☯ Nestjs module to cache data with redis uses the official node-redis library of Redis. ☯
⋩ Installation
$ npm install nestjs-cache-redis
$ yarn add nestjs-cache-redis
$ pnpm add nestjs-cache-redis
⋩ Using
☯ The package has two main parts:
⋫ Module
imports: [CacheModule.register({})],
controllers: [],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
imports: [CacheModule.registerAsync({})],
controllers: [],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
The CacheModuleOptions
have default value:
isGlobal: false,
url: "redis://localhost:6379",
ttl: 60,
max: 100,
resetExpires: false,
hashKeyName: "FIFO",
listKeyName: "FifoPriority"
LRU: {
ttl: 60,
max: 100,
resetExpires: false,
hashKeyName: "LRU",
sortedSetKeyName: "LruPriority"
LFU: {
ttl: 60,
max: 100,
resetExpires: false,
hashKeyName: "LFU",
sortedSetKeyName: "LfuPriority"
For more options configuration, please read it.
Service usage:
export class AppController {
private readonly appService: AppService,
private readonly cacheService: CacheService,
) {}
async getHello() {
await this.cacheService.rPush('listKeyName', 'key');
return this.appService.getHello();
For more usage method, is this union with this
⋫ Note
The instance created by CacheService
is the same instance returned by createClient()
of node-redis.
⋫ Interceptors
You can use it for controller
or method
export class AppController {
export class AppController {
getHello() {
All interceptors (CacheFifoInterceptor
, CacheLruInterceptor
and CacheLfuInterceptor
) is only support GET
☯ Explanation: In the FIFO cache eviction strategy, items are removed from the cache based on the order they were added. The item that was added first will be removed first when the cache is full.
☯ Example: Suppose the cache can only hold 100 items and it's full. When a new item is added, it goes to the end of the list, and the item at the beginning of the list (the oldest item) will be evicted from the cache.
☯ Explanation: In the LRU cache eviction strategy, items are removed from the cache based on the least recently used principle. The item that was accessed least recently will be evicted first when the cache is full.
☯ Example: Consider a scenario where the cache is full and can only store 100 items. When a new item is accessed, it is moved to the front of the list, and the item at the end of the list (the least recently accessed item) will be evicted from the cache.
☯ Explanation: In the LFU cache eviction strategy, items are removed from the cache based on the least frequently used principle. The item that has been accessed the fewest number of times will be evicted first when the cache is full.
☯ Example: If an item has been accessed multiple times in the past, it will have a high access count and is less likely to be evicted. Conversely, an item that has been accessed infrequently will have a low access count and may be quickly evicted when the cache is full.
⋩ Support
nestjs-cache-redis is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please contact me.
⋩ Stay in touch
⋩ License
nestjs-cache-redis is MIT licensed.