isMobile | bool | returns true if device type is mobile or tablet |
isMobileOnly | bool | returns true if device type is mobile |
isTablet | bool | returns true if device type is tablet |
isBrowser | bool | returns true if device type is browser |
isSmartTV | bool | returns true if device type is smarttv |
isWearable | bool | returns true if device type is wearable |
isConsole | bool | returns true if device type is console |
isAndroid | bool | returns true if os type is Android |
isWinPhone | bool | returns true if os type is Windows Phone |
isIOS | bool | returns true if os type is iOS |
isChrome | bool | returns true if browser is Chrome |
isFirefox | bool | returns true if browser is Firefox |
isSafari | bool | returns true if browser is Safari |
isOpera | bool | returns true if browser is Opera |
isIE | bool | returns true if browser is Internet Explorer |
isEdge | bool | returns true if browser is Edge or Edge Chromium |
isYandex | bool | returns true if browser is Yandex |
isChromium | bool | returns true if browser is Chromium |
isMobileSafari | bool | returns true if browser is Mobile Safari |
osVersion | string | returns os version (e.g 7 for Windows or 6 for Android ) |
osName | string | returns os name (e.g Windows , Android ) |
fullBrowserVersion | string | returns full browser version (e.g 65.0.3325.181 for Chrome ) |
browserVersion | string | returns browser major version (e.g 65 in Chrome or 9 in IE ) |
browserName | string | returns browser name |
mobileVendor | string | returns mobile device vendor (e.g LG , iPhone etc) |
mobileModel | string | returns mobile device model (e.g Nexus 5 ) |
engineName | string | returns browser engine name (e.g Gecko for FF or WebKit for Chrome) |
engineVersion | string | returns engine version |
getUA | string | returns user agent |
deviceType | string | returns device type (e.g mobile or tablet ) |
isIOS13 | boolean | returns true/false if device is running on iOS13 |
isIPhone13 | boolean | returns true/false if device is iPhone and running on iOS13 |
isIPad13 | boolean | returns true/false if device is iPad and running on iOS13 |
isIPod13 | boolean | returns true/false if device is iPod and running on iOS13 |
isElectron | boolean | returns true/false if running on Electron |
isEdgeChromium | boolean | returns true/false if browser is Edge Chromium |
isLegacyEdge | boolean | returns true if browser is Edge |
isWindows | boolean | returns true/false if os is Windows |
isMacOs | boolean | returns true/false if os is Mac OS |
deviceDetect | function | return data object which includes all data about device (e.g version, engine, os etc.) |