
is a service (CSR & SSR) that wraps IndexedDB database in an Angular service combined with the power of observables.
$ npm install ngx-indexed-db
$ yarn add ngx-indexed-db
With Module
Import the NgxIndexedDBModule
and initiate it:
import { NgxIndexedDBModule } from 'ngx-indexed-db';
const dbConfig: DBConfig = {
name: 'MyDb',
version: 1,
objectStoresMeta: [{
store: 'people',
storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
storeSchema: [
{ name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: false } },
{ name: 'email', keypath: 'email', options: { unique: false } }
imports: [
With Standalone API
Use provideIndexedDb
and set it up:
import { provideIndexedDb, DBConfig } from 'ngx-indexed-db';
const dbConfig: DBConfig = {
name: 'MyDb',
version: 1,
objectStoresMeta: [{
store: 'people',
storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
storeSchema: [
{ name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: false } },
{ name: 'email', keypath: 'email', options: { unique: false } }
const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [...,provideIndexedDb(dbConfig),...]
Starting from version 19.2.0, ngx-indexed-db
fully supports Server-Side Rendering (SSR). This enhancement prevents issues related to the absence of window.indexedDB
in server environments.
Additionally, you can provide a custom implementation of IndexedDB using an injection token. This allows greater flexibility, especially when mocking IndexedDB for testing or in non-browser environments (like SSR).
const SERVER_INDEXED_DB = new InjectionToken<IDBFactory>('Server Indexed Db');
import { NgxIndexedDBModule, DBConfig } from 'ngx-indexed-db';
export function migrationFactory() {
return {
1: (db, transaction) => {
const store = transaction.objectStore('people');
store.createIndex('country', 'country', { unique: false });
3: (db, transaction) => {
const store = transaction.objectStore('people');
store.createIndex('age', 'age', { unique: false });
const dbConfig: DBConfig = {
name: 'MyDb',
version: 3,
objectStoresMeta: [{
store: 'people',
storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
storeSchema: [
{ name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: false } },
{ name: 'email', keypath: 'email', options: { unique: false } }
}, {
store: 'animals',
storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
storeSchema: [
{ name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: true } },
imports: [
NgxIndexedDB service
Import and inject the service:
import { NgxIndexedDBService } from 'ngx-indexed-db';
export class AppComponent {
#dbService = inject(NgxIndexedDBService);
We cover several common methods used to work with the IndexedDB
add(storeName: string, value: T, key?: any): Observable<T & {id: any}>
Adds new entry in the store and returns item added
- @param storeName The name of the store to add the item
- @param value The entry to be added
- @param key The optional key for the entry
It publishes in the observable the key value of the entry
.add('people', {
name: `Bruce Wayne`,
email: ``,
.subscribe((key) => {
console.log('key: ', key);
In the previous example I'm using undefined as the key because the key is configured in the objectStore as auto-generated.
bulkAdd(storeName: string, values: Array<T & { key?: any }>): Observable<number[]>
Adds new entries in the store and returns its key
- @param storeName The name of the store to add the item
- @param values The entries to be added containing optional key attribute
.bulkAdd('people', [
name: `charles number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
email: `email number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
name: `charles number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
email: `email number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
.subscribe((result) => {
console.log('result: ', result);
bulkDelete(storeName: string, keys: Key[]): Observable<number[]>
Delete multiple items in the store
- @param storeName The name of the store to delete the items
- @param keys The entries keys to be deleted
this.dbService.bulkDelete('people', [5, 6]).subscribe((result) => {
console.log('result: ', result);
bulkGet(storeName: string, keys: Array): Observable<T[]>
Retrieve multiple entries in the store
- @param storeName The name of the store to retrieve the items
- @param keys The ids entries to be retrieve
this.dbService.bulkGet('people', [1, 3, 5]).subscribe((result) => {
console.log('results: ', result);
bulkPut(storeName: string, values: Array<T & { key?: any }>): Observable<number[]>
Adds or updates a record in store with the given value and key. Return all items present in the store
- @param storeName The name of the store to update
- @param items The values to update in the DB
@Return The return value is an Observable with the primary key of the object that was last in given array
@error If the call to bulkPut fails the transaction will be aborted and previously inserted entities will be deleted
this.dbService.bulkPut('people', people).subscribe((result) => {
console.log('result: ', result);
update(storeName: string, value: T): Observable<T[]>
Adds or updates a record in store with the given value and key. Return item updated
- @param storeName The name of the store to update
- @param value The new value for the entry
.update('people', {
id: 1,
email: '',
name: 'Luke Skywalker',
.subscribe((storeData) => {
console.log('storeData: ', storeData);
getByKey(storeName: string, key: IDBValidKey): Observable
Returns entry by key.
- @param storeName The name of the store to query
- @param key The entry key
this.dbService.getByKey('people', 1).subscribe((people) => {
getAll(storeName: string): Observable<T[]>
Return all elements from one store
- @param storeName The name of the store to select the items
this.dbService.getAll('people').subscribe((peoples) => {
getByIndex(storeName: string, indexName: string, key: IDBValidKey): Observable
Returns entry by index.
- @param storeName The name of the store to query
- @param indexName The index name to filter
- @param key The entry key.
this.dbService.getByIndex('people', 'name', 'Dave').subscribe((people) => {
createObjectStore(storeSchema: ObjectStoreMeta, migrationFactory?: () => { [key: number]: (db: IDBDatabase, transaction: IDBTransaction) => void }): void
Allows to crate a new object store ad-hoc
- @param storeName The name of the store to be created
- @param migrationFactory The migration factory if exists
const storeSchema: ObjectStoreMeta = {
store: 'people',
storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
storeSchema: [
{ name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: false } },
{ name: 'email', keypath: 'email', options: { unique: false } },
count(storeName: string, query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange): Observable
Returns the number of rows in a store.
- @param storeName The name of the store to query
- @param query The key or key range criteria to apply.
this.dbService.count('people').subscribe((peopleCount) => {
countByIndex(storeName: string, indexName: string, query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange): Observable
Returns the number of records within a key range.
- @param storeName The name of the store to query
- @param indexName The index name to filter
- @param query The key or key range criteria to apply.
this.dbService.countByIndex('people', 'email').subscribe((peopleCount) => {
deleteObjectStore(storeName: string): Observable
Delete the store by name.
- @param storeName The name of the store to query
delete(storeName: string, key: Key): Observable<T[]>
Returns all items from the store after delete.
- @param storeName The name of the store to have the entry deleted
- @param key The key of the entry to be deleted
this.dbService.delete('people', 3).subscribe((allPeople) => {
console.log('all people:', allPeople);
deleteByKey(storeName: string, key: Key): Observable
Returns if the delete completes successfully.
- @param storeName The name of the store to have the entry deleted
- @param key The key of the entry to be deleted
this.dbService.deleteByKey('people', 3).subscribe((status) => {
console.log('Deleted?:', status);
openCursor<V = any, P extends IDBValidKey = IDBValidKey, K extends IDBValidKey = IDBValidKey>({
storeName: string,
query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange | null,
direction?: IDBCursorDirection,
mode: DBMode = DBMode.readonly
}): Observable<NgxIDBCursorWithValue<V, P, K>>
Opens a cursor.
If no matching data are present, the observable is completed immediately.
- @param options The options to open the cursor
- @param options.storeName The name of the store to have the entries deleted
- @param options.query The key or key range criteria to apply
- @param options.direction A string telling the cursor which direction to travel
- @param options.mode The transaction mode.
this.dbService.openCursor('people', IDBKeyRange.bound("A", "F")).subscribe((cursor) => {
openCursorByIndex<V = any, P extends IDBValidKey = IDBValidKey, K extends IDBValidKey = IDBValidKey>({
storeName: string,
indexName: string,
query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange | null,
direction?: IDBCursorDirection,
mode: DBMode = DBMode.readonly
}): Observable<NgxIDBCursorWithValue<V, P, K>>
Open a cursor by index filter.
If no matching data are present, the observable is completed immediately.
- @param options The options to open the cursor
- @param options.storeName The name of the store to query
- @param options.indexName The index name to filter
- @param options.query The key or key range criteria to apply
- @param options.direction A string telling the cursor which direction to travel
- @param options.mode The transaction mode.
this.dbService.openCursorByIndex('people', 'name', IDBKeyRange.only('john')).subscribe((cursor) => {
getAllByIndex(storeName: string, indexName: string, query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): Observable<T[]>
Returns all items by an index.
- @param storeName The name of the store to query
- @param indexName The index name to filter
- @param query The key or key range criteria to apply
- @param direction A string telling the cursor which direction to travel.
this.dbService.getAllByIndex('people', 'name', IDBKeyRange.only('john')).subscribe((allPeopleByIndex) => {
console.log('All: ', allPeopleByIndex);
(storeName: string, indexName: string, query?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): Observable<IndexKey<P, K>[]>
Returns all items by an index.
- @param storeName The name of the store to query
- @param indexName The index name to filter
- @param query The range value and criteria to apply on the index
- @param direction A string telling the cursor which direction to travel.
this.dbService.getAllKeysByIndex('people', 'name', IDBKeyRange.only('john')).subscribe((keys) => {
getDatabaseVersion(): Observable
Returns the current database version.
tap(response => console.log('Versione database => ', response)),
catchError(err => {
console.error('Error recover version => ', err);
return throwError(err);
clear(storeName: string): Observable
Returns true if successfully delete all entries from the store.
- @param storeName The name of the store to have the entries deleted
this.dbService.clear('people').subscribe((successDeleted) => {
console.log('success? ', successDeleted);
deleteDatabase(): Observable
Returns true if successfully delete the DB.
this.dbService.deleteDatabase().subscribe((deleted) => {
console.log('Database deleted successfully: ', deleted);
getAllObjectStoreNames(): Observable<string[]>
Returns all object store names.
this.dbService.getAllObjectStoreNames().subscribe((storeNames) => {
console.log('storeNames: ', storeNames);
Released under the terms of the MIT License.