Calling function constructors with an array of arguments is difficult. Until spread params are fully supported in all browsers, newify does the job.
For a given function constructor
function Student(firstName, lastName, birthYear){
this.firstName = firstName
this.lastName = lastName
this.birthYear = birthYear
We want to easily call the function constructor like
var arr = ['john','scot', 1980]
var s = new Student(arr)
var s = new Student(...arr)
But since we can't use spread in ES5 ...
NEWIFY to the rescue!
var arr = ['john','scot', 1980]
var s = require('newify')(Student, arr)
npm install newify
As in the above example, just give newify
a function and an array of args
var arr = ['john','scot', 1980]
var s = require('newify')(Student, arr)
Run tests
make test