This library was generated with Angular CLI version 13.3.0.
This library will help you to use Unicode emojis. There are 8 categories with 1525 emojis.
Attributes | Description |
@Input() customClass: string | You can add custom class to customize plugin |
@Input() btnIcon: string | You can add custom icon to button, from where emoji picker will open default icon - |
@Input() searchIcon: string | You can add custom search icon to search input default icon - |
@Input() emojisPerRow: string | You can add number to indicate how many emojis will be in one row defatuls is 9 |
@Output() selectEmojiEvent: EventEmitter< string >() | Event will be fired when emoji selected |
Example and Sample Code
- Import 'EmojiPickerModule' in your app module
import { EmojiPickerModule } from "emoji-picker";
- Add 'emoji-picker' in your component html
<lib-emoji-picker [data]="emojiData"
[btnIcon]="'fas fa-smile'"
[searchIcon]="'fas fa-search'"
- Add a method in your component class to listen for selectEmojiEvent event
selectEmoji(emoji: string): void {