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javascript light-weight symbolic math library

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This is a continuation of Martin Donk's (jiggzson) Nerdamer project. We forked this a while ago, but are up to speed with everything Martin did before he archived the original repo.

The license is unchanged, everything is free under MIT terms.

The npm js installation point has moved: npm i nerdamer-prime.

NOTICE: Starting with version 1.2.0, vector and matrix semantics are changing to be more useful for linear algebra. If this causes you problems, please stick with 1.1.26 and let us know so we can see how we could make compatible changes.

Our intentions:

To keep Nerdamer in good repair, and make improvements where we need them and where we can. Mostly bug fixes. If you investigate some of the bugs in the old repo, you will see that people ask for "things it should be able to do", mostly to do with simplifications. This kind of stuff is difficult, and it is more difficult in someone else's codebase. Nerdamer wasn't meant to be a complete symbolic algebra system. Its wealth of features can fool you, though. Its features and the fact that it works fast, in the browser and NodeJS, makes it still worthwhile. But please understand that it will not achieve a whole lot more than it can do right now. Consider using e.g. SymPy in a WASM webworker if you need more. See here for a demo: SymPy live

We have made some improvements - simplification of logs and squareroots, and bug fixes related to those areas and factoring. Unit tests are fixed except for a couple of known flaws. There will be further work in this area. We will also work on vectors, which are not useful for our product together.math today. Those will be breaking changes (THESE ARE NOW IN PROGRESS for versions >= 1.2.0, you are welcome to fork an earlier version).

If you have a clear bug, file an issue with the code to repro. If you want a new feature - and that includes many things that you will think of as "obvious flaws" - file the issue, but we probably won't do it. But someone else can! We will absolutely consider compatible PRs, but best to talk to us before you start.

Below follows the original README.


As of version 0.5.0, the library is split into the core and optional add-ons which can be loaded after the core has been loaded.

Getting started with Nerdamer

Load the library in your html page

<!-- assuming you've saved the file in the root of course -->
<!-- This the core and the only file needed if all you'll be doing is evaluating expresssions -->
<script src="nerdamer.core.js"></script> 
<!-- LOAD ADD-ONS. These files contain extended functions. See documentation -->
<!-- again assuming you've saved the files in root -->
<script src="Algebra.js"></script>
<script src="Calculus.js"></script>
<script src="Solve.js"></script>
<script src="Extra.js"></script>

Or import everything

<script src="all.min.js"></script>  <!-- assuming you've saved the file in the root -->

If you're using node.js install it using npm i nerdamer-prime (GM: originally npm i nerdamer)and then

// const cannot be used since nerdamer gets modified when other modules are loaded  
var nerdamer = require('nerdamer'); 
// Load additional modules. These are not required.  

Or do a single import to import everything

const nerdamer = require("nerdamer/all.min")

Some functions have dependencies from other add-ons.

You can see nerdamer in action at

For full documentation go to

All operations are done using the 'nerdamer' object.

To add an expression just add it to the nerdamer object which will return a Expression object.

var e = nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)');


It is also possible to use nerdamer functions directly within the need for string manipulation of the input. The input will be parsed and the output will of type Expression. For example:

var ans = nerdamer.expand('(x-1)^5');
// -1-10*x^2-5*x^4+10*x^3+5*x+x^5

var sol = nerdamer.solve('x^2-4', 'x');
// [2,-2]

You can also pass in an object with known values as the second parameter.

var e = nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)',{x:6});


As you can see only the substitution is performed. To evaluate the result just call evaluate. Note that evaluate returns a text string or a number not an object.

var e = nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)',{x:6}).evaluate();


To get back the text as a fraction, call the text method and pass in the string 'fractions'.

var e = nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)',{x:6}).evaluate();


You can get your expression back as LaTeX by calling the toTeX method

var LaTeX = nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)',{x:0.25}).toTeX();

//2 \cdot \mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)+\frac{3}{16}

To have numbers returned as decimals pass in the string 'decimals' to the toTeX method

var LaTeX = nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)',{x:0.25}).toTeX('decimal');

//2 \cdot \mathrm{cos}\left(0.25\right)+0.1875

Alternatively you can pass an object containing known values into evaluate method instead. The values passed in don't have to be number they can be another expression if needed.

var e = nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)',{x:'x^2+1'});


Every time you parse an expression it's stored in nerdamer. To get a list of all the expressions you just call nerdamer.expressions().

var knownValues = {x:'x^2+1'};


//[ 46.692712758272776, 1 ]

You can request it as an object as well by passing in true. This can be convenient in some situations as the numbering starts at 1;

var knownValues = {x:'x^2+1'};
nerdamer('x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x)', knownValues );
nerdamer('sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2', knownValues );


//{ '1': '2*cos(1+x^(2))+3*(1+x^(2))^(2)',
//'2': 'cos(1+x^(2))^(2)+sin(1+x^(2))^(2)' }

Functions aren't always immediately parsed to numbers. For example

var result = nerdamer('cos(x)',{x:6});

will only subsitute out the variable name. To change this behaviour numer should be passed in as the 3rd argument.

var result = nerdamer('cos(x)',{x:6}, 'numer');

or alternatively

var result = nerdamer('cos(x)').evaluate({x:6});

The difference however is that the first option directly substitutes the variables while the second first evaluates the expression and then makes the substitutions. This library utilizes native javascript functions as much as possible. As a result it inherits whatever rounding errors they possess. One major change with version 0.6.0 however, is dealing with floating point issues.

var result = nerdamer('sqrt(x)*sqrt(x)-2', {x: 2});

The above expample now returns zero whereas in previous version the result would be 4.440892098500626e-16. Same goes for 0.1+0.2.

An expression can be replaced directly by passing in the index of which expression to override. For example

nerdamer('cos(x)',{x:6}, 'numer');
nerdamer('sin(x)+y',{x:6}, null, 1);
//[ 'sin(6)+y' ]

If multiple modifier options need to be passed into nerdamer you can do so using an array. For example ...

var e = nerdamer('cos(x)+(y-x)^2', {x:7}, ['expand', 'numer']);

If you need the code as LaTeX you can pass in true as the second parameter when requesting the expressions.

nerdamer('sin(x)^0.25+cos(x)^0.5' );
var asObject = true;
var asLaTeX = true;
console.log(nerdamer.expressions(asObject, asLaTeX));

/*{ '1': '2 \\cdot \\mathrm{cos}\\left(x\\right)+3 \\cdot x^{2}',
  '2': '\\sqrt{\\mathrm{cos}\\left(x\\right)}+\\mathrm{sin}\\left(x\\right)^{\\frac{1}{4}}' }*/

You can specify a particular location when adding an expression, which is specified with the third parameter.

nerdamer('sin(x)^0.25+cos(x)^0.5' );
nerdamer('expr-override', undefined, 2 );
var asObject = false;
var asLaTeX = true;
console.log(nerdamer.expressions(asObject, asLaTeX));

/* [ '2 \\cdot \\mathrm{cos}\\left(x\\right)+3 \\cdot x^{2}',
  'expr-override' ]

Here's an example of reserved variable and function names.

var reserved = nerdamer.reserved();
/* csc, sec, cot, erf, fact, mod, GCD, QGCD, LCM, pow, PI, E, cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, exp, min, max, floor, ceil, round, vector, matrix, parens, sqrt, log, expand, abs, invert, transpose, dot */

//or as an array

var reserved = nerdamer.reserved(true);
/* [ 'csc', 'sec', 'cot', 'erf', 'fact', 'mod', 'GCD', 'QGCD', 'LCM', 'pow', 'PI', 'E', 'cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh', 'exp', 'min', 'max', 'floor', 'ceil', 'round', 'vector', 'matrix',
  'parens', 'sqrt', 'log', 'expand', 'abs', 'invert', 'transpose', 'dot' ]  */

Most math functions are passed in as part of the expression. If you want to differentiate for instance you just use the function diff which is located in the Calculus add-on as of version 0.5.0

var e = nerdamer('diff(x^2+2*(cos(x)+x*x),x)');



Nerdamer can also handle runtime functions. To do this use the method setFunction. The runtime functions do have symbolic capabilities and support for imaginary numbers. The setFunction method is used as follows: Mode 1a: nerdamer.setFunction( functionDefinition )

var answer = nerdamer('interpolate(4,1,34,7,2)').evaluate();


//result: 9

Mode 1b: nerdamer.setFunction( functionName, functionParameters , functionBody )

//generate some points
var f = function(x) { return 5*x-1; }
console.log(f(1)); //4
console.log(f(2)); //9 - value to be found
console.log(f(7)); //34

nerdamer.setFunction('interpolate', ['y0','x0','y1','x1','x'], 'y0+(y1-y0)*((x-x0)/(x1-x0))')

var answer = nerdamer('interpolate(4,1,34,7,2)').evaluate();


//result: 9

Mode 2: Custom functions alternatively be set in following manner.

nerdamer('hyp(a, b) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2) ');

var result = nerdamer('hyp(3, 4)').evaluate().text();
//result: 5

Mode 3: Custom JavaScript functions can also be set. For example

function hyp(a, b) {
    return Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);


var result = nerdamer('hyp(3, 4)').evaluate().text();
//result: 5


function hyp(a, b) {
    return Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);


var result = nerdamer('hyp(3, 4)').evaluate().text();
//result: 5

If you need to add a constant use the setConstant method

nerdamer.setConstant( 'g', 9.81);
var weight = nerdamer('100*g').text();

To delete just set it to delete

nerdamer.setConstant( 'g', 9.81);
var weight = nerdamer('100*g').text();
nerdamer.setConstant( 'g', 'delete');
var weight = nerdamer('100*g').text();

You also have the option of exporting your function to a javascript function which can be useful if you need some filtering from user input. Do keep in mind that the parameters are sorted alphabetically for more than one parameter. To use it add the expression to nerdamer and use the buildFunction method.

var f = nerdamer('x^2+5').buildFunction();


If you have a particular order in which you need the parameters to be set, then you pass in an array with the variables in the order in which you want them for instance:

var f = nerdamer('z+x^2+y').buildFunction(['y', 'x', 'z']);

Every time you add an expression to nerdamer it's stored. To list the expressions currently in nerdamer call the 'expressions' method. To delete an expression use the 'clear' method and pass in the expression you want to delete. To clear everything pass in the string 'all'.




//{ '1': 'R*T*n*v^(-1)', '2': 'G*d^(-2)*m1*m2' }


If you need go get the variables of an expression use the variables method. This method can be called after nerdamer was provided an expression. For example

var variables = nerdamer('csc(x*cos(y))-no_boring_x').variables();
//[ 'no_boring_x', 'x', 'y' ]

The order in which the variables appear require a little bit of knowledge of how nerdamer organizes symbols. For the sake of simplicity we'll just assume that there is no particular order

Using the solver

To solve equations first load Solve.js. Just remember that Solve also required Algebra.js and Calculus.js to be loaded. You can then solve equations using nerdamer. Important: State the variable for which you are trying to solve.

var sol = nerdamer.solveEquations('x^3+8=x^2+6','x');

Notice that we use toString rather than text as this returns a javascript array.

You can also solve an expression

var e = nerdamer.solveEquations('x^2+4-y', 'y');

You can also solve multivariate equations

var sol = nerdamer.solveEquations('x^2+8+y=x+6','x');

You can do up to 3rd order polynomials for multivariate polynomials

Additionally you can try for equations containing functions. This is more of a hit or miss approach unlike single variable polynomials (which uses Mr. David Binner's Jenkins-Traub port - but it's there if you want to give it a try.

var sol = nerdamer.solveEquations('cos(x)+cos(3*x)=1','x');

To solve a system of linear equations pass them in as an array. For example

var sol = nerdamer.solveEquations(['x+y=1', '2*x=6', '4*z+y=6']);
//[ [ 'x', 3 ], [ 'y', -2 ], [ 'z', 2 ] ]

In version 0.7.2 and up the solver can additionally be used in the following way

//first parse the equation
var x = nerdamer('x^2+2=y-7*a');
//You can make substitutions to the equation
x = x.evaluate({a: 'x^2-3'});
console.log(x.toString()); //2+x^2=-7*x^2+21+y
var solutions = x.solveFor('x');
console.log(solutions.toString()); //(1/16)*sqrt(32*y+608),(-1/16)*sqrt(32*y+608)



Package last updated on 08 Oct 2024

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