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n3 - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.1 to 1.3.0



@@ -12,2 +12,4 @@ "use strict";

var _IRIs = _interopRequireDefault(require("./IRIs"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

@@ -389,3 +391,2 @@

match(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
var self = this;
var stream = new _stream.Readable({

@@ -395,11 +396,5 @@ objectMode: true

stream._read = function () {
stream._read = function () {};
stream._read = () => {
for (var quad of this.getQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph)) stream.push(quad);
var quads = self.getQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph);
for (var quad of quads) {

@@ -692,2 +687,83 @@ };

return this._factory.blankNode(name.substr(2));
} // ### `extractLists` finds and removes all list triples
// and returns the items per list.
remove = false,
ignoreErrors = false
} = {}) {
var lists = {}; // has scalar keys so could be a simple Object
var onError = ignoreErrors ? () => true : (node, message) => {
throw new Error(`${node.value} ${message}`);
}; // Traverse each list from its tail
var tails = this.getQuads(null,, _IRIs.default.rdf.nil, null);
var toRemove = remove ? [...tails] : [];
tails.forEach(tailQuad => {
var items = []; // the members found as objects of rdf:first quads
var malformed = false; // signals whether the current list is malformed
var head; // the head of the list (_:b1 in above example)
var headPos; // set to subject or object when head is set
var graph = tailQuad.graph; // make sure list is in exactly one graph
// Traverse the list from tail to end
var current = tailQuad.subject;
while (current && !malformed) {
var objectQuads = this.getQuads(null, null, current, null);
var subjectQuads = this.getQuads(current, null, null, null);
var i,
first = null,
rest = null,
parent = null; // Find the first and rest of this list node
for (i = 0; i < subjectQuads.length && !malformed; i++) {
quad = subjectQuads[i];
if (!quad.graph.equals(graph)) malformed = onError(current, 'not confined to single graph');else if (head) malformed = onError(current, 'has non-list arcs out'); // one rdf:first
else if (quad.predicate.value === _IRIs.default.rdf.first) {
if (first) malformed = onError(current, 'has multiple rdf:first arcs');else toRemove.push(first = quad);
} // one rdf:rest
else if (quad.predicate.value === {
if (rest) malformed = onError(current, 'has multiple rdf:rest arcs');else toRemove.push(rest = quad);
} // alien triple
else if (objectQuads.length) malformed = onError(current, 'can\'t be subject and object');else {
head = quad; // e.g. { (1 2 3) :p :o }
headPos = 'subject';
} // { :s :p (1 2) } arrives here with no head
// { (1 2) :p :o } arrives here with head set to the list.
for (i = 0; i < objectQuads.length && !malformed; ++i) {
quad = objectQuads[i];
if (head) malformed = onError(current, 'can\'t have coreferences'); // one rdf:rest
else if (quad.predicate.value === {
if (parent) malformed = onError(current, 'has incoming rdf:rest arcs');else parent = quad;
} else {
head = quad; // e.g. { :s :p (1 2) }
headPos = 'object';
} // Store the list item and continue with parent
if (!first) malformed = onError(current, 'has no list head');else items.unshift(first.object);
current = parent && parent.subject;
} // Don't remove any quads if the list is malformed
if (malformed) remove = false; // Store the list under the value of its head
else if (head) lists[head[headPos].value] = items;
}); // Remove list quads if requested
if (remove) this.removeQuads(toRemove);
return lists;

@@ -694,0 +770,0 @@



@@ -50,3 +50,4 @@ "use strict";

if (outputStream && typeof outputStream.write !== 'function') options = outputStream, outputStream = null;
options = options || {}; // If no output stream given, send the output as string through the end callback
options = options || {};
this._lists = options.lists; // If no output stream given, send the output as string through the end callback

@@ -141,4 +142,9 @@ if (!outputStream) {

// A blank node or list is represented as-is
if (entity.termType !== 'NamedNode') return 'id' in entity ? : '_:' + entity.value; // Escape special characters
if (entity.termType !== 'NamedNode') {
// If it is a list head, pretty-print it
if (this._lists && entity.value in this._lists) entity = this.list(this._lists[entity.value]);
return 'id' in entity ? : '_:' + entity.value;
} // Escape special characters
var iri = entity.value;

@@ -198,3 +204,2 @@ if (escape.test(iri)) iri = iri.replace(escapeAll, characterReplacer); // Try to represent the IRI as prefixed name

addPrefixes(prefixes, done) {
// Add all useful prefixes
var prefixIRIs = this._prefixIRIs,

@@ -204,19 +209,16 @@ hasPrefixes = false;

for (var prefix in prefixes) {
// Verify whether the prefix can be used and does not exist yet
var iri = prefixes[prefix];
if (typeof iri !== 'string') iri = iri.value;
hasPrefixes = true; // Finish a possible pending quad
if (/[#\/]$/.test(iri) && prefixIRIs[iri] !== (prefix += ':')) {
hasPrefixes = true;
prefixIRIs[iri] = prefix; // Finish a possible pending quad
if (this._subject !== null) {
this._write(this._inDefaultGraph ? '.\n' : '\n}\n');
if (this._subject !== null) {
this._write(this._inDefaultGraph ? '.\n' : '\n}\n');
this._subject = null, this._graph = '';
} // Store and write the prefix
this._subject = null, this._graph = '';
} // Write prefix
prefixIRIs[iri] = prefix += ':';
this._write('@prefix ' + prefix + ' <' + iri + '>.\n');
this._write('@prefix ' + prefix + ' <' + iri + '>.\n');
} // Recreate the prefix matcher

@@ -223,0 +225,0 @@

"name": "n3",
"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "1.3.0",
"description": "Lightning fast, asynchronous, streaming Turtle / N3 / RDF library.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "Ruben Verborgh <>",

// **N3Store** objects store N3 quads by graph in memory.
import N3DataFactory from './N3DataFactory';
import { Readable } from 'stream';
import namespaces from './IRIs';

@@ -379,12 +380,8 @@ const { toId, fromId } = N3DataFactory.internal;

match(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
var self = this;
var stream = new Readable({ objectMode: true });
// Initialize stream once it is being read
stream._read = function () {
stream._read = function () {};
var quads = self.getQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph);
for (var quad of quads) {
stream._read = () => {
for (var quad of this.getQuads(subject, predicate, object, graph))

@@ -697,2 +694,100 @@ };

// ### `extractLists` finds and removes all list triples
// and returns the items per list.
extractLists({ remove = false, ignoreErrors = false } = {}) {
var lists = {}; // has scalar keys so could be a simple Object
var onError = ignoreErrors ? (() => true) :
((node, message) => { throw new Error(`${node.value} ${message}`); });
// Traverse each list from its tail
var tails = this.getQuads(null,, namespaces.rdf.nil, null);
var toRemove = remove ? [...tails] : [];
tails.forEach(tailQuad => {
var items = []; // the members found as objects of rdf:first quads
var malformed = false; // signals whether the current list is malformed
var head; // the head of the list (_:b1 in above example)
var headPos; // set to subject or object when head is set
var graph = tailQuad.graph; // make sure list is in exactly one graph
// Traverse the list from tail to end
var current = tailQuad.subject;
while (current && !malformed) {
var objectQuads = this.getQuads(null, null, current, null);
var subjectQuads = this.getQuads(current, null, null, null);
var i, quad, first = null, rest = null, parent = null;
// Find the first and rest of this list node
for (i = 0; i < subjectQuads.length && !malformed; i++) {
quad = subjectQuads[i];
if (!quad.graph.equals(graph))
malformed = onError(current, 'not confined to single graph');
else if (head)
malformed = onError(current, 'has non-list arcs out');
// one rdf:first
else if (quad.predicate.value === namespaces.rdf.first) {
if (first)
malformed = onError(current, 'has multiple rdf:first arcs');
toRemove.push(first = quad);
// one rdf:rest
else if (quad.predicate.value === {
if (rest)
malformed = onError(current, 'has multiple rdf:rest arcs');
toRemove.push(rest = quad);
// alien triple
else if (objectQuads.length)
malformed = onError(current, 'can\'t be subject and object');
else {
head = quad; // e.g. { (1 2 3) :p :o }
headPos = 'subject';
// { :s :p (1 2) } arrives here with no head
// { (1 2) :p :o } arrives here with head set to the list.
for (i = 0; i < objectQuads.length && !malformed; ++i) {
quad = objectQuads[i];
if (head)
malformed = onError(current, 'can\'t have coreferences');
// one rdf:rest
else if (quad.predicate.value === {
if (parent)
malformed = onError(current, 'has incoming rdf:rest arcs');
parent = quad;
else {
head = quad; // e.g. { :s :p (1 2) }
headPos = 'object';
// Store the list item and continue with parent
if (!first)
malformed = onError(current, 'has no list head');
current = parent && parent.subject;
// Don't remove any quads if the list is malformed
if (malformed)
remove = false;
// Store the list under the value of its head
else if (head)
lists[head[headPos].value] = items;
// Remove list quads if requested
if (remove)
return lists;

@@ -699,0 +794,0 @@

@@ -36,2 +36,3 @@ // **N3Writer** writes N3 documents.

options = options || {};
this._lists = options.lists;

@@ -133,4 +134,8 @@ // If no output stream given, send the output as string through the end callback

// A blank node or list is represented as-is
if (entity.termType !== 'NamedNode')
if (entity.termType !== 'NamedNode') {
// If it is a list head, pretty-print it
if (this._lists && (entity.value in this._lists))
entity = this.list(this._lists[entity.value]);
return 'id' in entity ? : '_:' + entity.value;
// Escape special characters

@@ -204,20 +209,16 @@ var iri = entity.value;

addPrefixes(prefixes, done) {
// Add all useful prefixes
var prefixIRIs = this._prefixIRIs, hasPrefixes = false;
for (var prefix in prefixes) {
// Verify whether the prefix can be used and does not exist yet
var iri = prefixes[prefix];
if (typeof iri !== 'string')
iri = iri.value;
if (/[#\/]$/.test(iri) && prefixIRIs[iri] !== (prefix += ':')) {
hasPrefixes = true;
prefixIRIs[iri] = prefix;
// Finish a possible pending quad
if (this._subject !== null) {
this._write(this._inDefaultGraph ? '.\n' : '\n}\n');
this._subject = null, this._graph = '';
// Write prefix
this._write('@prefix ' + prefix + ' <' + iri + '>.\n');
hasPrefixes = true;
// Finish a possible pending quad
if (this._subject !== null) {
this._write(this._inDefaultGraph ? '.\n' : '\n}\n');
this._subject = null, this._graph = '';
// Store and write the prefix
prefixIRIs[iri] = (prefix += ':');
this._write('@prefix ' + prefix + ' <' + iri + '>.\n');

@@ -224,0 +225,0 @@ // Recreate the prefix matcher

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