Angular Three version of lil-gui
For use in threejs scenes built using angular-three. Uses ng3-flat-ui controls and theme.
Interface matches lil-gui, so easy drop-in replacement for use within a three scene. Supports onChange event.
Updated to support multi-line text input.
import { Ng3GUI } from 'ng3-gui';
selectable = new InteractiveObjects();
basic!: Ng3GUI;
ngOnInit(): void {
const gui = new Ng3GUI();
const myObject = {
myBoolean: true,
myFunction: function() { ... },
myString: 'lil-gui',
myNumber: 1
gui.add( myObject, 'myBoolean' );
gui.add( myObject, 'myFunction' );
gui.add( myObject, 'myString' );
gui.add( myObject, 'myNumber' );
this.basic = gui;
<ng3-gui [position]="[1.7, 1, -2]" [gui]="basic" [selectable]="selectable"></ng3-gui>
Component works in browser window using touch or mouse. GUI windows can be moved along x-y plane.
Component also work in VR using ray caster to provide an in-scene user interface. Windows can be dragged around scene.
In no particular order, add support for
- lighting properties
- geometry properties
- material properties
- material picker
- mesh picker
- performance stat panels