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@@ -1,720 +0,1 @@

declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class BuildConfig {
public static DEBUG: boolean;
public static APPLICATION_ID: string;
public static BUILD_TYPE: string;
public static FLAVOR: string;
public static VERSION_CODE: number;
public static VERSION_NAME: string;
public constructor();
/// <reference path="./java.lang.String.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class CollectionChangeAction {
public static ADD:;
public static REMOVE:;
public static RESET:;
public static REPLACE:;
public static MOVE:;
public static valueOf(param0: string):;
public static values(): native.Array<>;
/// <reference path="./" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class CollectionChangeListener {
* Constructs a new instance of the interface with the provided implementation.
public constructor(implementation: {
collectionChanged(param0: void;
public collectionChanged(param0: void;
import javautilList = java.util.List;
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./java.util.List.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class CollectionChangedEvent {
public getSource():;
public getOldItems(): javautilList<javalangObject>;
public constructor(param0:, param1:;
public getNewIndex(): number;
public getOldIndex(): number;
public constructor(param0:, param1:, param2: javautilList<javalangObject>, param3: javautilList<javalangObject>, param4: number, param5: number);
public getNewItems(): javautilList<javalangObject>;
public action():;
import javalangObject = java.lang.Object;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class DataTuple {
public firstValue: javalangObject;
public secondValue: javalangObject;
public thirdValue: javalangObject;
public toString(): string;
public constructor(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject, param2: javalangObject);
public constructor(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject);
public constructor(param0: javalangObject);
import javautilCalendar = java.util.Calendar;
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./java.util.Calendar.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class DateTimeExtensions {
public static getQuarterOfYear(param0: javautilCalendar): number;
public static getSecondOfYear(param0: javautilCalendar): number;
public constructor();
public static getMinuteOfYear(param0: javautilCalendar): number;
public static getHourOfYear(param0: javautilCalendar): number;
public static subtract(param0: javautilCalendar, param1: javautilCalendar):;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class DependencyPropertyChangedListener {
* Constructs a new instance of the interface with the provided implementation.
public constructor(implementation: {
onPropertyChanged(param0: javalangObject, param1: number, param2: javalangObject): void;
public onPropertyChanged(param0: javalangObject, param1: number, param2: javalangObject): void;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class Function {
* Constructs a new instance of the interface with the provided implementation.
public constructor(implementation: {
apply(param0: javalangObject): javalangObject;
public apply(param0: javalangObject): javalangObject;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class Function2 {
* Constructs a new instance of the interface with the provided implementation.
public constructor(implementation: {
apply(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject): javalangObject;
public apply(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject): javalangObject;
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class Function2Async {
* Constructs a new instance of the interface with the provided implementation.
public constructor(implementation: {
apply(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject, param2: void;
public apply(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject, param2: void;
import javautilArrayList = java.util.ArrayList;
import javautilCollection = java.util.Collection;
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./java.util.Collection.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class ObservableCollection extends javautilArrayList<javalangObject> {
public addCollectionChangeListener(param0: void;
public remove(param0: number): javalangObject;
public removeRange(param0: number, param1: number): void;
public add(param0: number, param1: javalangObject): void;
public addAll(param0: number, param1: javautilCollection<javalangObject>): boolean;
public addAll(param0: javautilCollection<javalangObject>): boolean;
public notifyListeners(param0: void;
public removeCollectionChangeListener(param0: void;
public add(param0: javalangObject): boolean;
public remove(param0: javalangObject): boolean;
public removeAll(param0: javautilCollection<javalangObject>): boolean;
public constructor();
public clear(): void;
public beginUpdate(): void;
public endUpdate(): void;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.String.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class Orientation {
public static HORIZONTAL:;
public static VERTICAL:;
public static valueOf(param0: string):;
public static values(): native.Array<>;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class Procedure {
* Constructs a new instance of the interface with the provided implementation.
public constructor(implementation: {
apply(param0: javalangObject): void;
public apply(param0: javalangObject): void;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class Procedure2 {
* Constructs a new instance of the interface with the provided implementation.
public constructor(implementation: {
apply(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject): void;
public apply(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject): void;
import javautilHashMap = java.util.HashMap;
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./java.util.HashMap.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export abstract class PropertyManager extends javalangObject {
public static LOCAL_VALUE: number;
public static PALETTE_VALUE: number;
public static DEFAULT_VALUE: number;
public static UNSET_VALUE: javalangObject;
public static registerProperty(param0: javalangObject, param1: number;
public resetPropertyValue(param0: number): void;
public constructor();
public getValue(param0: number): javalangObject;
public setValue(param0: number, param1: javalangObject): void;
public setValue(param0: number, param1: number, param2: javalangObject): void;
export module PropertyManager {
export class PropertyBag {
public constructor(param0: javalangObject);
public resolveValue(): javalangObject;
public setValueForKey(param0: number, param1: javalangObject): void;
export class PropertyMetadata {
public propertyBags: javautilHashMap<javalangObject, javalangObject>;
public constructor(param0: javalangObject, param1:;
public defaultValue(): javalangObject;
public getListener():;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class RadThickness {
public left: number;
public top: number;
public right: number;
public bottom: number;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number);
public constructor();
public equals(param0: javalangObject): boolean;
public clone():;
public static getEmpty():;
import androidcontentContext = android.content.Context;
/// <reference path="./android.content.Context.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class TestAPI {
public showToast(param0: androidcontentContext): void;
public constructor();
public showToast3(param0: androidcontentContext): void;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./java.util.Calendar.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class TimeSpan {
public static fromDays(param0: number):;
public static fromMinutes(param0: number):;
public static fromHours(param0: number):;
public constructor(param0: javautilCalendar, param1: javautilCalendar);
public constructor();
public getMillis(): number;
public compareTo(param0: javalangObject): number;
public static fromMilliseconds(param0: number):;
public static fromSeconds(param0: number):;
public getTotalDays(): number;
public static getZero():;
import androidgraphicsRectF =;
import androidgraphicsRect =;
import androidviewView = android.view.View;
import javalangClass = java.lang.Class;
import androidappActivity =;
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./android.content.Context.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./android.view.View.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Class.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./java.lang.String.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export class Util {
public static getLayoutPart(param0: androidappActivity, param1: number, param2: javalangClass<javalangObject>, param3: boolean): javalangObject;
public static getLayoutPart(param0: androidappActivity, param1: number, param2: javalangClass<javalangObject>): javalangObject;
public static generateDummyText(param0: string): string;
public static Equals(param0: javalangObject, param1: javalangObject): boolean;
public static getSP(param0: number): number;
public static isNullOrEmpty(param0: string): boolean;
public static toString(param0: javalangObject): string;
public static getLayoutPart(param0: androidviewView, param1: number, param2: javalangClass<javalangObject>): javalangObject;
public static RectFToRect(param0: androidgraphicsRectF): androidgraphicsRect;
public static getDimen(param0: number, param1: number): number;
public constructor();
public static convertToRectF(param0: androidgraphicsRectF;
public static generateViewId(): number;
public static getLayoutPart(param0: androidviewView, param1: number, param2: javalangClass<javalangObject>, param3: boolean): javalangObject;
public static createViewFromXML(param0: number, param1: javalangClass<javalangObject>, param2: androidcontentContext): javalangObject;
public static getDP(param0: number): number;
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module animations {
export class AnimationEasingHelper {
public constructor();
public static circularEaseOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static sinusoidalEaseInOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static cubicEaseIn(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quadraticEaseInOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quarticEaseIn(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quadraticEaseOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static exponentialEaseIn(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static exponentialEaseOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quadraticEaseIn(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quarticEaseOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quarticEaseInOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static cubicEaseInOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static sinusoidalEaseOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static cubicEaseOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quinticEaseIn(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quinticEaseOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static exponentialEaseInOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static circularEaseInOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static quinticEaseInOut(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static linear(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static sinusoidalEaseIn(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static circularEaseIn(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.String.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module animations {
export class EasingType {
public static Linear:;
public static QuadraticIn:;
public static QuadraticOut:;
public static QuadraticInOut:;
public static CubicIn:;
public static CubicOut:;
public static CubicInOut:;
public static QuarticIn:;
public static QuarticOut:;
public static QuarticInOut:;
public static QuinticIn:;
public static QuinticOut:;
public static QuinticInOut:;
public static SinusoidalIn:;
public static SinusoidalOut:;
public static SinusoidalInOut:;
public static ExponentialIn:;
public static ExponentialOut:;
public static ExponentialInOut:;
public static CircularIn:;
public static CircularOut:;
public static CircularInOut:;
public static valueOf(param0: string):;
public static values(): native.Array<>;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.String.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module exceptions {
export class MissingLayoutPartException {
public constructor(param0: string);
/// <reference path="./java.lang.String.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module exceptions {
export class WrongLayoutPartTypeException {
public constructor(param0: string);
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadCircle {
public centerX: number;
public centerY: number;
public radius: number;
public constructor();
public constructor(param0:, param1: number);
public center():;
public getBounds():;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number);
/// <reference path="./" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadLine {
public x1: number;
public x2: number;
public y1: number;
public y2: number;
public constructor(param0:, param1:;
public static round(param0:;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number);
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadMath {
public static DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR: number;
public static RAD_TO_DEG_FACTOR: number;
public static EPSILON: number;
public static areClose(param0: number, param1: number): boolean;
public static getPolarCoordinates(param0:, param1:;
public static areClose(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number): boolean;
public static isOne(param0: number): boolean;
public static getRotatedSize(param0:, param1: number):;
public static getPointDistance(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number): number;
public static isZero(param0: number): boolean;
public static getArcPoint(param0: number, param1:, param2: number):;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadPoint {
public static getInfinityPoint():;
public constructor();
public static round(param0:;
public equals(param0: javalangObject): boolean;
public getX(): number;
public getY(): number;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number);
public toString(): string;
public static getEmpty():;
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadPolarCoordinates {
public angle: number;
public radius: number;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number);
/// <reference path="./" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadPolarVector {
public centerX: number;
public centerY: number;
public pointX: number;
public pointY: number;
public angle: number;
public point():;
public constructor();
public center():;
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./" />
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadRect {
public getLocation():;
public constructor();
public equals(param0: javalangObject): boolean;
public contains(param0: number, param1: number): boolean;
public getX(): number;
public constructor(param0:, param1:;
public getCenter():;
public getRight(): number;
public static getEmpty():;
public static centerRect(param0:, param1:;
public getHeight(): number;
public toString(): string;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number, param2: number, param3: number);
public getBottom(): number;
public intersectsWith(param0: boolean;
public getWidth(): number;
public static inflate(param0:, param1:;
public static round(param0:;
public contains(param0: boolean;
public getY(): number;
public isSizeValid(): boolean;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number);
public static toSquare(param0:, param1: boolean):;
/// <reference path="./java.lang.Object.d.ts" />
declare module com {
export module telerik {
export module android {
export module common {
export module math {
export class RadSize {
public constructor();
public halfWidth(): number;
public halfHeight(): number;
public getWidth(): number;
public equals(param0: javalangObject): boolean;
public static getEmpty():;
public getHeight(): number;
public static getInfinitySize():;
public constructor(param0: number, param1: number);
public static getInvalid():;
/// <reference path="./platforms/android/typings/core.d.ts" />

@@ -1,1445 +0,1 @@

declare class ImageEffects extends NSObject {
static alloc(): ImageEffects; // inherited from NSObject
static arrowImageWithSizeInsetsWidthColorLeftDirection(size: CGSize, insets: UIEdgeInsets, width: number, strokeColor: UIColor, isLeft: boolean): UIImage;
static drawArrowInContextSizeInsetsWidthColorLeftDirection(context: any, size: CGSize, insets: UIEdgeInsets, width: number, strokeColor: UIColor, isLeft: boolean): void;
static drawArrowInContextSizeInsetsWidthStrokeColorFillColorTopDirection(context: any, size: CGSize, insets: UIEdgeInsets, width: number, strokeColor: UIColor, fillColor: UIColor, isTop: boolean): void;
static new(): ImageEffects; // inherited from NSObject
static takeScreenshot(view: UIView): UIImage;
constructor(o: { image: UIImage; });
applyBlurWithRadiusTintColorSaturationDeltaFactorMaskImage(blurRadius: number, tintColor: UIColor, saturationDeltaFactor: number, maskImage: UIImage): UIImage;
applyDarkEffect(): UIImage;
applyExtraLightEffect(): UIImage;
applyLightEffect(): UIImage;
applyTintEffectWithColor(tintColor: UIColor): UIImage;
initWithImage(image: UIImage): this;
declare class TKBalloonShape extends TKShape {
static alloc(): TKBalloonShape; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKBalloonShape; // inherited from NSObject
arrowOffset: number;
arrowPosition: TKBalloonShapeArrowPosition;
arrowSize: CGSize;
cornerRadius: number;
useStrictArrowPosition: boolean;
constructor(o: { arrowPosition: TKBalloonShapeArrowPosition; size: CGSize; });
initWithArrowPositionSize(arrowPosition: TKBalloonShapeArrowPosition, size: CGSize): this;
declare const enum TKBalloonShapeArrowPosition {
None = 0,
Left = 1,
Right = 2,
Top = 3,
Bottom = 4,
LeftTop = 5,
LeftBottom = 6,
RightTop = 7,
RightBottom = 8,
TopLeft = 9,
TopRight = 10,
BottomLeft = 11,
BottomRight = 12
declare class TKBasicAnimation extends CABasicAnimation {
static alloc(): TKBasicAnimation; // inherited from NSObject
static animation(): TKBasicAnimation; // inherited from CAAnimation
static animationWithKeyPath(path: string): TKBasicAnimation; // inherited from CAPropertyAnimation
static new(): TKBasicAnimation; // inherited from NSObject
metadata: any;
declare class TKCheckShape extends TKShape {
static alloc(): TKCheckShape; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKCheckShape; // inherited from NSObject
declare class TKCheckView extends TKView {
static alloc(): TKCheckView; // inherited from NSObject
static appearance(): TKCheckView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollection(trait: UITraitCollection): TKCheckView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollectionWhenContainedIn(trait: UITraitCollection, ContainerClass: typeof NSObject): TKCheckView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollectionWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses(trait: UITraitCollection, containerTypes: NSArray<typeof NSObject>): TKCheckView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceWhenContainedIn(ContainerClass: typeof NSObject): TKCheckView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses(containerTypes: NSArray<typeof NSObject>): TKCheckView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static new(): TKCheckView; // inherited from NSObject
checkFill: TKFill;
checkShape: TKShape;
checkStroke: TKStroke;
isChecked: boolean;
interface TKCoreLayout extends NSObjectProtocol {
alignmentMode?: TKCoreLayoutAlignmentMode;
desiredSize: CGSize;
stretchMode?: TKCoreLayoutStretchMode;
arrange(rect: CGRect): void;
itemWasAddedInLayout?(layout: TKCoreLayout): void;
itemWasRemoved?(): void;
measure(size: CGSize): CGSize;
declare var TKCoreLayout: {
prototype: TKCoreLayout;
declare const enum TKCoreLayoutAlignmentMode {
Left = 1,
Top = 2,
Right = 4,
Bottom = 8,
HorizontalCenter = 16,
VerticalCenter = 32
declare class TKCoreLayoutItem extends NSObject implements TKCoreLayout {
static alloc(): TKCoreLayoutItem; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKCoreLayoutItem; // inherited from NSObject
readonly content: any;
margin: UIEdgeInsets;
sizingMode: TKCoreLayoutSizingMode;
alignmentMode: TKCoreLayoutAlignmentMode; // inherited from TKCoreLayout
readonly debugDescription: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly description: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly desiredSize: CGSize; // inherited from TKCoreLayout
readonly hash: number; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly isProxy: boolean; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
stretchMode: TKCoreLayoutStretchMode; // inherited from TKCoreLayout
readonly superclass: typeof NSObject; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
constructor(o: { layer: CALayer; });
constructor(o: { layout: TKCoreLayout; });
constructor(o: { view: UIView; });
arrange(rect: CGRect): void;
class(): typeof NSObject;
conformsToProtocol(aProtocol: any /* Protocol */): boolean;
initWithLayer(aLayer: CALayer): this;
initWithLayout(aLayout: TKCoreLayout): this;
initWithView(aView: UIView): this;
isEqual(object: any): boolean;
isKindOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
isMemberOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
itemWasAddedInLayout(layout: TKCoreLayout): void;
itemWasRemoved(): void;
measure(size: CGSize): CGSize;
performSelector(aSelector: string): any;
performSelectorWithObject(aSelector: string, object: any): any;
performSelectorWithObjectWithObject(aSelector: string, object1: any, object2: any): any;
respondsToSelector(aSelector: string): boolean;
retainCount(): number;
self(): this;
declare const enum TKCoreLayoutSizingMode {
Fixed = 0,
Fit = 1
declare const enum TKCoreLayoutStretchMode {
None = 0,
Horizontal = 1,
Vertical = 2
declare class TKCoreStackLayout extends NSObject implements NSFastEnumeration, TKCoreLayout {
static alloc(): TKCoreStackLayout; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKCoreStackLayout; // inherited from NSObject
readonly count: number;
itemOrder: TKCoreStackLayoutItemOrder;
itemSpacing: number;
readonly items: NSArray<any>;
orientation: TKCoreStackLayoutOrientation;
alignmentMode: TKCoreLayoutAlignmentMode; // inherited from TKCoreLayout
readonly debugDescription: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly description: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly desiredSize: CGSize; // inherited from TKCoreLayout
readonly hash: number; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly isProxy: boolean; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
stretchMode: TKCoreLayoutStretchMode; // inherited from TKCoreLayout
readonly superclass: typeof NSObject; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any>;
addItem(item: TKCoreLayout): boolean;
arrange(rect: CGRect): void;
class(): typeof NSObject;
conformsToProtocol(aProtocol: any /* Protocol */): boolean;
indexOfItem(layoutItem: TKCoreLayout): number;
insertItemAtIndex(item: TKCoreLayout, index: number): boolean;
isEqual(object: any): boolean;
isKindOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
isMemberOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
itemAtIndex(index: number): TKCoreLayout;
itemWasAddedInLayout(layout: TKCoreLayout): void;
itemWasRemoved(): void;
lastItem(): TKCoreLayout;
measure(size: CGSize): CGSize;
performSelector(aSelector: string): any;
performSelectorWithObject(aSelector: string, object: any): any;
performSelectorWithObjectWithObject(aSelector: string, object1: any, object2: any): any;
removeAllItems(): void;
removeItem(item: TKCoreLayout): boolean;
removeItemAtIndex(index: number): boolean;
respondsToSelector(aSelector: string): boolean;
retainCount(): number;
self(): this;
declare const enum TKCoreStackLayoutItemOrder {
Normal = 0,
Reverse = 1
declare const enum TKCoreStackLayoutOrientation {
Horizontal = 0,
Vertical = 1
declare class TKCoreStackLayoutView extends UIScrollView {
static alloc(): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from NSObject
static appearance(): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollection(trait: UITraitCollection): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollectionWhenContainedIn(trait: UITraitCollection, ContainerClass: typeof NSObject): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollectionWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses(trait: UITraitCollection, containerTypes: NSArray<typeof NSObject>): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceWhenContainedIn(ContainerClass: typeof NSObject): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses(containerTypes: NSArray<typeof NSObject>): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static new(): TKCoreStackLayoutView; // inherited from NSObject
stack: TKCoreStackLayout;
declare class TKDateRange extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKDateRange; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKDateRange; // inherited from NSObject
endDate: Date;
readonly isNormalized: boolean;
startDate: Date;
constructor(o: { start: Date; end: Date; });
containsDate(date: Date): boolean;
initWithStartEnd(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): this;
normalize(): void;
declare class TKDemoAlert extends NSObject implements UIAlertViewDelegate {
static addDemoFrame(view: UIView, frame: CGRect): UILabel;
static alloc(): TKDemoAlert; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKDemoAlert; // inherited from NSObject
static sharedInstance(): TKDemoAlert;
static updateAlertFrame(view: UIView, frame: CGRect): void;
readonly debugDescription: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly description: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly hash: number; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly isProxy: boolean; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly superclass: typeof NSObject; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
alertViewCancel(alertView: UIAlertView): void;
alertViewClickedButtonAtIndex(alertView: UIAlertView, buttonIndex: number): void;
alertViewDidDismissWithButtonIndex(alertView: UIAlertView, buttonIndex: number): void;
alertViewShouldEnableFirstOtherButton(alertView: UIAlertView): boolean;
alertViewWillDismissWithButtonIndex(alertView: UIAlertView, buttonIndex: number): void;
class(): typeof NSObject;
conformsToProtocol(aProtocol: any /* Protocol */): boolean;
didPresentAlertView(alertView: UIAlertView): void;
isEqual(object: any): boolean;
isKindOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
isMemberOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
performSelector(aSelector: string): any;
performSelectorWithObject(aSelector: string, object: any): any;
performSelectorWithObjectWithObject(aSelector: string, object1: any, object2: any): any;
respondsToSelector(aSelector: string): boolean;
retainCount(): number;
self(): this;
willPresentAlertView(alertView: UIAlertView): void;
interface TKDrawing extends NSObjectProtocol {
insets?: UIEdgeInsets;
drawInContextWithPath(context: any, path: any): void;
drawInContextWithRect(context: any, rect: CGRect): void;
declare var TKDrawing: {
prototype: TKDrawing;
declare class TKFill extends NSObject implements NSCopying, TKDrawing {
static alloc(): TKFill; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKFill; // inherited from NSObject
alpha: number;
cornerRadius: number;
corners: UIRectCorner;
shadowBlur: number;
shadowColor: UIColor;
shadowOffset: CGSize;
readonly debugDescription: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly description: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly hash: number; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
insets: UIEdgeInsets; // inherited from TKDrawing
readonly isProxy: boolean; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly superclass: typeof NSObject; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
class(): typeof NSObject;
conformsToProtocol(aProtocol: any /* Protocol */): boolean;
copyWithZone(zone: interop.Pointer | interop.Reference<any>): any;
drawFillInContextWithPath(context: any, path: any): void;
drawFillInContextWithRect(context: any, rect: CGRect): void;
drawInContextWithPath(context: any, path: any): void;
drawInContextWithRect(context: any, rect: CGRect): void;
isEqual(object: any): boolean;
isKindOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
isMemberOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
performSelector(aSelector: string): any;
performSelectorWithObject(aSelector: string, object: any): any;
performSelectorWithObjectWithObject(aSelector: string, object1: any, object2: any): any;
respondsToSelector(aSelector: string): boolean;
retainCount(): number;
self(): this;
declare class TKGradientFill extends TKFill {
static alloc(): TKGradientFill; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKGradientFill; // inherited from NSObject
colors: NSArray<UIColor>;
locations: NSArray<number>;
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; });
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; cornerRadius: number; });
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; locations: NSArray<any>; });
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; locations: NSArray<any>; cornerRadius: number; });
initWithColors(colors: NSArray<any>): this;
initWithColorsCornerRadius(colors: NSArray<any>, cornerRadius: number): this;
initWithColorsLocations(colors: NSArray<any>, locations: NSArray<any>): this;
initWithColorsLocationsCornerRadius(colors: NSArray<any>, locations: NSArray<any>, cornerRadius: number): this;
declare const enum TKGradientRadiusType {
Pixels = 0,
RectMin = 1,
RectMax = 2
declare class TKGridLayout extends NSObject implements TKLayout {
static alloc(): TKGridLayout; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKGridLayout; // inherited from NSObject
readonly arrangedViews: NSArray<any>;
readonly definitions: NSArray<any>;
horizontalSpacing: number;
minColumnsWidth: number;
minRowsHeight: number;
verticalSpacing: number;
readonly debugDescription: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly description: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
frame: CGRect; // inherited from TKLayout
readonly hash: number; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly isProxy: boolean; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
orientation: TKLayoutOrientation; // inherited from TKLayout
readonly superclass: typeof NSObject; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
constructor(o: { frame: CGRect; });
addArrangedView(view: UIView): void;
addDefinition(definition: TKGridLayoutCellDefinition): void;
addDefinitionForViewAtRowColumnRowSpanColumnSpan(view: UIView, row: number, column: number, rowSpan: number, columnSpan: number): TKGridLayoutCellDefinition;
arrangeViewWithLayoutInfo(view: UIView, layoutInfo: TKLayoutInfo): void;
class(): typeof NSObject;
conformsToProtocol(aProtocol: any /* Protocol */): boolean;
definitionForView(view: UIView): TKGridLayoutCellDefinition;
initWithFrame(frame: CGRect): this;
insertArrangedViewAtIndex(view: UIView, index: number): void;
isEqual(object: any): boolean;
isKindOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
isMemberOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
layoutArrangedViews(): void;
measurePreferredSizeThatFitsSize(size: CGSize): CGSize;
performSelector(aSelector: string): any;
performSelectorWithObject(aSelector: string, object: any): any;
performSelectorWithObjectWithObject(aSelector: string, object1: any, object2: any): any;
removeAllArrangedViews(): void;
removeAllDefinitions(): void;
removeArrangedView(view: UIView): void;
removeDefinition(definition: TKGridLayoutCellDefinition): void;
resetHeightForRow(row: number): void;
resetWidthForColumn(col: number): void;
respondsToSelector(aSelector: string): boolean;
retainCount(): number;
self(): this;
setHeightForRow(height: number, row: number): void;
setWidthForColumn(width: number, col: number): void;
declare const enum TKGridLayoutAlignment {
Top = 1,
Left = 2,
Bottom = 4,
Right = 8,
Center = 16,
CenterVertical = 32,
CenterHorizontal = 64,
Fill = 128,
FillVertical = 256,
FillHorizontal = 512
declare class TKGridLayoutCell extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKGridLayoutCell; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKGridLayoutCell; // inherited from NSObject
col: number;
definition: TKGridLayoutCellDefinition;
isUsed: boolean;
row: number;
size: CGSize;
constructor(o: { row: number; col: number; });
initWithRowCol(row: number, col: number): this;
declare class TKGridLayoutCellDefinition extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKGridLayoutCellDefinition; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKGridLayoutCellDefinition; // inherited from NSObject
alignment: TKGridLayoutAlignment;
column: number;
columnSpan: number;
contentOffset: UIOffset;
index: number;
row: number;
rowSpan: number;
view: UIView;
constructor(o: { view: UIView; });
constructor(o: { view: UIView; atRow: number; column: number; });
constructor(o: { view: UIView; atRow: number; column: number; rowSpan: number; columnSpan: number; });
initWithView(view: UIView): this;
initWithViewAtRowColumn(view: UIView, row: number, col: number): this;
initWithViewAtRowColumnRowSpanColumnSpan(view: UIView, row: number, col: number, rowSpan: number, colSpan: number): this;
declare class TKImageFill extends TKFill {
static alloc(): TKImageFill; // inherited from NSObject
static imageFillWithImage(image: UIImage): TKImageFill;
static imageFillWithImageCornerRadius(image: UIImage, cornerRadius: number): TKImageFill;
static new(): TKImageFill; // inherited from NSObject
image: UIImage;
resizingMode: TKImageFillResizingMode;
constructor(o: { image: UIImage; });
constructor(o: { image: UIImage; cornerRadius: number; });
initWithImage(image: UIImage): this;
initWithImageCornerRadius(image: UIImage, cornerRadius: number): this;
declare const enum TKImageFillResizingMode {
Tile = 0,
Stretch = 1,
None = 2
declare class TKLayer extends CALayer {
static alloc(): TKLayer; // inherited from NSObject
static layer(): TKLayer; // inherited from CALayer
static new(): TKLayer; // inherited from NSObject
fill: TKFill;
shape: TKShape;
stroke: TKStroke;
sizeThatFits(size: CGSize): CGSize;
sizeToFit(): void;
interface TKLayout extends NSObjectProtocol {
arrangedViews: NSArray<any>;
frame: CGRect;
orientation: TKLayoutOrientation;
addArrangedView(view: UIView): void;
arrangeViewWithLayoutInfo(view: UIView, layoutInfo: TKLayoutInfo): void;
insertArrangedViewAtIndex(view: UIView, index: number): void;
layoutArrangedViews(): void;
measurePreferredSizeThatFitsSize(size: CGSize): CGSize;
removeAllArrangedViews(): void;
removeArrangedView(view: UIView): void;
declare var TKLayout: {
prototype: TKLayout;
declare class TKLayoutInfo extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKLayoutInfo; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKLayoutInfo; // inherited from NSObject
column: number;
columnSpan: number;
index: number;
row: number;
rowSpan: number;
constructor(o: { row: number; column: number; rowSpan: number; columnSpan: number; });
initWithRowColumnRowSpanColumnSpan(row: number, column: number, rowSpan: number, columnSpan: number): this;
declare const enum TKLayoutOrientation {
Horizontal = 0,
Vertical = 1
declare class TKLinearGradientFill extends TKGradientFill {
static alloc(): TKLinearGradientFill; // inherited from NSObject
static linearGradientFillWithColors(colors: NSArray<any>): TKLinearGradientFill;
static linearGradientFillWithColorsLocationsStartPointEndPoint(colors: NSArray<any>, locations: NSArray<any>, startPoint: CGPoint, endPoint: CGPoint): TKLinearGradientFill;
static linearGradientFillWithColorsStartPointEndPoint(colors: NSArray<any>, startPoint: CGPoint, endPoint: CGPoint): TKLinearGradientFill;
static new(): TKLinearGradientFill; // inherited from NSObject
static reverse(fill: TKLinearGradientFill): TKLinearGradientFill;
endPoint: CGPoint;
startPoint: CGPoint;
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; locations: NSArray<any>; startPoint: CGPoint; endPoint: CGPoint; });
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; startPoint: CGPoint; endPoint: CGPoint; });
initWithColorsLocationsStartPointEndPoint(colors: NSArray<any>, locations: NSArray<any>, startPoint: CGPoint, endPoint: CGPoint): this;
initWithColorsStartPointEndPoint(colors: NSArray<any>, startPoint: CGPoint, endPoint: CGPoint): this;
declare class TKMutableArray extends NSObject implements NSFastEnumeration {
static alloc(): TKMutableArray; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKMutableArray; // inherited from NSObject
readonly array: NSArray<any>;
[index: number]: any;
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any>;
constructor(o: { array: NSArray<any>; });
addObject(object: any): void;
count(): number;
firstObject(): any;
initWithArray(array: NSArray<any>): this;
lastObject(): any;
objectAtIndex(index: number): any;
objectAtIndexedSubscript(idx: number): any;
removeObject(object: any): void;
removeObjectAtIndex(index: number): void;
setObjectAtIndexedSubscript(obj: any, idx: number): void;
declare class TKObservableArray extends NSObject implements NSFastEnumeration {
static alloc(): TKObservableArray; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKObservableArray; // inherited from NSObject
readonly array: NSArray<any>;
readonly count: number;
delegate: TKObservableArrayDelegate;
[index: number]: any;
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any>;
addObject(object: any): void;
containsObject(object: any): boolean;
indexOfObject(object: any): number;
objectAtIndex(index: number): any;
objectAtIndexedSubscript(idx: number): any;
removeObject(object: any): void;
removeObjectAtIndex(index: number): void;
setObjectAtIndexedSubscript(obj: any, idx: number): void;
interface TKObservableArrayDelegate extends NSObjectProtocol {
didAddObjectAtIndex?(object: any, index: number): void;
didRemoveObjectAtIndex?(object: any, index: number): void;
didSetObjectAtIndexOfOldObject?(object: any, index: number, oldObject: any): void;
declare var TKObservableArrayDelegate: {
prototype: TKObservableArrayDelegate;
declare class TKPredefinedShape extends TKShape {
static alloc(): TKPredefinedShape; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKPredefinedShape; // inherited from NSObject
static shapeWithTypeAndSize(type: TKShapeType, size: CGSize): TKPredefinedShape;
readonly type: TKShapeType;
constructor(o: { type: TKShapeType; andSize: CGSize; });
initWithTypeAndSize(type: TKShapeType, size: CGSize): this;
declare class TKRadialGradientFill extends TKGradientFill {
static alloc(): TKRadialGradientFill; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKRadialGradientFill; // inherited from NSObject
static radialGradientFillWithColors(colors: NSArray<any>): TKRadialGradientFill;
static reverse(fill: TKRadialGradientFill): TKRadialGradientFill;
endCenter: CGPoint;
endRadius: number;
gradientRadiusType: TKGradientRadiusType;
startCenter: CGPoint;
startRadius: number;
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; startCenter: CGPoint; startRadius: number; endCenter: CGPoint; endRadius: number; });
constructor(o: { colors: NSArray<any>; startCenter: CGPoint; startRadius: number; endCenter: CGPoint; endRadius: number; radiusType: TKGradientRadiusType; });
initWithColorsStartCenterStartRadiusEndCenterEndRadius(colors: NSArray<any>, startCenter: CGPoint, startRadius: number, endCenter: CGPoint, endRadius: number): this;
initWithColorsStartCenterStartRadiusEndCenterEndRadiusRadiusType(colors: NSArray<any>, startCenter: CGPoint, startRadius: number, endCenter: CGPoint, endRadius: number, radiusType: TKGradientRadiusType): this;
declare class TKRange extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKRange; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKRange; // inherited from NSObject
static rangeWithMinimumAndMaximum(minimum: any, maximum: any): TKRange;
static rangeWithMinimumIndexAndMaximumIndex(minimumIndex: number, maximumIndex: number): TKRange;
maximum: any;
minimum: any;
constructor(o: { minimum: any; andMaximum: any; });
initWithMinimumAndMaximum(minimum: any, maximum: any): this;
setMinimumAndMaximum(minimum: any, maximum: any): void;
setMinimumAndMaximumCalcWithCurrent(minimum: any, maximum: any, includeCurrentRange: boolean): void;
declare const enum TKRectSide {
Top = 1,
Bottom = 2,
Left = 4,
Right = 8,
All = -1
declare class TKShape extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKShape; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKShape; // inherited from NSObject
readonly insets: UIEdgeInsets;
size: CGSize;
constructor(o: { size: CGSize; });
drawInContextWithCenterDrawings(context: any, center: CGPoint, drawings: NSArray<any>): void;
drawInContextWithCenterDrawingsScale(context: any, center: CGPoint, drawings: NSArray<any>, scale: number): void;
initWithSize(size: CGSize): this;
declare const enum TKShapeType {
None = 0,
Square = 1,
Circle = 2,
TriangleUp = 3,
TriangleDown = 4,
Rhombus = 5,
Pentagon = 6,
Hexagon = 7,
Star = 8,
Heart = 9
declare class TKSolidFill extends TKFill {
static alloc(): TKSolidFill; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKSolidFill; // inherited from NSObject
static solidFillWithColor(color: UIColor): TKSolidFill;
static solidFillWithColorCornerRadius(color: UIColor, cornerRadius: number): TKSolidFill;
color: UIColor;
constructor(o: { color: UIColor; });
constructor(o: { color: UIColor; cornerRadius: number; });
initWithColor(color: UIColor): this;
initWithColorCornerRadius(color: UIColor, cornerRadius: number): this;
declare class TKStackLayout extends NSObject implements TKLayout {
static alloc(): TKStackLayout; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKStackLayout; // inherited from NSObject
alignment: TKStackLayoutAlignment;
readonly arrangedViews: NSArray<any>;
distribution: TKStackLayoutDistribution;
spacing: number;
readonly debugDescription: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly description: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
frame: CGRect; // inherited from TKLayout
readonly hash: number; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly isProxy: boolean; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
orientation: TKLayoutOrientation; // inherited from TKLayout
readonly superclass: typeof NSObject; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
constructor(o: { frame: CGRect; });
addArrangedView(view: UIView): void;
arrangeViewWithLayoutInfo(view: UIView, layoutInfo: TKLayoutInfo): void;
class(): typeof NSObject;
conformsToProtocol(aProtocol: any /* Protocol */): boolean;
initWithFrame(frame: CGRect): this;
insertArrangedViewAtIndex(view: UIView, index: number): void;
isEqual(object: any): boolean;
isKindOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
isMemberOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
layoutArrangedViews(): void;
measurePreferredSizeThatFitsSize(size: CGSize): CGSize;
performSelector(aSelector: string): any;
performSelectorWithObject(aSelector: string, object: any): any;
performSelectorWithObjectWithObject(aSelector: string, object1: any, object2: any): any;
removeAllArrangedViews(): void;
removeArrangedView(view: UIView): void;
respondsToSelector(aSelector: string): boolean;
retainCount(): number;
self(): this;
declare const enum TKStackLayoutAlignment {
Fill = 0,
Top = 1,
Center = 2,
Bottom = 3,
Leading = 4,
Trailing = 5
declare const enum TKStackLayoutDistribution {
None = 0,
FillEqually = 1,
FillProportionally = 2
declare class TKStroke extends NSObject implements NSCopying, TKDrawing {
static alloc(): TKStroke; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKStroke; // inherited from NSObject
static strokeWithColor(color: UIColor): TKStroke;
static strokeWithColorWidth(color: UIColor, width: number): TKStroke;
static strokeWithColorWidthCornerRadius(color: UIColor, width: number, cornerRadius: number): TKStroke;
static strokeWithFill(fill: TKFill): TKStroke;
static strokeWithFillWidth(fill: TKFill, width: number): TKStroke;
static strokeWithFillWidthCornerRadius(fill: TKFill, width: number, cornerRadius: number): TKStroke;
allowsAntialiasing: boolean;
color: UIColor;
cornerRadius: number;
corners: UIRectCorner;
dashPattern: NSArray<any>;
fill: TKFill;
lineCap: CGLineCap;
lineJoin: CGLineJoin;
miterLimit: number;
phase: number;
shadowBlur: number;
shadowColor: UIColor;
shadowOffset: CGSize;
strokeSides: TKRectSide;
width: number;
readonly debugDescription: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly description: string; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly hash: number; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
insets: UIEdgeInsets; // inherited from TKDrawing
readonly isProxy: boolean; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly superclass: typeof NSObject; // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
readonly // inherited from NSObjectProtocol
constructor(o: { color: UIColor; });
constructor(o: { color: UIColor; width: number; });
constructor(o: { fill: TKFill; });
constructor(o: { fill: TKFill; width: number; });
class(): typeof NSObject;
conformsToProtocol(aProtocol: any /* Protocol */): boolean;
copyWithZone(zone: interop.Pointer | interop.Reference<any>): any;
drawInContextWithPath(context: any, path: any): void;
drawInContextWithRect(context: any, rect: CGRect): void;
initWithColor(color: UIColor): this;
initWithColorWidth(color: UIColor, width: number): this;
initWithFill(fill: TKFill): this;
initWithFillWidth(fill: TKFill, width: number): this;
isEqual(object: any): boolean;
isKindOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
isMemberOfClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): boolean;
performSelector(aSelector: string): any;
performSelectorWithObject(aSelector: string, object: any): any;
performSelectorWithObjectWithObject(aSelector: string, object1: any, object2: any): any;
respondsToSelector(aSelector: string): boolean;
retainCount(): number;
self(): this;
declare class TKStyleGroup extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKStyleGroup; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKStyleGroup; // inherited from NSObject
static styleGroupWithClassSettings(aClass: typeof NSObject, settings: NSDictionary<any, any>): any;
static styleGroupWithClassStateSettings(aClass: typeof NSObject, aState: number, settings: NSDictionary<any, any>): any;
readonly properties: NSDictionary<any, any>;
styleID: TKStyleID;
constructor(o: { class: typeof NSObject; });
applyStyleToNode(node: TKStyleNode): void;
initWithClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): this;
propettyValueForKey(key: string): any;
resetPropertyValues(): void;
setPropertyValueForKey(value: any, key: string): void;
declare class TKStyleGroupProperty extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKStyleGroupProperty; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKStyleGroupProperty; // inherited from NSObject
isKeyPath: boolean;
value: any;
declare class TKStyleID extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKStyleID; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKStyleID; // inherited from NSObject
conditionClass: typeof NSObject;
state: number;
stylableClass: typeof NSObject;
constructor(o: { class: typeof NSObject; withState: number; });
initWithClassWithState(aStylableClass: typeof NSObject, aState: number): this;
declare class TKStyleNode extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKStyleNode; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKStyleNode; // inherited from NSObject
readonly isThemeBlock: boolean;
styleID: TKStyleID;
beginThemeBlock(): void;
canSetValue(value: number): boolean;
endThemeBlock(): void;
resetLocalValues(): void;
declare class TKStyleSheet extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKStyleSheet; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKStyleSheet; // inherited from NSObject
readonly styleGroupsCount: number;
addStyleGroup(aStyleGroup: TKStyleGroup): void;
applyStylesToNode(node: TKStyleNode): void;
removeAllStyleGroups(): void;
removeStyleGroup(aStyleGroup: TKStyleGroup): void;
declare class TKTextFormatter extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKTextFormatter; // inherited from NSObject
static formatValueWithStringFormat(value: any, format: string): string;
static new(): TKTextFormatter; // inherited from NSObject
declare class TKTheme extends NSObject {
static alloc(): TKTheme; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): TKTheme; // inherited from NSObject
addStyleGroup(aStyleGroup: TKStyleGroup): void;
addStyleGroupWithClassSettings(aClass: typeof NSObject, settings: NSDictionary<any, any>): void;
addStyleGroupWithClassStateSettings(aClass: typeof NSObject, aState: number, settings: NSDictionary<any, any>): void;
removeAllStyleGroups(): void;
removeStyleGroup(aStyleGroup: TKStyleGroup): void;
stylesForClass(aClass: typeof NSObject): TKStyleSheet;
declare class TKView extends UIView {
static alloc(): TKView; // inherited from NSObject
static appearance(): TKView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollection(trait: UITraitCollection): TKView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollectionWhenContainedIn(trait: UITraitCollection, ContainerClass: typeof NSObject): TKView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceForTraitCollectionWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses(trait: UITraitCollection, containerTypes: NSArray<typeof NSObject>): TKView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceWhenContainedIn(ContainerClass: typeof NSObject): TKView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses(containerTypes: NSArray<typeof NSObject>): TKView; // inherited from UIAppearance
static new(): TKView; // inherited from NSObject
static versionString(): string;
drawables: NSArray<any>;
fill: TKFill;
layout: TKCoreLayout;
shape: TKShape;
stroke: TKStroke;
declare var TNSCoreVersionNumber: number;
declare var TNSCoreVersionString: interop.Reference<number>;
/// <reference path="./platforms/ios/typings/core.d.ts" />
"name": "nativescript-ui-core",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "Helper plugin that contains common native code shared among plugins.",

@@ -13,9 +13,15 @@ "main": "ui-core",

"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"tsc": "tsc -skipLibCheck",
"build": "npm i && tsc",
"build.wrappers": "npm i && tsc",
"build.native": "bash ../publish/ && bash ../publish/",
"build": "npm run build.wrappers && npm run build.native",
"postclone": "npm i && node scripts/postclone.js && cd ../demo && npm i && cd ../src && npm run",
"": "npm i && npm run tsc && npm run tslint && cd ../demo && tns build android && tns test android --justlaunch",
"test.ios": "npm i && npm run tsc && npm run tslint && cd ../demo && tns build ios && tns test ios --justlaunch",
"tslint": "cd .. && tslint \"**/*.ts\" --config tslint.json --exclude \"**/node_modules/**\"",
"tslint": "cd .. && tslint \"**/*.ts\" --config tslint.json --exclude '**/node_modules/**' --exclude '**/platforms/**'",
"": "npm link && cd ../demo && npm link nativescript-ui-core && cd ../src",

@@ -28,3 +34,3 @@ "plugin.tscwatch": "npm run tsc -- -w",

"clean": "cd ../demo && rimraf hooks node_modules platforms && cd ../src && rimraf node_modules && npm run",
"ci.tslint": "npm i && tslint '**/*.ts' --config '../tslint.json' --exclude '**/node_modules/**'"
"ci.tslint": "npm i && tslint '**/*.ts' --config '../tslint.json' --exclude '**/node_modules/**' --exclude '**/platforms/**'"

@@ -37,3 +43,6 @@ "keywords": [

"author": "Progress",
"author": {
"name": "NativeScript Team",
"email": ""
"bugs": {

@@ -43,3 +52,3 @@ "url": ""

"license": "SEE LICENSE IN",
"homepage": "",
"homepage": "",
"readmeFilename": "",

@@ -46,0 +55,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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