorithm can be implemented with matrices of different sizes.
var r = Math.max(r1, r2);
var c = Math.max(c1, c2);
var x = embed(x, r, c);
var y = embed(y, r, c);
// Our recursive multiplication function.
function block_mult(a, b, rows, cols){
// For small matrices, resort to naive multiplication.
if (rows <= 512 || cols <= 512){
return a.mmul(b); // a is equivalent to this
// Apply dynamic padding.
if ((rows % 2 == 1) && (cols % 2 == 1)) {
a = embed(a, rows + 1, cols + 1);
b = embed(b, rows + 1, cols + 1);
else if (rows % 2 == 1){
a = embed(a, rows + 1, cols);
b = embed(b, rows + 1, cols);
else if (cols % 2 == 1){
a = embed(a, rows, cols + 1);
b = embed(b, rows, cols + 1);
var half_rows = parseInt(a.rows / 2);
var half_cols = parseInt(a.columns / 2);
// Subdivide input matrices.
var a11 = a.subMatrix(0, half_rows -1, 0, half_cols - 1);
var b11 = b.subMatrix(0, half_rows -1, 0, half_cols - 1);
var a12 = a.subMatrix(0, half_rows -1, half_cols, a.columns - 1);
var b12 = b.subMatrix(0, half_rows -1, half_cols, b.columns - 1);
var a21 = a.subMatrix(half_rows, a.rows - 1, 0, half_cols - 1);
var b21 = b.subMatrix(half_rows, b.rows - 1, 0, half_cols - 1);
var a22 = a.subMatrix(half_rows, a.rows - 1, half_cols, a.columns - 1);
var b22 = b.subMatrix(half_rows, b.rows - 1, half_cols, b.columns - 1);
// Compute intermediate values.
var m1 = block_mult(Matrix.add(a11,a22), Matrix.add(b11,b22), half_rows, half_cols);
var m2 = block_mult(Matrix.add(a21,a22), b11, half_rows, half_cols);
var m3 = block_mult(a11, Matrix.sub(b12, b22), half_rows, half_cols);
var m4 = block_mult(a22, Matrix.sub(b21,b11), half_rows, half_cols);
var m5 = block_mult(Matrix.add(a11,a12), b22, half_rows, half_cols);
var m6 = block_mult(Matrix.sub(a21, a11), Matrix.add(b11, b12), half_rows, half_cols);
var m7 = block_mult(Matrix.sub(a12,a22), Matrix.add(b21,b22), half_rows, half_cols);
// Combine intermediate values into the output.
var c11 = Matrix.add(m1, m4);
var c12 = Matrix.add(m3,m5);
var c21 = Matrix.add(m2,m4);
var c22 = Matrix.sub(m1,m2);
//Crop output to the desired size (undo dynamic padding).
var resultat = Matrix.zeros(2*c11.rows, 2*c11.columns);
resultat = resultat.setSubMatrix(c11, 0, 0);
resultat = resultat.setSubMatrix(c12, c11.rows, 0)
resultat = resultat.setSubMatrix(c21, 0, c11.columns);
resultat = resultat.setSubMatrix(c22, c11.rows, c11.columns);
return resultat.subMatrix(0, rows - 1, 0, cols - 1);
var resultat_final = block_mult(x, y, r, c);
return resultat_final;
* Returns a row-by-row scaled matrix

@@ -1162,5 +1395,3 @@ * @param {Number} [min=0] - Minimum scaled value

var endColumn = startColumn + matrix.columns - 1;
if ((startRow > endRow) || (startColumn > endColumn) || (startRow < 0) || (startRow >= this.rows) || (endRow < 0) || (endRow >= this.rows) || (startColumn < 0) || (startColumn >= this.columns) || (endColumn < 0) || (endColumn >= this.columns)) {
throw new RangeError('Argument out of range');
util.checkRange(this, startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);
for (var i = 0; i < matrix.rows; i++) {

@@ -1182,3 +1413,3 @@ for (var j = 0; j < matrix.columns; j++) {

var indices = util.checkIndices(this, rowIndices, columnIndices);
var newMatrix = new this.constructor(rowIndices.length, columnIndices.length);
var newMatrix = new this.constructor[Symbol.species](rowIndices.length, columnIndices.length);
for (var i = 0; i < indices.row.length; i++) {

@@ -1208,4 +1439,9 @@ var rowIndex = indices.row[i];

Matrix views
Matrix views
* Returns a view of the transposition of the matrix
* @returns {MatrixTransposeView}
transposeView() {

@@ -1215,2 +1451,7 @@ return new MatrixTransposeView(this);

* Returns a view of the row vector with the given index
* @param {number} row - row index of the vector
* @returns {MatrixRowView}
rowView(row) {

@@ -1221,2 +1462,7 @@ util.checkRowIndex(this, row);

* Returns a view of the column vector with the given index
* @param {number} column - column index of the vector
* @returns {MatrixColumnView}
columnView(column) {

@@ -1227,2 +1473,6 @@ util.checkColumnIndex(this, column);

* Returns a view of the matrix flipped in the row axis
* @returns {MatrixFlipRowView}
flipRowView() {

@@ -1232,2 +1482,6 @@ return new MatrixFlipRowView(this);

* Returns a view of the matrix flipped in the column axis
* @returns {MatrixFlipColumnView}
flipColumnView() {

@@ -1237,2 +1491,10 @@ return new MatrixFlipColumnView(this);

* Returns a view of a submatrix giving the index boundaries
* @param {number} startRow - first row index of the submatrix
* @param {number} endRow - last row index of the submatrix
* @param {number} startColumn - first column index of the submatrix
* @param {number} endColumn - last column index of the submatrix
* @returns {MatrixSubView}
subMatrixView(startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn) {

@@ -1242,2 +1504,11 @@ return new MatrixSubView(this, startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);

* Returns a view of the cross of the row indices and the column indices
* @example
* // resulting vector is [[2], [2]]
* var matrix = new Matrix([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]).selectionView([0, 0], [1])
* @param {Array<number>} rowIndices
* @param {Array<number>} columnIndices
* @returns {MatrixSelectionView}
selectionView(rowIndices, columnIndices) {

@@ -1315,3 +1586,3 @@ return new MatrixSelectionView(this, rowIndices, columnIndices);

(function %name%(matrix, value) {
var newMatrix = new this(matrix);
var newMatrix = new this[Symbol.species](matrix);
return newMatrix.%name%(value);

@@ -1334,3 +1605,3 @@ })

(function %name%(matrix) {
var newMatrix = new this(matrix);
var newMatrix = new this[Symbol.species](matrix);
return newMatrix.%name%();

@@ -1353,3 +1624,3 @@ })

(function %name%(matrix, %args%) {
var newMatrix = new this(matrix);
var newMatrix = new this[Symbol.species](matrix);
return newMatrix.%name%(%args%);

@@ -1356,0 +1627,0 @@ })

@@ -16,3 +16,20 @@ 'use strict';

* Returns the inverse
* @memberOf Matrix
* @static
* @param {Matrix} matrix
* @return {Matrix} matrix
* @alias inv
Matrix.inverse = Matrix.inv = inverse;
* Returns the inverse
* @memberOf Matrix
* @static
* @param {Matrix} matrix
* @return {Matrix} matrix
* @alias inv
Matrix.prototype.inverse = Matrix.prototype.inv = function () {

@@ -19,0 +36,0 @@ return inverse(this);

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