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mongodb-connection-model - npm Package Compare versions

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/* Models used in Compass itself */
module.exports = require('./lib/extended-model');
module.exports.connect = require('./lib/connect');
module.exports.ConnectionCollection = require('./lib/connection-collection');


"name": "mongodb-connection-model",
"description": "MongoDB connection model.",
"description": "MongoDB connection model",
"author": "Lucas Hrabovsky <>",

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "bugs": {

"homepage": "",
"version": "0.0.0-next-2122563cf622c0d212372dee10ec2a4a664d8006",
"version": "0.0.0-next-247cba5e738b47e2c433fd1bc2e3d0ed48142ca5",
"repository": {

@@ -23,23 +23,16 @@ "type": "git",

"scripts": {
"test-check-ci": "npm run check && npm test",
"pretest": "mongodb-runner install && mongodb-runner start --port=27018",
"test": "mocha",
"posttest": "mongodb-runner stop --port=27018",
"test-check-ci": "npm run check",
"check": "npm run lint && npm run depcheck",
"lint": "eslint \"./{src,lib,test,bin}/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}\" \"./*.js\" --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern",
"depcheck": "depcheck",
"test-ci": "npm run test",
"posttest-ci": "node ../../scripts/killall-mongo.js"
"depcheck": "depcheck"
"peerDependencies": {
"mongodb": "^4.10.0"
"mongodb": "^5.6.0"
"dependencies": {
"@mongodb-js/compass-utils": "0.0.0-next-2122563cf622c0d212372dee10ec2a4a664d8006",
"@mongodb-js/ssh-tunnel": "0.0.0-next-2122563cf622c0d212372dee10ec2a4a664d8006",
"@mongodb-js/compass-utils": "0.0.0-next-247cba5e738b47e2c433fd1bc2e3d0ed48142ca5",
"ampersand-model": "^8.0.1",
"ampersand-rest-collection": "^6.0.0",
"debug": "^4.2.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.15",
"mongodb-connection-string-url": "^2.5.4",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"mongodb-connection-string-url": "^2.6.0",
"mongodb3": "npm:mongodb@^3.6.3",

@@ -49,4 +42,3 @@ "os-dns-native": "^1.2.0",

"resolve-mongodb-srv": "^1.1.2",
"ssh2": "^0.8.7",
"storage-mixin": "0.0.0-next-2122563cf622c0d212372dee10ec2a4a664d8006"
"storage-mixin": "0.0.0-next-247cba5e738b47e2c433fd1bc2e3d0ed48142ca5"

@@ -59,11 +51,7 @@ "devDependencies": {

"eslint-config-mongodb-js": "^5.0.3",
"mocha": "^8.0.1",
"mock-require": "^3.0.3",
"mongodb": "^4.10.0",
"mongodb-runner": "^4.9.0",
"proxyquire": "^2.1.0",
"sinon": "^9.0.2",
"mongodb": "^5.6.0",
"proxyquire": "^2.1.3",
"uuid": "^8.2.0"
"gitHead": "2122563cf622c0d212372dee10ec2a4a664d8006"
"gitHead": "247cba5e738b47e2c433fd1bc2e3d0ed48142ca5"

@@ -1,13 +0,5 @@

# mongodb-connection-model [![][workflow_img]][workflow_url] [![][npm_img]][npm_url]
# mongodb-connection-model [![][npm_img]][npm_url]
> MongoDB connection model
*Not recommended for use. This package will be be updated or removed in COMPASS-5490*
The main purpose of the MongoDB connection model is to be a domain model around a MongoDB connection. It encapsulates generating a [Connection String URI]( from a group of attributes and parses URI using the [MongoDB Node.JS Driver URI Parser](
## Installation
npm install --save mongodb-connection-model
## Usage

@@ -68,310 +60,2 @@

#### See Also
- [URI Generic Syntax](
- [URI Options Specification](
### General Properties
const c = new Connection({ isSrvRecord: true });
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `ns` | String | A valid [ns][ns] the user can read from | `undefined` |
| `isSrvRecord` | Boolean | Indicates SRV record | `false` |
| `auth` | Object | Authentication from driver (username, user, db, password) | `undefined` |
| `hostname` | String | Hostname of a MongoDB Instance. In case of the replica set the first host and port will be taken | `localhost` |
| `port` | Number | TCP port of a MongoDB Instance | `27017` |
| `hosts` | Array | Contains all hosts and ports for replica set | `[{ host: 'localhost', port: 27017 }]` |
| `extraOptions` | Object | Extra options passed to the node driver as part of `driverOptions` | `{}` |
| `connectionType` | String | The desired connection type. Possible values: `NODE_DRIVER`, `STITCH_ON_PREM`, `STITCH_ATLAS` | `NODE_DRIVER` |
| `authStrategy` | String | The desired authentication strategy. Possible values: `NONE`, `MONGODB`, `X509`, `KERBEROS`, `LDAP`, `SCRAM-SHA-256` | `NONE` |
### Connection string options
const c = new Connection({ appname: 'My App', replicaSet: 'testing' });
#### General connection string options
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `replicaSet` | String | Specifies the name of the replica set, if the mongod is a member of a replica set | `undefined` |
| `connectTimeoutMS` | Number | The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out | `undefined` |
| `socketTimeoutMS` | Number | The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a socket before the attempt times out | `undefined` |
| `compression` | Object | Object includes compressors and a compression level. The following compressors can be specified: `snappy`, `zlib` (Available in MongoDB 3.6 or greater) | `undefined` |
#### Connection Pool Option
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `maxPoolSize` | Number | The maximum number of connections in the connection pool | `undefined` |
| `minPoolSize` | Number | The minimum number of connections in the connection pool | `undefined` |
| `maxIdleTimeMS` | Number | The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool before being removed and closed | `undefined` |
| `waitQueueMultiple` | Number | A number that the driver multiples the maxPoolSize value to, to provide the maximum number of threads allowed to wait for a connection to become available from the pool | `undefined` |
| `waitQueueTimeoutMS` | Number | The maximum time in milliseconds that a thread can wait for a connection to become available | `undefined` |
#### Write Concern Options
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `w` | Number/String | Corresponds to the write concern [w Option]( | `undefined` |
| `wTimeoutMS` | Number | Corresponds to the write concern [wtimeout]( | `undefined` |
| `journal` | Boolean | Corresponds to the write concern [j Option]( | `undefined` |
#### Read Concern Options
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `readConcernLevel` | String | The level of isolation | `undefined` |
#### Read Preference Options
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `readPreference` | String | Specifies the read preferences for this connection. Possible values: `PRIMARY`, `PRIMARY_PREFERRED`, `SECONDARY`, `SECONDARY_PREFERRED`, `NEAREST` | `PRIMARY` |
| `maxStalenessSeconds` | Number | Specifies, in seconds, how stale a secondary can be before the client stops using it for read operations | `undefined` |
| `readPreferenceTags` | Object | Default read preference tags for the client | `undefined` |
#### Authentication Options
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `authSource` | String | Specify the database name associated with the user’s credentials | `undefined` |
| `authMechanism` | String | Specifies the authentication mechanism that MongoDB will use to authenticate the connection. Possible values: `DEFAULT`, `GSSAPI`, `MONGODB-X509`, `PLAIN`, `SCRAM-SHA-256` | `undefined` |
| `authMechanismProperties` | Object | Additional options provided for authentication (e.g. to enable hostname canonicalization for GSSAPI) | `undefined` |
| `gssapiServiceName` | String | Set the Kerberos service name when connecting to Kerberized MongoDB instances | `undefined` |
| `gssapiServiceRealm` | String | Set the Realm service name | `undefined` |
| `gssapiCanonicalizeHostName` | Boolean | Whether canonicalized hostname | `undefined` |
#### Server Selection and Discovery Options
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `localThresholdMS` | Number | The size (in milliseconds) of the latency window for selecting among multiple suitable MongoDB instances | `undefined` |
| `serverSelectionTimeoutMS` | Number | Specifies how long (in milliseconds) to block for server selection before throwing an exception | `undefined` |
| `serverSelectionTryOnce` | Boolean | Instructs the driver to scan the MongoDB deployment exactly once after server selection fails and then either select a server or raise an error | `undefined` |
| `heartbeatFrequencyMS` | Number | Controls when the driver checks the state of the MongoDB deployment | `undefined` |
#### Miscellaneous Configuration
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `appname` | String | An application name passed to server as client metadata | `undefined` |
| `retryWrites` | Boolean | Enable retryable writes | `undefined` |
| `uuidRepresentation` | String | The legacy representation of UUID. Possible values: `standard`, `csharpLegacy`, `javaLegacy`, `pythonLegacy` | `undefined` |
| `loadBalanced` | Boolean | Whether or not the server is running in load balanced mode | `undefined` |
### Stitch attributes
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `stitchServiceName` | String | Stitch service name | `undefined` |
| `stitchClientAppId` | String | Stitch сlient app ID | `undefined` |
| `stitchGroupId` | String | Stitch group ID | `undefined` |
| `stitchBaseUrl` | String | Stitch base Url | `undefined` |
### MONGODB authentication
const c = new Connection({
mongodbUsername: 'arlo',
mongodbPassword: 'w@of'
>>> 'mongodb://arlo:w%40of@localhost:27017/?slaveOk=true&authSource=admin'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `mongodbUsername` | String | MongoDB username | `undefined` |
| `mongodbPassword` | String | MongoDB password | `undefined` |
| `mongodbDatabaseName` | String | The database name associated with the user's credentials | `undefined` |
| `promoteValues` | Boolean | Whether BSON values should be promoted to their JS type counterparts | `undefined` |
### KERBEROS authentication
const c = new Connection({
kerberosServiceName: 'mongodb',
kerberosPrincipal: 'arlo/',
ns: 'toys'
>>> 'mongodb://'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
> @note (imlucas): Kerberos on Windows is broken out as it's own state for UX consideration
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `kerberosServiceName` | String | Any program or computer you access over a network | `undefined` |
| `kerberosPrincipal` | String | The format of a typical Kerberos V5 principal is `primary/instance@REALM` | `undefined` |
| `kerberosCanonicalizeHostname` | Boolean | Whether canonicalized kerberos hostname | `undefined` |
#### See Also
- [node.js driver Kerberos reference](
- [node.js driver Kerberos functional test][kerberos-functional]
### LDAP authentication
const c = new Connection({
ldapUsername: 'arlo',
ldapPassword: 'w@of',
ns: 'toys'
>>> 'mongodb://arlo:w%40of@localhost:27017/toys?slaveOk=true&authMechanism=PLAIN'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `ldapUsername` | String | LDAP username | `undefined` |
| `ldapPassword` | String | LDAP password | `undefined` |
#### See Also
- [node.js driver LDAP reference](
- [node.js driver X509 functional test][ldap-functional]
### X509 authentication
const c = new Connection({
x509Username: 'CN=client,OU=arlo,O=MongoDB,L=Philadelphia,ST=Pennsylvania,C=US'
>>> 'mongodb://CN%253Dclient%252COU%253Darlo%252CO%253DMongoDB%252CL%253DPhiladelphia%252CST%253DPennsylvania%252CC%253DUS@localhost:27017?slaveOk=true&authMechanism=MONGODB-X509'
>>> {
db: { readPreference: 'nearest' },
replSet: { }
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `x509Username` | String | The x.509 certificate derived user name, e.g. `CN=user,OU=OrgUnit,O=myOrg,...` | `undefined` |
#### See Also
- [node.js driver X509 reference](
- [node.js driver X509 functional test][x509-functional]
### SSL
> **Note**: Not to be confused with `authentication=X509`
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `ssl` | Number/String | A boolean to enable or disables TLS/SSL for the connection | `undefined` |
| `sslMethod` | String | The desired ssl method. Possible values: `NONE`, `SYSTEMCA`, `IFAVAILABLE`, `UNVALIDATED`, `SERVER`, `ALL` | `NONE` |
| `sslCA` | Buffer/String | Array of valid certificates | `undefined` |
| `sslCert` | Buffer/String | The certificate | `undefined` |
| `sslKey` | Buffer/String | The certificate private key | `undefined` |
| `sslPass` | Buffer/String | The certificate password | `undefined` |
Description of `sslMethod` values:
- `SYSTEMCA` - SSL required, validate using System CA, with host verification.
- `IFAVAILABLE` - The driver should try SSL first, fall back to no SSL if unavailable, and use the system's Certificate Authority.
- `SERVER` - The driver should validate the server certificate and fail to connect if validation fails. See also [node.js driver "Validate Server Certificate" docs][driver-ssl-server].
- `ALL` - The driver must present a valid certificate and validate the server certificate. See also [node.js driver "Validate Server Certificate and Present Valid Certificate" docs][driver-ssl-all].
- `NONE` - No SSL (Not recommended).
- `UNVALIDATED` - Use SSL but do not perform any validation of the certificate chain. See also [node.js driver "No Certificate Validation" docs][driver-ssl-none]. **Very** not recommended and likely to be deprecated in future releases because it exposes potential Man-In-The-Middle attack vectors.
#### See also
- [node.js driver SSL implementation][driver-ssl-impl]
- [node.js driver SSL tutorial][driver-ssl-tutorial]
> New in mongodb-connection-model@5.0.0
Because [authentication](#authentication) is quite difficult for operators to migrate to, the most common method of securing a MongoDB deployment is to use an [SSH tunnel][sf-ssh-tunnel]. This allows operators to leverage their existing SSH security infrastructure to also provide secure access to MongoDB. For a standard deployment of MongoDB on AWS, this is almost always to strategy. Because of this, we now support creating SSH tunnels automatically when connecting to MongoDB.
const connect = require('mongodb-connection-model').connect;
const options = {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
sshTunnel: 'IDENTITY_FILE',
sshTunnelHostname: '',
sshTunnelUsername: 'ubuntu',
sshTunnelIdentityFile: ['/Users/albert/.ssh/my-key-aws-pair.pem']
connect(options, (connectionError, client) => {
if (connectionError) {
return console.log(connectionError);
client.db('mongodb').collection('fanclub').count((countingError, count) => {
console.log('counted:', countingError, count);
The above provides the same functionality as creating the tunnel using the bash
command below and connecting to MongoDB via another terminal. Notice that
connection-model uses a random local port each time it creates a tunnel.
Using the command line, you'd have to replace `<random port>` with an actual
port number.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-key-aws-pair.pem -L <random port>:localhost:27017
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `sshTunnel` | String | The desired SSH tunnel strategy. Possible values: `NONE`, `USER_PASSWORD`, `IDENTITY_FILE` | `undefined` |
| `sshTunnelHostname` | String | The hostname of the SSH remote host | `undefined` |
| `sshTunnelPort` | Port | The SSH port of the remote host | `22` |
| `sshTunnelBindToLocalPort` | Port | Bind the localhost endpoint of the SSH Tunnel to this port | `undefined` |
| `sshTunnelUsername` | String | The optional SSH username for the remote host | `undefined` |
| `sshTunnelPassword` | String | The optional SSH password for the remote host | `undefined` |
| `sshTunnelIdentityFile` | String/Array | The optional path to the SSH identity file for the remote host | `undefined` |
| `sshTunnelPassphrase` | String | The optional passphrase for `sshTunnelIdentityFile` | `undefined` |
Description of `sshTunnel` values:
- `NONE` - Do not use SSH tunneling.
- `USER_PASSWORD` - The tunnel is created with SSH username and password only.
- `IDENTITY_FILE` - The tunnel is created using an identity file.
## Derived Properties

@@ -386,93 +70,3 @@

| Derived Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ---- | ---------- | ---- |
| `instanceId` | String | The mongoscope | `localhost:27017` |
| `driverAuthMechanism` | String | Converts the value of `authStrategy` for humans into the `authMechanism` value for the driver | `undefined` |
| `safeUrl` | String | The URL where a password is replaced with stars | `mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&ssl=false` |
| `driverUrl` | String | Use this URL in order to connect via DataService | `mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&ssl=false` |
| `driverUrlWithSsh` | String | Use this URL in order to connect via connection model itself | `mongodb://localhost:29201/?readPreference=primary&ssl=false` |
| `driverOptions` | String | The second argument `mongoscope-server` passes to `mongodb.connect` | `{}` |
## Events
> New in mongodb-connection-model@5.0.0
#### Example: SSH Tunnel
const connect = require('mongodb-connection-model').connect;
const options = {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
sshTunnel: 'IDENTITY_FILE',
sshTunnelHostname: '',
sshTunnelUsername: 'ubuntu',
sshTunnelIdentityFile: ['/Users/albert/.ssh/my-key-aws-pair.pem']
connect(options).on('status', (evt) => console.log('status:', evt));
This will log the following events to the console:
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', complete: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', skipped: true,
reason: 'The selected SSL mode does not need to load any files.' }
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', complete: true}
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', complete: true }
#### Example: SSL
const connect = require('mongodb-connection-model').connect;
const options = {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
ssl: 'ALL',
sslCA: '~/.ssl/my-ca.pem',
sslCert: '~/.ssl/my-server.pem',
sslKey: '~/.ssl/my-server.pem'
connect(options).on('status', (evt) => console.log('status:', evt));
This will log the following events to the console:
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Validate', complete: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Load SSL files', complete: true}
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Create SSH Tunnel', skipped: true,
reason: 'The selected SSH Tunnel mode is NONE.'}
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', pending: true }
>>> status: { message: 'Connect to MongoDB', complete: true }

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