Simple, easy and performance countdown for angular

1. Install
npm install ngx-countdown --save
import CountdownModule
import { CountdownModule } from 'ngx-countdown';
imports: [ BrowserModule, CountdownModule ],
declarations: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
<countdown #cd [config]="config" (event)="handleEvent($event)" />
Name | Description |
begin() | Start countdown, you must manually call when demand: false |
restart() | Restart countdown |
stop() | Stop countdown, must call restart when stopped, it's different from pause, unable to recover |
pause() | Pause countdown, you can use resume to recover again |
resume() | Resume countdown |
How call component methods
@ViewChild('cd', { static: false }) private countdown: CountdownComponent;
template: `<countdown />`,
imports: [CountdownComponent],
export class App
Name | Type | Default | Summary |
config | CountdownConfig | - | Config |
event | EventEmitter<CountdownEvent> | - | Events |
Name | Type | Default | Summary |
demand | boolean | false | Start the counter on demand, must call begin() to starting |
leftTime | number | 0 | Calculate the remaining time based on the server, e.g: 10 ,5.5 , (Unit: seconds) |
stopTime | number | - | Refers to counting down from local time to end time (Unit: Milliseconds second UNIX timestamp) |
format | string | HH:mm:ss | Formats a date value, pls refer to Accepted patterns |
prettyText | (text: string) => string | - | Beautify text, generally used to convert formatted time text into HTML |
notify | number[], number | - | Should be trigger type notify event on the x second. When values is 0 will be trigger every time |
formatDate | CountdownFormatFn | - | Default based on the implementation of formatDate in @angular/common , You can changed to other libs, e.g: date-fns |
timezone | string | +0000 | A timezone offset (such as '+0430'), or a standard UTC/GMT. When not supplied, uses the end-user's local system timezone |
Name | Type | Summary |
action | start,stop,restart,pause,resume,notify,done | Action of the event |
status | CountdownStatus | Status of the countdown |
left | number | Number of remaining milliseconds |
text | string | Format the text |
Global Config
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [provideCountdown({ format: `mm:ss` })],
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
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The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for the full text)